Applications :: Reinstalled XP Now ITunes Not Recognize Computer
Jan 31, 2007
My "other" computer (a DELL Latitude laptop) that my wife uses mostly had become infected with malware to the point where a fresh reinstall of Windows XP seemed the only way back to a regular operation. Now that that's done, I copied the backed-up iTunes files back into my wife's iTunes directory (C:Documents and Settings<username>My DocumentsMy MusiciTunes). So far, so good, the computer seems happy again, but when I try to play any of her music (purchased from the iTunes store), iTunes claims that the songs are not authorized for playback on our computer. Now, I understand that there is a limit to five computers that can be allowed to play back each song, but I'd be a little surprised if a re-installed OS counts as a new computer. Is this what I am seeing, or what is going on?
I recently re-installed Tiger on my macbook because I'd accidentally deleted system preferences and I needed it back. I still have all of my HD data, except that iTunes will bounce once in the dock, and then disappear. It doesn't open to my library like it usually would.
Clicked itunes in dock the icon bobs up and down then nothing. the same thing happens with an album design software supplied by a local photo lab both were working perfectly last week. All other software is fine.I have verified and repaired permissions and disks several time and it say every thing is Ok. No goodI reinstalled both bits of software from new copies. No good.Reinstalled Snow Leopard and up dated as required. No good.Used 3rd party software called Permissions/Preference. No good
I am using Apple Remote Desktop to control a Mac OS X Snow Leopard system with a Mac OS X Snow Leopard system. On the computer being controlled, I launch Windows 7 through Parallels Desktop Mac version 6. Once the VM is launched, for some reason it doesn't seem to recognize the keyboard as it will not allow me to Ctrl-Alt-Delete. I can use Ctrl-Alt-Delete through the keyboard menu, but I cannot enter in my Windows password.
Recently I accidentally deleted my itunes and had to reinstall it and now its empty is there a way I can redownload all my purchases back on to itunes, I don't know if when i bought them if I clicked the back up purchases button.
So long story short, while running iTunes once i must have held shift and it asked me to "load a library." I panicked and found a library file in my iTunes folder and clicked on it.
Heres where the problem is... This jumped my iTunes back to December 2009. With all the music I had then, and then when i noticed some were missing I dragged everything in my music folder over and it created duplicates. I fixed everything in that regard9renaming and cleaning).
After about a week of random cleaning here and there, its time to finally sync my iPhone(not jailbroken if your wondering, want too though ) to iTunes.
1. It doesn't recognize it and Now is saying that I have to change the iPhone to this library, but its technically the same library. Is there any way i can make it recognize it?
I've been having issues with Lion locking up ever since it was released, so I finally got around to reinstalling it. Now when I try to sync purchased TV shows to my iPad it tells my it can not sync because my computer is not authorized for the content. Oddly I am able to sync *some* content purchased from the iTunes store.
I have tried authorizing my computer as suggested in the error message to no avail. I also tried deauthorizing it and reauthorizing it but that also was of no help.
I have all my music on an external HD that I've used for a few years. I told my old computer (1GHz TiBook G4 with Tiger) to export my iTunes library, which it did, as a .xml file. Then, I opened that file on my new iMac, and only about 1/5 of the songs were found, apparently. This doesn't make sense to me, as the iMac is connected to the HD when I import the old library. If it makes a difference, the TiBook was NOT connected to the HD when I exported the library. I have the two computers networked together via Ethernet right now, though.
I transferred files from an old computer, incl some audio files. The files were just sitting in a normal folder (some time ago manually copied out of the iTunes Music folder on the old Mac) and named sth like "Song_x.mp3" where x is a running number. I selected all and dragged them onto iTunes on the new Mac (10.5.6). To my surprise some of them ended up in the Music folder, some in Podcasts. In fact all of them had originally been podcast downloads, but why does iTunes not recognize some of them as such? Or the other way around, what makes iTunes think that a certain file is a podcast?
There were no XML files or anything else with meta or subscription data among the files I copied, so the info must be stored in the MP3 files themselves. How? Special ID3 tags? Which ones? How can I edit them? Ultimately, I'd like to have all those files in the Podcasts folder under the same Podcast. I tried this nifty utility: But it creates a new subfolder in Podcasts. What can I do to convince iTunes that those "music" files should really go into the same Podcast folder with the rest of them?
I have an iweb site active on the apple server and able to be viewed online, but sadly my iweb app has be come corrupt and I have had to reinstall iweb from my disc. I would like to know if there is any way that I can some how carry on adding to my website. My site is on idisk, but sadly I did not back up to a folder nor time machine. My site is at [URL]
i just put a new hard drive in and reinstalled mac osx. when i tried to back up from a time machine back up it didnt put any of my contacts, book marks or anything back in. further more, i only have 120 gigs of my 320 gigs free.
my music files are in a folder on an external hard drive. currently, itunes has lost track of the files and won't play the songs. it shows an exclamation point next to all the songs.
i have tried to re-select the proper folder in itunes advanced preferences, but to no avail.
I have recently purchased a 24" intel iMac (latest revision) running Mac OSX 10.5.6. I tried to transfer the user account from an older computer upon initial startup using the built-in migration feature, but it failed and reported that "there are no versions of mac os x available on your old mac," which is obviously not the case, as I am trying to transfer from an old white PowerPC iMac (with the hemisphere swivel base) running Mac OSX 10.4.11. All the correct procedures were followed using a firewire 400 to 800 cable.
I then found somewhere that it is wise to try to create an account on the new computer and then try to use migration assistant to transfer the account. I tried this several times, and every time the new computer did not recognize the older mac, and just left it searching (all the correct procedures, such as holding down the T key during restart on the old computer, were followed. The old computer has the firewire symbol floating around on the screen as it should).
I also tried the network option, where the new computer gives a number to type into the old computer, thereby linking the computers. This also was unsuccessful and just reported that a network error occurred.
On one of my latest firewire attempts I was given a message on the new computer that stated "Your old mac might not be able to connect to this one using Firewire" What?
Does this mean I'm screwed? How do I transfer my old account to my new computer? Please let me know if you need additional information on the situation.
I just blew out my old tiny keyboard that came with my iMac. I went out today and bought a new full sized keyboard from Best Buy with the alphanumeric keys. I followed the instructions which read: Setting up your keyboardPlug the USB cable from your keyboard into an available USB port on your MacChoose Apple>Software Update from the menu bar and follow the onscreen instructions.When installation is complete and you've restarted you Mac, use Software Update again to make sure all of the available updates are installed.
I followed these instructions, and the best that I got told is that my iTunes was out of date, which I updated. My keynboard is working (obviously, I was able to post this), but it isn't recognizing the new placement of the volume buttons and such.
I have a macbook pro purchased last June. Want to connect an external display and the only option is usb. Apple does not make a minidisplay to usb adaptor and I can not find one on line. Computer will not recognize the display connected directly to the usb. What can I do?
I am going to install a new SSD drive on my MBP mid-2009. After it is installed, can I then start up computer and then insert the DVD Install operating system disk, or do I install the DVD install disk, then shut down computer and swap the HD drive? I know that I will reformat the disk when Installer begins, but I want to know if the computer will recognize the install disk with a new blank HD in place.
I'm trying to switch photos from my phone onto my computer easily and my mac does not recognixe my iPhone.emailing myself all the photos - which is time consuming.
The menu that lists the choices for my wifi internet connection includes the internet connection I set up with the SSID that I recognize (call it A) - but it also contains another SSID that I may have set up a long time ago and forgot about (call it B). B's SSID is the same name as the brand of my router; it has no protection listed. It also gets better connectivity than SSID A. How can I find out if B is actually my own connection? How can I add a security password?
iTunes backs everything up from your iPhone that way if you want to do a restore and get everything back such as things done in apps that don't save to the cloud.
Problem I'm finding is what if I get a new computer and sell the old computer that has iTunes with the back ups of my device?
If I were to plug my iPhone to the new computer and iTunes pop up, would it take everything from the iPhone and put it on iTunes AND THEN do a backup?
I got a replacement Unibody MacBook Pro today and when I finished restoring my system from time machine, iTunes had me authorize my computer. But iTunes authorized it as a different computer even though this is a replacement. Now I have one less authorization. Is there any way to fix this, and have iTunes give me that authorization back? Do I have to call apple?
Since upgrading to Mac OS X Snow Leopard my computer does not recognize my printer (HP Color LaserJet 2600n) nor will it print. What can I do? I can't afford another printer already.
I have an external hard drive I was using all morning. This afternoon, the hard drive isn't showing up on my desktop. It does show up in my system profiler under usb. When I go to disk utility to repair it, it isn't there.
I was trying to burn a new cd and before I used the application I had inserted a blank disk which my computer didn't recognize. When I tried the application to burn the burn folder, I got a message to insert a blank disk. I tried using the Disk Utility, but when I try to select the volume Superdrive, the option is dimmed. How do I eject the blank disk from my Superdrive? I tried restarting but that did not eject it.