Applications :: Making Widget For Mac OS?
Aug 18, 2010I'm interested in making a Widget for Mac OS. Based on an internet website. Anyways my question is if you know any applications for making your own Widgets easily.
View 4 RepliesI'm interested in making a Widget for Mac OS. Based on an internet website. Anyways my question is if you know any applications for making your own Widgets easily.
View 4 RepliesWhere did the calendar widget go??? I can't seem to open it????
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy day in history widget has become invisible when I open up the dashboard.. Invisible but not gone because when I click in the icon in the list at the bottom of the page it sort of semi appears on the page but disappears with an effect like ripples in a pond (,which is in it's self a fantastic effect) The cross is still there in the top right corner though.
Any ideas as to what I have cocked up now
So is there a Lyrics Widget that works with iTunes 10? I have found some that only work with older versions, or that only let you search for lyrics.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble with Sing that Itune; it's finding lyrics for fewer and fewer songs. Which one is your favorite? I want one that automatically displays lyrics and saves them in Itunes if they aren't there already, but if I already have lyrics I don't want it saving over them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNot using a TV I often fall asleep with my Mac still running. Do you know a good app/dashboard widget that I can use to set a time for it to shutdown automatically?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want a widget that displays the current temperature in C and F without having to keep going to the options to switch over. This is just so I can get a feel for Celsius and Fahrenheit differences
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been using the stickies widget provided with OSX Tiger and I love it, but is there a way to back it up? I have quite a bit of info on the widget stickies. (currently 10 stickies)
This is what I read in the help on OSX
Sticky notes in your Dashboard remain available until you close them. You can copy and paste items in sticky notes, but you cannot save your notes.
This leads me to believe that I am living dangerously with all this info???
Is there a better widget that I can store short lists on? What I use the widgets for are questions I need to ask each one of my employees. I am a school principal and can't just call up a teacher and ask them something so I jot it down on the widget sticky and ask them when I get a chance. I like having an easy way to bring up the lists and getting rid of them without opening a document or anything. Is there a better way?
I searched the internet and macrumors for something like pearLyrics and found some alternatives but nothing that's actually still working. I just can't believe that there is not one working lyrics widget.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI usually use vitural dj, but I was wondering if there was an app that just integrated a turntable in to itunes or may be a widget.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI haven't seen the sun all day. Not only that, but I can hear thunder, see lightning and judging by the very dark shade of the clouds around my house, I can pretty much say it's damn sure about to start pouring. What I'm getting at is that this widget has shown nothing but sunshine all day and all night tonight. The temperatures seem to be close, but that's about it. Just curious if anyone else noticed any inaccuracy with this Accuweather widget.
View 17 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else's Dashflix or Dashflix mini widget stopped working in the past few days?
View 8 Replies View RelatedAnyone else having problems?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAll the download links direct me to a off brand web page and the one on apple does not work.
My mac crashed a few weeks ago and I am still searching to get all my apps and widgets back but i still don't have the interfacelift widget.
My ISP has a cap of just 10gb per month (ridiculous I know) and im sure im going over it.
Ive had a quick google but cant seem to find a way of monitoring how much im downloading in total, including all web browsing/video streaming etc etc. Anyone know of an app or widget (preferably free)?
editing my iWeb page and the "mobileme gallery" widget isn't loading onto the page. It says that I can't display any albums or movies. I've read that it's because either I'm not connected to the internet (not true) or that I don't have any albums published to mobileme. This isn't true because I do have albums that are published. Does anyone have the same problem and know how to get it to work?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan you recommend a weather app for SL that sits in the menubar? I did a search on macupdate and basically came up with many that were developed (and haven't been touched since) 2-3 years ago. Any that you can recommend that work well with SL and don't use a huge amount of system resources?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince about the 3rd day after I got my macbook pro the computer has been making cracking sounds when I open it. When it first started it just simply made one clicking sound when the hinge is halfway open. Now however, When it is open it makes cracking sounds that don't stop ( open 15 cracking sounds per open). Is this a serious issue that I need to address with my local (and very mean) genius or is this issue not going to continue to get progressively worse. If this does continue to get worse will the hinge crack open? what is this worst that could happen?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an app that will let me design covers for DVD cases. Nothing super fancy, but one that will generate high-dpi results and let me create reusable templates. Most importantly, something that won't lock me into a "Wizard" mode. I've tried a few of these programs on the Windows side, and find that they're usually so constricting that your covers look generic, or they require you to be an Adobe Illustrator expert just to get anything done. I'd love to find something in between, and made for Mac.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm running an 8-core 3.2GHz Mac Pro and I'm wondering why Quicktime Pro is only using 30% to 40% of my system's overall CPU power (when I encode video).
Is this just the maximum speed of QT? Is there any way to increase the CPU usage?
Kind of disappointed that this program can't do this basic feature. Is it possible to make labels with Pages?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have loads of AVI files taken with our stillshot camera, and loads with our Panasonic semi professional 3 chip whatever they are called video camera.
It seems, or seemed perhaps that AVI's can't be loaded or edited in iMovie(I am also not interested in using quicktime etc, I want to try and stick with iMovie)
Can you import the AVI files as well as the "real" format clips into iMovie and then edit all together to make your home movie?
I've been using Office forever but just decided to try iWork, and it turns out I love it 100x more than Office. I'm totally going to buy it when my trial expires. Before I do, one quick question that seems kind of obvious, even though I can't find the answer anywhere - is there any way to make iWork applications the default over Office?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been struggling with this issue for a while. I'll perfect my iTunes library, then for one of a laundry list of reasons, lose the perfection I have attained (Album art, names, etc.)
Is there any way I can make the attributes of my current iTunes library permanent?
Would just 'Consolidate Library' work? Note: must also save album art and such.
I have pages, keynote and numbers. I cant find a label maker. Wife does not wanna print right on the envelopes She want labels. I am probably missing something real easy.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm digitizing some taped conversations with older relatives onto my Powerbook, via AudioHijack Pro. Once I have all the .mp3s on my HD, I'd like to combine them into one CD, divided into tracks. They are generally stories reminiscing about childhood, and I'm going to make some CD jackets that describe each one as X-mas gifts. I know how to make DVDs with chapter markers in iDVD or iMovie, but how should I do this for strictly audio CDs? Garageband, Quicktime Pro, Toast?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI need to make a very, very simple line graph. In column A, I have a list of years. In column B, I have the data....numbers that correspond to something in that year. Simple, right? It really couldn't be any less complex. I selected both columns, then I went to create a new line graph, and it created a graph that had the years (from 0-2500 even though the actual range is 1973-2005) on the Y axis, and the data on the X axis. And each column of data was its own series, so I had 2 lines, which, due to the scales, was basically 2 horizontal lines. I removed the extra series (the year series), and was able to get the line to look right. It also put the column B data on the Y axis like I want, but on the X axis, it just counts from 1-33. But I want the years on the X axis. How the hell do I do this? I'm 99% positive Excel 2004 let you set the X axis labels.....did they really remove it in 2008? This seems like something that should be so simple, I shouldn't have to post on a forum to figure out
View 24 Replies View RelatedIt might be just a minor problem, but Mail stopped making sounds. No new mail sound, no reassuring jetplane sound when a mail is sent, no blip when there's nothing going on. I've checked the preferences, and they should still be turned on.
Also, I've got the impression something hapened to either my keychain or my cookies in Safari, since I had to login to a bunch of forums and other sites that I can normally just check. Firefox doesn't seem to have this problem, but I prefer Safari as my primary internet browser.
i'm doing an assignment for my degree and i've drew up a table and a description of how someone partaking in a study of mine should fill in the table.
I need to duplicate this page 11 times so that I can have an individual fill the stuff in and I can print them all out.
I can't find out how to do this as the tabs involving thumbnails of the pages only allow me to copy all of that pages and not just the graph one.
I'm trying to make some DVDs using iDVD. I want to play The Dark Knight and Benders Big Game at other locations. Anyways, I'm trying to make separate discs, not one disc for both movies. When I try to drag the file to iDVD, it says that the file is too big and to play with encoder settings. The encoder settings are already at best performance. In Finder, the file is 808MB, yet iDVD claims it is 8.08GB. I know for a fact that the file is 808mb, not 8.08GB. The file was .avi, so I converted it to .divx, and this still didn't fix it. I also tried the other movie which is .mp4, and I had the same problem.
View 6 Replies View Related