OS X :: Migration Assistant Will Not Recognize Old Computer?
Apr 25, 2009
I have recently purchased a 24" intel iMac (latest revision) running Mac OSX 10.5.6. I tried to transfer the user account from an older computer upon initial startup using the built-in migration feature, but it failed and reported that "there are no versions of mac os x available on your old mac," which is obviously not the case, as I am trying to transfer from an old white PowerPC iMac (with the hemisphere swivel base) running Mac OSX 10.4.11. All the correct procedures were followed using a firewire 400 to 800 cable.
I then found somewhere that it is wise to try to create an account on the new computer and then try to use migration assistant to transfer the account. I tried this several times, and every time the new computer did not recognize the older mac, and just left it searching (all the correct procedures, such as holding down the T key during restart on the old computer, were followed. The old computer has the firewire symbol floating around on the screen as it should).
I also tried the network option, where the new computer gives a number to type into the old computer, thereby linking the computers. This also was unsuccessful and just reported that a network error occurred.
On one of my latest firewire attempts I was given a message on the new computer that stated "Your old mac might not be able to connect to this one using Firewire" What?
Does this mean I'm screwed? How do I transfer my old account to my new computer? Please let me know if you need additional information on the situation.
I upgraded to a 60gb SSD and also have a 1tb sata for the data. My problem is getting migration assistant to recognize the sata drive so I can transfer my user files from my time machine backup. I successfuly got the system and applications to my ssd in migration assistant. I also switched my home folder over to the sata with a guide I found on google. How do I get my user files to the sata if migration assistant can't recognize the drive.(drive is listed as internal in about this mac)
I have a Maxtor One Touch 4, 250 GB external hard drive, used for PC backups with about 230 GB of data. I have connected it to my iMac, using the USB 2.0 interface cable, and I can see all the folders and files on the drive through Finder. I can even open them up with Office for Mac, etc. However, I want to migrate these files onto my iMac using Migration Assistant, but Migration Assistant cannot find the drive it seems. It just sits there spinning forever, and never finds the drive.
Using Migration Assistant, I'm trying to transfer back-up files (whole system) from my Western Digital, External HDD to a new-to-me iMac which I've just purchased used. The External HDD has all my files (hopefully!) from my recently stolen iMac. As you can imagine, the circumstances are a bit unexpected and unsettling.
I've followed Apple's instructions for using MA with an external drive, but get hung up like others before me when it comes time for my new (used) computer to locate the disc from which to transfer the files. I've read the replies to others who have posted with similar difficulties using Snow Leopard, but resolving the issue seems to be just out of reach.
Original computer is now unavailable (stolen); it last ran on Snow Leopard, 10.6.3 to 6.8.New computer is used, and also runs on 10.6.8.Both computers are iMac 2009, tho slightly different versions, if that has any bearing on things.I created a temporary account on my new-to-me computer to make the data transfer, so that there wouldn't be an accounts conflict, as others have suggested.Western Digital External HDD, "My Book, Studio Edition," 1TB. I'm using the FireWire 800 port on the iMac. If I need to erase the hard drive on my "new" computer, I'll need a little instruction and hand-holding on that one.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have seen Apple Support, I have seen the tips and tricks for Migration Manager. Both computers file share and can see each other on the network, Yet here I am asking for help because none of these places have been helpful. The migration assistant can't find my computer. The new one is a Mini and the other is an iMac. Both have up to date Lion 10.7.4.
On one (10.5.8) the screen died but the computer itself is fine. I have it connected through another computer so I can continue working (pain in the butt). My boss bought me a new one (10.7.4). I need to migrate all my old software and files to the new one but Migration assistant tells me I need to open migration assistant on the old one. Obviously I can't see to do that since my screen died.
Is there another way I can migrate without having to open it on the old computer?
I just purchased a new MacBook Pro as an upgrade from my MacBook Black Intel Core Duo. Is it better to set-up the new computer with my old files by connecting a FireWire between both computers or should I simply hook up my external hard drive with all my Time Machine Back-ups as the source for the new info?
Trying to set up a new Macbook Air with migration assistant using a Time Machine backup of an old computer on a Time Capsule. Time Machine on the old computer shows the backup. However, Migration Assistant says that there is no volume and will not recognize the backup. What should I do?
I'm about to acquire a macbook pro that I want to use as a second machine. I have a 27" iMac at home that I will continue to use in many ways as my primary machine. I don't want to migrate everything over (e.g., not all my photos or all my music), but I'd like to use many of the same applications (MS Office, Omnifocus, 1Password, Launchbar, etc) and obviously use my same iCloud credentials. Should I be using migration assistant to set up the new machine or should I go with a more manual process?
Snow Leopard (10.6.8) became corrupted resulting in not being able to shut down my 1/2007 Intel Core 2 Duo MacBookPro and not being able to download numerous programs and updates. I backed-up my laptop, took it into the Apple Store where they wiped the hard disc clean and reloaded the OS. They suggested I use Migration Assistant to restore my backed up information to my laptop, but ALL of my settings from Desktop, to the Dock, to Finder, to screen savers, to Safari bookmarks, to all of my Mail inboxes, archives and smart email boxes, and to Documents and all of my files and their organization, to iTunes, to Address Book, to Calendar are GONE. Do I need to do some more formal kind of a restore from my back-up drive to recover/restore this information and "get my laptop back" or is it all lost?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), see note above
I just bought a new Mac Mini (Late 2014, ships with Yosemite) to replace a defunct MacBook Pro (Late 2008, last ran 10.8.5). I have a local administrative user account and some server and network data that I want to migrate from the latest Time Machine backup of the MacBook Pro to the Mini. I don't want to copy anything else to the Mini. Neither Setup Assistant nor Migration Assistant will let me deselect anything though. All the check boxes are greyed out. Clicking on them does not uncheck them. This forces me to copy everything from the Time Machine backup to the Mini. Then the Mini won't restart. It won't even boot into safe mode. It just gets stuck in a reboot-loop until I enter recovery mode, wipe the system drive, and reinstall Yosemite.
Info: Mac mini (Late 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I set up my new air and now want to transfer my info from my macbook pro and I seem to have missed the boat and want to go back and do it . the computers are in different names with diff. passwords.
I got a MacBook Air a few months ago and finally got around to migrating data from my MacBook Pro. I am seriously not happy with the results (all I really wanted was to move my iTunes and a limited few apps, and it seems that I got nothing that I wanted). I used a Time Machine backup from an external HD for the migration. Is there any way to undo the migration?
Now comes the anxiety of getting all my "stuff" onto it. I've dome some searches regarding the use of migration assistant but have discovered some diverging opinions. I've heard to use it for everything. Some have suggested using it for prefs and settings but not hard files. I've also heard NOT to use it if I'm migrating from a G4, which I am.
Ive just got a Macbook Pro, late 2008 model, and i'm running into some difficulties transferring my settings/programs/files etc from my old macbook (purchased 2006).
Both are now running the latest version of migration assistant, and i've tried both ethernet and airport connectivity (I dont have a firewire cable).
Regardless of which method i use, both laptops just stay at the 'looking for other computers' phase. Ive had a quick google/search and cant find a solution, anyone help?
I'm having trouble using Migration Assistant to migrate my old iMac PPC G4 with 10.4.11 to my new iMac Intel i5 with 10.6.4. I used the option to use Ethernet or Wireless since the new iMac only accepts Firewire 2.0 and the old Mac is Firewire 1.0. I connected an Ethernet cable between the computers AND both are connected to the same network.
Using Migration Assistant on the new Mac, it brings up the screen that it is looking for the other Mac and gives me a passcode to enter when prompted on the old Mac. Using Migration Assistant on the old Mac, it brings up the screen that is it "Searching for other computers..." and does nothing else.
On the new Mac, migrate option "From Another Mac". On the old Mac, migration option "To Another Mac".
What can I do to make both Macs play nice?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 2.8 GHz Intel Core i5
My new hexacorer arrives tomorrow and am making plans for the switch. I originally I assumed I could remove my SSD from my current machine and just pop it in, but I realized today that the 10.6.4 build is different than the current one that Apple has seeded to the community. Am I wrong that this wouldn't work? I'd rather avoid losing a lot of my settings that I've had for over a year, unless it will be better in the long run. I have never used migration assistant and have my doubts about it's effectiveness, but wanted to know what most of you guys did when the new machine arrived. Start fresh, time machine restore, superduper, migration assistant or any other methods?
The MacBook has no firewire port, so to migrate it tells me to use Ethernet. I've done that before without too many problems, so no worry. But this time it tells me to insert the disk that came with the new machine into the old machine and install "DVD or CD Sharing Setup" software. I have inserted both the CDs that came with the new machine into the old, but cannot find anything that gives me that software. There is no "Disc 1."
I would rather migrate than to copy the user account over, but have done that successfully before, too. (fyi, once you copy a user account into the new Macintosh HD > Users folder, you then go into Users (in Sys Prefs) and add that exact name that is on the folder. It will tell you it already exists and say 'OK.')
I just bought a new Rev A. Macbook Air for my GF. I don't have it yet. Currently she has a Powerbook 12" running Tiger. She will want to do some very light file transfers. Being the resident geek, I am in charge of this. I don't see any real need to bother with migration assistant. Tranferrring her music, bookmarks, and address book are no issue for me. She barely has any apps worth transferring.
My only real concern is about mail, coming from Tiger to Leopard, and the fact that she uses a mix of email sources...MobileMe, Gmail, etc. Setting up the accounts is not a problem, but I'm wondering about the actual message files on her Powerbook. After I set up her main user account on the MBA, can I just replace the mail folder in her home folder with the mail folder from her Powerbook? Some of the messages are IMAP, and some are POP accounts which she doesn't want to lose. I did this very thing when I got a new desktop, but it was a Tiger - to - Tiger transfer, so I just want to check if there are any issues doing this from Tiger to Leo
If i have 2 macbooks and want to copy one itunes library and iphoto library to the other macbook do i just use migration assistant (or whatever its called).. I want to just COPY not transfer and erase off the old one.. So i want to be bale to transfer it but still be able to play music on the old computer.. so i guess what im getting at is when using migration assistant does it transfer the files, or just copy and transfer?
I'm trying to transfer my applications, along with my music, to my macbook. I have my iMac backed up via time machine on an external drive. I hooked up my macbook to the external and ran migration assistant. I tried to transfer the applications, but it said - "create a new acct..existing user account is the same"
naturally, i use the same name for both my imac and macbook. so i changed the user name and account to my imac and my imac. so what is going to happen if i transfer this? does it create a new user account on my macbook with these programs or what? i dont understand what the issue with accounts is with migration assistant, seems like it would be easy if i could just transfer photo folder, etc without having to create different name. also when i transfer applications does it transfer all the info, preferences, etc?
I have Adobe CS4 Master Collection installed on my powerbook g4 (1.67ghz) and am looking to buy a new aluminum macbook pro this week and was just wondering would migration assistant copy all of my copy of CS4 to my new macbook without any problem
I will be buying a new White MacBook soon. I want to share files between the new MacBook and my iMac (first gen. aluminum). Will the files I transfer from my iMac stay on my iMac once I transfer them? Migration Assistant seems to be the easiest way to transfer files from one Mac to another Mac from what I read from searching this forum. Also, I read in some threads that transfered files are sometimes hard to find on the new computer.
I recently left a company and my Macbook Pro seems to have been left with me as a parting gift. (I'm hoping, no one has said anything for quite a while...) Should this turn out to be true, I want to wipe it clean and start fresh, while keeping all my old files, and as many apps as I can. The way it's currently set up I don't have administrator access, so it hampers how much I can do with fixing/troubleshooting things etc. So I want to install a clean system.
What's the best way go about this whole process? Migration assistant? If so, is there a way to use migration assistant not directly from mac to mac, but from this mac to an externanl hard drive, then wipe this one clean and install the system, and then use Migration Assistant to bring everything over to this laptop, now with the new system?
Ok so in the future I plan to upgrade my Mac Mini to an SSD. I have two questions.
1. Can I take out my stock hard drive and place it in a Firewire 800 enclosure and use Migration Assistant? 2. Does Migration Assistant transfer my Applications?
Yesterday I did a migration assistant (MacBook Pro to MacPro)to get a music file from a friends computer and what i think happened is that I migrated his WHOLE system because now my hard drive has 4.3 GB left when before it was virtually empty because I use ext. hard drives. My question is WHERE are all these files because I dont see any new files (not even the music file that I intended on migrating) but my hard drive is filled up. And if possible, can I remove all the files at once since they all came at once?
Long story, but apple tech said I should do an archive and install to correct a problem I have been having. I have first gen. macbook, so disks are probably Tiger (or whatever came before Leopard). If I do the archive, will it keep my updates to things like Snow Leopard, iLife 09 etc? Or will I need to use Migration Assistant to get info back from a SuperDuper backup on an external drive? Or will I need to update all software first? As an alternative, I thought I might just go ahead and do a complete clean install. Same question, will Migration Assistant bring back updates from an external, or would I need to do the clean install, update to Snow Leopard, iLife, etc., and then use Migration Assistant to bring the rest back?
just bought a new iMac. I have been using a MacBook and have faithfully backed up my hard drive using Time Machine.
I hooked up my external hard drive/time machine disk to the new iMac and selected this option in Migration Assistant. It transferred over my applications, but none of my photos, music, or documents transferred over. I did leave every checkbox checked for what to transfer.
Any idea what happened? How do I get my itunes music and iphotos transferred?