Applications :: Wallpaper Toggler (With Single Click)
Mar 22, 2010
I'm looking for an app kind of like caffeine except for toggling wallpaper. Something that will let me switch from my trashy semi-pornographic wallpaper to something more respectful as needed with a single click.
i dont have my mac in front of me but i was wondering if it is possible to open a file by a single click in Mac OS X. I have set up Ubuntu to do this on my work computer and i find it very cool
This may be a silly question but when I have multiple finder windows open and I switch from one to the other then single click on a file, it opens the file.
This is really bugging me as I only want to select the file (to move it etc). Is there any way to prevent single click file opening?
I'm using a Magic Trackpad and can single click to switch between apps in the same Spaces desktop. But switching to apps on another Spaces desktop requires a double click. How can I change this to single click to switch regardless of Spaces desktop?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Do you know if there is any way to have all my open windows available in the dock to move from one to other one with a single click? Though I liked the Expos� per application feature, I would prefer having all my opened windows available in the same region they are minimized. On similar way, do you know if there is a way of having all the opened windows [instead of all the opened applications] available when doing COMMAND-TAB?
I have an older MacBook Pro running system 10.4.11. Yesterday, I started having strange trackpad behavior where it will sometime act as if I double-clicked when I only clicked once. So I'm highlighting everything until I double click again. Then, I sometimes have to double-click in places a single-click is supposed to work such as closing windows. I've rebooted, adjusted a trackpad settings and don't know what to do at this point.
Does anyone know of an application, utility, etc. that will allow one to �open� a folder in the dock with a single click instead of clicking on the folder and selecting open from the menu?
I have this really annoying issue where my mouse will randomly double click in OS X when i didn't actually double click my mouse. I had this problem before in Leopard (with different mouse) but now it seems the problem has returned with snow leopard. has anyone else had this problem? I checked the mouse properties and there's nothing strange there. I also don't have custom drivers installed. Just default snow leopard drivers.
My dashboard widgets froze -- open on screen. I had to close each widget.Now I now longer have one-click pop up of my selected widgets.I get a beep when I click the dashboard icon. I have to click the plus sign and open individual widgets.
Before I formatted and reinstalled Lion on my MBP, I could select a window by tapping on its top bar and drag it using single finger on my trackpad. After reinstalling it, I am unable to do so. I have investigated the trackpad features in System Preferences, but it shows only the three-finger drag option. How do I get to select + drag a windown using single tap.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7), MB intel Core2Duo,320GB HDD,4GB RAM
I'm not sure why but whenever I go onto the internet, my wallpaper disappears and it turns blue. If I want to restore it I have to click on a different wallpaper in system preferences then click back to the one I want. Any ideas?
So I can do this with iPhoto but I don't use iPhoto. I only use Aperture 3. I just want to select a photo from my photos, and make it my wallpaper. Is this an option anywhere?
I have recently imported some photos from my camera, some in portrait some in landscape. When I preview the photos, the portraits automatically rotate in order to be on the upside. But when I use it as wallpaper, it doesn't rotate. Is there anyway to make all the portraits rotate for wallpaper?
I downloaded GeekTool 2.1.2 and was fiddling around with some of the settings so I could customize my desktop/dock. Unfortunately, this black box in the upper-left hand corner somehow appeared and now won't go away. I then uninstalled and am now running GeekTool 3.0. The problem persists. Is there a way I can get rid of this box, yet keep the changes I've already made in my dock?
got back from vacation and was moving pics around iPhoto. Couldn't seem to make a copy to a flash drive so I deleted the pics and figured I'd start again.
1/2 of the pics were already off my digital camera !!! the last nice pic from the 50% of my family vacation is on my wallpaper. do I save my wallpaper to a new image ?
In other words, the image should no longer exist because I deleted it....but its on my desktop wallpaper....I need that image !!!! Any way I can save it ????
I would like to go from looking at the Library and all the albums together to going to just a single album. I used to be able to do this by changing the behavior of the arrows next to the song information for Album to direct to the album in the Library instead of the iTunes store.
However, in iTunes 10, it appears that the arrow links are removed permanently. Is this true? If so, is there a simple way to go from a highlighted song in a playlist or the Library directly to the song's album like you used to be able to, without using the genre/composer/artist/album browser (I have too many albums for that to be efficient, and this is one instance in which I think search is not the right solution).
I am working on a few sites on my iWeb. I don't have a .mac account so I publish them to a folder and upload to my sites through ftp. My problem is, everytime i click "publish to folder", it publishes ALL my sites and folders, instead of only the ONE i am working on.
I have a few PDF files, some of which have A4 portrait pages in them and others have A4 landscape pages in. Is there any software (ideally free) that can combine these files into one single PDF file?
I had this working a while back... but (I can only think it's since I upgraded to iTunes 8) this has now stopped working...
1. I have moved my iTunes Music folder to /users/shared...
2. I go into iTunes preferences and change the location of the Music Library...
3. Restart iTunes...
4. Then I go into iTunes and it works - it's reading songs and movies from the shared location fine...
When I login as a different user (any admin user), repeat steps 2 and 3 and nothing - the library is empty when it's restarted
I also tried this hack from another site around 18 months ago...
The instructions are pretty much the same, although this involves creating aliases of the iTunes music library.xml file - but didn't seem to make any difference to the outcome
I just bought a new Kenwood DNX-9140 for my car that plays DivX files. I also bought a 500GB external hard drive. My Kenwood unit can play files from external hard drives. I want to rip my DVDs to my external hard drive and play them on my Kenwood unit. I want to be able to keep the menu functions on the ripped DVD file.
Keep the ripped file to ONE DivX file. It would be best if I could keep the final file under 3GB. Basically, opening the file and acting like it's playing a normal DVD. I know it's a lot to ask but if this can be done in as little steps as possible it would be awesome. I spent many hours searching and experimenting for the answer.
so here's the deal. I have an 80GB drive in my MacBook, which is currently where my iTunes lib resides.
I also have a 250GB external drive. What I want to do is keep my music on my laptop, but store movies and TV shows on my external drive, yet still be able to access them along with my music... know what I'm saying?
At work , we are looking for a solution to share a single iCal calendar with everyone in the office but 2 people need to be able to edit the calendar. I know how to publish and subscribe but to everyone but the creator the calendar is read only. I have seen BusySync but I'm looking for a free solution. My boss does have a MobileMe account. Is there any way to make this happen?
I recently bought a 1TB hard drive... I am trying to partition it to be 250GB Mac Format and 750GB NTFS. The reason for NTFS format is because I work with ISO files and Blu-Ray movie files a lot that are well over the 4GB limit of FAT32/Mac formats. Is there a decent disk utility for OS X or Windows that can format a hard drive into both of these file systems? The built-in Disk Utility in OS X only does FAT, to my knowledge, so I need something else.
I have several folders that have albums in them. When I click on a specific folder/album, "mushrooms", I receive the spinning rainbow wheel and then Iphoto crashes. This only occurs with this folder/album. All the other folders/albums work fine.
I have a MBP and a MacMini. I wish to have my iTunes library stored on an external HD (which I will share on the network) connected to the MacMini.
I would like to see this same library on my MBP (presumably just point the iTunes on the MBP to the networked external HD for the iTunes folder??).
But now I wish to ensure that any changes made on one machine (additions, artwork update, playlists etc) are synced and show up on the other, and vice versa.
This should be applicable to both content purchases on iTunes and my own content ripped from my CD collection.