Applications :: Phone Videos (3GP) Conversion To Another Format For Mac OS X
Jan 13, 2008
I shot some videos on my phone and would like to convert them to another format for the computer. Does anyone know a program for mac to do that? I know there are LOTS on windows but I am too lazy to reboot out of the awesome Mac OS X.
I'm an old-school Visual Hub user when it comes to converting video formats. Unfortunately, that app is no longer being made and it doesn't solve my current problem so looking for some advice. My nephew won an MP3/video player as part of a contest at school. Its not an iDevice but its a prize and he's enamored with it. The problem is, although it supports video, it only seems to support files formatted in the "MTV" format which I understand to be really limited technology.
Can anyone recommend a decent media conversion program that will let me convert MP4's, AVI's and such to the MTV format? Its likely time I upgrade from Visual Hub anyways so I don't mind spending some money on a useful app. The problem is most of those I see mentioned in the forums here don't specifically mention the MTV format.
I freaking hate iTunes. Programs for simple tasks like uploading music onto devices should be efficently coded, not resource hogs that are incredibly unintuitive and needlessly complicated. Why can't we just drag and drop music and videos directly onto our phone like we can with just about every other media player? I already have all of my music organized just as I want it on my computer. Just let me drag the folders I want directly into the iPhone without having to bother with a 100mb download that runs like crap.
There's absolutely no excuse why such a simple function needs such a complicated program. Quote:..................
I have a wmv file of my nephew's college senior recital. Took it with a Flip video when I was using a Windows computer. Now, I'm using exclusively Macs with Yosemite and can't view the video. Is there a way to convert a wmv file to a Mac format?
When I download audio files from Vuze they play perfectly in itunes but I cannot sync them with my Iphone. Is there some kind of transcoding I need to perform before my Iphone will support these audio files?
In the past if I had a QT video on my desktop and wanted to put it into iTunes, I had to use iSquint to convert it and then move it over to iTunes. Problem with that is, quality is lost in the conversion. Does anyone know if QTX can replace iSquint and convert all those QT files for me for iTunes and iPhone usage? And if so, does it retain the quality of the file, unlike iSquint?
i have a load of old mobile videos i took from an old nokia phone. They are in the video format of IV50 but i need them to be changed to MP4 format, does anyone have any idea how i could do this? Free preferebly!
I've many songs in wma format that need to be converted before i can listen from itune. I did a search in this forum and found this recommendation.[URL]I called up Apple this morning and they recommended me a 3rd party which is Kigo Converter. I did a Goole search and turns out quite a few. Here is just one:[URL]I did further search and in fact there are plenty 3rd software for conversion.I'm quite confused. Can someone advise which is a proven one?
I have a Macbook and a library mostly in M4A format. I have a 8GB mircoSDHC card for my Virgin Mobile LG Rumor Touch. iTunes 9.0.3.I am trying to convert M4A to MP3 so it will work properly on my phone. When I convert from M4A to MP3 using iTunes, the music losses the artist & album info so it appears with only the track name on my phone. MP3s that have never been converted from M4A (from Amazon for example) play and appear with all info on my phone. How is iTunes stripping info during the conversion? I only have 1 or 2 songs bought from iTunes store, so they are not protected.
I'm a Mac switcher from late 2008. I've also added an iPod Touch and Apple TV to our growing stable of Apple devices.
While I've managed to install the necessary applications/hacks to my MB and AppleTV to play AVI's directly without conversion, the iPod Touch is another matter. It of course requires mp4 or h.264 format. I have been using iSquint to do the conversion and then move the mp4's into iTunes which synch fine after that.
However I am looking for a solution where I could drop the AVI files into a folder and the conversion program would automatically watch that folder and run the AVI->MP4 conversion automatically. I can't seem to find a solution to this through my Google searches and forum searches here. Perhaps it's a simple Applescript (or whatever it's called) which I haven't used to date?
I have recorded a lot of videos with my Samsung HD video cam. I chose 1280x720 H.264 as video format. When I want to watch the videos on my mac (Snow Leopard, Quicktime Player 10) the height of the videos is too low. According to Quicktime the format is H.264, 1280 x 720 , 16.7m colors with 50 fps, but the current size is 1388 x 440 pixels. How can I watch my videos with the real size of 1280 x 720 pixels? Up to now I need another video player, e.g. VLC.
I am trying to send a wide format poster file to Staples and the error keeps reading that the quality is too low. I have tried formatting it to .jpeg, .tiff, .png, .bmp, but nothing works. I have determined that it must be the original export to .pdf that is the trouble. I have tried to create a .pdf file through the print option on iPages as well as through the Export option to formulate a .pdf file. The end result seems to be the same. Does anyone know how I can increase the quality of the .pdf file.
If there is a program out there that I can download to create a higher resolution conversion? Is there someway I can make the conversion to one of the files listed above higher? or am I right in thinking that the problem lies with the original .pdf conversion? I need to get a banner poster done by next weekend so I was hoping to get this issue resolved over this weekend. Most of the information on the file is just pure text and gradient fills. I even tried removing the three head shots to see if the photos were the problem...but nope.
I have an ALAC music library that I would like to convert to iTunes Plus. The "Advanced" tab does not offer that option. The iPod/iPhone option is grayed out and will not allow selection. The only option available is Apple Lossless.
Just wondering id anyone knows how to create a single itunes entry for multiple conversions of the same film. When you buy a movie from itunes store you get the ipod and appletv versions.
I've got a couple of family dvd's I want to convert to appletv and iphone - but i don't want multiple line items in my itunes..
I just received a usb cable to connect my samsung phone to my ibook. The computer does not recognize my phone when I plug it in. Additionally, they sent a mini disc with it. Is there something I am supposed to do to get this to work?
I still have a great number of AIFF files in my music library.
I'd like to convert them to Apple Lossless, as it's the same sound quality at half the space.
I know you can create a copy of any file in another format, but it sounds quite complicated. First you have to create a copy, and then you need to delete the "original" AIFF file.
Can't I just convert an existing file without a copy, keeping also the play counts?
know how to automate the conversion of an mkv file after it completes finishing?
Basically, I want to start a (totally legal) mkv torrent in the morning using Transmission, and when it finishes whilst I'm out - have it automatically start converting via VisualHub, so that it's done when I get home in the evening.
Is this possible in any way? I've had a look on Automator, but I'm not really familiar with that.
So I know that bundled with the newer Microsoft Office 2007/2008 is a set of actions that get added into Automator. Among these is a "convert DOCX to DOC" action. Does anyone know - is it at all possible to get just this automator action without installing the whole of MC Office 2008?
I have a bunch of mkv video files with ass subtitles, and I've tried Handbrake, which is fine and dandy except it doesn't support .ass subtitles or the Xvid format. Anyone know a good video conversion software that supports encoding to Xvid/Divx, .ass subtitle, and mp3 audio?
I've got the flip4Mac that allows WMV files to play in Quicktime, but it doesn't work too well, so I was wondering if there's something free that I can use to convert a WMV file to AVI, or MPEG, or anything that works normally with Quicktime.
I am doing a school project where I need videos. How do you rip videos off Youtube and have them in the format for imovie (free). Also does anyone know how to rip videos off the c-span website?
It used to work: You highlighted the songs you wanted to create an Apple Lossless version of, and they would show up underneath the AIFF version.
No longer.
iTunes 9 still could do this.
iTunes 9.0.3 loses them. It processes them, puts them into the right folder, but you can't see them in iTunes.
1. Can I downgrade to iTunes 9.0 where this bug wasn't present?
2. Or do I have to manually import into iTunes? (This would erase the playcount, I suppose)
Or is there any other way around this bug? (or isn't it a bug, but a feature that has been disabled by Apple for whatever reason?)
PS: I found a place where I can download iTunes 9.0.1 for OS X. Are there any possible problem when installing an older version over a newer version, e.g. in regards to the library?