Applications :: Widget That Displays C And F Simultaneously?
Sep 29, 2010
I want a widget that displays the current temperature in C and F without having to keep going to the options to switch over. This is just so I can get a feel for Celsius and Fahrenheit differences
My day in history widget has become invisible when I open up the dashboard.. Invisible but not gone because when I click in the icon in the list at the bottom of the page it sort of semi appears on the page but disappears with an effect like ripples in a pond (,which is in it's self a fantastic effect) The cross is still there in the top right corner though.
I read a post recently? about a program which enabled you to open two finder windows simultaneously, one above the other. Does anybody know the name of this program or can they recommend similar.
I am looking for some software for mac that allows me to record from up to 4 webcams at one time. So far I've only found this one called EvoCam, but I don't feel like paying that much and it's got way more features then I need so it's not worth it. I don't mind paying a bit of money but 95% of the features in EvoCam are useless to me.
just wanted to know if there was any way to: - Connect to my Time Capsule via Ethernet (no connection to modem) - Connect to Virgin Media Router via WiFi
I can't connect my Time Capsule to my modem (i did think of that lol), any advice would be appreciated Regards, skate71290
I have an iMac and MacBook pro. I have my library on both machines. Keeping it current is a topic for another thread. But what I was wondering is... Is there a way to have both playing the same song simultaneously? I want to have both machines playing so I can keep my iMac in the basement, then bring my MBP upstairs with me. What if I access my iMac's library from my MBP via iTunes shared library? Or something like that?? Thoughts??
[By the way, I searched for hours and didnt see anything quite like this. I noticed other posts about keeping libraries synced but nothing about playing in both.]
I like to stream from my iMac wirelessly to my stereo. I have a 1st generation aluminum iMac running OSX10.6.3 and stream to an Airport Express basestation. I run the latest version of iTunes.
Whenever iTunes starts to automatically download podcasts that I subscribe to the streaming stops or plays with lots of sound drop-outs. It is incredibly annoying!
Sometimes I can't even surf the internet without getting sound drop-outs? What can I do to improve this?
I always keep my Macs clean so I don't have tons of third party plugins installed - for the very same reason
I'm having trouble with Sing that Itune; it's finding lyrics for fewer and fewer songs. Which one is your favorite? I want one that automatically displays lyrics and saves them in Itunes if they aren't there already, but if I already have lyrics I don't want it saving over them.
I'm interested in making a Widget for Mac OS. Based on an internet website. Anyways my question is if you know any applications for making your own Widgets easily.
Not using a TV I often fall asleep with my Mac still running. Do you know a good app/dashboard widget that I can use to set a time for it to shutdown automatically?
I have been using the stickies widget provided with OSX Tiger and I love it, but is there a way to back it up? I have quite a bit of info on the widget stickies. (currently 10 stickies)
This is what I read in the help on OSX
Sticky notes in your Dashboard remain available until you close them. You can copy and paste items in sticky notes, but you cannot save your notes.
This leads me to believe that I am living dangerously with all this info???
Is there a better widget that I can store short lists on? What I use the widgets for are questions I need to ask each one of my employees. I am a school principal and can't just call up a teacher and ask them something so I jot it down on the widget sticky and ask them when I get a chance. I like having an easy way to bring up the lists and getting rid of them without opening a document or anything. Is there a better way?
I searched the internet and macrumors for something like pearLyrics and found some alternatives but nothing that's actually still working. I just can't believe that there is not one working lyrics widget.
I haven't seen the sun all day. Not only that, but I can hear thunder, see lightning and judging by the very dark shade of the clouds around my house, I can pretty much say it's damn sure about to start pouring. What I'm getting at is that this widget has shown nothing but sunshine all day and all night tonight. The temperatures seem to be close, but that's about it. Just curious if anyone else noticed any inaccuracy with this Accuweather widget.
My ISP has a cap of just 10gb per month (ridiculous I know) and im sure im going over it.
Ive had a quick google but cant seem to find a way of monitoring how much im downloading in total, including all web browsing/video streaming etc etc. Anyone know of an app or widget (preferably free)?
editing my iWeb page and the "mobileme gallery" widget isn't loading onto the page. It says that I can't display any albums or movies. I've read that it's because either I'm not connected to the internet (not true) or that I don't have any albums published to mobileme. This isn't true because I do have albums that are published. Does anyone have the same problem and know how to get it to work?
Can you recommend a weather app for SL that sits in the menubar? I did a search on macupdate and basically came up with many that were developed (and haven't been touched since) 2-3 years ago. Any that you can recommend that work well with SL and don't use a huge amount of system resources?
i have a dual display setup. but when i set to the visualiser it only shows the patterns on the main display, but blacks out the other display. is there a way for it to show across ALL displays?
I just got a new 1080p display that I'm also using as a secondary monitor. I want to use it as a primary monitor when I'm using my MBP, which I know how to do.
However, the applications need to be resized and positioned when you connect it. Are there any applications that can remember sizing + positioning of applications based on which display is your primary?
It'd be useful to make the display my "docking" station of sorts.