ITunes For Mac :: How To Organize Files In Library
Aug 28, 2014
When transferring my iTunes library from backup to my new iMac, some of the files have lost their information and there seems to be many duplicate files.
Is there a quick and easy way to restore my library to its former glory?
I am trying to organize my iTunes library and files. I have a question about the 2 files listed below. I understand iTunes media is like the master file, but what is "my music" file and if i move files there from iTunes media/music, do i need to make a copy of these files and if i make a copy, is this creating a duplicate file taking up memory space or is this an index?
Mac HD/user/music/ itunes/ iTunes media Mac HD/user/music/my music
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
When I first installed iTunes, I declined the option for iTunes to automatically change the mp3's file names to an organized format. For example, [windows], my 'My Music' folder is very disorganized with files that have the artist first, or just the song name, and even 01 'song name'.
Is there a way I can turn that setting back on so iTunes organizes everything for me? Or was I misinterpreting what it meant?
I have tons of songs in my library, iTunes did not put into a proper album. Is there a way to create an album to clean up this mess. I don't want to have to create a playlist?
I've been a long time windows user and just last week got my first mac! (macbook pro core i5) and so far I'm loving everything about it. Altought I do have some vices I brought with me from windows and I wanted to see if you guys could help me out. On windows I was used to arranging my files automatically by name, and windows would organize it first the folders and then the files itself...all by name. On mac, I do know how to arrange my files by name, but for example, on my documents folder I have a mix of files (txt,docx,ppt) and folders. I wanted the folders appearing first (by name) and then the files (also by name)
How am I supposed to organise my files in order for Plex to be able to understand, and tag them. I read that for Movies I have to organise them like this:
:Movie Name
I haven't had much success with this. Also, how do I organise my TV Shows for them to be recognised by Plex?
I've recently moved from Windows to Mac. Anyway, I've noticed that the iLife apps (mostly iPhoto and iTunes) have the option to let them handle the media files for me. I'm trying to decide if I would be better having them do that for me. For example, in iPhoto - I see that if I don't let it copy every photo I import into its own folder - It won't add ColorSync profiles (does it matter?)
On the other side, it would be more difficult moving into different media organization software if I let the iLife apps do the organization by themselves.
I have a bunch of music on my computer that isn't properly named, like for instance:
Flo Rida - Right Round is named: right round flo rida.
This is cause I didn't care before and now I do. I also have a lot of videos on my computer, mostly personal, that I'd like to rename. I tried doing it one by one (hitting enter/return key, then changing the name) but it's taking to long.
Is there a program that I can do it? Sorry if this was discussed already, not quite sure what to search.
I just installed an SSD into my optical drive bay, as well as upgrading my RAM (from 4 Gigs to 8) of my late 2008, MBP 15". I am booting it up for the first time, since installation, and, now need to re-org my files so that the MBP makes optimal use of the new SSD and RAM.
Should I now migrate all my files from my old HD (still in its bay) onto my new SSD? If so, what is the best way to do so?
Well, now that I've booted up, the MBP doesn't even see the new SSD? I made sure I installed it as closely as possible to the OWC instructional video.
Is there a step after installing that I need to do?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
I aim finding music files in various locations on my mac. Is there any software out there I can download that will find and organize these for me? I am finding far too many duplicates.
I don't like the way that finder arranges my files and folders. I have tried all the arrangements and none of them "flow" for me. What I would like to do is to be able to put my files / folders where I want them. I like to group similar folders together and put the most important files/folders at the top. Now this isn't an exhaustive list of how I want to arrange them. Its more about where my eyes go and what I want to see. I am a new mac user so maybe this is a really simple fix that I don't know about.
I have the vast majority of my iTunes library on a NAS device. When I first got my MBP I set the library's location to the folder that I had moved off one of the desktops to the NAS. Everything works fine.
However, it seems that the library location will reset itself to the local location on the MBP (possibly whenever I run iTunes when I'm not on this network). So, if I add files to the iTunes when I'm not on this network, they get placed into the local library.
Bought an Air to replace a MacBook Pro. Want to clear out stuff before I sell it. If I delete files from the iTunes library, am I deleting them from the hard drive or the cloud? In other words, how do I clear the material from this machine without losing what I purchased?
I am happily now a mac user..I have got more fed up with microsoft after each OS "improvement" since win 95. I lost all my belongings in a house fire and only have survived wma files backed up. I need a way to reformat them for itunes format. I am not having much luck on my own. MAC rules. I love the OS
I have my iTunes library set to an external drive. The boxes in Pref/advanced are check. I have checked my internal drive in the old iTunes location and see new podcasts and music living there. I need to perform a organize library to move the files.
This seems to have happened in iTunes 9 and 10.
The iTunes Music library does point to an external.
I'm using OS X 10.4.11 and iTunes 8.1.1. I'm not very computer literate. When I started iTunes today, I went straight to copy some files into it from another folder. I got an error message about the .xml file and then told files were damaged (I think). I think iTunes started rebuilding the folders but I stopped it and ended up with only 30-something gb of tunes instead of almost 100 gb. All my music is still there in the iTunes/Music folder (I also have 30 back-up DVDs of the library), but I really, really want to be able to keep the Date Added information as this is how I view the music, as well as all the artwork I've manually added. The iTunes Library (Damaged) file is there, as are several Previous iTunes Libraries file.
After a web search, I did the following: i. Quit iTunes and copied the most recent "Previous iTunes Library" file to the desktop. ii. I trashed the iTunes Library.xml and iTunes Library (with the logo) files at the top of the folder structure. iii. I then dragged the copied Previous iTunes Library file into the iTunes/iTunes Music folder and launched iTunes. Should it be dragged into the top-level iTunes folder or where?
It opens, but with absolutely nothing in it. I've tried dragging the Previous iTunes Library file everywhere I can think of (trashing the existing .xml and Library file each time), but still no joy. This latest Previous iTunes Library file is only a couple of months old and I'd much, much rather re-do the last two months music than lose the Date Added and all Playlists etc.
About 10% of my iTunes files are still protected. I'd like to find them and put them in a special playlist but I haven't managed to find an efficient way of finding them all and listing them.
I accidentally deleted all my iTunes music, movie, app, etc files while trying to move it to an External HD. I was able to restore the files using third party software, from the sql layer. However, each fille now has a name like "54678990.m4v" as opposed to "Thor.m4v" and it appears they all need to be "re-linked" to the titles in my iTunes window interface.
I restored the files to the External HD actually, and when I click directly on them, they do play in iTunes and a little exclamation point appears next to the name of the file (eg, 'Thor' in the iTunes window). That is telling me, I think, that there is some kind of issue with naming and linking to the actual file on the External HD.
Is there some relatively easy way to do get this all straight and clean and seamless for like 1000 files?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iPhone 4S, IPad 3 64gb
A few days ago, I opened iTunes and a notification appeared saying my Library was "damaged," and then proceeded to reopen with about 500 songs missing. I went through my iPod to find a few of the songs that were on it that were erased from my Library (I haven't synced my iPod since it happened for fear of losing the songs for good), intending to simply re-import them into my Library - but the files were nowhere to be found. I opened Finder and searched for quite a while, but I couldn't find a trace. I've tried opening iTunes while holding down the Option key and choosing a Previous Library, but the most recent of the Previous Library .itl files is the same one - the one missing 500 songs.
I just wiped out my xp machine and installed win7. I back everything up and iTunes was put back on and I dumped all my data back on for it. I have a mix of music from cd's and music from iTunes (purchased). I have my music all in the music folder but it's all mixed up and I can't tell which songs are actually being used in iTunes if that makes sense. So to help things, I told iTunes to copy the file into it's own folders. Then I told it to do the new folder structure, music, movies, ringtones, etc. Anyways, it seems all is well, however I can't tell which files are purchased and which are not.
If I drag a music file into iTunes, will it copy that file into iTunes and organize it? What happens if a copy already exists, will there be duplicates now? What is the best way to organize all this so I don't go insane and can clean up the mess. I am thinking of copying my backup back over to undo the recent "organization" and go from there.
I've been trying vigorously to connect my itunes library with my Time Capsule Media files.So that I can keep the music I acually listen to on my Macbrook Pro's harddrive but have the rest of my music stored onto my time capsule and listen to when I am at home.What I thought to do was put the music i listen to in the itunes library folder on the harddrive and then change the media location to the TC media file folder.Turns out my idea was wrong.. any others care to elaborate on this issue? I'm pretty much confused with this and i haven't been able to find it on the forums anywhere
Over the years, I have amassed GBs worth of music, spread over many different iTunes libraries, as a result of having desktops, laptops, replacement machines etc. When I first started my collection, I stupidly "let iTunes manage my library" which has resulted in all my tracks being put into thousands of different folders because iTunes likes to create a separate folder for each artist. I was wondering if there was any way of exporting all my music in the iTunes database to a new location, organized by album. eg. A State of Trance 2010 Yearmix being exported to a folder called that, not each of the 80 tracks going into a separate artist folder.
If this can be done, I'm hoping to consolidate my music collection into one library, once and for all! It's probably worth noting that I'm now on Windows, but I thought I would ask here as iTunes is an Apple product. I have access to a Mac should I need to do anything "Mac-specific" to make this happen. Tune up looks like a promising piece of software. However, it only seems to clean up the music files themselves, not their organization within my music folder. Does anyone have any experience with it? Sorted! I'm sure there are loads of people out there that would like me reorganize the file structure of their music after iTunes obliterates here's what I did.
1) Downloaded Songbird. What a great application! It has addons! 2) Went into the applications options. (Tools >> Options) 3) Selected the 'Manage Files' tab. 4) Ticked the box to 'Allow Songbird to manage files'. In the 'Structure Folders' section underneath I changed it to 'Album/Song Files'. 5) Clicked OK at the bottom to save changes and Songbird then wizzed through my collection and put all my music into Album folders! 6) Uninstall iTunes.
I had to move around my files recently so needed to change the location iTunes looked for them. I ran across a hack whereby you edit the iTunes Music Library.xml file and then intentionally corrupt the iTunes Library.itl file so that it reimports the next time you restart iTunes (I'm sure many of you may already be familiar with this hack).
It almost works. Problem is that it doesn't import all my files. I have over 10000 files but it only imports 6445 of them. I noticed that the original xml filesize is 16MB. After importing, it gets chopped down to 10MB. What the heck is happening here?
I was adding some music to iTunes downloaded through acquisition x, and my external HD (Seagate 320 GB) all of a sudden has no music files anywhere on it. The available space is still the same as when i had 40 gigs of music on it, and iTunes says on opening: "The file "iTunes Library" does not appear to be a valid iTunes Library file. iTunes has created a new iTunes Library and renamed this file to "iTunes Library (Damaged)." I can't find any .xml or .itl or a (damaged) library file ANYWHERE. THEN the next dialog display says the iTunes application could not be opened, the required file is in use.
So used an applescript to unhide invisible files and folders, and the .Trash is empty, Finder's trash is empty, searched all OVER for any trace of the .mp3 files in my library, but they have disappeared. I also can't unmount or eject, verify or repair my External because it is "in use." The only process running i can see is finder, though I'm not sure.
in my itunes file in Windows directory, there is a compilations file. this file has albums in it that should not be there, but with other albums by the same bands. i have tried relocating the albums, but then itunes cannot play them, and when i locate the file it is automatically placed in a new compilations folder.
in short i am asking how i can change the location of a file in the itunes library. Any ideas?