Applications :: Preview Showing But Layers Are Hidden?
Nov 17, 2009
since yesterday I guess, I've got this weird problem with Preview (5.0.1) on 10.6.2 these problems weren't there just after I updated to 10.6.2what happens is when I open a PDF file it actually shows the file including hidden layersSame counts for previewing files in finderwhen I open it in Acrobat it shows up like it has to (without hidden layers)(I've added some attachments to try to make it clear)Hope anyone here can help me out as I like Preview more than Acrobat for the quick viewing
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Dec 29, 2009
I'm starting to get a lot of PDFs that have multiple layers, that is, different levels of text and pictures which can be turned on and off. The main benefit is that you can turn off, say, the pictures layer to make a document more printer friendly.However, there are a few PDFs I've gotten that just look like a big mess with all the layers turned on. There's a little annotation in the PDFs I've seen like this that say that there are layers in the document, so I know it's not a bad PDF. Adobe Reader can handle these layers, but I can't seem to find a way to get Apple Preview (Leopard version) to acknowledge it or to find a way to turn them on and off. Is there any way to get it to do so? Are there any plans in the future to support it? Or am I stuck using Adobe for those?
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May 15, 2009
I tried to make my own icon using this tutorial, but when I export these settings (EDIT: Don't mind the nice Kindergarten Cop picture of California's Governor): [URL:...] I get this when I see the files info: [URL:...] but it just shows the "Preview" icon in the upper right corner, which means I can't really use it for any apps or anything. Can anyone help me out with this? I double checked every step of the tutorial, even tried it with just one single picture (even just a PSD file instead of TIFF).
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Feb 9, 2009
i downloaded lamesecure and put a password on a folder. for whatever reasons i took the password off and now when i open the folder my files aren't there. Only a contents folder is now showing, But the folder still says the original size of 2.7g.
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May 12, 2012
I've just acquired a late-2005 G4 iBook with Leopard 10.5.8 installed. All seems to be well except for an oddity with the listing in the top, home directory. I would normally expect to just see folders for Applications, Library, System and Users but, for some reason, folders normally hidden such as bin, cores, etc (alias), private, sbin, tmp (alias), usr, var (alias) and Volumes are also shown. "dot" names remain invisible unless intentionally made visible.
iBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iBook G4 12" (mid-2005)
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Oct 4, 2009
This is a pretty basic question. iDVD
I have dual layer DVDs and want to burn the same small movie on both layers, one would be full screen, the other wide screen so the viewer can choose.
Is this possible? Is it just a matter of burning one movie at a time; will the comp recognize which layer is empty after the first burn?
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Feb 3, 2009
I have create an iMovie project with iMovie 08. On the project window I could see my pictures as I have imported, in the perfect order and with the correct orientation. I just installed iLife09 and I opened the project on iMovie09. The project window shows pictures in a random order, the orientation of some pictures are wrong (upside down, portrait etc). But to my surprise if I play the video or move the mouse over the pictures it shows the correct picture on the preview window.
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Jul 14, 2009
I don't know when this started happening, but all of a sudden in coverflow all the images display as their file type icon, not the preview of the image, which defeats the purpose of coverflow. Anyone know how this happened and how to switch it back?
Incidentally, all the icons show for Xee, the image browsing app, which I'm using only because Preview is being a jerk and constantly displaying itself in my secondary monitor, which I keep off most of the time (it's a wacom cintiq, and it's distracting to have turned on when not in use). If I can somehow fix this all by fixing preview and getting rid of Xee, I certainly would.
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Mar 25, 2010
I'm running 10.6.2 on my Rev A 13" MBP and have noticed an oddity in Finder over the last couple of months (I'm not sure when it started). If I have Finder open in Column View, I used to be able to choose a jpg and it would show a small preview in the final column of Finder.
Now, it shows the word Preview with the triangle to open and close the preview, along with the file information, but no actual preview. It's the same in Get Info on the file in question. I've tried switching Icon Preview on and off in View Options, I've tried moving the Finder plist file to the desktop and restarting the machine.
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Apr 25, 2012
Is it possible to show annotations toolbar by default on preview?
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Jun 25, 2014
Since i updated to maverick last week i got an issue with the Mac Preview app, it opens the documents ok, but when opening several files at the time, the thumbnails are all scrambled and not showing the miniature of the selected file.
if i click on the thmbnails area and navigate with the keyboard's arrows it allows me to go through the open files, all files open ok but the thumbnails is the only part that is having this issue.
I have deleted the from ~LibraryContainers but still having the issue.
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May 10, 2009
In Windows XP/Vista, if you are navigating in a folder containing pictures, and you click any picture, it opens up Windows built in preview program. Much like OSX. However, in Windows, you can click "Next/Previous" within that program to quickly flip through those photos. Why do the up & down arrows in OSX not work? I still prefer my iMac to any PC I have owned, but this one little thing bugs me to no end. Is there a setting I can change somewhere to make that work like in Windows?
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May 23, 2009
Whats up. I have a picture which someone has edited to make funny. The edited picture shows up in Preview the application with a text box saying something. But in Finder's preview I see the raw picture. Whats going on there and how do i see the full picture the way Finder's Preview sees it.
Yes it's a picture a lady friend sent me
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Mar 31, 2010
I am unsure if I my DVD drive on my iMac cause do dual layers.
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Dec 19, 2006
So my super drive is not able to write double layer dvd's, even though it's supposed to, as confirmed by the System Profiler. I'm using the right kind of blanks (DVD+R DL), tried different brands, and it always just stops with a "media writer error" right away. It recognizes them as writable disks when I insert them, but simply refuses to actually write.
It's the 17" G5 iSight model. Is there an easier way to fix this than to send the whole thing to Apple to have the drive replaced? Also, how much does it run for Apple to install a new super drive for me?
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Jun 11, 2009
lets say i hide an app and then i want to go back to it i click on the icon right?
well when i do that SOMETIMES nothing happensis the point of hidding apps just so they start up faster or is it for another reason and also when i command tab to that app nothing happens either
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Dec 1, 2014
I'm using macbook pro 2009 15'' certain layers of display have a green black matrix sort of effect...
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Apr 13, 2010
I have just acquired an external enclosure for my 160GB 2.5 HDD, and I have it formatted as NTFS on a MBR partition table. I use NTFS-3G on OSX, and it's, of course, natively supported by windows. Well, I am having problems with hidden files between them. In OSX, the .DS_Store files, .Trashes and ._*name* files are hidden, but I can see windows' hidden files (RECYCLER, RECYCLE BIN, and System Volume Information). In Windows, I can see .DS_Store, .Trashes and ._*name* files from OSX, but not Windows' hidden files. I am looking for a way to solve this, or not have the files created on the disks.
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Aug 21, 2014
I am upgrading my mid 2012 MBP with an internal SSD. I have16 RAM. OS is Mavericks.
I edit videos using a mix of photos (imported layers via photoshop), short animations, short video clips. I do some very basic stop animation also. So each media file is not heavy (photos, pics, short videos), but I do a lot of layering and compositing in FCPX. I had a lot of delays and freezes with 5400 rpm HDD… so I decided to upgrade to SSD.
Some people have told me to edit it all on my internal SSD as the media files are not big..
Everywhere else on the web I read that all media / libraries should be on an external while I edit them. But most of these contributors are using huge video files, HD, which is not my case.
So – with small media files but lots of editing and effects / animation, should I spend the extra money on a good external 7200 rpm USB3 to edit from ? Or just use external drive for storage and not editing.
Not going for TB as I read there would not be a difference between USB3 and TB on a 7200 rpm external drive (difference is felt when using RAID, r SSD external) ...
MacBook Pro
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Mar 1, 2008
Secrets is a Blacktree developed preference pane with tons of hidden options (you usually needed Terminal) for OSX and some apps [URL]. Its been really good for me, and I've changed a few things.
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Apr 24, 2009
title says it all im looking for a good app to clean inside mac. i tried cleanmymac it was ok but i think there are better apps out there that i dont know about.
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May 13, 2009
I realize the answer to this question may be pretty obvious to some, but I've read the TrueCrypt user manual, and I've searched these forums, TrueCrypt's forums, and google for the answer to my question but I still can't figure this out...
I've created an encrypted file container with a hidden volume using the setup wizard. After completing the wizard, I can't figure out how to properly write data to the hidden volume.
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Feb 21, 2010
Is there a way to have a cell display text, but behind the text is actually a number figure that I can ask Excel to use in calculations? I'll explain what I mean to give you a visual so you'll understand what I'm trying to do. I want to create a monthly budget in an Excel spreadsheet. I'll have one row for each day of the month, and maybe 3 or 4 columns for in which to put expenditures for each day.
Let's say on the 4th of the month I have a Visa bill due, I usually put gas in my car and I pick up some Dry Cleaning. I'd like to be able to type Visa, Gas and Dry Cleaning within the row of cells for the 4th, and have the dollar amounts for those expenditures hidden beneath the text. Then I'd do a summation formula in the last column to tabulate all of the hidden dollar amounts to give me a total for that day. This way, I can see a total expenditure figures for that day (in the summation column) and what the money went to, without having to do the spreadsheet the old-fashioned way of putting the Text in one cell and the dollar figures in an adjoining cell (which in this case wouldn't work in a columnar sense since the text cell would have to be either above the dollar cell, thus making the text cell in the previous day's row...or, putting the text in say, cell B2, and the dollars in row B3, and doing the same for multiple charges per day, which would make for a very wide spreadsheet.
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm sure I changed some setting somewhere, but this is a bit annoying. Before buying a song in Amazon MP3, to preview, I click the little play button - it used to play in the browser... now it plays it in iTunes. Anyone know what the issue might be? I'm forced then to remove the link it adds to my iTunes library after every preview.
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Dec 26, 2009
Any idea how to do the above? I have it set up on my mac mini but cant remember how I did it to set it up on my new MBP? Its def not a mail rule.
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Dec 9, 2007
my old Powerbook G4 clicking on an image would "display" a jpg or other image file via "preview". On my brand new Blackbook it does not, "preview is launched" but no image is displayed. I can open the files via a browers etc...
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Sep 29, 2009
Is there a way to see bookmarks in a pdf in preview? bookmarks that weren't added by preview I mean? As far as I can tell there is not.. which is somewhat surprising. especially since they'll allow you to add your own. I mean that's what I would expect table of contents to be, but it doesn't show anything in my file even though in acrobat it has an extensive bookmarked table of contents. a follow-up question would be, is there any free pdf viewing software that is as snappy and responsive as preview (or close!) and will also display re-embedded bookmarks? because I have a lot of files I like to navigate that way.
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Oct 28, 2009
I have no idea what happened. Overnight, Preview completely stopped working. When I double click a PDF, it'll bounce around a while in the dock and then the icon will stay there, though without the dot below it indicating that it should be running. When I right-click the icon, it says "Application Not Responding" and gives me the option to force quit it. I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.1. I tried deleting the file in username/library/preferences and restarting Preview, but that did nothing. Anyone have a clue what went wrong here?
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Jun 10, 2010
I have set up a few slides in Keynote 09, but I am having difficulty previewing the slides in the slideshow mode.
The video tutorial for Keynote 09 says to highlight the first slide, and then click onto Play button at the top of the menu bar. I have also set up an effect and duration time for each slide, and I have set Start Transition to "Automatically," with a delay of 0.5 seconds.
As a result, when I attempt to preview the slideshow, one of the slides in the middle of the slideshow is hightlighted, and then the process suddenly stops.
how to correctly set up the slideshow within Keynote 09 so that the slideshow can be previewed, and ultimately played, in automatic mode.
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Mar 12, 2012
I have a friends MacBook running 10.6.8 2.26Ghz Intel Core Duo 8 gig ram. I have installed UnrarX a couple of times with no errors in the installation process, however the application does not appear in the applications folder or any where else and cannot find it to open .rar files.
I fixed the issue by simply copying the UnrarX app from my MacBookPro but would like to find out what is going on. I have been told by my friend that she has had this issue before.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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