Applications :: How To Keep Two Computers In Sync?
Apr 8, 2009
I have two Macs- a macbook pro and an imac and also a windows machine which are wireless and are running on an Airport Extreme network. I have a relatively large iTunes library of about 30GB. My question is that is there a way to keep all of my computers in sync automatically so that I dont have to go in and sync my music manually? Basically what I'm looking for is pretty much mobileme... but for iTunes.
I am a photographer and am always booking photo shoots. Although my manager has no idea what I'M going to be booking, and what days I'm available. Is there a way to sync my iCal or ANY CALENDAR on my mac (or online) so we both can access what is available and look at the days on two separate computers?
I have a MBP and an iMac and basically I'd like to know what software is out there to sync computers together. Preferably done wirelessly, I'd like to have my work on both computers for backup purposes, would be nice to sync iTunes library also.
So I downloaded a music album from itunes and it was added to my library. This was done on a PC running win 7. How do I keep that library in sync with my MBA running OS X? Thought I could actually just download the album again on the MBA for free when logged into the same itunes account, but it appears that I can't.
I've been searching the forums and web looking for info on how to / best way to sync iTunes libraries (including playlists, ratings, and play counts). I've found several programs including TuneRanger, SuperSync, Syncopation and some others (links below). The general consensus seems to be that they all suck. (TuneRanger seems to do exactly what I want, but doesn't appear to have a free trial period.) [URL]
I'm contemplating the move to iCloud from MobileMe. I need to be able to sync an older Mac Mini G4 running 10.5.8 too. It can't run Snow Leopard or Lion, so this one issue is holding me back from the iCloud transition - I would have to replace that computer to do so, which seems ridicluous. I'm concious that I need to make a decision before the June shutdown of Mobile Me and need to plan.
I know there are ways to sync files across computers, but I wonder if you can do it on the same computer. I have a file in one directory (Direcotry A) named users.yml, and a file in another directory (Directory B) called users.yml.Those directory A and directory B are in the same super directory. Is there any way I could have both of the users.yml sync with eachother so if I changed one, the other file would be the same?
I'm running Mavericks 10.9.4 on both my Late 2014 MBP and my Late 2012 iMac. I have iCloud set up on both computers and logged in to the same account. I added a ton of new Mail rules to sort my incoming mail on the MBP. Rules were created within the Mail program, not on iCloud. I have both Mail and documents & Data set up to sync on iCloud. However, I'm not seeing any of my new mail rules showing up on the iMac. I have removed and re-enabled Mail and Documents & Data from each computer with no change.
How do I get them to sync across to the other computer?
The normal question is can I sync Apple mail database (folders) between two MAC computers. The answer is always use IMAP, but unfortunately IMAP is limited on space to store historical emails. I keep mailboxes (on_my_mac) with thousands of emails and attachments that take up a massive amount of space, well beyond any IMAP server allowances. I keep these in order to search conversations that span over many months and sometimes years.
I use GoodSync to sync my normal folders from my MAC Book Pro and my Mac Pro desktop so that I can have the same information (in real time) when working from home on my big machine or at the office using the laptop. This is great except I can not sync the email. I use Outlook 2011 but would prefer to use apple mail if I can sync the two computers (Sync'ing Outlook 2011 is even more impossible).
I also do not want to start and stop my email clients to make this happen and worry about which MAC is running mail and what direction to copy the entire folder structure just to have to follow that up with a new re-build of the index.
Also keep in mind the amount of data - Cloud based solutions are dependent on Internet connection speed (days of initial transfer time and hours to sync) and if I am on my laptop without internet connection, say on an airplane, I would be out of luck so I need the information local on each computer.
I set up the icloud on to my computers, now I cannot connect my iphone to my computers, I get a err message saying it is drawing to much power from my computers, whats up?I didn't have this problem before and it is on both my imac and my macbook.
A year ago I tested Spanning Sync for syncing my iCal with Google calendar. It worked out very well and I subscribed for one year (25 USD). Now there is version 2 around the corner that will add contact sync support. I have tried the beta and that works very well too.
My subscription is to end soon and I am thinking about extending. That would be another 25 USD for a year or 65 USD for life long subscription. Meanwhile I encountered another product called Busy Sync. I does almost the same (except contact syncing). With a coupon a single license per computer is 20 USD aka 40 USD for both of my macs.
I'm looking for a way (preferably a widget) to list all computers on the LAN (Mac and PC). What I would like to get is a list with both the IP address and the name of all connected computers. Sounds simple but google didn't find it for me yet. Probably didn't feed it the right question yet. Maybe one of you knows or uses such a utility/widget? Now checking nmap (which apparently used to have a widget frontend named sunemo)
I'm running a Mac right now, but I'll be getting a new one this summer. I'm going to give my dad my current computer and get a new iMac, but I want to save as much time reorganizing my setup, so I'll be transferring via Firewire cable. I know how that works, but what I'm really curious about is whether or not I have to re-download all my applications.
Is is possible to just replace the application folder on the new computer with that of my current one (soon to be my father's)? I know that applications on a Mac are kind of like little bundles of information- the icons contain all the necessary code and whatnot (is it obvious I really don't know much about programming yet?), so can I just move the applications directly over, or do I have to re-download them all?
It's not a problem if I do have to re-download them, but to quote a literary character of old, "I would prefer not to." (10 awesome points for the first to tell me who said that)
On Computer1 I have a folder called XYZ in the Documents folder: ~/Documents/XYZ
and I put a symbolic link to this folder in my Dropbox
Now, on Computer2, I also have a XYZ folder in Documents. Is there any way to keep the XYZ folder in Dropbox in sync with the XYZ folder on Computer2. So the end result is the XYZ folders on both computers are in sync by way of Dropbox?
I have searched, googled, etc., and not found a satisfactory answer. Briefly, I have used my ITunes on our MBP and on an old Dell PC. At various times I have downloaded music, TV shows, movies etc to either system. Our AppleTV syncs with the Dell and purchased stuff is on there. I just bought a new 27" IMac and a qnap NAS. I want all the media to be on the NAS. How do I go about "merging" the ITunes data from the two computers into a single file on the NAS drive? Is there a way to do so - without losing stuff or without having to individually go through every single song, show, movie, etc.?
I have 4 computers linked to my Apple ID and numerous IPhones and IPods. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when I purchase a song, and successfully download it, using my computer. The only way to get it to the other computers is by transferring it via my IPhone or IPods. It seems as if I've downloaded something once from Apple, then they don't let me download it again onto a registered machine using the same Apple ID. Therefore, I transfer music/app content using my devices. Isn't this what everyone does?
Now, Mac app store is coming! How the heck am I going to download content onto one computer and then transfer it to another computer (Apple says the 1 time purchase will be good for all your computers). Do you think Apple will allow multiple downloads of the same software to any computer associated with you Apple ID? If this is the case: Why not allow us to do the same thing with our ITunes purchases? Anyone care to chime in and letting me know if I'm off base, or have any suggestions, etc.?
Basically im looking to buy the CS4 premium suite but its got to be able to be installed on a Mac Pro and a Macbook Pro.Is this allowed or do I need to buy it twice (which I won't do...)
I have to make a keynote presentation, but I cannot use a big screen, so I decided to use two macbooks. One will be a white macbook, and another a unibody macbook'15. How can I connect the two ? If it's not possibile I have also the possibility of using two unybody macbook (on 13 and one 15).
I just bought a Western Digital 1To drive to back up my iMac, my girlfriend's MacBook, and my other external hardrive on which I put all my videos.
Since I already use Time Machine with an other smaller drive, I would like to use that new 1To drive to be my master bakcup system, with bootable disk image of the two computers. I bought SuperDuper to do all that, but I'm not quite sure how to best use it.
Basically, I'd like to do a total backup of the two computers once a month, as well as back up the files on m multimedia hard drive.
I am looking for a way of synchronizing my Adobe Lightroom on two different computers - a desktop and laptop. I use Apple Mac computers. Is there a way of doing this? Can you do it in Lightroom itself, or would File Synchronizing software such as Super Flexible Synchronizer
I have an iMac and MacBook pro. I have my library on both machines. Keeping it current is a topic for another thread. But what I was wondering is... Is there a way to have both playing the same song simultaneously? I want to have both machines playing so I can keep my iMac in the basement, then bring my MBP upstairs with me. What if I access my iMac's library from my MBP via iTunes shared library? Or something like that?? Thoughts??
[By the way, I searched for hours and didnt see anything quite like this. I noticed other posts about keeping libraries synced but nothing about playing in both.]
I have a very particular issue that I am trying to find the best way to manage through. I have two computers. An iMac connected wirelessly and a Hackintosh connected wired. The Hackintosh is my hometheater PC connected to my TV. My iMac is in the bedroom and is home to all my pictures and music and other stuff we share as a family. After getting my AppleTV2, I converted all my movies and tvshows to Mv4, which are all stored on a separate media server in the closet. The iTunes on the hackintosh "houses" all the video media where I have imported all the video media on the media server but the links are all pointing to the media server - iTunes is not set to copy the media when imported. It allows me to access all of the video media on the appleTV2.
In the ATV2, to access the music and photos, the family has to switch from using the Hackintosh and choose the iMac computer. This is not ideal. The preferable option would be to have one iTunes library to manage all the media so you do not have to back out of one computer into the other. However, I have not found a good way to share just the music portion of my iTunes library from the iMac to the Hackintosh. I do not want the bedroom imac to manage all the media since its not always on and its wireless which creates hiccups on the high def video files. I first tried mounting the iMac iTunes music folder on the network, importing the music into the Hackintosh (creating links back to imac iTunes music folder).
This works but the problem is keeping it up to date after the initial import. I use Hazel and creating a script to basically watch the music folder for newly added or modified files and import those into iTunes. The problem is if I imoprt an updated file that already exists in the Library it creates a duplicate. Same problem if the music is stored on a NAS. I have tried the trick of moving everything to the server and sharing the iTunes ITL files but this does not allow you to have both iTunes libraries open at the same time. I haven't seen anyone who has this particular issue where they want to keep a "portion" of their iTunes libraries in sync.
i have recently switched from safari to firefox. it seemed a little bit faster, and it easily syncs the bookmarks across all my computers using a google plugin. one thing i miss though...the method that safari viewed rss feeds.easily saved a rss feed i wanted to a folder.. and then to view them all l i just 'viewed all rss feeds'
I just got a new macbook 13 inch unibody with the base stats. Anyways, i chose to snag the iPod touch 16 gig since my 8 gig is already full. Is it possible for me to put all the songs from my old iPod 8 gig touch onto my macbook then into my new iPod 16 gig touch? None of the songs were purchased on iTunes, I got them other ways... Also what about the applications I have on my old 8 gig, I have wolfenstein 3d, Bloons, and a few others that I paid for and would like to have on my new iPod without buying again. new to this board if a mod could put it in the right place for me edit: Nevermind, I allowed my new mac to be one of the authorized computers and I'm able to transfer my Applications with the songs now.
I'm going to be using iChat for the first time and want to use the screen sharing feature between two computers running 10.6. iChat's documentation ( says:
"While every screen sharing connection uses encryption, the highest level of security requires both participants to have MobileMe subscriptions with encryption enabled. If this is the case, you will see a lock icon in the screen sharing window."
I'm wondering:
1. What is the difference between the encryption that "every screen sharing connection uses" and the enhanced security allowed with MobileMe accounts? How does this compare with, say, doing VNC over an SSH connection?
2. I understand that one can get a free MobileMe account which only has iChat capabilities. Does this free MobileMe account enable iChat encryption, or do I have to pay $99/year to get that?
I currently have a external hard drive on my wireless network and when I point two computers to the itunes library on that hard drive at the same time the second computer says the library is locked or I don't have permission to access the file. If I close the library on the first computer I can access the library just fine on the second.
I inadvertently reached my limit of authorized computers in iTunes, and now I cannot sync my iPhone. I tried to deauthorize all, but itunes claims I used the option last July. I don't remember, honestly, but I might have.
Unfortunately I forgot to properly deauthorize my old computers (I wiped them clean) and now I'm stuck.
Is there any option for this? Would Apple support be able to help me? A genius bar appointment? Is there a department I could call? I really need to restore my iPhone from a back up I have on my computer.
I have a Macbook running Mac OS 10.4.11 which i believe is Tiger. I just purchased a refurb 2009 macmini which came with came with setup disc which includes snow leopard. Am I able to use that disc to install snow leopard on me macbook? If so how do i go about doing it.