Applications :: How To Make Voice Deep And Bass Filled?
Apr 1, 2010Does anyone know of a desktop app like sonic vox for iPhone? I would like to make my voice extremely deep and bass filled.
View 2 RepliesDoes anyone know of a desktop app like sonic vox for iPhone? I would like to make my voice extremely deep and bass filled.
View 2 Repliesi was wondering what would be the best way to record bass. should i mic up my amp or just run the bass directly into my mac?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for some kind of "Learn to Play: Bass Guitar" module for GarageBand '09...
Any ideas? Is there something blatant that I'm missing?
[URL] just an i-control and a mic? I just do simple vocal, bass, guitar stuff.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI downloaded the Samantha (same as Siri) voice just for fun. I don't use voice over, and I was just using it for fun. Now I realize it was almost half a gig of hard drive space. Oops. Is there any way for me to delete this new voice on my Mac?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm looking for a voice changer, price really isn't an issue, but free/cheap would be preferred. I'm looking for a program that COMPLETELY changes the voice, not just add effects like Garage Band does. I did download the demo of Voice Candy, but none of those voices sound human.
So any idea what to get?
I installed MS messenger 8.0 on my MacBook and the only problem so far is audio.
When I make a call to one of my contact's computer using my internal microphone and internal speakers everything is fine.
If I switch to my bluetooth headset in System Preferences and retry the call I can not hear them and they can not hear me.
Using the bluetooth headset for Skype calls works fine.
Is this a messenger issue or ??????
I have recorded a voice interview and is wondering if there is a quick way to type these recording out? maybe something that analyse the recording file or something that type when you speak?
View 7 Replies View Relatedi have a little dilemma. Is there anyway possible to make a voice call to a friend on Gmail / Gtalk with my MacBook Pro? Gtalk doesn't work with Mac......and Adium doesn't support voice what i do?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAfter adding the voiceover to a 50-minute Keynote presentation, I exported it to QuickTime, but.......the audio is missing from the final product.
In searching online, I ran a MacWorld forum that suggested tweaking the Inspector > Document setting to �Automatically play upon open.� As soon as I toggled that, everything fell apart-�the slides went to a fast bang-bang-bang transition rather than follow the true speed I�d manually used to match the voice over portion. (Thankfully, I worked from a copy of the original presentation, so all is not lost.)
Dumped the copy, then made a second copy from the �correct� original in Keynote. Next, I followed a second suggestion to adjust the Export to > Quicktime settings, including �Set to fixed timing� with a zero value in each of the two fields, but Keynote won�t allow zero values in either one.
I�m now trying to export to iDVD as I type this, but am holding out little hope, feeling I�ve missed something.....
It took three passes to get the voice over perfect for this-�between the five hours of build out, three hours of recording time, and two 2+ hour attempts at saving to QuickTime, I�m at my wits end. Dumping the voice over to record a fourth time makes me want to sob, given how dead-on-right the Keynote audio is now.
Anyone have a secret trick for exporting this to QuickTime so the audio stays put and in sync as originally intended?
How can I make it so that ITunes doesn't get the voice memos or voice recordings from my iphone 3g and ipod nano 5th gen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo far this is my set up. M- Audio Fast Track connected to my Heil PR40 via usb. This is what I use for podcasting with GB and all is well on that front. In iMovie however, my VO only records on the left track and not in stereo. It sounds ok for being on one channel but I would like to have it stereo.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI already use and love Google Voice, and I'm trying to figure out if it's feasible to consider using Google Voice to replace my home phone service.
What I'd need of to be able to pull this off would hardware replacement for my current home phone that I could connect to my computer that would ring when I receive a call on my Google Voice number, and that would display my GV caller ID when I dial out with it.
Something like this seems to be right up the ally of what I'm looking for (I think).
I have a friend that has a handicap daughter, and she has bluetooth on her wheel chair. She is able to pair the wheelchair with her moms MacBook. We need some help with a couple of things.
1) Is there a virtual onscreen keyboard like on windows that she can use on snow leopard?
2) Is there a built in voice program that can recognize her speech vs mousing to type everything.
3) If not can you recommend some software to accomplish this.
I would like to use a small digital voice recorder throughout the day and download to my macpro /convert to print and file for later analysis. It is important that I can convert to print using software method and store sound and print along side each other (synced).
View 1 Replies View RelatedOver the past few months I've taken to recording my weekly supervisor meetings because I've got such an awful memory that I'd forget everything otherwise. Ideally I'd like to have an app with which I can store these recordings but in which I can also add a text description so that if in the future I need to refer back, I know where to look. I'd just want something with a list showing:
28th August - Discussed conference, ideas about x, plan to run simulations varying y and z
4th September - Discussed work on writing w routine, discussed initial x results.
I realise that chances are there's nothing simple enough to do this kind of thing for me and so I might have to resort to something far more bulky and so I'm open to options for more bulky things.
I'm planning on adding how to videos to my site (flash) so that its easier for my customer to understand how to use a page. Ie instead of trying to explain common things in a FAQ I would have a video actually showing them. Ideally I'll be able to record my actions on screen and my voice as I describe what I'm doing. I'm willing to pay for the app, but just not that much ie less than $100. Now I don't need an all in one, for instance if there is a free app to do screen recording and another free app that can record my voice and another to merge them together I'm fine with that. I understand that free is free and I have to deal with some of the headaches. Any advice as to what software I would need. A quick google for mac screen recording brings a bunch of results.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do i turn the bass up on my macbook pro?
How do i turn the bass up on my speakers?
MacBook Pro
Deep sleep does not appear to be working on my MBA. If close the lid and open it in the next few minutes, it wakes from sleep normally. If I close the lid and let it sit for a while, then open it, I have to press the power button and wait for it to boot all over again. The battery is fully charged.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy coworker is having some problems with his iBook G4 and I (being the mac guy I am) volunteered to help set it straight. I have encountered a bit of a snag that seems quite strange to me. The problem is that when the computer boots and gets to the login screen, it goes into a deep sleep and can only be revived by removing the battery. It stays at the login screen for about 3 seconds before this happens. Unfortunately, I didn't know about this in advance so I don't have my usual supplies (OSX CD or a Firewire cable to go into target disk mode so I can poke around from my MBP). If the sleep problem were not strange enough, I cant boot into single user mode! It just keeps a black screen up. Verbose startup does the same thing. Has anybody here come across a problem like this before?
Mine just flips around, asks for password then flips back, not going to Deep Sleep.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI ask because I'm using remote tap on iPhone to remote into my iMac when I'm away. It sleeps it and wakes it just fine remotely. But when it's asleep too long, remote tap will fail to wake it, and the only thing that will wake it is if I hit a button on the keyboard or mouse. Is there a way to just keep it in normal sleep(?) or something?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy Intel iMac goes into a deep sleep and can not be awakened; I need to hold the start button in to force it to shut down and then restart it.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just picked up a pair of the Bose companion 2 and was wondering if you can adjust the base of these speakers? I don't see anything under the Macs Sound options.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSeems like I have mono sound coming from the center of the keyboard. No bass at all
View 11 Replies View RelatedI was making my first cloned HDD backup since upgrading to 10.6. I plugged in my external HDD and asked Superduper to do a smart update, but after coming back 4 hours later, I have found that the backup failed, and my 500GB is full! Now, I have inspected my hard drive and found that the operating system is intact and all of my current files are here but how did my HDD fill up, and where are these excess files? I am sure that Superduper somehow failed to copy the files to my external HDD and somehow placed them on my Macbook's HDD... but how do I find them?
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All of a sudden this morning my Mac Pro hard drive filled up with data...completely. I had a Finder window open and watched as the available space went form 90gb+ to ZERO. About this Mac shows over 100gb of "Other" data and ran Space Gremlin and it shows 207gb of "Restricted" data.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Work Desktop
I am still having this waking up issue with my mba 13. When it sleeps for more than 1/2 - 1 hour. It doesn't seem to wake up. It normally wakes up asking my password on top of the screen. But sometimes it reboots. Today something weird happened..the welcome screen came up asking my password.
I entered it and I seen the blue desktop screen, than back to the password box. I entered my password 3-4 times.. it did the same thing. I pressed and hold the power button. Turned it off then back on. Again my outlook file under windows xp in parallels is corrupt.
After switching over from a PC several weeks ago everything's going great. On my PC I liked to use the hibernate feature when I was in the middle of something and had to run. I think on the Mac this is called deep sleep, but I can't find the option to do this. Can deep sleep be enabled on an Aluminum iMac?
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