Applications :: Any Software To Find And Organize Music Files On Mac

Nov 1, 2009

I aim finding music files in various locations on my mac. Is there any software out there I can download that will find and organize these for me? I am finding far too many duplicates.

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Applications :: Won't Find Program To Organize All Files

Mar 18, 2009

I have a bunch of music on my computer that isn't properly named, like for instance:

Flo Rida - Right Round is named: right round flo rida.

This is cause I didn't care before and now I do. I also have a lot of videos on my computer, mostly personal, that I'd like to rename. I tried doing it one by one (hitting enter/return key, then changing the name) but it's taking to long.

Is there a program that I can do it? Sorry if this was discussed already, not quite sure what to search.

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Applications :: Unable To Organize Music In Itunes

May 11, 2009

Im a little confused with the way itunes organizes songs. Last night I added some of my cds to itunes and I got a little confused after trying to find my songs and not being on one spot which is what I was expecting to see or at least separated by album.

Where does itunes places downloaded songs from a CD? How can I organize my songs (after uploaded) by Artist and Album? Can I create a playlist for each Artist is this the right way to do it? Can someone show me the way the music should be organized in itunes? Can someone explain how itunes organizes songs by default or direct me to where I can get the right information?

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Applications :: Won't Find Way To Organize ITunes

Nov 20, 2009

I just wiped out my xp machine and installed win7. I back everything up and iTunes was put back on and I dumped all my data back on for it. I have a mix of music from cd's and music from iTunes (purchased). I have my music all in the music folder but it's all mixed up and I can't tell which songs are actually being used in iTunes if that makes sense. So to help things, I told iTunes to copy the file into it's own folders. Then I told it to do the new folder structure, music, movies, ringtones, etc. Anyways, it seems all is well, however I can't tell which files are purchased and which are not.

If I drag a music file into iTunes, will it copy that file into iTunes and organize it? What happens if a copy already exists, will there be duplicates now? What is the best way to organize all this so I don't go insane and can clean up the mess. I am thinking of copying my backup back over to undo the recent "organization" and go from there.

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Applications :: Won't Organize IPhoto / Can't Find Options

Mar 18, 2010

Looking for better ways to organize my photo library, how do you organize yours?

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Applications :: Won't Organize Photos With Folders / Can't Find Apps

Aug 24, 2010

I'm looking for a photo management program that will organize my photos using folders for events, so if I ever decide to switch programs, it will be easy because it's all organized already. I currently have iPhoto, but it doesn't seem to create folders in the "Pictures" directory, so I doubt switching to another program from iPhoto will be simple. Do any of you know of an app that does what I want?

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Applications :: Won't Organize IPhoto Library / Can't Find Settings

Mar 25, 2007

I need some advice on organizing my library, because I have thousands of pictures and badly need a concrete way to organize them within iPhoto.

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Applications :: How To Organize Files In Plex

Dec 19, 2009

How am I supposed to organise my files in order for Plex to be able to understand, and tag them. I read that for Movies I have to organise them like this:


:Movie Name


I haven't had much success with this. Also, how do I organise my TV Shows for them to be recognised by Plex?

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Software :: Transferring Files From Lacie To Pc / Itunes Unable To Find Music Files?

Aug 15, 2009

I have a Lacie external hard disk that was originally formatted for PCs. I have some files there, but more importantly, my iTunes library is saved directly on the Lacie (I have everything on apple lossless, so they are some big files). I will keep using this PC while connected to the Lacie hard disk to syncro my iPod.

The problem is that I bought a mac now and I wanted the Lacie hard disk to be able to transfer files from mac to pc and vice versa. I have already read that I would have to copy the files that are on the Lacie, reformat the Lacie and then paste the files back. My only doubt is that if I do this reformatting, will I have any problems using the iTunes library while connected to my pc and iPod?

I just ask that because every time I changed any iTunes library folder on the computer, the iTunes would say that the music file couldn�t be found and ask me if I wanted to look for the file. I didn�t want to reformat the Lacie to later find out that I would have to �look for� every single music file, because that would be nearly impossible. I don�t know if I was able to make my question really clear�

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Applications :: ITunes Cannot Find Music Anymore (Mass Find Option)

Jan 30, 2009

Yesterday, I had to re-format my external hard drive so that it could be "recordable" within Pro Tools, which wasn't a major issue, I just had to move everything from my Lacie drive to another drive, do the format, and then throw it all back on. It took a little while but this also included moving my nearly 60gb itunes library. Now that it is on the newly formatted hard drive, itunes doesn't seem to be able to find the majority of the songs any more. I've tried changing the music folder and a few other things, and there is no way I'm going through and doing the "cant find music - click here to find it" palava. Is anyone aware of a way that you can "mass find" all of the music in any way other than starting the library again and adding all the music (I don't really want to lose all of my play counts and ratings if possible!)

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OS X :: Won't Organize All Music In Finder By Album

Sep 1, 2009

I have over 20,000 songs in iTunes, and for some reason, all of them are organized in Finder [Finder>Music>iTunes>iTunes Music] by Artist. And its really annoying when trying to move a folder from one album rather than one artist!! I need to know how to change it so that iTunes organizes all those folders in Finder by Album.

for a lot of songs for eg. one song by Artist A, one song by Artist B, and a third song duet by by both A and B, it makes 3 different folders for all 3 songs, so its uber hard to find what I want.

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IMac :: Unable To Organize Folders / Can't Find Options

Sep 11, 2010

Four years ago I bought the iMac I am using right now, I was a PC user (actually used Macs in the 90s) and I never knew if I was doing things properly. Since I am buying a new iMAc next week I need to know how to organize folders.

In my current iMac I have all my applications in the applications folder, I think that is ok. But for example, for my Photoshop and Flash projects I have made a folder in the Macintosh HD with my name and inside that folder I have many other folders. How should I organize my work? Should I put them in the documents folder or what?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Organize All Movies / Can't Find Settings

Jul 25, 2009

A few years ago I decided to put all my DVD's in storage and rip them in divx/h264 format to an external HD that I plugged into my PS3 for easy access. The problem is that when my GF and I want to watch a movie, I have to explain each movie and we choose one based on the title without access to the movie cover or any meta data. I was wondering if there was a program akin to itunes that would go through my hard drive and (with some help with me) identify each movie and find the cover art etc. I don't know how automatic this will be. I don't mind spending some time assisting the program but I don't want to go and do it by hand.

If you find a windows software I can run it on virtualbox as well.

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OS X :: How To Organize Files / Can't Arrange By Name

Oct 6, 2010

I've been a long time windows user and just last week got my first mac! (macbook pro core i5) and so far I'm loving everything about it. Altought I do have some vices I brought with me from windows and I wanted to see if you guys could help me out. On windows I was used to arranging my files automatically by name, and windows would organize it first the folders and then the files itself...all by name.
On mac, I do know how to arrange my files by name, but for example, on my documents folder I have a mix of files (txt,docx,ppt) and folders.
I wanted the folders appearing first (by name) and then the files (also by name)

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Applications :: ITunes - Library Cannot Find Music

Apr 21, 2010

Got my iTunes Library reading from an external USB drive. Nothing has changed in months. Though just recently, for 90% of my songs - iTunes can't locate them. I checked the directory where they've always been and they're still there. External drive is alive and kicking, connected to my Macbook. This sucks because I've got a gajillion playlists. And my iPhone and iPad will no longer sync these playlists. I'd really hate to manually have to re-do all of my playlists again.

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ITunes For Mac :: Trying To Organize Library And Files

Aug 30, 2014

I am trying to organize my iTunes library and files.  I have a question about the 2 files listed below.  I understand iTunes media is like the master file, but what is "my music" file  and  if i move files there from iTunes media/music, do i need to make a copy of these files and if i make a copy,  is this creating a duplicate file taking up memory space or is this an index? 

Mac HD/user/music/ itunes/ iTunes media 
Mac HD/user/music/my music  

iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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ITunes For Mac :: How To Organize Files In Library

Aug 28, 2014

When transferring my iTunes library from backup to my new iMac, some of the files have lost their information and there seems to be many duplicate files.

Is there a quick and easy way to restore my library to its former glory? 


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Applications :: Cannot Find Music And Video In ITunes Store

Jan 3, 2011

I noticed that whenever I open itunes store within the Itunes application I only get the App store, podcasts and itunes U. I cant find any music or video files in the store. I removed itunes and all associated files according to instructions in the following URL
I reinstalled the latest version and that didn't solve the problem. I am using an Imac and OS 10.6.5. My Itunes version is 10.1.1.

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Applications :: Cannot Find Music Videos (Concerts) In ITunes

May 15, 2007

I have some concert DVDs I put on my iPod and I switched the video kind (in info, under the video tab) from movie to music video. Problem is, now I can't find those concerts on iTunes, I can still view them on the iPod, but I can't find access to them through iTunes to edit info/delete them if I want to. Can anyone help me in finding them on iTunes?

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Software :: Won't Work With ILife To Organize Files

Dec 13, 2007

I've recently moved from Windows to Mac. Anyway, I've noticed that the iLife apps (mostly iPhoto and iTunes) have the option to let them handle the media files for me. I'm trying to decide if I would be better having them do that for me. For example, in iPhoto - I see that if I don't let it copy every photo I import into its own folder - It won't add ColorSync profiles (does it matter?)

On the other side, it would be more difficult moving into different media organization software if I let the iLife apps do the organization by themselves.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Organize Files After Installing SSD In Optical Bay

Dec 8, 2014

I just installed an SSD into my optical drive bay, as well as upgrading my RAM (from 4 Gigs to 8) of my late 2008, MBP 15".  I am booting it up for the first time, since installation, and, now need to re-org my files so that the MBP makes optimal use of the new SSD and RAM. 

Should I now migrate all my files from my old HD (still in its bay) onto my new SSD?  If so, what is the best way to do so? 

Well, now that I've booted up, the MBP doesn't even see the new SSD?  I made sure I installed it as closely as possible to the OWC instructional video. 

Is there a step after installing that I need to do? 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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Applications :: Mac And PC Application To Easily Find Music Info For ITunes

Jul 3, 2010

Application: Music Brainz Picard
This video explains how to use it:
MusicBrainz Picard Download for Mac:
MusicBrainz Picard Download for PC:

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Applications :: Program To Find And Remove Lower Quality Music?

Aug 1, 2010

I have recently started to re-rip most of my music collection in flac but as a result I am ending up with many duplicates. I have found many programs such as MrClean that find duplicates of songs but I do not want to accidentally delete the high quality mp3's or flac files. Is there any program that can do this for me? I would prefer it free but I would be willing to pay 10 dollars or so if the program is legit.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Custom Organize Files/folder In Finder?

Jun 22, 2012

I don't like the way that finder arranges my files and folders.  I have tried all the arrangements and none of them "flow" for me.  What I would like to do is to be able to put my files / folders where I want them.  I like to group similar folders together and put the most important files/folders at the top.  Now this isn't an exhaustive list of how I want to arrange them.  Its more about where my eyes go and what I want to see.  I am a new mac user so maybe this is a really simple fix that I don't know about. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Unable To Copy Music Files / Merging All Music Files In One Folder?

Sep 25, 2010

I finally ripped my music into digital format. It is a very large library so I performed the rips in four segments creating four folders of music. The highest level folders are Music1, Music2, Music3, Music4. The next layer folder is the artists name, then album name, then the actual MP3S.

How do I merge the folders? If I perform a copy the first artist name is sees that already is exists, the finder wants me to skip the copy or replace the folder that is there. I simply want to add the folder or merge it. Is there a "merge" function in OSX? I tried Carbon Copy but it will not copy or sync fils on the same disk.

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Applications :: How To Convert WMA 9 Music Files To MP3

May 18, 2010

How to convert WMA 9 music files to MP3?

I've tried Switch, Easy WMA and All2Mp3 but none of them are compatible with specifically WMA 9 files

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Applications :: New Files In ITunes Music Folder?

Jan 17, 2009

I'm trying to bring all my music files from my Windows computer so I copied all my music files from my Windows computer to my external hard drive, and then copied from the external hard drive to my iTunes music folder in my new iMac. When I compared the info between my iTunes music folder, and the music files on my external hard drive, the iTunes music folder had more files. By looking through the files it looks like two extra files were added to each album folder....a "folder.jpg" file and a "AlbumArtSmall.jpg" file was created. I know that these are only pic files, but I didn't have those files when all my music files were on my Windows machine, how come they show up now? Are those two files necessary? Can I just delete those?

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Applications :: ITunes Copys Music Files Twice?

Mar 18, 2010

Why does iTunes copy my music files twice when i "add to library"?

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Applications :: IPhoto Can't Find Files?

Feb 19, 2009

so when i go into iphoto there are a lot of pics that when i click on the thumbnail to view the picture a big exclamation mark comes up. i have rebuilt the thumbnails and that hasn't done anything. I just updated to Ilife 09, but it was doing this before the update.

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Applications :: Won't Organize And Catalogue Videos

Jan 13, 2011

I have a bunch of MiniDV tapes of my kid, and I need to first, get them off the tapes and onto my Mac, and second, ideally, organize the footage. WIth transfer, its easy, I guess I just have to use the firewire. But is there a clever software, that could help me organize this stuff, much like iPhoto or something?

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