Applications :: Export Audio From Quicktime AVI File?
May 15, 2009
I would like to export the audio from a quicktime movie. i have QT 7 Pro. I want to listen to the audio from the movie in my car, on a CD. I tried it a few different ways, as AIFF, another, and it saves a large file but doesn't sound when I play it. No sound. Is there a way to save it so it's audible? These are AVI files.
I've been slowly but surely figuring out the FCE program. About 3 months ago I editied a video, exported it and when I clicked on the .MOV file it automatically converted it to a QuickTime compatible file, which I was then able to save and upload to YouTube with no issues. I have not updated or changed any settings or anything on my computer since then and now when I export a video it shows up as an .MOV file that QuickTime can't access. Also, when I click on the "more info" button, it sends me to a link with a list of compatible formats and at the very top of the list is .MOV! I really don't know what to do now.Â
I just want to be able to view the video I edited and post it to YouTube. Â
I am using a Mac Book Pro with Snow Leopard in it. I used to have Export to FLV in my Quicktime earlier but i cant find it now after i upgraded to Snow Leopard. How can i find it ?How can i export FLV from MPEG Streamclip?
I'm using Keynote 09' to create a presentation which will be displayed on a windows machine so I planned on exporting to quicktime but there is no export menu when I press file. What's going on?
I export multiple .mov files with certain video stream and mpeg layer 2 audio stream inside, using MPEG Streamclip/VLC/FFMpegX. However it turns out that the sound part is not playbak correctly inside QT player. Is QT player not supposed to playback this kind of file? BTW, I'm on OSX 10.7.3, Quicktime player is version 10.1.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I can't export a certain project to QuickTime in iMovie, but I can export it to other formats. The iMovie error message is: The movie could not be exported because an error occurred. (Error = -5000)
What's strange is that I was exporting this project to QuickTime yesterday, made some changes and tried to export again, and no luck? Yet it'll export to mv4 etc. I repaired permissions etc, and still no luck. I'm assuming it's related to permissions, but I have no idea where to start.
How can use new QuickTime Record Audio in my mac for recording all sound of in my mac? like record iTunes Radio or any application sound etc... is it any codec? or method ? or any component?
a few avi videos seem to play back out of sync in quicktime and i don't know why. When i play them in VLC they are much better but still very slightly out. I am running an core 2 duo imac.
i am a new mac user and am slowly starting to get to grips with everything mymcbook can do. I used to have a hotmail account but now i want to use MAC's MAIL. I already managed to get my mails delivered but now i'm struggling with the email addresses. I have managed to export these from my hotmail account to Excel for Mac but would like to get them, nicely ordened in Apple's address book so that i can directly use then in MAIL.
An interesting problem that I haven't been able to reconcile through my hosting company so I thought I would post here. I exported a video clip using QT Pro 7.6.4, export for web and uploaded the entire directory and tested for playback on my iPhone 3G 3.1.2: (iPhone playback doesn't work and it does not even load the poster image - but desktop playback does work perfectly.)
Then I proceeded to upload the same directory to another site to test for playback: (both iPhone and desktop playback methods work perfectly)
So then I proceed to see if the individual files are even playing back on the server that wasn't loading the video on my iPhone: [URL](video plays back fine on the iPhone when hit directly)
This leads me to believe it is an html/scripting error of some kind? But this is the exact same html file generated from QT that has been uploaded to both servers. I have tried using the full URL for the .mov file to no avail. Why would it work on one server and not on another? Is there possibly some issues with the server not being able to interpret the reference file correctly? Or a javascript/server type error? Or is there something else I am missing? I have tried configuring MIME types using a .htaccess file, but I am not sure if this is even the issue as I am able to play back the video fine when hit directly.
I'm looking for an app that's like a text editor that lets me handle text and edit it and add images and then at the end export it to a .png file. Also the text or image editor should let me to change the dimensions of the file (the "physical" size). Or any image editor that lets me re-edit the text entered.
So with Quicktime X, it gives me the options to Record using my Macs Camera, i can record my screen, and i can record audio. but how do i record the screen and the screens audio. like if i am going to record a video on the screen, and want the audio of that video to be recorded, then how do i do that?
I'm going to miss the Canada-Russia Olympic Hockey game tomorrow, and I was hoping to find some way of recording the streaming video onto my computer to watch when i got home. I've managed to get the "Screen Recording" function working properly (how cool is that??) but it doesn't seem to be picking up any audio. Is there any way to do that? I tried running a simultaneous audio recording, but it doesn't recognize the audio coming in with the video as an audio feed. I'm using Quicktime X on a Dec. 2007 macbook running Snow Leopard. Is there a better way to record ths game from the site streaming the video?
I'm a complete noob when it comes to Pages (iWork'05), and I'm editing my first newsletter which is supposed to go out to 300 people by e-mail. However, when I export it to pdf, the file size is 22.8mb! For 6 pages!
I've chosen the Extreme newsletter template (red one), and I have 6 pages in total. The only reason I can think of why it's so big is that when i drag and drop photos into the photo-boxes, the image isn't scaled down at all, not even when I export it to pdf. Is that right? It's only about 1 or 2 photos per page, and I have two pages with three small photos and a larger photo at the bottom. Anyone got some insights?
Is there a way to get QT to play audio in email attachments?Im on 10.6.4, and if I import the attachment to itunes I can hear the audio, but the default is quicktime and its not working.Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
I am a new Mac user, and I bought a mac for the main purpose of video editing. However, all my files are MPEG2, and so far, I have had a very frustrating experience with trying to figure out how to play it back on Quicktime with Audio. I downloaded Pro, as well as the MPEG2 add on. It plays video fine, but can someone please tell me how to get it to play audio step by step?
Lastly, I have Final Cut and iTunes and audio won't play with the video there either. I am assuming once I have it fixed in quicktime, it will work in all other programs too?
I have a concert I recorded and I would like to extract the audio from either the MPEG-2 file or the DIVX file. Is there any program that will extract either the AC3 or MP3 audio? If it is the AC3, what else do I need to use to convert it to MP3 or AAC or WAV?
I have had this problem quite a while now:When I open an .avi file it automatically opens using QuickTime. I'd like that because it's the best player for Apple.The problem is however that I can only hear the sound, there's no image/video.I use 10.7.2. (now updating to 10.7.3), but it already did this before I had OSX Lion installed.If I search for new updates it doesn't come up with an update for QuickTime.Any other player works (although VLC's the only one I tried so far).
I have a CAF file that I want to export to MP3. I don't want to use iTunes to do this, since I figure that QuickTime should be able to do it for me quickly. There is no export to MP3 available, however. I looked around on the Web and saw some QuickTime components, but cannot seem to find a recent one that is a Universal binary.
Is it possible to export CAF to MP3 via QuickTime?
Trying to convert a .mov file to .wmv using either flip4mac or perian or any other plugin. In any configuration QT crashes no matter what conversion type I'm using. A little rectangular white window appears with only the orange dot visible and within seconds I get the beach ball running and have to Force Quit QT. Looked all over the internet to no avail - except lots of complaints regarding conversion in QT with no real solutions being offered. Emptied cash and trashed prefs file all to no avail. Is this a QT bug in 7.5.5 although I haven't heard anything on the Apple site?
When I upgraded to Snow Leopard I thought that Quicktime X was supposed to be better. -.- ...NOT the case! I usually obtain .mkv movies with DTS or AC3 audio which I can't play since I don't have a receiver right now.
But since I upgraded to Snow Leopard, Quicktime 7 has been shutting down as soon as I press Export? Which puts a huge dent in everything since that was the only way for me to go from 1080p .mkv w/DTS(AC3) to 1080p .mp4 with stereo.
Trying to trim clips in Quicktime 10, they are quicktime movies and when I try to export it says it cannot the media may be damaged. How do you save a trimmed clip?
The subject line says it all. When I export files with Quicktime Pro, it sometimes creates a .xip file with the .mov file. The key word is 'sometimes'. I just exported 43 files with the exact same settings, and eight of them ended up with .xip files.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6), 2.5 GHz, 4 GB
I'm having trouble with the new quicktime pro. I'm trying to export a video with specific settings when exporting. It seems that in this version of quicktime you export and the only options i get is how to format : for ipad/pod/phone or 480p which is not what I want I need to change the settings to make my video 480x360 and fast start for web.
I have QT Pro 7.6.6 installed on a system running 10.6.8. When I try to export a file as a Quicktime movie, the setting button doesn't do anything. I doubt anyone will be able to reproduce this, but here are the steps: - Open a file with quicktime 7 - Go to File > Export... - Change the Export dropdown menu to Movie to QuickTime Movie - Click Options… - Under Video click Settings… That's it. When I click Settings in that last step, the button changes color to indicate that I've click it, but nothing happens. The other buttons (filter, size, settings) on that same dialog box work. As I said, I don't believe anyone will be able to reproduce this, but what I'd like to know is are there any pref files or other files that I can trash to see if it helps? I've already deleted my quicktime preferences, and that did nothing.
The underlying issue here as well is that iDVD won't recognize this file either.
My wife works for a TV station and one of the editors at the station put a video file together with Final Cut Pro and put it on our external hard drive.
The file is just over 3 gig and won't open in Quicktime. It WILL open in VLC, but I need to get it in a format that iDVD will recognize because I created a DVD menu for this video and want to add it to my DVD project.
I have some other videos she recently brought home as well in the same .mov format but they are smaller, around 800 MB and those will not play in Quicktime either, but they are recognized by iDVD when I try to add a video the DVD project.
I'm guessing I'm missing a codec here and have tried a number of them but nothing seems to work. I was able to find a free converter that converted the file to .avi and it would then open in Quicktime, but there was a logo added to the video which makes it basically useless to us.
So my questions are-
1) Is it simply too big a file for Quicktime to play? What is the max file size it will play? 2) Is there possibly a codec I'm missing here that I haven't tried yet? 3) What else could the problem be?
I have recently purchased a 21.5" iMac w/ATI GPU for my work computer, and I am trying to play an avi file in Quicktime. The file is coming from the Windows program 3D Max, and has an avi file which has worked on all my Macs except for my new iMac that is running Snow Leopard.
Does anyone know if this a Snow Leopard issue or Codec problem? I have already downloaded Perian, but have had no luck in fixing my problem.
Has anyone else experienced the '?' covering the Quicktime icon like I show in the attached pic?