OS X :: Hide Dock But Show Notifications?
Mar 15, 2010I like to automatically hide the dock, because it gives me more space on the screen. Sadly, I can't see mail and Adium notifications when the dock is hidden.
View 7 RepliesI like to automatically hide the dock, because it gives me more space on the screen. Sadly, I can't see mail and Adium notifications when the dock is hidden.
View 7 RepliesI like to autohide the dock but it reappears too slowly, is it possible to start the reappear effect before I touch the edge of the screen, say 1 inch in advance. Or just have the animation be faster?
View 22 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to only hide the menu bar, but keep the dock unhidden? I tried Menu Magic, but it hides both. Menu Eclipse can a put a black bar on top of it, but you can't maximize windows to fill up the space it takes up.
Basically I want a "Turn Hiding On" feature for the menu bar.
I found my dock is gone. When I moved my pointer over the edge of screen where the dock was, the dock does not show up. I went to the Dock preference, it seems that the option "Automatically hidd and show the Dock" is chosen. I turned it off. It shows no difference. And I went to the Dock preference again, the Option is still chosen. And the Mac->Dock-> Turn Hiding Off is not functional. And also the hot key combination. Now I have to went to the lunchpad to see my dock and all my applications. It is really annoying.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Originally, notifications from Messages.app would show the contact name sending the message. I'm not sure what caused it to stop, but now all notifications show up as the phone number of the contact. In the actual app, the names look fine. Is there some way to get contact names to show up again?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI wonder if it is possible to hide the Dock completely. If you go to Dock settings and hide it, it will appear when the cursor near its edge. What I want, is to hide it completely - dont want it to appear all of a sudden and interrupt me. I found the app Dock Gone, which hides the Dock and makes it accessible via a keyboard-shortcut. Thing is, it costs $14.95, and I just want the dock to disappear.
Is there a way to do this? A terminal command or something? I guess there must be - Dock Gone is doing it somehow.
I don't want some applications to show their dock icon when they're running. Preview is an example. I've used the freeware app "Configure Dock Application Tile", but it always gives me an error saying I don't have permission. Is there another app that can do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I hide the dock bar
MacBook Pro, Other OS, OS X Lion 10.7.3
I have my last.fm scrobbler hidden from the dock. I recently changed my password on my last.fm account and need to do so on the scrobbler, but I can't figure out how to do it. When I launch the app from the apps folder, the program runs but I don't have the menu items across the top and thus can't find the "Preferences" menu item.
Is there a way I can unhide it so that I can access the "Preferences"? Is there another way to access the "Preferences"?
I cant seem to find an app for this...
Some apps, like tweetie for example have a global show/hide shortcut. I want to set it for some of my other apps that do not have this feature built in, is there an app for that?
I have the worst internet speeds on the planet(Stationed in Iraq) and I found that hiding images in FireFox allows me to browse faster. But every one in a while I wanna see the images and i can't seem to find a way to flip back and fourth quickly. Is there a browser or a hot key i can bind? I know Firefox has an "exceptions" website list but that does no good because it only lets me see the images on that one address, not for an entire domain.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a tool in pages similar to the show/hide tool in Microsoft office?
The tool that shows each space, indent, break, etc.
I indadvertently hit some keyboard combo that caused my otherwise hidden-by-default dock to remain permanently visible. Worse, the "hide dock" option is now gone from my system preferences. how to make the preference check box reappear?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
... it has a key combination of CMD plus a sign which looks like a circle with an arrow pointing to the top left (north-west).
View 2 Replies View RelatedTo the point... I use TimeOut to remind me to get up and move, while I am on my computer. It is a handy app that will make the screen go blank for how ever long I set my breaks to last.
The thing is... I don't need the application icon to sit in my Dock taking up space telling me the application is open. I know it is open since it tells me to get up and stretch every 20 minutes by blanking my screen.
So, is there any way to take the application's icon off the Dock while still leaving it open?
So I'm trying to find a way to hide the SpaceSuit icon in the doc while it's still running. The main reason is that I use the command+W to close my applications and sometimes SpaceSuit gets closed accidentally in the process. I added:
right above
and tried dockless, but I've came up short.
Is it possible to tweak the minimize to the dock to auto hide the window instead?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to show/hide extension by file type in Finder? For example, I want to show all jpg, png, tiff, doc, etc. but don't want .app or rtf, etc.
iPhone 4S 32Gb, AppleTV2, iPad 32Gb Wi-Fi, iMac 27" 3.4GHz
Usually when I watch something on full screen the dock dissapears. However, a few days ago after installing a new software update the dock is still shown when Im wathching something on full screen.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
The dock has a quick key combo to show and hide. When it's in hide mode and my mouse hovers below (were it is located) it re-appears. How can I make it to only show and hide with my quick key combo?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy dock and toolbar of the home screen hide when I open the internet, but if I hover over them they reappear, what can I do to have them permanently on?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i just downloaded candybar. after changing some of my dock icons, i decided i didn't like them. so in candybar i clicked "reset dock", which apparently was supposed to reset my dock icons back to normal. now my dock is just missing. i have googled and looked throughout this forum and have tried everything everyone has suggested. i do not have a back up of my mac os x on time machine, so that won't work either. it isn't hiding, it's just NOT there! any help would be greatly appreciated. if nothing works, do you suggest going to the apple store i bought
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone know if there is a way to put a show desktop item on the dock. I'm really lost without it, I hate having to minimize like 5 windows just to get to the desktop
View 24 Replies View RelatedI use a Voip application called Sipgate, and when I open Sipgate there is a Menubar icon and an icon in the dock. I would like to have this app open all the time but not show up in the dock, only in my menubar.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOk, so you know when you have several windows open and they only show up at the dock when they are minimized?
I'd actually like to keep them all showing at the dock whether they are minimized or now.
How do I accomplish this?
When I turned on my computer, all the icons on the dock didn't show up. I know that they are there because when I put my mouse over it, the name shows up. They also work perfectly fine when i click on them, just the icon itself isn't showing up. How do I get them to show up?
MacBook Air
I open iTunes and it shows the blue dot under the itunes icon in the dock which mean its open. I see the top bar with itunes on it but my main window i can not see. I have checked everything. And also when i do Expose to see all my windows i see itunes main windows that i need. When I click on it it doesnt show that window. How can i get it were i can see it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just purchased a MBP (prev gen) about a week ago, and I've been noticing something weird in the dock. This usually happens a few minutes after I boot the computer from being completely off, but what seems like an Application quickly shows in my dock and then disappears. It happens in a split second and there's not enough time to see what it is. It just opens and closes. I haven't installed much on this MBP, just Office, Firefox, Visualhub, Mactracker and perian and flip4mac. I have all these Applications installed on my iMac and I have never seen this happen before.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAbout a week ago I noticed that my open application icons weren't showing up in the dock. The only icons that will are the ones permanently docked there. I don't recall any software installations or setting changes I made, but its very possible I unknowingly changed something.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am currently have a dual monitor setup. Is there any such application that can show / mimic a second dock for the other monitor?
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