At the moment I am pushing my MBP quite hard by exporting ~2000 15mp images from Lightroom. This results in 6k/min fans. What worries me though is that lately I've noticed that the computer is getting insanely hot: The bottom of the laptop is literally untouchable as I'd get burns on my hand if I kept it there.
I run 2 instances of yes > /dev/null in the terminal windows and the coolbook temperature rises to 100 degrees Celsius. In istat pro its 105 degrees Celsius for the cpu? And of course its downclocking to 1200mhz. If I use the lowest voltage in coolbook the temperature will reach 92 degrees celcius, still really high. I'm only stressing the CPU, wonder what happens when I also stress the GPU. It seems the air is really not capable of this 'high-end' processor and gpu, I wonder if the rev2 of the air will be any better.
How can I have a battery that's 101% healthy? Can I go for 110%?I use this battery a lot, going into sleep mode at least twice a day. I'm getting about 4 hours a charge from it now but it is 4.6 months old now (hmm, got this MBP on March 20th - that must be from date of manufacture?). could my SSD be improving my battery life too?
I bought my Macbook Pro 13 inch last year in August. The health is on 88% with 84 cycles. Original battery capacity 5450 maH, current battery capacity 4809 mAH (Coconut and Istat Nano). I just read in another thread that there are users who have higher health capacity with many more cycles! I took it to the Mac store in Bangkok two weeks ago since I believe that my battery drains quickly. They run a test and told me that my battery is healthy. Then they also downloaded some updates for my Mac and run disk repair under disk utility. The technician told me that these are heavy programs and if they battery drains very quickly there is something wrong.
But according to him this was not the case. I have a 500 gb hdd and the technician said that since this is a big hdd (he recommended 320 gb maximum for 13 inch macbookpro), it will use more battery usage. I don't use heavy programs, only internet (Facebook, gmail, very seldom watch movies, watch news papers), Itunes and sometimes Word. I do a lot of photo processing, but this I always do with my adaptor plugged in. I think I can only use around 3 hours. Sometimes 4 hours. Screen around 80% brightness. Keyboard lights, bluetooth turned off. Do you think that there is a problem with my battery? Oh and I do calibrate my laptop monthly.
All I have open is firefox with one or two tab and the CPU gets into the high 70 Celsius before the fan kicks in. Is it normal for the CPU to get that hot? Or is it even safe? It says I am using up to 70% of CPU at times!!!Is HD flash that taxing?
I'm using a 2.5" GHz early '08 MacBook Pro and it's running fine. When I'm on Windows, the temperature increases and reaches around 63 celsius but that's normal as I've been told here. When I am on Macintosh, the temperature is usually around 46 to 51 celsius when running on AC power, and lower when on battery. Thing is, I have smcFanControl and I set both fans to 2825 rpm. What is the best speed that I should set them to? This is my computer's temprature - [URL] I won't post it as an image because it's too big to fit the screen and will make the page look ridiculous.
While playing some 3D games with the macbook air 2010, the 320m GPU's temperature reached 88'C(~190'F). Is that normal? Games: Dragon age, mess effect, etc. Tested with GPU-Z.
I had this MB for over a year now, It was running at a avg temperature of 50 C, but recently it's getting hotter and hotter, now it's running at 70 Celsius constantly if i do not increase the fan speed.
The processor temperatures for my new Macbook Pro 2010 i7 is pretty extreme.
Web browsing/listening to music: 65-70 degrees Celsius
Games: Team Fortress 2 (boot camp), Modern Warfare 2 (boot camp), etc. etc. 78-83 degrees Celsius on processor
Encoding a video from avi to mp4 or encoding a dvd: 83-89 Celsius
When the machine gets to temperatures above 73 degrees, I can't hold my fingers at the aluminum part above the function keys. I can deal with this since its only when I do intensive work, but I do intensive stuff pretty often. I'm primarily worried about if the machine will be damaged/the aluminum will burn off or something...
Otherwise, I'm fine with it being hot.
oh yea also, my fan ramps up to 6000 rpm when I play games. I play games for about 2-3 hours a day. will the fan wear out?
Is this even possible? This is what iStat Pro is telling me about my CPU. I'd just like to know if anyone thinks this is possible because to me if my cpu was at 150 i would think it would be melting. My fans are at 2000 rpm as well.
I recently saw a MBP in a magazine advertisement and it was open all the way, screen facing up. I have a unibody MacBook from 2008 and I know it was never possible. Just curious if Apple had actually made that possible with newer models or whether it's just a photoshop.
Fan loud and hot. 200 degrees & 6200 RPM. Brought to apple store last week and of course it stopped two days before and the apple store could find nothing wrong. The next day I turned on Laptop it started again of course.
I have been having multipled overheating problems with my Macbook pro for about 9 months now. I regularily check the CPU heat and it shows an average of 54 degrees C with minimal app usage for about an hour. Also my charger seems to become scolding hot after usage as well.
My first gen macbook is running with a CPU temp of 71 degrees celcius while running nothing. The mds and mdworker processes are taking up most of the processor and it wont change after quitting the processes or restarting or shutting down the computer.
I love my MBP and know that I enjoy it more than any other laptop out there but I am annoyed at the fact that it can't even play World of Warcraft smoothly. I didn't do much research before I bought the MBP concerning the 9400M, because I assumed anything in the 9000 series would be at least as good or comparable to a 7950GT. I was dead wrong. The thing can't even play WoW at above 20FPS in soft conditions.
Also, I don't know what the safe operating temperature (or even the maximum for that matter), but the temp always hovers at 180 degrees when playing games. Really considering upgrading to a new MBP or just buying a new iMac but I hate how the graphic cards become outdated so quickly in these things. Every other spec, the memory and CPU, hard drive, etc, is perfectly fine and acceptable for nearly any situation. It's only the graphics card..
this is my first time posting,so my bad if i do anything wrong.
My backlight doesn't work when i tilt the screen less than 90 degrees. is there anything i can do besides take it to the apple store? I'd rather my dad didn't find out
After about 45mins of gaming in bootcamp under windows7 have a look at the result. The seems way too hot - 80 degrees?? Sometimes the CPU gets close to 90! Does anyone know if these are normal/acceptable temps for 2010 iMacs? I read that CPU temps should generally not go much above 50 degrees. I would assume running at 80degrees is not good for the hardware long term?
Can I rotate an image a few degrees, rather than 90? Preview does only 90 degree increments and I don't have a photo-editing program. I have MS Office for Mac, and Word has a feature called Free Rotate on the Drawing Toolbar, but it's not supported.
Last last night i installed the new update for iTunes and Quicktime. Now when I turn my laptop on it runs at a really high temperature (90 - 96 Degrees).
I just picked up a 2010 Mac Mini. Intel 2.4 cpu, installed a OWC SSD and 8gb of RAM. Anyways, using the HDMI to DVI that was included, anytime I switch to have the monitor rotated 90 degrees so it is in portrait, the quality goes away. The text no longer looks clear, the display seems to lag, and if I drag a window, the image tears really bad. Just confirmed this also happens with a mini display port to dvi connection. I have also tried 2 different DVI cables, both a single link and a dual link.
Ever since I sold it here on MR and got it back, there has been a problem with my 12" Dual USB iBook G3 500MHz's screen (lord, that's a long name). Whenever the screen is tilted back farther than 45 degrees or so, the backlight shuts off. I can open the casing and fix it if it's possible. Does anyone know what the problem with it is? I'm trying to get it fixed up and ready to sell back to my friend as his first Mac, and I'm trying to get every problem resolved
See above title. i get that there's the "degree(cell)" function, but there has to be an easier way to change the settings so you can just input in degrees rather than radians.
like how calculators have a degrees and radians mode, i find it so hard to believe that there isn't one in numbers. if there really isn't, this is an incredibly flawed program.
Can I import clips to FCP X at 180 degrees rather than flipping the clips individually once they are imported? I have about 300 clips all recorded upside down and i am looking for an easy solution.
So last December my laptop got smashed and everything works except for the backlit screen. In fact I can still use this laptop it is just extremely hard since the screen does not light up. The person that smashed it ended up buying me a new laptop so I have this beat up (and I mean the shell is destroyed) laptop with quite a lot of functioning parts.
Now a few weeks ago my girlfriends Grandad spilled a beer on his brand new 2010 Macbook. The logic board is shot so it is almost cheaper for him to buy a brand new laptop.
Would it be possible for me to take the logic board out of my 2008 Black Macbook and put it into his 2010 White Macbook?