I have made myself a ringtone (not illegally downloaded) and I have it on my computer but thats the dilemma... I don't have a usb (aka lost it) so I was wondering if there was a way i could text it or send it to me through blue tooth or what not? My phone is the Verizon voyager (the old silver one, not the new one).
I'm looking for software that lets you control your mac through a java enabled mobile phone, like salling clicker,preferably free. but any suggestion, paid or freeware will do
Until the recent large update (149 mgb) to iTunes I was able to pair my LG phone to my wife's iMac and transfer mp3 files either way using Bluetooth. Now when I pair the phone and go to Browse Device on the iMac it lists all of my phone memory files but will only open the the SDPicture file. When I click on the SDMusic file it says operation failed. Is this just Apple protecting their rice bowl with regard to music sales or is it a glitch in the software?
I am trying to import music from my brother's mobile phone to my macbook (itunes) via bluetooth connectivity.I can send one file at a time from his phone but obviously this is very time consuming so am trying to find a shorter method.When i go to import playlist in itunes, the phone is not recognised in 'my devices'.
I dunno if i'm posting this is the right thread, so mods, please move it if it isn't (i'm rather new to this forum)but anyhowI'm having problems connecting my Samsung ALIAS SCH-U740 to my macbook pro via bluetooth. I have a card reader, but i left it at school for the break and i was trying to get file transfers to work over bluetooth.after poking around in the phone settings and getting the phone to be recognized by the computer, i got it connected fairly easily, but my problem is this: firstly, in the bluetooth menu, it says the phone is "not connected" and i can't find a way to make it stay connected. Second, when i try to browse my phone via bluetooth, i get an error that says that my phone doesn't have the necessary services.
I downloaded skype the other day. Awesome service. The calls are very clear. What I would like to do is call my friends from a bluetooth headset when I'm at home. I've seen some very large USB type phones (eww) but I was after a bluetooth headset. Could I say use a bog standard mobile phone bluetooth headset? I rather like the Nokia ones.
I can't send a file to my cell phone. It has always worked, but now it doesnt anymore. I can send from my phone to computer, but when i click send file or browse device, nothing happens. I have bluetooth turned on on both devices.
I own a brand new Macbook Pro (Retina, 13", mid 2014, 256 GB SSD) with OS X Yosemite. When at home, I have noticed that an unknown smartphone (seemingly a Nexus 4) sometimes connects to my Bluetooth - without me ever having given it permission to do so! (The Bluetooth icon on my menu bar tells me that the phone is connected.)Â Â
As you can imagine, the thought of other people getting access to my computer, with my computer itself carelessly accepting, worries me quite a bit. Of course I can temporarily eliminate the problem by turning off Bluetooth, but how do I prevent this phone - or any unknown bluetooth device - from connecting to Bluetooth without permission?Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I just received a usb cable to connect my samsung phone to my ibook. The computer does not recognize my phone when I plug it in. Additionally, they sent a mini disc with it. Is there something I am supposed to do to get this to work?
I have all these albums and songs on my phone and I don't know where they came from. I haven't downloaded them, they aren't in my library and I haven't synced with another computer. I have done a sync over and over anot nothing. I have even done a synch and took all the music off. I think it is 'other' stuff but don't know how to get it off of there.
I shot some videos on my phone and would like to convert them to another format for the computer. Does anyone know a program for mac to do that? I know there are LOTS on windows but I am too lazy to reboot out of the awesome Mac OS X.
Is there any application or way to get alerts on my mobile from iCal events? I have set few notifications in my iCal, but it will be shown on my Mac only. If there is any application that can send SMS to my mobile.
I am wondering if it is possible to use my Macbook as a regular telephone using the Apple USB modem with my land line. Is there any software available that will do this?
So a Zune will connect and be recognized by the app, but nothing else will happen. You can click on the 'Enable Sync' button, but it won't do anything.
Hopefully this will be addressed in a later release, unless I'm the only one using a Zune.
I'm looking for a program/app that will allow me to primarily send SMS from my Mac using my current phone number. Does anyone know if anything like this exists? I can only think of something like this working in one of two ways: Sending an SMS composed on my Mac through my mobile/cell, via Bluetooth or some other method? OR Using software that emulates my mobile number to compose and send SMS?
I remember back in the day you could actually email an SMS to a phone by using their mobile number as a username and their network as the domain - e.g. 07123456789@orange.net. Unfortunately, because pretty much all the networks now provide email services too, doing that nowadays means they will actually receive an email at their online account instead of their SMS inbox.......................
I already use and love Google Voice, and I'm trying to figure out if it's feasible to consider using Google Voice to replace my home phone service.
What I'd need of to be able to pull this off would hardware replacement for my current home phone that I could connect to my computer that would ring when I receive a call on my Google Voice number, and that would display my GV caller ID when I dial out with it.
Something like this seems to be right up the ally of what I'm looking for (I think).
I'd like to use my mac (Imac and Macmini) for sending/receiving faxes and perhaps for CPI (computer phone integration).I have obtained a USRobotics usb modem. The question I have is do I need to connect that modem to the same connection (using a splitter) to where my telephone handset is ?If I connect this usb modem from the macmini to the phone line (not where the handset is), can I then use the Imac to connect to the phone for fax/cpi|? It is all the same phone line and on the same wifi.
get video recorded from my cell phone (motoroala Hint) imported into imovie so I can edit the video and merge clips. The file extension of the video file is .3g2 . Quicktime will play this video, but imovie apparently does not support it. I have found a number of different video apps by searching forums (iskysoft imedia converter, handbreak, mpeg streamclip, applemacsoft video converter) of which only iskysoft imedia converter does what I want to do. The only problem is the trial version does not convert audio and has "evaluation copy" imprinted into the video. The full version costs $50
So, i have been using entourage for a couple of years and had no problems. I now want to sync my mail and calendars with my new phone (Nokia N97 mini). To do this I believe I have to use Isync, so I have set the sync services preferences in entourage to 'sync events and tasks with ical and .Mac'.
I have a few queries:
1. when I do this my calendar in ical does not represent my calendar in entourage - there are additional events in the ical calendar (it doesnt recognise that these have been deleted from entourage). Ical is also set to sync with mobile me and that has the same additional events as ical.
2. in ical it says I have 2 calendars 'entourage' and 'entourage 2' however 'entourage' doesnt have any events on it. So I deleted it but it just keeps coming back
I freaking hate iTunes. Programs for simple tasks like uploading music onto devices should be efficently coded, not resource hogs that are incredibly unintuitive and needlessly complicated. Why can't we just drag and drop music and videos directly onto our phone like we can with just about every other media player? I already have all of my music organized just as I want it on my computer. Just let me drag the folders I want directly into the iPhone without having to bother with a 100mb download that runs like crap.
There's absolutely no excuse why such a simple function needs such a complicated program. Quote:..................
I have a bluetooth mouse and keyboard that I want to share between a PC and MBP via a DVI/USB KVM switch. I think I can do this by plugging a USB Bluetooth dongle into the KVM's USB input.
If I use the MBP's built-in bluetooth then when I switch from one computer to the other via the KVM, the keyboard and mouse will stay paired with the MBP; but if I disable the built-in hardware then the dongle can provide the bluetooth capability and be switched between the computers.
I've shied away from wireless keyboards in the past because I do alot of online baking and investment activities from my computer. I also love a clean workspace and a wireless keyboard could remove yet another wire from my desk. Do you consider wireless and/or bluetooth keyboards safe?
I turned off the bluetooth function and my keyboard and mouse wont now work and I cant get back into the system - how do I reactivate without the use of the keyboard ?