Applications :: ITunes Asking For Computer Authorization
Nov 5, 2008
I got a replacement Unibody MacBook Pro today and when I finished restoring my system from time machine, iTunes had me authorize my computer. But iTunes authorized it as a different computer even though this is a replacement. Now I have one less authorization. Is there any way to fix this, and have iTunes give me that authorization back? Do I have to call apple?
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Mar 9, 2010
I just plugged in my old iPod (a nano 1g) and iTunes said I need to authorize my computer or 15 songs would be taken off. So I chose authorized, typed in my password, and it gave me unknown error -42408. I tried again a few times with the same results. So I decided to look it up on Apple's support website, and it didn't have anything about it. I also couldn't find it on Google. What the heck does this mean and how do I fix it? Btw I just plugged it in a week ago and it worked.
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Jul 15, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro and a desktop PC with iTunes installed on each with the same account. However, my iTunes purchases are not reflected the same on each computer. For example, my Macbook has two tv seasons of The Wire that does not appear on my PC iTunes. Also, there are a number of apps on my PC that I don't have on my Mac notebook. This is especially annoying as I sync my iPhone 4 most frequently with my desktop.
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Jun 17, 2012
I've recently migrated to a new MacbookPro running Lion, from a Macbook running Leopard. My iTunes account and computer, though authorized, will not sync to my ipod, saying it will delete 15 or more files purchased through itunes as the computer is not authorized. I de-authorized both computers and authorized the one I am currently using - to no avail, it still throws up the error. The account keeps reverting back to an old .mac address that I never used and have changed this to my new ID within the Mobileme website. Am I going to have to find the original music files and copy them in to my itunes again rather than trying to do it through this authorizing thing? Is there any thing I can do to get this error to go? I have recently got some new music that I put on itunes, but due to the error am unable to sync my ipod to get the tracks on there now!
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 14, 2006
I have recently copied my iTunes library via CD's to from an iMac G5 to my iBook G4. I am using iTunes 7 (but the problem was there in the previous version).
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Apr 10, 2009
So now that all iTunes tracks are supposed to be DRM free. Does iTunes machine authorization still matter? I can't even see where I can authorize/unauthorize the machines anymore when I log into my account-though iTunes does report 3 machines authorized.
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Jan 17, 2009
I just went to the iTunes store and deauthorized the 5 computers authorized to use/listen to my purchased music. I started clicking random purchased music (from iTunes, most of which is DRM'd) thinking that iTunes would prompt me to authorize my machine- it didn't. I closed iTunes and tried again, I was still able to play all of the randomly selected purchased tunes. I went to my daughter's machine and was able to play purchased tunes. Is Apple no longer checking for authorized? Has anyone else deauthorized their machine since Apple went "DRM free"?
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Mar 15, 2010
My wife just got a new Macbook Pro, and she's trying to get her iTunes library situation on there. She's got an iPod with all of her purchased content on it, but it's from an old [URL] account that she no longer has access to.
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Jun 30, 2010
I have imported a large number of CDs into my iMac, and I realized recently if someone managed to copy the MP3s off of my computer with a simple USB drive, they could steal my entire library! Is there a way to encode my ripped tracks with DRM to force iTunes to check if the computer is authorized to play them? I think I remember there was an early version of iTunes that allowed you to encrypt your own tracks with FairPlay DRM.
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Mar 31, 2012
My PowerPC IMac is slowly dying and I need to move authorization of ITunes to another mac. How is this done?
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Apr 20, 2012
Is there any way I can deauthorize all my computers from itunes without waiting for the exact date that apple just assigned to me? I find this very annoying and unuseful specially for people who are purchasing Mac computers every year I cannot deauthorize old computers because I need to wait for a certain period of time before I can deauthorize for what?
Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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Jun 3, 2012
Some of my movies ordered over iTunes store can not be played while it recognises that it has been played part way through and offers resume. Ordered a new one and it plays but two movies won;t play...Message says the computer assciated with the movie needs to be authorised again. when I authorise it says it is already althorised. one of the movies plays on the iMac but not on the ATV. the other plays on neither.
AppleTV 2
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Apr 22, 2012
I have a brand new Macbook Air. I transfered my iTunes library from my old mac to the new one. However, some songs weren't on the old computer, they were only on the iPod classic.
When I try to sync the iPod classic, it tells me 539 songs aren't on the new computer, should it sync? I say yes. Then it says that the computer is no longer authorized. I fill in the authorization with the correct userid and password (it comes prefilled with a very strange userid that I've never seen before.)
It tries to sync, then I get the same message, that the computer is no longer authorized.
I'm assuming there's a certificate or cookie some place that's out of wack -- can you tell me where it is and I can go delete it?
PS. I was able to successfully sync my iPod Nano to the new computer without this issue at all. Then again, it didn't have any songs on it that weren't already on the new computer. I haven't tried syncing my iPod Mini to the new computer yet.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 25, 2014
iTunes (11.3.1) keeps deleting episodes of podcasts when I auto-sync podcasts on my computer with my iPod (Classic 160 GB.). However, this only happens with some podcasts. This is in spite of the fact that I've checked all available boxes in the standard settings, and the particular settings for each specific podcast, as "Do not delete any played episodes."
Some of the podcasts no longer exist, so if they disappear from my computer or iPod they're just gone forever.
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May 28, 2009
Does the login keychain have anything to do with the iTunes authorization required to play iTMS purchased music? If so, how do I reset the keychain without losing it?
The problem is that every so often the login keychain pops up asking me to enter a password. I've changed it and the keychain did not so they are out of sync. The only solution I've found was to delete the keychain. In 10.4.11 there doesn't appear to be any other way to sync the login password with the keychain password. Furthermore as I do not remember my old dotmac password nor my iTunes Music Store password, and as I no longer have access to either the Music Store nor dotmac, I worry that reseting the Keychain would lose access to all the music I've purchased throughout the years, and that's a lot of money spent for me to lose it.
The problems these brilliant people created are just so stupid I shutter to think what else they're messing up. I realize it's my fault for having to reset the password (even though it's a system bug in Mac OS X), but how do I resolve this problem?
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Dec 8, 2009
I have all my music on an external HD that I've used for a few years. I told my old computer (1GHz TiBook G4 with Tiger) to export my iTunes library, which it did, as a .xml file. Then, I opened that file on my new iMac, and only about 1/5 of the songs were found, apparently. This doesn't make sense to me, as the iMac is connected to the HD when I import the old library. If it makes a difference, the TiBook was NOT connected to the HD when I exported the library. I have the two computers networked together via Ethernet right now, though.
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Mar 14, 2009
i tried to do the itunes backup method, but i don't have a dvd burner on my old computer, so that's not gonna work.
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Sep 5, 2010
Is it possible to transfer my itunes library (apps + music) to a different computer?
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Oct 19, 2010
iTunes backs everything up from your iPhone that way if you want to do a restore and get everything back such as things done in apps that don't save to the cloud.
Problem I'm finding is what if I get a new computer and sell the old computer that has iTunes with the back ups of my device?
If I were to plug my iPhone to the new computer and iTunes pop up, would it take everything from the iPhone and put it on iTunes AND THEN do a backup?
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Jun 10, 2010
I just got a new MacBook Pro and transferred all my music/movies/apps onto it. However I haven't synced my phone to it yet.
I'm worried something will go wrong or all my apps will be rearranged which I really don't feel like dealing with right now.
Before I go and sync it does anyone have any advice? What should I expect? Once I sync it, can I choose to sync it to either computer?
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Jan 31, 2007
My "other" computer (a DELL Latitude laptop) that my wife uses mostly had become infected with malware to the point where a fresh reinstall of Windows XP seemed the only way back to a regular operation. Now that that's done, I copied the backed-up iTunes files back into my wife's iTunes directory (C:Documents and Settings<username>My DocumentsMy MusiciTunes). So far, so good, the computer seems happy again, but when I try to play any of her music (purchased from the iTunes store), iTunes claims that the songs are not authorized for playback on our computer. Now, I understand that there is a limit to five computers that can be allowed to play back each song, but I'd be a little surprised if a re-installed OS counts as a new computer. Is this what I am seeing, or what is going on?
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Mar 1, 2009
i have 2 macs (one early 2008 macbook (leopard) and an 2007 i mac (tiger but might get leopard)). And i have mobile me (just saying because this might help) and i want to be able to sync my music from computer to another. is this possible? Apple said there might be a way but they didn't know. But please don't give me a solution with an external hard drive i don't have one (and i can't afford one). I just want to be able to sync itunes with the 2 macs.
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Apr 21, 2009
I have two macbook pros linked via firewire. I set one as a target by holding "T" at startup. It should be a drag and drop from one iTunes folder to another, right?
The kicker is, I've done this many times before and now it won't work..
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Apr 30, 2009
Is it easy to move itunes movies from one computer to another? If I get alot onto my imac and in a few years buy a macbook will i be able to transfer all my movies?
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Jul 13, 2009
Is it possible to transfer my itunes library (apps + music) to a different computer? Cant seem to figure it out
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Dec 8, 2009
I have my home Macbook pro's itunes library on a server. The library is on the server and the MBP just references that for its itunes. Everything works fine with it. I have a spare 250GB portable HD that I wanted to clone the itunes library to and bring it to work. On my work computer I will just set up itunes to reference the portable HD. Will this work or will it cause any problems between the two computers. I know they wont sync automatically or anything like that. Im not worried about that. I can just update my work one every so often.
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Jun 13, 2010
I recently bought an SSD for my laptop and did a clean install. I downloaded iTunes and imported several CDs into it. I then manually copied over some CDs on the old disk's iTunes folder into the current disk's iTunes folder. However, the new songs don't appear when I bring up iTunes. How do I get this to work?
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Jun 24, 2010
My new MacBook pro came in the mail yesterday, so today I decided to import music from my parents MacBook to mine, I turned on home, both computers are authorized, we are both using the same account, both firewalls are off, but I can't connect to the MacBook. I have the search for shared libraries on and theirs is too we're on the same network and all that, but their library won't appear! Anyone know what to do? I have read everything on apple and they haven't helped a little.
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Jul 9, 2010
I was uploading some video from my camera to iphoto when my computer crashed. I turn it back on and everything I had in itunes Apps, music, movies, etc. is now gone (over 120 movies and 15,000 songs and 300 playlists) the files are still on my computer thankfully but what is the fastest and easiest way to get that stuff back into itunes? Also where are my app files they are not in the "mobile applications" folder in my itunes file folders? I have everything backed up on time machine but this really pisses me off anyone know where I can start?
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Sep 8, 2010
I downloaded handbrake to my hp computer running windows vista. I tried to "rip" a couple of movies. That worked...I think (m4v file format) But I cannot figure out how to get the movie in to iTunes, so that I can put the movies on my iPhone or iPad. I tried dragging the file in to the movie section, and also going to the menu and opening "add file" (or something like that). Nothing happens! When I ripped the movie, I selected "iPhone Ipod touch". I also should mention that when I double click on the file, and try to watch the movie on my computer I am unable to watch it on any program. For example it says that it is a file type that QuickTime does not recognize. I am completely new to this and simply don't know what im doing!
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