Applications :: How Does ITunes Recognize Podcast File
Mar 26, 2009
I transferred files from an old computer, incl some audio files. The files were just sitting in a normal folder (some time ago manually copied out of the iTunes Music folder on the old Mac) and named sth like "Song_x.mp3" where x is a running number. I selected all and dragged them onto iTunes on the new Mac (10.5.6). To my surprise some of them ended up in the Music folder, some in Podcasts. In fact all of them had originally been podcast downloads, but why does iTunes not recognize some of them as such? Or the other way around, what makes iTunes think that a certain file is a podcast?
There were no XML files or anything else with meta or subscription data among the files I copied, so the info must be stored in the MP3 files themselves. How? Special ID3 tags? Which ones? How can I edit them? Ultimately, I'd like to have all those files in the Podcasts folder under the same Podcast. I tried this nifty utility:
But it creates a new subfolder in Podcasts. What can I do to convince iTunes that those "music" files should really go into the same Podcast folder with the rest of them?
I have multiple Podcast Libraries. Which Podcast file is in the correct place? I can combine the other Podcasts after knowing the correct path. "iTunes New" is my external hard drive housing iTunes.Â
So is it:
iTunes New > Podcasts iTunes New > iTunes > Podcasts iTunes New > iTunes > iTunes Music > Podcasts
I have downloaded a podcast which the itunes store carries. It is an earlier episode than one available on itunes store.
It is in MP3 format. When I added it to library it appears in my "music" library, not the podcast directory.
I have even placed the file into the folder containing the podcasts downloaded from itunes and changed the "genre" setting to podcast but it will not appear in that list.
So I listen to a couple podcasts on the regular and the iTunes store is not updated, basically a day behind. Anyone having similar issues or heard about this at all? FYI the two podcasts are the BS Report by Bill Simmons from ESPN and the Dan Patrick show. Not the biggest deal as I can stream them directly from the podcast websites via safari, but of course I can't get them in my iPod/iPhone till I get home.
I upgraded to iTunes 9 and then downloaded some new podcasts. ITunes is putting each new podcast episode into a new group in the thumbnail view. In Finder, all the episodes still remain under one folder though.
I found a lot of sites telling me what to do but not HOW to do it. I need to change the artwork and info tags on my podcast page in itunes. How do I do these things if I created my podcast in iweb?
When i'm listening to music on my Mac Pro I 'randomly' get the message:'to access this podcast, you need to log into'Like i say this is when i'm listening to music and not trying to open a podcast. It happens randomly (about every half hour or so) and is usually in the middle of a song. It never happens when a song's starting and i've never been denied access to any songs (or podcasts for that matter).I've also got the same music collection on my MacbookPro and don't have this problem there.I put '' into my browser and came to LBC Podcasts site. I believe i've never downloaded any LBC podcasts and searched their podcasts list to make sure.
I've had this problem for a few years now, my macbook pro recently not booting up, being the reason for me playing music on the mac pro more, hence needing this problem sorting. This problem has persited over many itunes and os updates. For the record i'm using itunes 10 and OS X version 10.6.4Apologies if this problem has been covered here before. I searched the forums and on google and couldn't find an answer.
Ever since iTunes 7.7 and iPhone 2.0, podcasts aren't syncing properly. I have mine set so only those that's never been listened to before gets synced to the iPhone. Since the updates, this sync has been inconsistent. Sometimes, it behaves as expected, but other times, podcasts that I've listened to on the iPhone retains the blue dot on iTunes after a sync. Thus, the podcast is also labeled "new" again on the iPhone after the sync. Not sure if iTunes 7.7 or the iPhone 2.0 update caused this since they both came out around the same time. iTunes 7.7.1 is installed and still the same inconsistent behavior. Anyone with non touch iPods seeing this? Trying to figure out if it's an iPhone/touch issue or an iTunes issue.
I have some video lectures that I would to put into my podcast folder without uploading them. Is there anyway? I want to be able to take advantage of the new ability to plsy at 2x speed
I'm having a problem with iTunes trying to sync stuff that is no longer in my library. I can get it to stop warning me by clicking the "Don't warn me again" box, but I'd like to figure out the problem, so I can make it stop happening. Recently, when I updated my iPhone to 3.0, that resets all the warnings on the phone. Which is fine. But then, the first time I go to sync, I get this. Yes iTunes, I know you can't find that file. I don't even subscribe to that podcast AT ALL any more.
Now, I can simply check that box, and it will stop warning me about this. But, I'd like to figure out the root of the problem, so I can have this stop happening. It does this for 2-3 podcasts, and a small handful of songs. I would just like to know how to clean this crap out of my library, so it can stop thinking that stuff is there, when it really isn't.
The first fourteen episode of a podcast I subscribe to (Sundays Supplement, yay!) are only available via download from the website. I want them to appear in my Podcasts library.
In my iTunes folder there's a path ~/iTunes/iTunes Music/Podcasts/Sundays Supplement
Containing all the subscribed shows.
So, I d/led all the .mp3s to this folder. No joy. Restart iTunes. No joy.
I have a issue with iTunes 9: basically every time I download a new episode of a podcast it creates a new folder instead adding the episode to the existing one.
basically the bug makes it where the playback position (where you are in a podcast) is not synced correctly between iTunes and your device (iPhone 4 in my case).
Scenario 1: Download a new podcast episode on your Mac/iTunes. Listen to 20 minutes. Sync to iPhone. When you listen to it on your iPhone, it starts at the beginning...not 20 minutes in like it should.
Scenario 2: Download a new podcast episode on your Mac/iTunes. Sync to iPhone. When you listen to it on your iPhone for the first time, it starts randomly somewhere in the middle...not at the start like it should.
This bug didn't exist with iTunes 9. The bug appeared in iTunes 10 and still exists as of version 10.1.1 that was released a couple of days ago.
Any ideas on how to get movement on this from Apple? Already reported it as a bug online as well as posted in the thread on the discussion forum. This bug is PAINFUL for heavy podcast listeners.
So long story short, while running iTunes once i must have held shift and it asked me to "load a library." I panicked and found a library file in my iTunes folder and clicked on it.
Heres where the problem is... This jumped my iTunes back to December 2009. With all the music I had then, and then when i noticed some were missing I dragged everything in my music folder over and it created duplicates. I fixed everything in that regard9renaming and cleaning).
After about a week of random cleaning here and there, its time to finally sync my iPhone(not jailbroken if your wondering, want too though ) to iTunes.
1. It doesn't recognize it and Now is saying that I have to change the iPhone to this library, but its technically the same library. Is there any way i can make it recognize it?
I'm trying to find a way to save an apparent podcast on to my iTunes so I can listen to it without streaming. See attached image (I'm trying to save the Elephant Guns mix).
I am having difficulty getting podcast artwork that appears in the podcast directory on the iTunes store to appear in iTunes after I've subscribed.For example, if I choose NBC's "Meet the Press (audio)", the directory shows a cover image for the podcast.However, when I subscribe, no cover art appears on my iTunes or my iPod Nano (latest generation).When I click on the podcat image and then select "Get Album Artwork" (either by ctrl+click on the mouse, or the "Advanced" menu), nothing happens.What might be causing this to happen, and what do I do? I am using iTunes 10.6.1 (7) on an iMac running Mac OS 10.6.8.
My "other" computer (a DELL Latitude laptop) that my wife uses mostly had become infected with malware to the point where a fresh reinstall of Windows XP seemed the only way back to a regular operation. Now that that's done, I copied the backed-up iTunes files back into my wife's iTunes directory (C:Documents and Settings<username>My DocumentsMy MusiciTunes). So far, so good, the computer seems happy again, but when I try to play any of her music (purchased from the iTunes store), iTunes claims that the songs are not authorized for playback on our computer. Now, I understand that there is a limit to five computers that can be allowed to play back each song, but I'd be a little surprised if a re-installed OS counts as a new computer. Is this what I am seeing, or what is going on?
I'm trying to get rid of an offending "TipsSmart" (no spaces, I hate that) in the title. I can bring up the info window, and I can change the Album name, which does in fact change the name of the relevant directory in the iTunes library. Unfortunately, when I go back to look at my iTunes subscriptions the name of the podcast doesn't change. In fact, the name of the podcast is comprised of text that's not contained in any file in my iTunes library. I can't figure out where it gets the name so I can edit it.
I am new to Itunes and tried to set up a smart playlist for my podcasts. However, when i try to select from the drop down menu to get started i do not see "PodCasts" as an option? I see everything else ie, Album, album artist, artist, etc. but NO podcast? What do i need to do?
Many Podcasts which I subscribed doesn't have any Cover Art but on the iTunes Store they have all a logo.It's a lack of the Podcat producers?Honestly it's not a "problem", but sometimes I find it esthetically annoying.
I am using a MacBook Pro, 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 with 228 free GB of 500 capacity. I am updated on iTunes with 11.2.2.Â
When ever I am on the My Podcasts page in iTunes and scrolling through my subscriptions I am consistently getting the pinwheel and am reading that the application is not responding. It is not affecting my ability to use other applications like safari or browse the internet so whenever this issue comes up I simply change applications and check back to itunes a couple minutes later to see if it has since gone away. It usually only takes a couple of minutes but it is geting increasingly frustrating as it happens consistently. I have noticed that it happens particularly more often or faster if I am scrolling through my podcast feed too fast. Â
my music files are in a folder on an external hard drive. currently, itunes has lost track of the files and won't play the songs. it shows an exclamation point next to all the songs.
i have tried to re-select the proper folder in itunes advanced preferences, but to no avail.
I love the iTunes artwork screensaver that comes built in to OSX. Basically, the screensaver is displaying all of my podcast 'album covers', where as I really just want it to show the album covers in my music library. Is there a way to get the screensaver to ignore the podcasts? I was thinking maybe the easiest way to do it would be to move the podcasts folder in my iTunes library to another directory rather than in 'music', but would that mean iTunes would save new podcasts to the new directory or save in the original automatic spot?