OS X :: Launch 2 Applications Simultaneously?

Dec 15, 2009

Wondering if its possible to configure Mac os X so that when i launch Dreamweaver, another app automatically launches at the same time?

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Applications :: Two Finder Windows Simultaneously?

Aug 30, 2010

I read a post recently? about a program which enabled you to open two finder windows simultaneously, one above the other. Does anybody know the name of this program or can they recommend similar.

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Applications :: Widget That Displays C And F Simultaneously?

Sep 29, 2010

I want a widget that displays the current temperature in C and F without having to keep going to the options to switch over. This is just so I can get a feel for Celsius and Fahrenheit differences

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Applications :: Record From 4 Cameras Simultaneously?

Jan 5, 2011

I am looking for some software for mac that allows me to record from up to 4 webcams at one time. So far I've only found this one called EvoCam, but I don't feel like paying that much and it's got way more features then I need so it's not worth it. I don't mind paying a bit of money but 95% of the features in EvoCam are useless to me.

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MacBook Air :: Have Two Applications On The Monitor Simultaneously?

Mar 25, 2012

Can I have two applications on the monitor simultainiously?

MacBook Air, iOS 5.0.1

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Applications :: WiFi And Wired Connection Simultaneously?

Nov 30, 2010

just wanted to know if there was any way to:
- Connect to my Time Capsule via Ethernet (no connection to modem)
- Connect to Virgin Media Router via WiFi

I can't connect my Time Capsule to my modem (i did think of that lol), any advice would be appreciated Regards, skate71290

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Applications :: Playing ITunes From 2 Computers Simultaneously?

Nov 23, 2009

I have an iMac and MacBook pro. I have my library on both machines. Keeping it current is a topic for another thread. But what I was wondering is... Is there a way to have both playing the same song simultaneously? I want to have both machines playing so I can keep my iMac in the basement, then bring my MBP upstairs with me. What if I access my iMac's library from my MBP via iTunes shared library? Or something like that??

[By the way, I searched for hours and didnt see anything quite like this. I noticed other posts about keeping libraries synced but nothing about playing in both.]

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Applications :: Use ISight Camera In 2 Apps Simultaneously?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm looking for a program that enables the built-in iSight camera in my Mac to be used in 2 applications at the same time.

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Applications :: ITunes Can't Download And Stream To Stereo Simultaneously

Apr 30, 2010

I like to stream from my iMac wirelessly to my stereo. I have a 1st generation aluminum iMac running OSX10.6.3 and stream to an Airport Express basestation. I run the latest version of iTunes.

Whenever iTunes starts to automatically download podcasts that I subscribe to the streaming stops or plays with lots of sound drop-outs. It is incredibly annoying!

Sometimes I can't even surf the internet without getting sound drop-outs? What can I do to improve this?

I always keep my Macs clean so I don't have tons of third party plugins installed - for the very same reason

I have 8 Mbit download and 2 Mbit upload.

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OS X :: How To Launch Applications

Aug 5, 2009

Whenever I see various Mac tutorials, tips, or suggestions, I usually see people launch applications by going to the folder (e.g. Applications --> Utilities --> Terminal). I've always been perplexed by this, because I have always launched my applications using Spotlight, and find that I can launch applications much more quickly this way (less than a second).

My question is: how do you usually launch applications?

Edit: and I see that I've forgotten to include Dock. I suppose that can go under Other.

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OS X :: Some Applications Won't Launch?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm running OSX 10.4.11 with a 2 GHz Intel Cor 2 Duo and 2 GB of RAM.

When I try to load some applications (specifically CoRD and ImageResizer) they just briefly appear in the dock and then disappear, failing to open. These programs were not recently installed.

I've restarted, uninstalled/reinstalled the programs, verified/repaired permissions, verified/repaired the disk, re-updated the combo patch, run in a newly created account, cleared the cache, and deleted the preferences. With all of this, the programs are still failing to launch. Why? How can I get them to open? It's not OS threatening, but quite annoying.

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Applications :: ITunes 10 Or 9 Won't Launch On 10.6?

Sep 15, 2010

This is weird. A few days ago iTunes 10 started causing my computer to go crazy every time I launched it (didn't realize it was iTunes at this point causing the problems). The computer would slow to a snail's pace and eventually completely freeze. Then a day or so later iTunes stopped launching all together. It bounces in the dock, stops and then has to be force quit. Most disturbingly after one of these unsuccessful launches, when I try to shut down, the computer hangs and basically freezes requiring a hard shut down with the power button. A few reinstallations later, no change

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OS X :: Unable To Launch Applications On Mac 10.4

Apr 25, 2009

Background: A day or two after plugging a USB that had been plugged into a virus ridden PC into my Mac, the internet went berserk. My father told me that he thought it was the USB that had messed the internet up. A few days later, he said that the USB was fine, it was just that Apple came out with a Security Update that changed our router access password (we cannot access our own internet because our password was being changed by a "Security Update"). So, in a kind effort to provide internet for me, he went into my Account Settings and changed my permissions so I was able to access the Application "Internet Connect". Well, I was able to run the application and connect to our internet, but I couldn't launch any applications that didn't either: a.)Come with the machine or b.)Need the administrator password to install.

The Problem: I cannot launch any applications that didn't need the administrator password or come with the system. I AM able to run Apps such as iChat, iTunes, Ventrilo(required administrator password) and Quicktime. I AM NOT able to run any of the games that I have downloaded, teamspeak, transmission, teamviewer, or any .dmg file. After two weeks of looking for possible causes and trying everything in our power, my dad and I can't find the cause of this. He has taken off all parental control and given me control of everything on my account, but still I can't launch anything.

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Windows On Mac :: Some Of The Applications Won't Launch?

Jun 6, 2009

I recently installed Windows XP Pro on my Mac via Boot Camp and I'm having some issues. Sometimes i cant get games to launch and my wifi works some of the time, was I suppose to install something additional for the computer ? Any specific drivers ?

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OS X :: Launch Applications In The Background?

Nov 11, 2009

is it possible to launch OSX applications in the background without allowing them to steal focus from the current app? i sometimes want to have an application launch and not interrupt what i am currently doing.

here's an example:

i'm copying text from a webpage using safari and that i plan to edit in MS Office Word and so right after i open the webpage and its loading i use spotlight to launch Word and then go back to Safari. What happens is that while it is opening, at some point it will come to the front and interrupt my session in Safari.

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Applications :: Can't Launch Garage Band

Jul 29, 2008

I'm running Mac OS X 10.3.4 Panther on an eMac, and when I click on Garage Band in the dock, the icon bounces for a moment and then the arrow underneath it disappears. Does anyone know how I can get it to open? I have tried launching it from the Apps folder but that won't do it.

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OS X :: How To Schedule Applications Launch / Quit

Jan 26, 2009

I'm familiar with using "log in" items in OSX to automatically launch applications upon startup, which is GREAT! However, I'm looking for a little more control over this process.

Is there a way to schedule when an application launches; e.g. 10min after startup? Similarly, is there a way to get programs to automatically quit at a specific time, and re-open at another; e.g. quit at 9:00am, turn on at 12:00pm?

Dual 2.5GHZ PPC G5; OS 10.4.11

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Applications :: Failure To Launch Dreamweaver MX

Feb 3, 2009

I have just downloaded Dreamweaver MX onto my mac and when I try to launch the software I get this message: The application "Dreamweaver" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "7<Dreamweaver MX><Dreamweaver MX><MSL_All_Carbon.Shlb><>". I'm using Panther at the moment.

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Applications :: Safari For First Launch Graphics

Feb 24, 2009

I first installed and launch Safari 4 on my computer there was a really cool little intro graphic. I want to see it again/look at the code but I can't seem to find it! I looked inside the Safari package and couldn't locate it, so does anyone know how to find it?

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Applications :: LaTeXit 1.16.1 Stalling Upon Launch On OS X

Jun 9, 2009

LaTeXit has stopped working on my OS X for an unknown reason. I don't know if it was caused by recent software updates or something else, but I tried to run LaTeXiT and the icon would pop up on the dock and eventually stop bouncing, but it wouldn't run (no highlighted dot beneath the icon). The program was working fine as recently as a month ago, and I haven't changed my system since then.(I may have upgraded to MacTex 2008 during this time, but even when I set my TeX distribution back to MacTex 2007 I am unable to launch LaTeXiT.) Below is the Problem Report.

Date/Time: 2009-06-09 07:53:19 -0600
OS Version: 10.5.7 (Build 9J61)
Architecture: i386
Report Version: 4
Command: LaTeXiT
Path: /Applications/TeX/LaTeXiT.app/Contents/MacOS/LaTeXiT
Version: 1.16.1 (1.16.1)
Parent: launched [90]
PID: 397
Event: hang
Time: 36.25s
Steps: 301
Process: LaTeXiT [397]
Path: /Applications/TeX/LaTeXiT.app/Contents/MacOS/LaTeXiT

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OS X :: Applications Only Launch In Safe Mode

Feb 28, 2010

I've been running OSX 10.6.2 without any problem for the last six months until today....Now when I try to run applications (other than Safari which is working slow, but otherwise ok) the application icon will appear in the dock for 2-3 seconds and then disappears without opening the program. I'm not aware that I've added or changed anything that might have triggered this problem. I can however open the applications without any problem if I boot into safe mode. I've tried more than one user profile, disk utilities, resetting PRAM, running Onyx maintenance utilities etc.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Launch Any Downloaded Applications

May 9, 2012

Normally/Before, when i download an app, i click to open, it will pop up a windows to ask me if i want to open it, for it's downloaded from the internet, i will allow it.

But now, nothing pop up, and if i launch no matter which app downloaded from the net, the icon in the dock keep jumping and nothing happen.


Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Slow To Boot / Launch Applications?

Sep 30, 2010

I have had my mbp15 2.4ghz i5 wth the stock drive for some weeks now and overall am quite pleased with it. However I was expecting to be blown away by the speed of it since I am coming from a 1st gen eee and a dell optiplex gx270 2.0ghz p4 4x256mb ram from 2003 but I am not! In all honesty I must admit that I was expecting more, battery life is great and number crunching is far superior on this i5, but my P4 running Ubuntu 10.10 boots in around 17 seconds from cold start to gnome while the MBP15 with OSX 10.6.4 takes roughly a full minute for a full boot, that is around the same time my win7 boots and no where near ubuntu 10.10, is that normal?

Also I did a very scientifically sound experiment starting numerous apps like chrome, safari and opera. All of which take multiple 'bounces' to start where in ubuntu chromium starts near instantly. Of course I couldn't even begin to run adobe cs5 on the p4 or the eee, but in lighter apps there is hardly any difference. I know a sandforce SSD would make a world of difference here and it is on my wishlist for 2011, but even with a 2010 HDD I was expecting more compared to the 2003 dell.

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Applications :: IMovie Crashing On Launch - How To Repair

Apr 5, 2009

Recently I deleted all of my iMovie Events (Events NOT Projects) Because it was using about 80GB+ of my HDD space. I deleted these from the finder, not from within iMovie.

Now whenever I launch iMovie it will try to load the events, nothing happens, then searches for iPhoto movies, then in the video preview window I see an image saying Source Missing.

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Applications :: Parallels 5 Extremely Slow To Launch

Nov 16, 2009

Parallels 5 on 10.6.2 has been extremely slow to launch for me. The icon will bounce in the dock for about minute, then hang for another a minute or two, then finally launch. Tried reinstalling, repairing permissions, etc. However, it seems that disabling the spotlight fixes the issue, so it's apparently related to that...but I don't want to have to disable spotlight.

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Applications :: Downloaded Java File Will Not Launch

Mar 27, 2010

I have been trying to download Tiddlywiki. The download completes and the Java file shows in the finder. When I click it it asks the usual question about whether I am sure I want to open it, but then it fails to launch and says it can't open and that there is an error. I tried checking the console, but I can't understand a word!. I am using a MBA latest revision, top spec, SSD running leopard.

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Applications :: No Longer Launch Videos From IPhoto?

May 5, 2010

I was previously running Leopard with iPhoto '08. With this setup all .mov format movies that I took with my digital camera imported into iPhoto along with the pictures. They showed up in thumbnail view along with the pictures and I could launch the movies in Quicktime by double-clicking on the movie thumbnail in iPhoto.

After upgrading to Snow Leopard (but still using iPhoto '08) the video thumbnails still show up, but double-clicking on them does nothing. Double-clicking on image thumbnails still opens the image as normal. I can still view the movies by right-clicking, selecting "show file," and then double-clicking on the movie thumbnail in Finder.

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Applications :: Increase Word 2011 Launch Speed Even More?

Oct 26, 2010

The new Word 2011 start up speed is really good. But it can be increased the same way that Word 2008's could by turning off font preview rendering and the project gallery.


1. Launch word

2. Go to Word>Preferences

3. Click on "General"

4. uncheck "WYSIWYG font and style menus"

5. uncheck "Show Project Gallery At Startup"

6. Quit word

7. Reopen Word

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Applications :: Tried To Launch Safari Version 4.1.2 But It Wouldn't Open?

Nov 8, 2010

I tried to launch Safari (version 4.1.2) but it wouldn't open. It just bounced once from the dock and that was it. Today it bounces twice and nothing.I started reading some stuff in mac forums and read what others with a similar problem were saying. They said ichat and itunes were not working either. I checked mine and lo and behold mine weren't working either. How are these applications all connected? I tried to check for software updates for Safari from my computer but when I tried that, the software update icon appeared in my dock, bounced once, shrunk and disappeared. It wouldn't open either.I am using firefox currently. I had not used it for a long time, so when I opened it last night, it asked me to update flash. I did. But I don't see how that could be the problem since I updated flash AFTER realizing safari wouldn't open.

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Applications :: IPhoto Crashing On Launch - Run Permission Repair

Dec 26, 2008

My wife's computer (PowerBook G4) won't load iPhoto. It gets to the "loading photos" screen, then promptly crashes. I have run permission repair but everything was perfect

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