Applications :: Won't Organize IPhoto / Can't Find Options
Mar 18, 2010Looking for better ways to organize my photo library, how do you organize yours?
View 15 RepliesLooking for better ways to organize my photo library, how do you organize yours?
View 15 RepliesI need some advice on organizing my library, because I have thousands of pictures and badly need a concrete way to organize them within iPhoto.
View 18 Replies View RelatedFour years ago I bought the iMac I am using right now, I was a PC user (actually used Macs in the 90s) and I never knew if I was doing things properly. Since I am buying a new iMAc next week I need to know how to organize folders.
In my current iMac I have all my applications in the applications folder, I think that is ok. But for example, for my Photoshop and Flash projects I have made a folder in the Macintosh HD with my name and inside that folder I have many other folders. How should I organize my work? Should I put them in the documents folder or what?
I just wiped out my xp machine and installed win7. I back everything up and iTunes was put back on and I dumped all my data back on for it. I have a mix of music from cd's and music from iTunes (purchased). I have my music all in the music folder but it's all mixed up and I can't tell which songs are actually being used in iTunes if that makes sense. So to help things, I told iTunes to copy the file into it's own folders. Then I told it to do the new folder structure, music, movies, ringtones, etc. Anyways, it seems all is well, however I can't tell which files are purchased and which are not.
If I drag a music file into iTunes, will it copy that file into iTunes and organize it? What happens if a copy already exists, will there be duplicates now? What is the best way to organize all this so I don't go insane and can clean up the mess. I am thinking of copying my backup back over to undo the recent "organization" and go from there.
I have a bunch of music on my computer that isn't properly named, like for instance:
Flo Rida - Right Round is named: right round flo rida.
This is cause I didn't care before and now I do. I also have a lot of videos on my computer, mostly personal, that I'd like to rename. I tried doing it one by one (hitting enter/return key, then changing the name) but it's taking to long.
Is there a program that I can do it? Sorry if this was discussed already, not quite sure what to search.
I'm looking for a photo management program that will organize my photos using folders for events, so if I ever decide to switch programs, it will be easy because it's all organized already. I currently have iPhoto, but it doesn't seem to create folders in the "Pictures" directory, so I doubt switching to another program from iPhoto will be simple. Do any of you know of an app that does what I want?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI aim finding music files in various locations on my mac. Is there any software out there I can download that will find and organize these for me? I am finding far too many duplicates.
View 8 Replies View RelatedCan you nest events or albums in iPhoto 09, like how you can nest folders in Finder?For example, rather than having 200 events scattered in my iPhoto library, can I group the 200 events so, say 50 are under "work", 50 are under "family" and the other 100 are under, say, "Ballparks"
View 2 Replies View RelatedI haven't gotten a lot of help here, but realize it's more for Mac issues than Microsoft software.I've tried the Microsoft Office forum but there seems to be very little help there.I bought this big, expensive book on Office for Macintosh and have found it worthless- while it is huge- almost too much information to find anything- I have not found one answer to a specific issue I've looked for in it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I organize events numerically or alphabetically within iphoto
MacBook Pro
I've tried many options and none I felt were that stellar: Cha Ching (now gone), MoneyWell, Money, iBank. iBank I stuck with the longest, actually, but it's really getting on my nerves because the interface is crappy in some spots. The programmers just have no clue about good user interface design, and it's frustrating as hell. Plus they don't listen to input.
This one caught my eye:
If anyone has any other recommendations, I'm open. The app must have an iPhone counterpart for syncing, that's a must. Good, usable interface is also a must.
A few years ago I decided to put all my DVD's in storage and rip them in divx/h264 format to an external HD that I plugged into my PS3 for easy access. The problem is that when my GF and I want to watch a movie, I have to explain each movie and we choose one based on the title without access to the movie cover or any meta data. I was wondering if there was a program akin to itunes that would go through my hard drive and (with some help with me) identify each movie and find the cover art etc. I don't know how automatic this will be. I don't mind spending some time assisting the program but I don't want to go and do it by hand.
If you find a windows software I can run it on virtualbox as well.
so when i go into iphoto there are a lot of pics that when i click on the thumbnail to view the picture a big exclamation mark comes up. i have rebuilt the thumbnails and that hasn't done anything. I just updated to Ilife 09, but it was doing this before the update.
View 1 Replies View RelatedQuestion, How do you find out how many photo's are in the database? I have been looking but I cannot find it.
I have googled and searched. I know it is probably right in front of me too.
I'm trying to find my original photos that I think are stored somewhere in Iphoto. Whenever I go to my user in finder, then to pictures, I see the photo library option, but when I hope it, it takes me to the IPhoto application, and I still can't find my unmodified originals.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a bunch of MiniDV tapes of my kid, and I need to first, get them off the tapes and onto my Mac, and second, ideally, organize the footage. WIth transfer, its easy, I guess I just have to use the firewire. But is there a clever software, that could help me organize this stuff, much like iPhoto or something?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow am I supposed to organise my files in order for Plex to be able to understand, and tag them. I read that for Movies I have to organise them like this:
:Movie Name
I haven't had much success with this. Also, how do I organise my TV Shows for them to be recognised by Plex?
I keep getting a sending error report when trying to email direct from iPhoto 11.
As I understand it, iPhoto pulls all address details direct from Mail so why would it falter.
So I just upgraded to Snow Leopard and I haven't noticed much of a difference on my MacBook. Anyways, when I used to open my applications folder all my app icons were smaller and they would all fit in the box. Now when I open it, I have to scroll to get to the different apps. How can I change this back to what it used to be?
i give lectures at a local university and wonder if you could suggest a few programs as a repository/organizer for a bunch of images (most will come off the web). I realize that Iphoto can do some of this, however, its tendency to group images by date is not terribly useful to me. What I'd prefer is something like Papers that would let me preview and tag the images.
I wish I could be more specific; however, my imagination is hampered by my lack of familiarity with what software is out there.
Also, if you have any suggestions for organizing materials for presentations--I give 8-10 different 1-hour presentations per week-
I have a huge MP3 collection, tag information is sometimes not correct, some tracks in a album are missing, covers are sometimes missing.
is there a program, that recognizes all albums with no missing tracks and good sampling rate, corrects the tag information and downloads the covers from the internet. automatically.... I would then delete all other songs and albums with missing tracks.
When I first installed iTunes, I declined the option for iTunes to automatically change the mp3's file names to an organized format. For example, [windows], my 'My Music' folder is very disorganized with files that have the artist first, or just the song name, and even 01 'song name'.
Is there a way I can turn that setting back on so iTunes organizes everything for me? Or was I misinterpreting what it meant?
Im a little confused with the way itunes organizes songs. Last night I added some of my cds to itunes and I got a little confused after trying to find my songs and not being on one spot which is what I was expecting to see or at least separated by album.
Where does itunes places downloaded songs from a CD? How can I organize my songs (after uploaded) by Artist and Album? Can I create a playlist for each Artist is this the right way to do it? Can someone show me the way the music should be organized in itunes? Can someone explain how itunes organizes songs by default or direct me to where I can get the right information?
I ahve just bought a Canon EOS 450D. I am hoping to start taking alot of photos with this camera in RAW format. I like how easy to use iPhoto is and I love all the other things iPhoto can do such as Books and Calendars etc.
I like using DPP (Canon's Digital Photo Proffesional), to edit the RAW photos as there are alot of settings in there for editing RAW's.
At the moment I use iPhoto to import my photos from my camera and then organise them using iPhoto. I have set iPhoto to edit the photo i click on in DPP when i want to edit and that is all fine and good until I make a change in DPP. The change dosnt appear in iPhoto. I am wondering if it is something to do with the fact that DPP can not see the iPhoto library.
Is there anyway to make my current setup work or dose anyone have any suggestions as to a better way to import, organise and edit my photos.
i have the harry potter movies 1-6 in my itunes library and they are not in order according to how they were it goes the second one, then the fourth is next to it, etc..... so its organizing alphabetically which is fine....but is there anyway to organize them according to movie 1, movie2, etc.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a 17" MBP. (2009) How do I set the default size of all the windows? Every time I open a program a rather small window with minuscule fonts opens, so I would like to set some kind default to make it easier on my old eyes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI noticed my "spotlight" icon has a pulsing dot in the center of the magnifying glass icon....when I click on it there is a progress bar and it is perpetually "indexing" my hard drive.
Whats this mean? Is my HDD going to fail? Its been going on like this for months. Running Drive Utility, Techtool or Disk Warrior doesn't fix it.
I fixed permissions and repaired the disk off the Snow Leopard book disk, problem persists.
i wanna upgrade ram for my computer.i looked at j & r computer website i think they have it @ j and r where i am buying a new firewore drive..will this work on my system..Other World Computing OWC2700DDR512 512MB PC2700 DDR 333MHz CL2.5 Memory..please tell me if this will work.also my computer has these notes.
Machine Model:eMac
CPU Type:PowerPC G4 (3.3)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:1 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):256 KB
finding options for black and white printing on an iMac 10.7? I don't want to waste the color cartridge.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a little problem with Iphoto. I imported like many photos into Iphoto, it created an event and now I want to organize the photos in my event manually (and only in my event, not in any new iphoto folder or so, and without like renaming the photos manually). In presentation / organize there is a button for "organize manually", but on all the computers that I have at home, that button is grey so I can't click on it (and therefore it's impossible to organize the photos manually)
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