Does anyone have the proper setup for the (Tor Bundle) Vidalia Application permitting one to "Hide Their IP Address"?
Under Settings - Advanced, there appear two address blocks. It was my belief that the first block should be the same as my browser address. Apparently that is no the case. In any event, what numbers/character sequences should fill these two fields?
Also, when starting Vidalia, following installation, the Green Onion Icon never appeared, the "Connecting To Tor" progress bar only partially filled. Is this error caused by the first problem?
So I went out to update my web browser from Opera 9 to Opera 10 alpha. So I downloaded .dmg file and it said to copy it to applications folder so I did, then it asked me if I want to replace old version, I said yes and then i started my Opera and found all my bookmarks skins and settings gone. So I had to add my bookmarks again etc. Why? What could i do to save it but still get Opera 10?? This is really weird. I think that all bookmark settings and such were stored in and now when I deleted it it's all gone.
Under Snow Leopard neither Firefox nor Safari can connect to the Tor proxy although Vidalia seems to work and Tor connects to the network. Installing the latest Vidalia bundle ( does not help.
Using Firefox but it annoys me in the bookmark management and freezing up too often. Safari is faster but no way to help the toolbar color for visually impaired. Is there another good, fast browser available?
i get redirected to random websites in both firefox and safari, ive tried using clamxav and iantivirus but both found nothing, also mroogled and couldnt find anything.
I stumbled on a website today informing me of ways to somewhat speed up Firefox and was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to speed up Safari, which is the browser I use much more frequently. Any tips would be most excellent.
I'm new to the Mac world, having just acquired a G3 w/OS 8.6. After working on it to get everything running I found that when I run IE 5.1 I only see a small section of the page and I have to do a lot of scrolling up & down, as well as side to side to see the whole page.
I'm well versed in PCs tech-wise so I figured it was just a matter of a setting or something, but I can't find anything to adjust. I thought to go over to Firefox, which I use on my PC, but it needs OS X to run. I tried installing Safari but it wouldn't install either.
Am I just lost in a strange world, or am I flogging a dead horse, as it were?
I have a Lime G3 running OS 8.6 @ 333Mhz w/64Mb of mem. I don't know what version of firmware is there because I don't know where to look for the answer.
I recently became an owner of a Mac Pro but I am having a small problem. I'm not certain how to set up the browsing so when I return to a site it recognizes who I am and does not require inputing the blanks each and every time. I believe it's a browser setup function but it must be looking me straight in the eyes.
Does anyone else notice fonts in Google Chrome don't look as good as they do in other browsers like FF and Safari? They look cramped and unkerned. Am I the only one? It's distracting after coming from FF and preventing me from using it. Though that's not the only reason. I do like the speed of Chrome though.
Does anyone know how I can download this MP4 video? I tried double clicking on it in the activity window, but it just opens it again in a Safari browser.
I've been stuck using FF cos I'm addicted to a Bookmarks Sidebar. Haven't found this in Safari, Opera or Camino. Anyone know if this feature exists via an add-in in a non FF browser? Looking for a faster browser than FF with this feature.
Ive always used FireFox but recently changed to Safari. When Im using Adium and I click a Link some one sends me it is opening in FF, how do I change my "default browser" in Adium to Safari?
I might be asking the question wrong but here is my dilemma. The only reason I need windows on my mac is for a program that is run through internet explorer only. It won't work on firefox or anything else. It was certified for I.E. - I forget the minimum version it is certified for but the old, old I.E. for mac is too old and won't work.
Is there a way to turn a mac browser into functioning like internet explorer?
I can upload and view new photos just fine into iPhoto. However, when I use any application that requires opening/inserting/uploading a file (I've tried Firefox, Safari, Flickr Uploadr, Pages etc.) the new events do not appear when clicking on Media > Photos.
This started about two weeks ago but unfortunately I haven't backed up my computer and can't go back in Time Machine.
Please this is not a question about whether you use Safari or Firefox.
What Browser has the smallest memory footprint for use on the MBA?
With limited ram @ 2GB I find either Safari, Firefox, Camino, etc using as much as 200MB +/- in activity monitor. Are there some more obscure browsers that use/need less memory and function just as well or almost as well?
For the longest time i've been using Gmail and also the offline lab feature that allows me to access my gmail via the web browser. Rather than me going into a big explaining here i'll just mention i'm befuddled on whether to stick with Gmail's offline use or switch things up to Apple's Mail; reason in doing so is i've recently been noticing how some apps like OmniFocus play nice with Apple's Mail. Also having a Gcal account and using it I can't but help and prefer Gcal tenfold over iCal. But Gcal's offline use sucks for me when using Firefox. It's always a gamble when I'm offline and want to check my Gcal, sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. I'm not a big fan of iCal but have it always sync'd with Gcal so am currently using iCal...and am thinking about using Mail now. I just feel I enjoy Gmail's search, starring and folder system. Plus I think I remember that when I include my account in Mail I see it downloading the 3GB's of Mail I have..and even though i'd assume Gmail would do the same, I never see where it goes which rests uneasy with me..
I have a late 2008 unibody Macbook Pro 15" with, unfortunately, only 2GB RAM. My work requires a very intensive internet flash application that will usually max out my RAM, and in combination with certain other applications, my computer becomes so laggy that I cannot work.
This has me wondering... which browser is best for running intensive flash applications? I also like to run lots of random pages at once, so I'll do that as well, either in the same browser, or concurrently in a different one.
I've observed that since its launch, Google's Chrome browser seems have quickly reached Safari's overall quality and become equal, if not possibly even better, than Safari.
So it's made me think� could Apple simplify things by making a deal with Google to simply adopt Chrome as their default browser on Macs and iDevices?
The browsers are equal at their core - both running on the engine Apple essentially brought into being (Webkit.) And Apple could work with Google to implement their custom features (Top sites, cover flow) into Chrome.
But ultimately it seems to me it's a bit of a wasted resource to have both companies developing what are almost identical products. And it seems that Google treat their browser as more of a priority � so would it be better to just leave the browser side of things to Google?
I m newer here then sorry if I asked some dumb things, because this is my first mac.When I try to see a page (my wife?s blog in blogspot) in Safari, the pictures aren?t displayed. I tryed with Safari, Firefox and Chrome, but the result is the same. I friend of mine tryed in his Macbook and it?s OK. I tryed in a PC, and it?s OK. I tryed others site and it?s OK, the problem appears only in my mac and only on blogspot sites.After bought the Mac I installed Snow Leopard, IWork, Office and Flash, but these are the same programs that are running on my friend 's mac.
When I'm downloading, say, PDF files in Safari (4.0.3), at times it will download IN the browser itself, at other times to the 'Download' folder ... I can't seem to control when it does whatever it does; it seems entirely random. When it downloads IN the browser, it slows everything down, so I want to enable it to ALWAYS download to the folder instead (meaning I can do multiple downloads concurrently without slowing things down to a crawl on 1 GB Ram ...).
I just tried to install a web browser on my MacPro, but after I down load the file and try to open it to install it gives me a Warning saying "No Mountable File Systems" on Both Firefox and Chrome! Other applications install normal.