Applications :: No One-way Audio Chat In Ichat 5?
Mar 14, 2010No One-way audio chat in ichat 5?
iChat 4 has it
No One-way audio chat in ichat 5?
iChat 4 has it
I have successfully managed to integrate facebook chat in iChat. However, I was wondering whether it is possible to video chat with through facebook chat provided both people are using iChat. Does anyone know if this works?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to my video chats look better? Right now, they're blurry and choppy even with only one person: Can it even be increased with that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt seems like a good idea, millions of users, tons of potential, etc...
View 11 Replies View RelatedI went to iChat with my girlfriend tonight, and for some strange reason she can see me on her computer but I can't see her. All I can see in the video box is the moving image of myself. Audio is also functioning perfectly. Is there anything I can troubleshoot to fix this problem? It's becoming a bit annoying.
View 1 Replies View Relatedis there a way to turn off audio sound effects/ notifications when you chat with somebody on Skype? As well as when people signin?
The only settings for audio is just for when signing in but there's no option to shut off any other sound effects.
Any suggestions?
When I try to start or accept an invitation to a video chat, my preview image doesn't "shrink" at all! It just stays the same & of course I can't see my friend's image.
View 2 Replies View Relatedcan you access an old chat that you have xed out of on ichat?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan a person who has ICHAT use the video chat to chat with a person who has SKYPE
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got leopard with my friend and for some reason, iChat wont let us do video chat or screen sharing. I keep getting the message that i didn't respond or that he didn't respond. He was at my house a few days ago and iChat worked perfectly. Is this a bug or is something wrong with my router?. Will it be fixed in a future update?
View 16 Replies View Relatedim using ichat and my friend is using aim on a pc and i want to use the video chat feature and when i send a request it says they decline it and vice versa. Anyone know how to fix this without using another program like msn or skype?
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing a mid-2009 15" MBP, 3.06 GHz. iChat has been using significantly more CPU during a video chat than before the upgrade. Anyone else seeing this? I'm currently using the 9400M and not the 9600GT, but I don't think it would have any effect on this. Specifically, it uses about 100% (out of 200). Screen shot of the activity monitor is attached.
I do notice, however, that during the video chat, it is not using the iChat process AND the vcencoder process that is also used in leopard. It just uses the iChat process. I still don't think it should be using so much CPU to video chat.
When trying to do a video chat, a friend of mine continues to get the same error message with anyone who he tries to video chat with. The computer is a July 2009 MBP 15in running Leopard. The only thought is that it is wirelessly connected to the internet but with speeds around 10Mbits so that shouldn't be a problem.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow can i get video chat working on ichat. When I either accept a video chat or request one it says there was a problem with the connection.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to mute incoming audio when using iChat video?
I'd rather not mute the entire system as I would just like to mute incoming audio when I'm on webcam with my girlfriend. When I was on my PC and used AIM for webcam, there was that option.
Is it just me or does Skype have the superior audio and video quality?
Whenever I do some audio or video chatting it seems subjectively better than iChat. (Both on a Mac tried close after one another.
I am attempting to access my iChat preferences to add a GTalk account. When I go to iChat->Preferences and click, I am taken immediately to the Audio/Video preferences, where I see the video of myself, bluetooth setup, etc.
I can not figure out how to get back from here to my normal iChat preferences, or how to open my iChat preferences normally.
Best setup for iChat (Mac) to video chat with Windows?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a iMac and I'm still learning how to use this OS. The question is can I use iChat to chat with someone using a Windows PC or do I need to install something like Skype? Also when I chat, is there a way to screengrab something so I can show something over the webcam?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhenever I try to ichat with another macbook user, the vidio chat gets frozen at "starting" and has a send error report message.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm new to video chatting especially with a mac book. So me and my friend wanted to video chat on meebo, we can see each other, but only i can hear her she can't hear me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDone some research on Yahoo Messenger for Mac and Skype for Mac and both say that can do video / audio chat with their Windows counterparts. However, it appears there are still problems. Any users out there can give me some feedback on their audio / video performance.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi would like to get animated icons for ichat and don't know how to do it. i can get other people's animated icons to work but i can't get them
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a MBP and I use Ichat alot to IM my friends. My question is.....when I am chatting with someone and the chat is terminated is that chat saved somewhere on the computer or is it just gone?
I am looking for the best free mac chat application. I would ideally like it to include a minimum of AIM, MSN, Skype, and ICQ capability.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have tried iChat but my family aren't Mac user so no to that.
I tried Skype but it has 3 conference and no to 3 way webcam...
We tried MSN but I have MSN for Mac and they have windows... so for some stupid reason the feature doesn't support the WebCam Chatting...
Is there any way to do this?? All we want is 3 way Web Cam Chat!
I installed MS messenger 8.0 on my MacBook and the only problem so far is audio.
When I make a call to one of my contact's computer using my internal microphone and internal speakers everything is fine.
If I switch to my bluetooth headset in System Preferences and retry the call I can not hear them and they can not hear me.
Using the bluetooth headset for Skype calls works fine.
Is this a messenger issue or ??????
Ok so today I was on my computer and I noticed on my Xchat Aqua IRC client I kept disconnecting on one of the servers I was on. I checked my internet thinking it was my ISP dropping and it was running fine. I checked my computer and it was ok because I had AIM msn and all that running. So i get on my other computer and use a browser based IRC client to see if it does it there and when my xchat disconnected I didnt disconnect on the browser. I then noticed.. there was a $%&%$# who must have found an exploit threw DCC for xchat because he was typeing things like "DCC send tralala 0 0 0" and I would disconnect.
So my question is did anyone know about this or know how to fix it? because its really annoying and I cant find anything to stop him.
Well I have a Mac. Most of my friends have a PC. I need to be able to webcam them ALL at one time together. I sort of need a program like OoVoO but I do not want to pay for a multicam chat. I do not want a website one either. I want one that is downloadable for both MAC AND PC and it needs to support multi webcam at one time. Do not say Skype because i do not like skype. Can somebody find m e one?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have friends and family overseas who use msn to chat and are using a PC. I have a Macbook, so how can I video chat with them. What options are available if any. I tried mercury messenger, the text chat is working but video does not work, when they send me invite for video or I send them invite it tried to connect to server but we can't see each other.
View 3 Replies View Related