Applications :: Safari Lagging Options In Snow Leopard?
Oct 2, 2009
Just recently I've noticed this more than before... If I open a new tab, almost every time I'll get a spinning pinwheel for about 5-10 seconds, then it'll start responding again. Sometimes it'll do it for other things too, but for the most part its opening new tabs.
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Jul 6, 2010
Since installing Safari 5, I encounter the spinning beach ball when I try to scroll down a webpage or scroll between tabs. It appears that I cannot scroll/switch until the webpage is fully loaded.
This is extremely annoying because when my gestures are finally registered, Safari goes wacko trying to catch up with the previous gestures/commands. For example, if I use a swipe gesture to navigate between tabs, when Safari becomes responsive again, it will register all previous swipes and rotate between tabs until it 'catches up'. I hope that makes sense.
When I use Firefox, there is a slight lag, but I'm still able to scroll with only slight choppiness. By contrast, Safari 5 literally freezes for about 5 seconds. As a benchmark, I tried using both browsers while loading [URL]. Firefox worked fine, Safari 5 was crippled.
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May 11, 2010
I've searched google for a solution to this and I came across some and followed the instructions (reset safari, clear cache, run onyx, repair permissions). It works... for about two hours, then safari is back to lagging like crazy. I'm using a late 2008 MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard and all the latest software updates.
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Mar 17, 2012
Flash is lagging on safari, even when all the latest updates are installed.It is happening on Youtube, and any other flash run website. Running the same homepages on firefox or google chrome there are no problems. Im considering to switch if this problem won't dissapear. Does anyone know solution to this? Or have the same problem?
MacBook Pro 13, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Apr 6, 2008
I dont know what type of media it is playing from Safari and I'm guessing its .MOV but after certain videos are played on the mac pro under safari and even closing the safari tab with the video and trying to view movie clips from say [URL], all of a sudden the video lags and skips frames and just slow. Only when I quit safari all together and reopen safari and watch the same videos in [URL] will it be fast again... Is there some type of codec glitch or bug that causes this with .mov files??
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Sep 17, 2009
I thought they were supposed to be fine-tuning this program?
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Sep 18, 2009
[URL] This video shows a bug in Safari. The bug is when I quit Safari, Safari will restart. Now this only happens when I first login to my Mac and start Safari for the first time. if I quit Safari again. Safari will not restart. Has anyone else had this problem?
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Apr 4, 2010
Somehow my screen now has the tabs section on even when i don't have more than one tab. I was reading up on how to get rid of it, and i saw you could on Safari 3. [Look at attachment one]. When i looked at my tab section in preferences on Safari 4 it didn't have it [Look at attachment two]. i want to be able to click one the "Always show tab bar" and deactivate that. Is there a way that i can download Safari 3 for Snow Leopard?
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Sep 5, 2009
I use a MAC Book Pro with duel intel processors. I have never had a problem reading my hotmail in my safari browser. I also read it in Entourage. After I installed Snow Leapord I have had one small problem and can not figure it out. This problem only happens in Safari when I read some e mails. The letters of the words in the mail are scattered and unreadable. If I copy and paste the text it is readable and looks fine. If I go to Fwd. the message, it is sent in a readable manner. This does not happen in entourage ever. The following is what it looks like on some messages. In the past I got messages from this sender and others with no problems.
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Dec 9, 2009
In Leopard, I could download any quicktime video with quicktime pro in safari, (looked like the first pic) Now, in Snow Leopard, I get this: (Second pic)
How do I download in Snow Leopard?
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Oct 31, 2010
In the process of doing clean install from tiger to leopard and I'm running into some issue. 1st attempt - was stuck on initial "Install" screen (After I erased my HD and selected drive to install but before the Install screen changes to show the status of the install remaining) for 35 minutes. I stopped the install and restated.2nd attempt - Finally got to the progress bar, 28 minutes remaining. However, it didn't move from there. I checked the Installer Log and it kept trying to install printer drivers and foreign fonts, but unsuccessful. Finally got an error message stating install was not complete. Restart.3rd. attempt - This time I unchecked printer drivers and fonts. Progress bar stated 18 minutes, now it's down to 17 (after like 10 minutes) and according to the Installer Log I keep getting errors in stuff (Error writing caches to /Volume/...., Input/output error, Failed to enumerate /Volumes/...., Cannot prune("*pictureCache*"). However, according to the progress bar, it keeps moving through the processes, still show 18 minutes now.
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Sep 11, 2009
With Snow Leopard being so much smaller and lighter than previous versions of OS X are there still things to cleanup after a new install? Do programs like XSlimmer still do much? If there are still things to do, are there programs updates for Snow Leopard to automate this?
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Feb 12, 2012
i noticed that today, when i right click on a folder (to organize for example) such options appear in numbers such as N148 instead of saying arrange by or whatever. It looks this way with most options.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Jun 26, 2008
A clean installation took about 13 minutes from start to finish, which is a world of difference from the hour or so that a clean 10.5 Leopard install takes. Other then the time involved, there are very few differences between the 10.5 and 10.6 installation processes at this time.Once you're up and running, it feels very similar to Leopard. I don't know how much this will change through Snow Leopard's development, but don't expect a terribly different interface. The subtle changes to the current Aqua definitely look good though.
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Nov 27, 2010
I picked up an 80 GB Intel x25-m yesterday and installed on my 15" i7 MBP but could not get the Snow Leopard disc to show up holding option, and tried "c" at boot.As a work around, I tethered the MBP to an iMac via firewire and installed Snow Leopard on the MBP but after, it would display the apple logo but not boot.
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Apr 26, 2010
In iTunes when I right click on a song and click "get info", then change some info, it doesn't stick. It goes right back to what I already had in there before. I then realized that this is because every file inside my iTunes music folder is set for "read only" and not "read & write". So after I change it to "read & write" all changes I make in iTunes will take. However, I have a lot of music and therefore a lot of files inside my iTunes music folder. Going into each and every folder to change its permission to "read & write" would be tedious and time consuming,
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Jun 7, 2012
Airport options greyed out - I want to connect to internet wirelessly but it can't see airport???
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Dec 27, 2009
Tiger to Snow Leopard and then found out I had lost my connection to the Netgear WGPS606 Print server that for years has served me flawlessly to use my HP Photosmart 8100 printer. Apparently it has something to do with Apple having removed support for Appletalk (???) Searching the web and Netgears website I can only find the instructions for Tiger, which I already had back when I first set up the print server.
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Sep 7, 2009
For the last year I have been searching for a way to play Netflix instant streaming content on my external Cinema Display connected to my iMac. Once a movie was playing full screen on the external display if you clicked on anything on the main display the movie would fall out of full screen and back to window mode. This is highly annoying and I really wanted a solution.
I ran across Plex some months back and they had a Netflix plugin which solved the problem, or so I thought. While Plex could play movies from Netflix full screen on the external display without falling out of full screen, it came with a host of compromises. The first compromise was that in Plex my instant queue never reflected what was actually in my queue. Recently I had 116 movies in my queue and Plex reported only 80 of those. Worse if one of the movies I wanted to watch was missing I would try to use Plex's Netflix search function and Plex would still not find the movie. Some titles simply could not be found through Plex, a problem the author acknowledges and says he is working on with no ETA. The other issue I have with Plex is that the fast forward and rewind functions that work so well in the Netflix browser based player do not work at all in Plex, making navigation in a movie painful within Plex.
So tonight I set out to look for an alternative to Plex, I came up empty handed. Then I had an idea, I searched my Mac for the Silverlight plugin and when I found it was greeted with a window stating that an update was available. This has happened several times before and each time I updated with the hope that Microsoft fixed the external monitor viewing problem, but it always remained. So this time I updated and proceeded to run my usual test which is to put a Firefox browser window on my external display, play a movie, and then click the full screen button. The movie went full screen which it always does, then I clicked in my other Firefox window open on my main display, as always the window on the external monitor fell out of full screen.
Dejected I went on to my second test which is to perform the exact same sequence I just described but using Safari instead of Firefox. Again it went full screen on the external display but this time something was different! The window where I clicked full screen froze and a new window opened behind it in full screen. Now I had two windows open on the external display, the smaller frozen one and a full screen one playing the movie behind it. I minimized the small window which left only the full screen one playing on the external display. Then I clicked on a window on my main display and the movie continued to play full screen on the external monitor! Thinking it was a fluke I closed Safari and tried it again, it worked perfectly!
This is awesome now I can play my Netflix movies on my external display in full screen without any issues and I have all of the features of the Netflix browser based player, in particular fast forward and rewind.
One last thing, prior to this working playback in a browser window was extremely choppy for me. Plex did not play choppy and it was another reason I was using it for playback. Now in full screen with the browser based player through Safari there is absolutely no choppiness.
Just for reference here is everything I am running:
OS X 10.6
Safari 4.0.3
Silverlight plugin 3.0.40723.0 (which interestingly is dated July 23)
Even though my system told me an update was available I am confused by the July 23 date of the plugin. Maybe it wasn't the plugin that solved this but rather my newly installed Snow Leopard in conjunction with Safari 4.0.3? Whatever the case I am thrilled to report that it finally works!
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May 2, 2006
For some reason all of a sudden I can't visit When I try to hit it, Safari says the Server can not be found. However when I go to Google's IP, the page loads right up. Every other website loads fine except Also for some reason I'm not connecting to my POP email anymore in Mail. What happened? How can I fix this?
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Sep 25, 2009
What's going on with Safari (i'm on latest version & SL)? I thought it was the "fastest web browser" and yet it has issues opening 5-10 pages at the same time in tabbed mode when selecting "open in tabs" from bookmarks.I understand it can't load all pages quickly at the same time but even after few min (and i have a fast DSL connection) some pages appear crippled, some missing entire images, etc.
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Mar 9, 2006
I gave the video content on the iTMS a shot tonight.
I bought the Lewis Black stand up show. Lewis is hysterical of course, and while the resolution is less than most pirated media I have seen, it was good enough for me for two dollars.
However, I have noticed that at times it just sorta lags/skips. It's like I ma streaming it on the web and it has to rebuffer or whatever.
I did a search and found nothing
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Nov 25, 2009
When I auto-fill forms in safari it uses my wrong email address. How I can specify which email address to use?
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Mar 18, 2012
i'm trying to get the file size displayed in the finder.i can right click on an individual file to 'get info' and find the size, but can the size be displayed routinely in the finder? i tried to 'view options' but 'size' and 'calculate size' are greyed out and cannot be checked.
imac 27"
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Nov 26, 2009
Apple, you broked it AGAIN!! You're getting tired of hearing this but Fix The ********** Finder!!!
When I set a view option and then click "Use as default" it doesn't apply to all the folders throughout the system. This worked every time in Leopard like Billy D. Williams' Colt .45, and now? BROKED!
Come on Apple! You do a great job at making things work, such so that we have to bring ourselves to THIS! Batching about so little an issue as not applying my pretty background color to all my windows! If you're going to break something at least break something worth fixing!
Anybody heard of a fix for this?
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Apr 24, 2012
I would like to view as Columns but it is grayed out in Finder view options. Why is this? And is there a way to fix it?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 5, 2009
I have recently installed Snow Leopard on my aluminum Macbook . I dont have a lot of GB available, so I decided to reinstall Leopard and then install Snow Leopard again for more GB. I accidentally inserted the iMac install disk 1 (Not the Macbook install disk), because I have a iMac as a home computer. When I inserted the install disk, it tells me to restart my computer. I click Restart. But, after trying to boot, it comes up with the white screen. This lasts for about 15 seconds. After 15 seconds, my Macbook restarts again! It keeps repeating to restart over and over again. After about 15 restarts, I tried and ejected the disk and restarted my Macbook without the disk and see if it cancels the installation. When I boot it up with no disk, it cant read my HD anymore!
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Oct 4, 2010
I'm currently using a MBP 13 inch and am running Leopard on it.
I just bought a copy of snow leopard today but i don't know if I should do a direct upgrade from leopard to snow leopard, or wipe my MBP and do a fresh install so i have snow leopard on a clean slate.
Have any of you tried the second option before? Or do any of you have advice on which path I should take?
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Aug 30, 2009
I've tried Software update and am currently googling around to try and find a fix. but so far all I have been able to do is take a screen shot showing the error I get when I try to launch safari.
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Sep 4, 2009
I just installed Snow Leopard on my iMac and have experienced an ethernet problem with Safari, Firefox, Mail and Thunderbird; these applications work for about 1 hr. and then the applications will lose the ethernet connection even though System Preferences/Network shows that ethernet is connected. However, Skype works (no connection loss) while the aforementioned applications have lost their connections. This problem keeps recurring intermittently (approx every 1hr.
As a work-around to the problem, I go into System Preferences/Network/Configure IPv4: choose OFF in the drop-down, click on APPLY. Then in the same drop-down, select "Using DHCP", click on APPLY and wait for an IP Address to be reassigned. After this procedure, the applications that lost the ethernet connection will start functioning again. I am using a Linksys Router, DHCP with a 1 giga-bit connection, CAT5.
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