Applications :: Setting Default Reply To Address In Mac Mail?
Mar 31, 2010
Anyone know how I can set a permanent Reply To header for all my mail accounts in Mail? I've found a couple scripts by searching the net, but all old stuff and nothing that works. Anyone care to take a crack at it? Applecare's official stance is that you need to type it in manually for every message. There has to be some way around this.
I am wondering how, if possible, to set the default "reply-to" address on Apple Mail. I know I can manually add it to each message I compose, but that's rather cumbersome. I'd like to be able to configure Mail so every message I send out will automatically use the same "reply-to" mail address. Is it possible?
i can't find a way to set the default calendar to be used when a recognized date is highlighted in for Snow Leopard.
the current behavior is that it uses the first calendar shown in the iCal calendar list on the left sidebar of iCal.
further, in iCal i cal reorder calendars but only the ones on my local machine can be at the top of the list and not the Exchange calendar that is my primary one.
what i have to do now is keep remember to switch calendars each time i add a new iCal entry through
Mac OS X Leopard iPhoto 6 Thunderbird (latest) iMac 24" 2.16 GHz Core2 Duo
Is there a work-around so that in iPhoto, when you highlight a selection of photos and then hit Mail to email them, you can actually select Thunderbird? Right now, even though Thunderbird is my default mail app, as set in Mail, Thunderbird still isn't an option in iPhoto. There are other ways to email those photos, obviously, but iPhoto is so much easier.
can't find the solution for customizing my reply header in the Please let me know whether we can customize the reply in the or not. Let me explain clearly. Generally if i reply to the email the reply header part will look like as below, On Dec 23, 2009, at 11:21 AM, XYZ, ABC wrote: But i want to have it as,
From: XYZ, ABC Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 11:21 PM To: ZZZ, XXX Cc: YYY, SSS Bcc: YYY, SSS Subject: Hello World
So please let me know whether there are any addon or scripts available to do that.
I have two email addresses set up with Mail. But I want one of them to be the default email address when I compose a new message. I often forget to change the email address and end up sending with an email address I didn't want to use.
Mail 2.0 has this, but I can't seem to find it anywhere in Mail 3.0?
Is there a way to change the which SMTP address is used as default. Even if I have the work account selected and move that account to the top of the list, my home account is always the default account selected to mail from.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Just installed Snow Leopard. I want to stop using Entourage. So, when I reply to an email in 10.6 I want the From, Sent, To, and Subject fields to appear above the original email (see example below) as it did in 10.5 and earlier. How do I do this...?
I installed the app Hear and i didnt like the sounds.. now all the sound of my mac seems like over eq..and higher bass etc.. i didnt like and and i couldnt turn to back to default settings..even if i remove the app... anyone has any idea how to turn to default sound setting on mac ??
How do I set my Mac up so that when I get a Word, Excel or Powerpoint file, I can click on it to open it and have it automatically open in Pages, Numbers or Keynote?
I feel stupid for even asking this because it seems like something I'd normally be able to figure out but I've searched a bit with no results. Oddly enough, this only seems to have become an issue since the 10.6.4 update. In Mail, I can't seem to set the default email address to be used when composing a new email.
A co-worker (who isn't English speaking) would like to change Safari so that when he enters a site name into the address bar (for example "ford") that Safari doesn't automatically add ".com" to the address. Instead he wants the browser to use ".ch" (Switzerland) as the default autocomplete in the address line. Anyone know how we can change that (maybe in Terminal)..?
In Entourage�s address book view there are the following categories under the drop down menu:
�Changed in the Past 7 Days �Due Today. �Family Category. �Personal Category. �Work Category.
How can I add other categories under the address view (eg: friends)? How can I add a view of contacts that have no category association. How can I change the current default views?
I have an OS X 10.4.11 and since a few days, if I want to write an email, the whole page turns grey and it won't show me the "new mail" page, I can receive messages alright. Now what ?
I'm trying to sent up an automatic response email in mail rules, the problem is when I filter the email I want to respond to, I don't get the option to send a response to the "Reply-To" field, I can only reply to the "From" field which is no good to me. The mails I receive are booking inquiries generated by an online form so the "From" field is always the same email address not the guest address which is in the "Reply-To" field.
Just bought a new Mac Pro running Mavericks. Migrated my life from my old Mac Pro (early 2008) running Mountain Lion. That's a whole other story, but my problem now is that Mail does not delete attachments when I reply to a message that contained the attachments. This is new to me, so I wasn't aware of it until I started getting nasty messages from my Internet provider telling me that I had exceeded the maximum allowable message size. When a client sent me a 10MB document to review and edit, I would reply and attach the edited document to the reply, not knowing that the original 10MB file was still there (down at the bottom of a sometimes lengthy message).
The old attachment can be manually deleted in the Message tab, but I can't find anything in Preferences or anywhere else that allows me to turn that feature off forever.
Info: Mac Pro (Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I want to have rule that automatically moves email from my Inbox to a folder On my Mac after I reply to a message. This functionality is built into Smart Mailboxes but those won't actually move the email anywhere. Can this be done or is their a plugin/script out there perhaps?
Information: MacBook Pro 15" 2.16 Ghz 2GB RAM Mac OS X (10.5.6) Mac Pro Dual 3GHZ Quad-Core Xeon 4GB RAM
When I Reply to a message I loose and images in the original message (including those in my original signature lines. Instead of the image I get <pastedGraphic.tiff> or <image001.png> or <ATT00108.gif>. Any new images (from my new signature lines) are ok. If I Forward a message all these original images are intact and get forwarded, so the problem is in the Reply function.
I am trying to find a way to keep attachments whenever I reply to a message. I am trying to reply to messages, and keep the attachment in the chain, but for some reason they all get removed (yes, yes, total first world problem, I know...).
I am using Mail version 7.2. I have gone under Mail Preferences, as I saw an earlier post reference a setting in Composition, but that does not appear to be an option in 7.2. I could not find any other options in any of the other preference tabs.
I am running IMAP in all 3 of my macs I access using The first two (call there 1 and 2) macs are running 10.4 and the issue I am having is with the third (call this 3) mac which is running 10.5. Heres the scenario
When I access a new message on computer 1 or 2, it marks it read on that computer, and then marks it read on the other 1 or 2 computer, but it never marks it read on the mac 3. If I access a new message on mac 3, it DOES mark it read on all macs. Is there a setting I have missed with mac 3?
Is there a way for Mail to ask for password every time it launches? I am logged in as the Admin. It is just people some times borrow my mac and I dont want them seeing my email.
Has anyone had a problem where image attachments in the message preview pane appear to reduce in resolution (i.e. become fuzzy, blurry, or pixelated) after they hit "reply" in
I am seeing this when using an account on an "Exchange 2007" mail server. To reproduce:
1. View email in the third-pane preview, or open it by double-clicking. Inlined image attachment appears full resolution.
2. Hit reply (using command-R or the GUI button)
3. Inlined image immediately becomes pixelated in preview pane -- looks fine if you double-click and open the message.
4. Quitting and restarting it resolves the pixelated image (until you hit reply again). Version 4.5 (1084)
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66GHz Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM
I want to set my OH's Mail program to access her yahoo mail account, but it doesn't seem to want to play. I have set my own Hotmail account to work in Mail with no problem, but with Yahoo, when I enter the usual POP3 server info, it just rejects it. Will it make any difference that we are using Yahoo address instead of a .com one? Or is it impossible to set up a Yahoo email account in Mail on a Mac?
I'm so confused with how to set this up.How do I know which account type my email is? (imap,pop,exchange)Exactly what is my incoming mail server supposed to be. I've seen that others use for example, but what am I supposed to use since I have a school email account?