Applications :: Any Plugin For Customizing Google In Safari
Apr 9, 2007
I have only recently switched to Mac and was looking for a browser that had a few more options to suit my needs than safari (tried pimp my safari) and so downloaded FireFox and I love the customize google app or plug in. It's brilliant. But as FireFox doesn't use keychain (what are the disadvantages of this) I was wondering if anyone knew of an app or plug in that can customize google for safari in the same way? How I can add buttons to the toolbar. The supplied toolbar is pretty limiting. How I can improve my safari so that I can keep everything integrated or will I have to stick with FireFox?
Does anyone know if there's a plugin for Safari that does a "I'm feeling lucky" google search in the address bar? The same as how firefox does it. Also does anyone know a plugin the that puts a "Find on this page" search bar at the bottom of safari?
Whenever I switch to the "Earth View" in google maps in safari 5.1.4, a message displays which says the plugin has quit and there was a problem loading the plugin.
I tried removing the plugin several times and reinstalling but nothing has worked so far.
Google Earth plugin in Safari started to keep crashing after I installed Adobe Flash Player 11.2. The plugin works fine in other browsers (Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome).The same occurs at home,too.I use Mac Pro at work and iMac at home. Both are on OSX10.7.3, Lion.
i have recently switched from safari to firefox. it seemed a little bit faster, and it easily syncs the bookmarks across all my computers using a google plugin. one thing i miss though...the method that safari viewed rss feeds.easily saved a rss feed i wanted to a folder.. and then to view them all l i just 'viewed all rss feeds'
I'm a long - very long - time user of Firefox but would like to switch to Safari as FF seems to suck lots of CPU on my Mac (in fact it seems to do so on any *nix OS ) but there's one thing that I can't get used to, which is the Close Tab button being on the left of the tabs in Safari whereas it's on the right in FF.
OK, so there's nothing inherently better about them being on the right, it's just that I've got so used to it that I can't seem to break the habit of clicking over to the left-hand side of a tab when i select it which of course in Safari closes the damn thing. What makes it even more annoying is that there doesn't appear to be a Re-open Last Closed Tab command in Safari as there is in FF (Cmd-Shift-T).
Is there an undocumented command-line option to switch the close buttons to the right-hand side and/or a Re-open Last Closed Tab command?
It keeps autofilling my work info and I want it to use my home info. I don't want to delete anything, but is there anyway to set a default or a level of priority?
I downloaded the gmail extension and when I installed it immediately showed up in the toolbar, but that was not the case with the reload button, so now when I go to the customize toolbar pop-up menu Safari just crashes when I roll over it.
I get this ad every time I load the page. I figured it was a cookie problem so I searched my cookies for 'Google' and deleted all the results. I'm still getting it. It's not happening in Firefox, only Safari. It's been there since Friday or Saturday. Am I the only one?
I hope Im posting in the right section. I used google to find a answer but my work was unsuccessful. Is there a plug in for safari to use the url bar as a google search bar? The reason why I can't use google chrome is mobilme. I might sync my bookmarks over the air and I found no way to do this with chrome. I could simply change back to safari but I ll lose the nice search-bar feature.
it keeps saying i need the flash plugin and no matter how many times i try to view it it wont work,it happens for several other fash things as well,can you view this website on safari? im using a 15in MBP
so i intentionally/accidentally deleted my qt plugins in safari trying to solve a player issue. anyway i have spent 24 hrs reading alllllll the posts and kind find a solution to my new problem. i have QTX and QT7 loaded on the mac snow leopard. this was working before i deleted the plugins. after reinstalling the QT 7, the plugins are in the internet plugin folder in both my main and user library, but Safari refuses to acknowledge their presences and simply says "plugin missing" when i go to webpage with embeded media or tries to download the .mov from another site. The plugins while in the library, are NOT listing in the Safari installed plugin list.
I recently purchased and installed Adobe CS2. With Acrobat Professional comes a Safari plugin that automatically views PDFs in the browser. However, I much prefer the standard Tiger PDF viewer as Acrobat takes forever to load. I've looked everywhere and can't figure out how to disable this feature.
i currently using snow leopard and i have deleted my quicktime plugin in the process of deleting unwanted internet plugin. As a result, quicktime cannot be play on safari. if you have any suggest plz tell me, i will try it. thx
I've experienced several crashes with Safari 5.0, and noticed something about the dialogue box that appears when it crashes. It says something to the effect of, "The problem could be caused by a Flash plugin." Has that dialogue box been around in previous versions of Safari? Is Apple trying to subtly gain support for their view that Flash should no longer be used?
I modified the Google Classic search plugin from the Mycroft site to give 100 results per page instead of 10. This was working on Mac Firefox as well as Windows Firefox until recently. I noticed just now that I am getting only 10 results per page with the Mac, but still 100 with Windows. Why would that be? I modified the plugin with the Mac and then transferred it to the Windows PC, so it is the same plugin with the same modified code on both. Why is that not working any more on Mac OS?
I just tried the Google Canada search plugin from Mycroft with the modification, and it gives me 100 results. I edited the Google Classic plugin to have the same format as the Canadian one except for the hostname, and it still gave only 10 results. Now I am even more confused.
I have just installed the infamous acid search to enable my safari to use my local google search instead of .com but i am unable to uninstall it, because it is nowhere to be found. I have read many posts about this issue but there are none of the typical folders in the library folder and nothing seems to be working. I have not yet tried to uninstall safari because i am afraid of loosing all of my information like bookmarks etc.
I installed Safari 5 a few days ago (the standalone update before 10.6.4 was released), and I noticed in Safari 5, the Google logo hasn't changed (it did last month). I don't get the new left sidebar either in the search results. I installed Safari 5 today on another Mac, and this is working. I already reinstalled Safari to no avail. So how can I get this to work? Below, on the left, is what I see in Firefox. On the right is what I see in Safari.
One of the things I like about using Firefox is the ability to select a word and search for it in Google. In Firefox this opens a new tab but with Safari it uses the current tab which messes with the flow of my work. Are their any tweaks to making Safari open a new tab when using the search in google feature or am I stuck with using Firefox until Apple addresses this?
all of a sudden I can not get onto google. I have tried it in both firefox and safari and cleared all the data. I also have restarted. Each time I try to go to it it comes up a page saying connection interrupted. Do you think something is stopping it from going there?
Just got my first IMac. Beautiful machine to look at, but there are a few things that I have to get used to. One of them is Safari. Actually, I prefer Google. Any comments?
Is anyone else experiencing this using Google search in Safari?
I'm unable to remove the results pane to the left - This started happening a few days ago.... Weird thing is, the pane doesn't show up in Firefox when searching via Google, and it doesn't show up when using Safari on my brothers iMac.
Previously the solution was to install Safari plugins Inquisitor or Glims but Apple have removed the interfaces from Safari 4 that these plugins used - and there is still no built in Safari Preference to set the locale of the Google search. Effectively this renders the Safari Google Search field pretty well useless - at least for UK users. If you're searching for UK-based businesses or individuals, for example, the thousands of USA results that come up first are just not relevant - (that's an example of British Understatement. by the way