Applications :: Moving Folders Across Computers?
Jun 29, 2010
I'm running a Mac right now, but I'll be getting a new one this summer. I'm going to give my dad my current computer and get a new iMac, but I want to save as much time reorganizing my setup, so I'll be transferring via Firewire cable. I know how that works, but what I'm really curious about is whether or not I have to re-download all my applications.
Is is possible to just replace the application folder on the new computer with that of my current one (soon to be my father's)? I know that applications on a Mac are kind of like little bundles of information- the icons contain all the necessary code and whatnot (is it obvious I really don't know much about programming yet?), so can I just move the applications directly over, or do I have to re-download them all?
It's not a problem if I do have to re-download them, but to quote a literary character of old, "I would prefer not to." (10 awesome points for the first to tell me who said that)
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Oct 8, 2010
Firstly im well aware of the other threads roaming around the forum, but im having troubles with all of the options do this i find. I'm also aware that people might find it hard to believe that someone who has shelled out for a couple of SSD's might be having problems doing this, please, just need the help, no flaming.
Basically, just acquired 2x new SSD's and im wishing to transfer my OS and Applications over to them, so i can boot from them.
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Feb 13, 2009
Is there anyway to move the top two iMovie folders (Events and Projects) into one single folder? When I try and do it in Finder, iMovie then won't read the files.
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Oct 15, 2010
me and my lass are having difficulties moving folders from her old G4 to a new IMAC. photos saved in i photo we can simply put onto the camera sd card and then transfer but as I broke the cd burner on the G4 which I am constantly being reminded of at the moment How do you move folders from one mac to another as they contain pohotos our lass has had for a few years now.
I have no knowledge of computers as it took me two days to find the button to open the CD draw on my own new computer so any answers would need to be simplistic. I think you can just put them on a memory stick or load them onto the SD card of the camera. But how?
And considering I broke the burner on the other MAC our lass isnt that keen on me touching these folders as she doesnt want to lose the phtos.
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May 16, 2010
i want to create some user accounts on my would i move folders from the desktop on my admin home page to these new user accounts?
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Aug 31, 2008
So I create a whole bunch of folders in Mail. Everything is fine. I'm moving and organizing things. Then suddenly I get this pop-up message:
The message "Job" could not be moved to the mailbox "Jobs — On My Mac"
I can read it. Why wouldn't it move?
Another time I couldn't move it, it said this and the message could not be read. This is displayed in the message body when the title is highlighted:
The message from Robin [URL] concerning "Your work" has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it.
Its POP email. I have no idea what to even check.
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Jun 26, 2014
Moving identified documents into a newly created folder, "click on icon and move to the folder".
I'm able to move the document upon clicking on its icon however it is not accepted by the folder I lay it over including laying the document in the opened folder's column.
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Aug 23, 2014
10.8 and 10.9 become a headache copying/moving files/folders between disks. After download selected images to my Imac from cards I used to move all of them to a local network backup disk (attached to a linux OS)
I don't do this anymore from a year ago: annoying warnings like "the file ... is in use" (not in use, even had been downloaded) stopped move; repeated procedure with the rest of the files included the 'used' one, over and over again and finally, after 12 times or so all files had moved. 100 files to move, stop, 80 files to move, stop, 60 files.......
Same problem moving files between disks attached to the same iMac.'You have to provide an admin password...." -> Continue Password set and again 'File ... is in use' (not in use, it is just backup file)Reseting the Mac. Worse
.'You have to provide an admin password...." No 'Continue' option, just only 'Ok' that will do.... nothing.My solution: Terminal: sudo mv source target
I guess Finder has been tought to make life easier, isn't it?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Jul 18, 2009
Sorry to be blunt i'm getting so frustrated trying to organise my bookmarks folders in Safari. The Folders keep snapping open and when i release click it drops the selected folder in the folder below and not in-between the two folders i want to order them in. I have turn off spring loaded folders. Also i can't seam to organise them alphabetically like you can with a right click option in windows.
Also how do i get the built in Google search to search [URL]
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Nov 30, 2014
I have an iMac 2011. Processor: 2.7GHz Intel Core i5/ Memory 4GB
OS X Yosemite, version 10.10.1
After I change my OS from Mavericks to Yosemite, moving files between folders is very slow.
For example, if I move one jpg file in Desktop to Pictures folder (or just any other folders like Trash), it takes about 3 seconds.
When I was still using Mavericks, it made that Ding sound and transferred files right away. However, now, although it makes the Ding sound right away, the file is still there for 3 seconds.
I tried to clean up my mac using many apps, but they never fixed this problem.
I've also tried what I saw on this one thread. OS X File Transfers Very Slow
Go->Connect to Server then type "cifs://server-address" but it says there is a problem and did nothing. (maybe different issue)
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 15, 2012
I'm trying to do a favour for a friend. She has a 320Gb external WD hard drive which she used on her Macbook to backup with Time Machine. It is not partitioned and she keeps the "Backups.backupdb" folder with other personal folders she throws in there. Recently she sold her Macbook and all that was left was this hd. She now only has access to her work pc but it won't recognize her hd as she's apparently formatted it with option "Mac OSX Journaled". So she gave me her hd to backup and then format to FAT32.
I've been a Mac for a long time but have never used Time Machine, I simply copy my important files into an external hd as I feel it's cleaner and I've never really had HD problems with any Macs I owned. So basically I have no idea how this works. I managed to copy all of her personal folders into my hd as well as the one labeled "Latest" on the Backups.backupdb folder ("Latest" is actually an alias). But I can't seem to be able to copy the rest of the backup folders. I can copy them into my computer hard drive, but each folder (I'm talking about the ones labeled with dates, there are 35 of them) is around 70Gb. Now, of course that doesn't make any sense, as it would be impossible to have 35 folders of 70Gb each in a 320Gb hd. I can only assume they use aliases as well, but when I try to copy them individually or as a whole (enclosing folder) Finder says I have no space available for that (even though I have more than 320Gb available).
Now, in my mind it's completely idiotic to keep any folders other than the Latest one. She doesn't even own a Mac anymore. But she's freaking out that I'm going to lose her entire life (she's that kind of person). I don't want to open the Time Machine app because like I said I don't use it on my computer and these are not my files, so I do not in any way want to sync with this hard drive or backup to it. I'm on a 21" 500Gb iMac running 10.7.3.
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Jun 25, 2014
I'm trying to move emails from the "On My Mac" section from one mac to my new one. I've successfully transferred the folders from ~/Library/Mail and they show up, but the folders are empty when I open the mail application on my new mac the folders are empty.
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Jan 21, 2009
I'm looking for software that can silently sync local folders with remote webdav folders.
It would also be nice if I could just relate to the local folder, and the software would automatically synce new files in both directions.
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Oct 1, 2010
My Applications and Documents folder on my dock dont seem to have the folders with there symbols on it, they seem to other material. How can I get them to show the folders. Im running on Snow Leopard!
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Aug 23, 2009
So i've just started using Mac and i've downloaded a few tunes into the downloads folder and then moved them to music. I cant remember what the file names were so can no longer find them. Is there a way to organise the files in the music folder to show the most recently added? If not what do you recommend
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May 12, 2012
I set up the icloud on to my computers, now I cannot connect my iphone to my computers, I get a err message saying it is drawing to much power from my computers, whats up?I didn't have this problem before and it is on both my imac and my macbook.
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Apr 8, 2009
I have two Macs- a macbook pro and an imac and also a windows machine which are wireless and are running on an Airport Extreme network. I have a relatively large iTunes library of about 30GB. My question is that is there a way to keep all of my computers in sync automatically so that I dont have to go in and sync my music manually? Basically what I'm looking for is pretty much mobileme... but for iTunes.
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Mar 24, 2009
I am a photographer and am always booking photo shoots. Although my manager has no idea what I'M going to be booking, and what days I'm available. Is there a way to sync my iCal or ANY CALENDAR on my mac (or online) so we both can access what is available and look at the days on two separate computers?
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Apr 23, 2009
I'm looking for a way (preferably a widget) to list all computers on the LAN (Mac and PC). What I would like to get is a list with both the IP address and the name of all connected computers. Sounds simple but google didn't find it for me yet. Probably didn't feed it the right question yet. Maybe one of you knows or uses such a utility/widget? Now checking nmap (which apparently used to have a widget frontend named sunemo)
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Mar 1, 2010
I have a MBP and an iMac and basically I'd like to know what software is out there to sync computers together. Preferably done wirelessly, I'd like to have my work on both computers for backup purposes, would be nice to sync iTunes library also.
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Sep 14, 2010
On Computer1 I have a folder called XYZ in the Documents folder:
and I put a symbolic link to this folder in my Dropbox
Now, on Computer2, I also have a XYZ folder in Documents. Is there any way to keep the XYZ folder in Dropbox in sync with the XYZ folder on Computer2. So the end result is the XYZ folders on both computers are in sync by way of Dropbox?
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Oct 1, 2010
I have searched, googled, etc., and not found a satisfactory answer. Briefly, I have used my ITunes on our MBP and on an old Dell PC. At various times I have downloaded music, TV shows, movies etc to either system. Our AppleTV syncs with the Dell and purchased stuff is on there. I just bought a new 27" IMac and a qnap NAS. I want all the media to be on the NAS. How do I go about "merging" the ITunes data from the two computers into a single file on the NAS drive? Is there a way to do so - without losing stuff or without having to individually go through every single song, show, movie, etc.?
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Nov 28, 2010
So I downloaded a music album from itunes and it was added to my library. This was done on a PC running win 7. How do I keep that library in sync with my MBA running OS X? Thought I could actually just download the album again on the MBA for free when logged into the same itunes account, but it appears that I can't.
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Dec 24, 2010
I have 4 computers linked to my Apple ID and numerous IPhones and IPods. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when I purchase a song, and successfully download it, using my computer. The only way to get it to the other computers is by transferring it via my IPhone or IPods. It seems as if I've downloaded something once from Apple, then they don't let me download it again onto a registered machine using the same Apple ID. Therefore, I transfer music/app content using my devices. Isn't this what everyone does?
Now, Mac app store is coming! How the heck am I going to download content onto one computer and then transfer it to another computer (Apple says the 1 time purchase will be good for all your computers). Do you think Apple will allow multiple downloads of the same software to any computer associated with you Apple ID? If this is the case: Why not allow us to do the same thing with our ITunes purchases? Anyone care to chime in and letting me know if I'm off base, or have any suggestions, etc.?
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May 20, 2008
I've been searching the forums and web looking for info on how to / best way to sync iTunes libraries (including playlists, ratings, and play counts). I've found several programs including TuneRanger, SuperSync, Syncopation and some others (links below). The general consensus seems to be that they all suck. (TuneRanger seems to do exactly what I want, but doesn't appear to have a free trial period.) [URL]
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Apr 2, 2009
Basically im looking to buy the CS4 premium suite but its got to be able to be installed on a Mac Pro and a Macbook Pro.Is this allowed or do I need to buy it twice (which I won't do...)
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Apr 10, 2009
I have to make a keynote presentation, but I cannot use a big screen, so I decided to use two macbooks. One will be a white macbook, and another a unibody macbook'15. How can I connect the two ? If it's not possibile I have also the possibility of using two unybody macbook (on 13 and one 15).
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Apr 25, 2009
I just bought a Western Digital 1To drive to back up my iMac, my girlfriend's MacBook, and my other external hardrive on which I put all my videos.
Since I already use Time Machine with an other smaller drive, I would like to use that new 1To drive to be my master bakcup system, with bootable disk image of the two computers. I bought SuperDuper to do all that, but I'm not quite sure how to best use it.
Basically, I'd like to do a total backup of the two computers once a month, as well as back up the files on m multimedia hard drive.
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May 11, 2009
I am looking for a way of synchronizing my Adobe Lightroom on two different computers - a desktop and laptop. I use Apple Mac computers. Is there a way of doing this? Can you do it in Lightroom itself, or would File Synchronizing software such as Super Flexible Synchronizer
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Nov 23, 2009
I have an iMac and MacBook pro. I have my library on both machines. Keeping it current is a topic for another thread. But what I was wondering is... Is there a way to have both playing the same song simultaneously? I want to have both machines playing so I can keep my iMac in the basement, then bring my MBP upstairs with me. What if I access my iMac's library from my MBP via iTunes shared library? Or something like that??
[By the way, I searched for hours and didnt see anything quite like this. I noticed other posts about keeping libraries synced but nothing about playing in both.]
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