MacBook Pro :: Temperature Increases Above 83-89 Celsius / Fan Ramps Up To 6000 Rpm
May 23, 2010
The processor temperatures for my new Macbook Pro 2010 i7 is pretty extreme.
Web browsing/listening to music: 65-70 degrees Celsius
Games: Team Fortress 2 (boot camp), Modern Warfare 2 (boot camp), etc. etc. 78-83 degrees Celsius on processor
Encoding a video from avi to mp4 or encoding a dvd: 83-89 Celsius
When the machine gets to temperatures above 73 degrees, I can't hold my fingers at the aluminum part above the function keys. I can deal with this since its only when I do intensive work, but I do intensive stuff pretty often. I'm primarily worried about if the machine will be damaged/the aluminum will burn off or something...
Otherwise, I'm fine with it being hot.
oh yea also, my fan ramps up to 6000 rpm when I play games. I play games for about 2-3 hours a day. will the fan wear out?
I'm using a 2.5" GHz early '08 MacBook Pro and it's running fine. When I'm on Windows, the temperature increases and reaches around 63 celsius but that's normal as I've been told here. When I am on Macintosh, the temperature is usually around 46 to 51 celsius when running on AC power, and lower when on battery. Thing is, I have smcFanControl and I set both fans to 2825 rpm. What is the best speed that I should set them to? This is my computer's temprature - [URL] I won't post it as an image because it's too big to fit the screen and will make the page look ridiculous.
I'm running an 8,1 MacBook Pro and just upgraded to 10.7.4. While idle, my CPU temperature now stands at around 180 degrees Fahrenheit and my fan runs at 4000+ rpm.
While playing some 3D games with the macbook air 2010, the 320m GPU's temperature reached 88'C(~190'F). Is that normal? Games: Dragon age, mess effect, etc. Tested with GPU-Z.
When I wake my 13" MBP from sleep, the fan speed ramps up to about 2700 or so RPM even though the entire machine is cool. It eventually goes back to 2000 after a couple of minutes.
I don't know much about RAM and how it really works but here's my question: (i have new unibody 13" MBP w/ 4GB RAM) When i do a fresh restart i have anywhere up to 2.5-3GB free with basically NO applications open. But as time passes, web browsing, sleep, etc the amount of free RAM available goes down to <2GB even when i exit all apps...
1. Is this typical? What's the explanation for RAM being eaten up over time? Is it advisable to do a fresh restart every couple days or so just to free up RAM again?
2. Is it even common with 4GB of RAM for half (2GB) of it to be used all the time? (I'm guessing yes, but just wondering what's the explanation) For those who only have 2GB of RAM, do they always have 1GB being used? Or would even those 2GB's always be taken up?
At the moment I am pushing my MBP quite hard by exporting ~2000 15mp images from Lightroom. This results in 6k/min fans. What worries me though is that lately I've noticed that the computer is getting insanely hot: The bottom of the laptop is literally untouchable as I'd get burns on my hand if I kept it there.
I noticed that iStat and Temperature Monitor report different temperatures for the same readings on my G5 Powermac Dual Processor System. For example as I am writing this Temperature Monitor is saying My CPU A is 46.8C and CPU B is 46.7C. In iStat it says CPU A is 55C and CPU B is 54C. Which is right!?
I apologists straight away if this have been covered recently, but i need to ask.I have MacBook with Intel Core Due Processor, 2 GB ram.What is the average temperature CPU temperature for standard usage ( I know that standard usage is very arbitrary, and by this I assume safari, iTunes and let say Pages to be the only major apps running ).I use iStat pro widget and according to it my CPU temperature is 55*C. Is this too high? Lately the fan has been turning on more recently almost without any apps running so I think that there might be some hardware problem. I ran HardwareTest it found nothing.
The macbook is 2 yrs old. Do i need to get it cleaned or is there something else I should be worrying about?
I run 2 instances of yes > /dev/null in the terminal windows and the coolbook temperature rises to 100 degrees Celsius. In istat pro its 105 degrees Celsius for the cpu? And of course its downclocking to 1200mhz. If I use the lowest voltage in coolbook the temperature will reach 92 degrees celcius, still really high. I'm only stressing the CPU, wonder what happens when I also stress the GPU. It seems the air is really not capable of this 'high-end' processor and gpu, I wonder if the rev2 of the air will be any better.
All I have open is firefox with one or two tab and the CPU gets into the high 70 Celsius before the fan kicks in. Is it normal for the CPU to get that hot? Or is it even safe? It says I am using up to 70% of CPU at times!!!Is HD flash that taxing?
I just got my first MacBook and just draining the battery for the first time (seems to be something like 5-6 hours while surfing and playing music via the speakers, so far I'm quite happy). But I've noticed that the 330m is running all the time due to Skype. I checked with gfxCardStatus and when I close Skype the battery time increases nearly an hour.
I am using a 2006 MacBook Pro, 2GB RAM, 2 GHz Intel Core Duo with a 500GB HDD that has 450 GB free.About a month ago the left and right fan started cranking up to 6000 RPM (which is apparently max for this model) upon startup. Most discussions I've read while looking for a solution suggest resetting the SMC, which I have tried a few times to no avail. CPU and RAM usage are normal, nothing taking up tons of processing power on activity monitor and temps are around 35-40 degrees Celsius. I saw a few boards talk about a stuck print job which I checked for as well, but there was nothing. I tried downloading and using the smcFan Control app and setting the preferred fan speed to as low as possible but the app still registers speed at 6000 RPM and they have not slowed down. Unfortunately, I bought this MBP from a used dealer (had it for a few months before this started), so I do not have the original OS disks to perform a hardware diagnostic. It came with 10.5 on it but I have since upgraded to 10.6.8
I'm not experiencing any problems with operation but the fans at this speed are extremely loud and annoying; is there anything further I can do to try to fix this? I'm a bit new to macs, is there a program that gives you more powerful fan control than the one I downloaded? How much would something like this cost to get fixed by Apple?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 GHz Intel Core Duo, 2 GB RAM
I had this MB for over a year now, It was running at a avg temperature of 50 C, but recently it's getting hotter and hotter, now it's running at 70 Celsius constantly if i do not increase the fan speed.
My 15.4" Macbook Pro late 2011 (box instalation) is running hot at 200F and the fan jumps to 6000rpm without any real reason. I know it is not normal, what can I do? Clean install or service?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
A few days ago my MBP started spinning up the fans like I was doing something really intensive. Only I wasn't. I installed smcfancontrol and it reported both fans at close to 6000rpm (5899 is the highest I've seen it) and a cpu temp of 75 c - 85 c while idle. iStat Pro reported the same. No apps running after a reboot and the fans instantly spin up and the cpu temp hovers around the 80 mark. I'm of the understanding that 50 - 70 is considered normal with the fans in the 2000-3000 rpm range. Yes? Heres a screen cap with only Activity Monitor running. You can see the most intensive process is 3.5% and the temp and fan speed can be seen in the upper right.[URL]
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 8GB, 1TB
Over the past two weeks my MacBook Pro has been regularly having issues with the fan constantly running at 6000 RPM after being on for about half an hour on most days and sometimes shorter or longer. originally i thought the problem was in relation to a kernel process as it started running at 300% around the same time however after fixing that issue by removing the model identifier from ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.kext/contents/resources and having the fans cleaned out the issue is still occuring.
i have tried a partial and full restore of the system as well as a fresh install on a new hard drive however both the kernel and the fan problem reappears with each step taken. while the kernel problem is easily solved i was wondering if the fix was causing the fan issue to continue due to the file deleted or if there is a underlying software / hardware problem due to this problem persisting through restores and clean installs.
At this moment the fan seems to be running okay however for the past few days after a short while the fan started reaching 6000RPM with no tasks running and i am not convinced that the problem has been solved as nothing has been done to the machine since yesterday.
So I know there are a few other discussions regarding this subject but none of them are providing me with the info I'm looking for. I am looking to get a few responses on other MacBook Unibody's (Pros welcome too) temperatures when running intense programs (games, video conversion, etc.).
So here's why I am concerned. When running VisualHub in particular, my fans and temp go up absurdly. According to iStat, my fans are over 6000 rpm and my CPU temp hit 92c the other day. I shut it down bc I was having visions of my MB melting in front of me. I have even gone as far as propping up the back to allow for more air flow but that hasn't made any difference as long as I use pretty much any video conversion apps. Games (like Spore) make it hot, but not like this
I can find links to the previous MacBooks temps (which I had and this was never a problem) but nothing on the Unibody's. So please everyone, do share. Please include what apps you were running or if your MB's ever shut down from overheating.
I just bought a Macbook Pro 13" (the high end). I'm mainly gonna use it for text editing, internet, watching movies, some photo work, music etc. But I would like to play a game now and then so I bought the new Diablo 3. I know the computer isn't made for gaming and lacks graphics due to the intigrated graphics card. Despite this I am able to play the game, but the fans turns up to 5000-6000 rpm. I was just wondering if I'm gonna reduce the lifespan on the computer (especially thinking about the battery) a lot - or if I shouldn't worry.
I've got another ongoing thread (2006 Mac Pro Elevated CPU Temps) where I've been attempting to determine why my 2006 Mac Pro was running so much warmer than I recall at time of purchase By sheer luck, I seem to have stumbled on the cause... when I first noticed it, I was running 10.5.7 with the CPUs idling around 130F or so... as noted in that thread, I tried all sorts of things such as cleaning the dust out, reapplying the thermal paste, etc... all of which had no impact... for an unrelated issue, I decided to re-install OS X 10.5 base version and I was shocked to discover my CPU temps back down in the mid-90s F
why Toast Titanium increase file size? I'm trying to put a few episodes of an anime onto a regular DVD disc. Now the file is 563.1MB, but when I put it in Toast in the DVD-Video section, it tells me that 1.99GB on 1 disc.
Just got it today. When I sleep it, a quiet but audible noise kicks off that increases and decreases in intensity with the light on the front of the unit gets brighter and dimmer (so sort of sinusoidal). I've tried restarting it and resetting the SMC. The unit got upgraded to 4Gb ram and a 7200 320gb hard drive today. But I don't believe it's the hard drive - that makes a very low key monotonous whine that stops when I sleep the unit.
It is my responsibility to get my Church's closing info on our local TV station. When I go to sign in, I can't because I need to go through Port 6000 to access the page. How do I open this port in Safari? I was able to to modify and open the port in Firefox.