Applications :: IStat Server Says My GPU Diode Is 127 Degrees Celsius?
May 3, 2010When connecting from my iPhone to my MBP. Surely can't be right.
View 2 RepliesWhen connecting from my iPhone to my MBP. Surely can't be right.
View 2 RepliesI use iStat to keep an eye on the temperature of my macbook pro.
I noticed today that the temperature of my gpu diode dropped to -128 degrees Celsius. I decided that I should probably update my mac OS from 10.5 to 10.6. So I used my university's net install to install 10.6.
I updated iStat to version 2.0. Then I noticed that GPU diode does not even show up in the menu. Therefore I downloaded Temperature Monitor and the GPU diode still does not show.
However the GPU diode will sporadically show up. however, it has not shown up in a while now.
I can still see the temperature of the GPU heatsink however.
Does this mean that the GPU diode is bad? Or did the mac os X disable the reading of the GPU diode?
If the GPU diode temperature sensor did go bad, is there any problems with running the laptop without getting it fixed?
At the moment I am pushing my MBP quite hard by exporting ~2000 15mp images from Lightroom. This results in 6k/min fans. What worries me though is that lately I've noticed that the computer is getting insanely hot: The bottom of the laptop is literally untouchable as I'd get burns on my hand if I kept it there.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI run 2 instances of yes > /dev/null in the terminal windows and the coolbook temperature rises to 100 degrees Celsius. In istat pro its 105 degrees Celsius for the cpu? And of course its downclocking to 1200mhz. If I use the lowest voltage in coolbook the temperature will reach 92 degrees celcius, still really high. I'm only stressing the CPU, wonder what happens when I also stress the GPU. It seems the air is really not capable of this 'high-end' processor and gpu, I wonder if the rev2 of the air will be any better.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHeres an iStat pic its in Celsius.
Also I have the 13" MacBooks thats now a MacBook Pro would you count that as a MBP now.
I have a 2009 Mac Mini Server with iStat Server installed. When I connect to iStat server with the iPhone app, I see no network usage (even though it is being used). iStat Pro widget will show the usage just fine. Any ideas on why its not showing up with iStat Server?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know iStat doesn't give you gpu core use like it does cpu core/thread use, but is there an app available that does? Bars or something that show the cores' usage?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it a good idea to install iStat?
View 3 Replies View Related was surprised to see iStat menus is now a paid app. So if I update, I'll have to buy it.
Its a nice app, but I'm not sure if its needed, even if its only 10 bucks.
Anyone else care to chime in on this?
Don't get me wrong, if I like an application, I'll buy it. I've purchased delta walker (compare utility) and will be upgrading my transmit to version 4.
Its just this type of eye candy - is it worth 10 bucks (that's the discounted price, it will go up)
Is everyone else also seeing their GPU Diode about 10-15 degrees Farenheit higher than everything else through iStat??
Currently, roughly everything is at about 130 degrees and with my GPU Diode at 144 degrees..
Just hoping this is normal.. can you guys post your average GPU Diode and Heatsink temperatures?
In iStat Pro, what's the purpose of setting "S.M.A.R.T Update Interval" to something other than "off"? I understand that this may cause iStat to query SMART in my HD (MBP Early 2009) at the set time interval. But what does that give me? iStat doesn't show any new info anywhere after I set the update interval to 5 mins. At least, I haven't noticed anything new. Is it supposed to display the HD temperature somewhere? Is there something else I have to turn on? I'm using iStat Pro 4.9.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if it is possible for me to monitor my Time Capsule's hard drive and temperature with iStat menus version 1.3?
I used to monitor the disk space on an old external HD with iStat, but I can't even do that with my Time Capsule.
I'm wondering if anyone with a unibody Macbook Pro can tell me what temperature categories show up in their iStat Pro dashboard application. I have never gotten ones such as Airport card and am wondering if it's just the application or something to do with my airport card.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use iStat menus to show my network upload and download speeds. I got my new 27" iMac yesterday and installed iStat Menus and for some reason the Up/Down speeds from the Airport do not register at all. I have iStat set to the Airport as the only option and is the priority. I've uninstalled and reinstalled iStat Menus and still no luck getting anything to work.
View 10 Replies View RelatedSo now that iStat is a paid app (don't get me wrong I like the app but thats not what this thread is about) I went looking for an alternative app with the same functionality, but free I came across MenuMeters and it is VERY similar, lightweight, and best of all its free.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to Library/Application Support...iStat Local is not there. Why isn't that in my folder?
I don't want the new paid version. I just want to keep what I have and not have the update checker pop up every 10 minutes.
I just upgraded to iStat Menus 3.0, and was trying to use the new Battery meter. I was running on Battery when I installed it, and I was comparing it to the Apple meter to make sure it matched, and the % and time remaining was identical. Then I plugged my MacBook in, and iStat said it had like 3:00 hours remaining to a full charge, and the Apple meter said like 1:48. I let it discharge completely thinking that might help, but its still messed up. Right now iStat says 2:03 remaining, and Apple says 1:05. Both of the percentages are at 77%. Anyone else having this problem, or know how to fix it?
View 12 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to reset the total bandwidth used for downloads and uploads in iStat pro via an applescript?
I use it to monitor my internet usage since they cap it at my school to a couple gigabytes a day. Since I went over once and was given a warning, my second offense would be no internets from anywhere from a week to a year.
I would use the application Lingon to automatically run the applescript every day at midnight.
Right now the only way to reset the counter is to restart my computer which is bothersome and time consuming
If anyone could point me in the right direction as to the file it uses to store network usage info I could probably figure out how to write the applescript myself.
I would like to know if iStat Menu will make my battery go out of charge any faster ? Is it an app that need a lot of RAM/CPU/etc...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm running the latest iStat Menus (2.0) on Snow Leopard 10.6.2. All the displayed data shows just fine with the exception of the Network (bandwidth) menu. The graph does not reflect bandwidth being used and the "KB/s" displays a constant "0.0KB/s." I've tried rebooting and I've also tried manually selecting "Airport" in the General Settings in iStat Menus' Preference Pane.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
(iStat Pro, the widget version of this program, displays the bandwidth data though.)
See above title. i get that there's the "degree(cell)" function, but there has to be an easier way to change the settings so you can just input in degrees rather than radians.
like how calculators have a degrees and radians mode, i find it so hard to believe that there isn't one in numbers. if there really isn't, this is an incredibly flawed program.
Is it normal for MacBook Pro 13in to get warm up to 80 celcius?
Another question, I get this view that you can see in the image in the first second while opening my laptop from the sleep, is that ok?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
My macbook is becoming pretty warm , 76 Celsius and the fans are still only at 2000rpm.. should they not be going faster?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAll I have open is firefox with one or two tab and the CPU gets into the high 70 Celsius before the fan kicks in. Is it normal for the CPU to get that hot? Or is it even safe? It says I am using up to 70% of CPU at times!!!Is HD flash that taxing?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm using a 2.5" GHz early '08 MacBook Pro and it's running fine. When I'm on Windows, the temperature increases and reaches around 63 celsius but that's normal as I've been told here. When I am on Macintosh, the temperature is usually around 46 to 51 celsius when running on AC power, and lower when on battery. Thing is, I have smcFanControl and I set both fans to 2825 rpm. What is the best speed that I should set them to? This is my computer's temprature - [URL] I won't post it as an image because it's too big to fit the screen and will make the page look ridiculous.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhile playing some 3D games with the macbook air 2010, the 320m GPU's temperature reached 88'C(~190'F). Is that normal?
Games: Dragon age, mess effect, etc.
Tested with GPU-Z.
I had this MB for over a year now, It was running at a avg temperature of 50 C, but recently it's getting hotter and hotter, now it's running at 70 Celsius constantly if i do not increase the fan speed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe processor temperatures for my new Macbook Pro 2010 i7 is pretty extreme.
Web browsing/listening to music: 65-70 degrees Celsius
Games: Team Fortress 2 (boot camp), Modern Warfare 2 (boot camp), etc. etc. 78-83 degrees Celsius on processor
Encoding a video from avi to mp4 or encoding a dvd: 83-89 Celsius
When the machine gets to temperatures above 73 degrees, I can't hold my fingers at the aluminum part above the function keys. I can deal with this since its only when I do intensive work, but I do intensive stuff pretty often. I'm primarily worried about if the machine will be damaged/the aluminum will burn off or something...
Otherwise, I'm fine with it being hot.
oh yea also, my fan ramps up to 6000 rpm when I play games. I play games for about 2-3 hours a day. will the fan wear out?
I just purchased my first Mac computer and I was shocked to see the results of a stress test. I get a maximum temperature of 103C on the core diodes for my P7570 (apparently the OEM version of the P8400) before the fan starts to rev up (about 1-2 minutes). This effect is the same in both Windows 7 RC1 (64-bit) and Snow Leopard. Once the fans have started to reach ~4000 RPM the temperatures stabilize at ~90C. As the maximum diode temperature for the CPU is 105C I don't think this is a desired behavior. Ironically, even with such a high diode temperature, the notebook is not hot to touch and all other temperatures are fine (CPU temperature reaches a maximum of 84C). If I force the fan speed with smcFanControl this doesn't happen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI noticed that iStat and Temperature Monitor report different temperatures for the same readings on my G5 Powermac Dual Processor System. For example as I am writing this Temperature Monitor is saying My CPU A is 46.8C and CPU B is 46.7C. In iStat it says CPU A is 55C and CPU B is 54C. Which is right!?
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