Applications :: Keynote Fullscreen Display - Options To Make It Stop?
Jan 9, 2011
I opened a slideshow file, probably made with Powerpoint, and it went full screen and is playing Glenn Miller's in the Mood over and over. Strangely, I can't see any of the images being played and it's just a blank white square in the middle of the fully blacked out screen. What do I press to get this to stop and the program to close?
using iWork 09 (keynote 09) on my macbook pro (2,66 GHz, Intel Core 2 duo, 4GB) and when trying to use keynote presenter view connected to a projector I see the presenter view in the wrong screen, I see it in the projector not on my macbook.Using duplicated view all is fine but of course I dont see the presenter view.
I'd like to send a colleague a keynote on a DVD. I thought it would be cool to see me at the same time in a small frame presenting the keynote live, like the feature in ichat theater. I looked in iMovie and in Keynote but didn't find anything.
I'm stuck on a rather buggy problem. I'm trying to produce animated gifs with transparent backgrounds for incorporation into a Keynote (v. 3) presentation. [The individual frames of the substantial animations I am creating are being produced in Matlab using the "print -dpng" command with white backgrounds, which I then want to make transparent.] I seem to be able to download silly animated gifs with transparent backgrounds from the web that display correctly in Keynote. But when I produce such animations myself using convert [from the imagemagick suite, both the version distributed with fink and the more recent version available at [URL] all frames after the first display with white backgrounds in Keynote (but look ok elsewhere). Optimizing the animated transparent gifs in adobe ImageReady CS (v. 1) Does anyone know a good mac program to make animated gifs (with transparent backgrounds) that display correctly in the latest version of Keynote?
my MacOSX language is english, but I`d like to write texts in portuguese in pages and keynote.How can i make these programs recognize portuguese without having to change the language of the whole system? (I like the menus in English
I when I am in Keynote, and working on slides that are smaller than the window size (the picture will explain) I like the slide to be in the center of the windows - like Powerpoint.
I hate to have to use Powerpoint, just because I need to work with objects off the screen. I have looked everywhere for the setting; but not found it yet. I know it must be out there!
I printed out some slides on Keynote. I put 4 slides to a page and they printed out fuzzy. Is it because I put 4 slides per page or some other option I need to change?
Apple on Monday announced to users of its public beta that new features have been added to the Web-based service, including the ability to play Keynote presentations online, as well as new options for public sharing and private online storage.The details came in an "important service message" sent to users by Apple on Monday. The changes require users run the latest version of iWork, 9.0.5, released last week.
I was trawling through the sticky's a few weeks back and i noticed their was a app to stop the display from sleeping when watching a film but i cant for the life of me find it now.
I've found a great little countdown flash file that I want to run on our TV during our NYE party tomorrow night. I can get it to fill the Safari/Firefox window but I can't see how to maximise it so that everything else is gone i.e. dock, menubar etc.
Is there any way to stop and start Growl depending on if you're running a fullscreen game or playing video? I've tried doing a few searches on it but I can't find anything related to this topic. Does Growl already do this natively? I actually haven't quite had a situation where Adium Growl notifications interrupt my gaming but I think it could happen?
Have a PC hooked up to a Pioneer plasma here, and it's basically used to loop trailers in my video-store. The PC is running Windows 2003, and I thought iTunes is probably perfect for this as all the trailers I use are the 720p ones from Apple's servers. So I connect to the PC with VNC (no mouse or keyboard attached), start up iTunes, start the playlist with the videos and they start running fullscreen. But whenever I close the VNC connection the video window disappears from the Pioneer and I just get the desktop + iTunes. The videos are still running though, as the sound is playing and iTunes say they're running, but the video is completely gone.
My wife's macbook monitor is destroyed due to happy 2 year old. It won't be worthwhile to replace the monitor and it is not fixable without some expensive work being done on it, therefore I would like to use our TV as an external monitor and retire the macbook to being a mediia computer. I have connected it to the TV, and I see an empty desktop, as far as I can determine it looks like it is treating the TV as a secondary display - that the desktop is extended onto - so I cannot actually interact with the normal desktop. When I try to run things using keyboard shortcuts I hear some sounds of things starting, but I don't see anything on the TV. So what I need to do is to have some way to tell it to treat the secondary display as the primary display.
This is a Mac Pro 2013. It runs Yosemite 10.10.1. I have a Panasonic 4K TV connected to it, running at 3840 x 2025 @ 24 Hz. This Panasonic does not display the left and right inch or so of the screen image.
Looking at this, the Mac Pro 2013 version of a 4K image is 4096 x 2160 pixels, which is 256 pixels wider than this Panasonic screen and might just account for the problem I am seeing. How can I reduce the output on the Mac so that it nicely fits onto the pixels of the Panasonic screen? After all this used to happen very easily with my 1920 x 1080 previous monitor.
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), with Epson Stylus Photo P50 printer
This country girl took my imac(G4) from a dial up location to a friends with high speed to up grade. All went well and puter was clipping along nicely until I tried to open iphotoIt said library is damaged or unreadable and cannot be opened. After checking around I read that I needed ilife iphoto i bought the new soft ware and installed. That went fine although it told me I could not run imovie because i needed a card....that's ok I don't do movies. So now my iphoto said same as above and i searched the hard drive and found back up! Yahoo I saw my pictures. So I selected them all and tried to drag them to iphoto but OOOPS I dropped them on the desk top. Now the beach ball is spinning. I also tried shutting down/ force quit. Nothing is working. How do I make it stop? It seems to be trying to move 10,ooo pictures. Also all my folders are gone
My powerbook has just recently started this high piched squeal! its goes on and on and never quits! does anyone know what is happening and what i should do to make it stop?
I just bought a refurb MBP 2.4... I'm noticing that at high volumes my speakers are crackling/buzzing/distorting/whatever you call it. I'm planning on taking it in tomorrow... Anyone have any experience with this?
i just had service battery on my laptop and took it to apple. they replaced the battery and explained that if i leave it charging at 100 it overcharges and causes service battery and other errors. is there any programs or something i can use to make my mac stop charging at 99%? or do i just have to manually pull out the charger?
The MacBook has starting typing everything in caps, even the number keys are printing shifted characters. The caps lock key seems to be functioning normally, so I don't believe that is the cause.
MacBook 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 Gb RAM 250Gb HD OS 10.6.8
I want to upgrade to a apple LED 24" Display or if apple invents a 27" LED one and I want to hook it up to both my MacBookPro 13" And my gaming PC. I know i'll need a KVM but need assurance it will work with all the converters. Can the 3 Apple cables be split up, video, Power ,and usb as I will use Power and USB on the Laptop, I'll need to go from display port to dvi, then dvi to to the KVM video switch box (Whats the TREDNET TK207K KVM switch like) Then from one of then dvi to dvi on my gaming pc and on the other dvi port all the way upto my macbook pro mini display port. Can it be done because I know too many converters will not work
Using a MBP 15 with latest Lion and Airport utility versions. When I start up my computer, the utility loads each time which is annoying. I went down the menu choices on the utility but can't find a way to stop this.
I upgraded to Yosemite. On the setup screen after installation, I foolishly said "yes" to "would you like to use Filevault to encrypt your hard drive." Since then, it has been stuck at the encryption stage. It keeps going back and forth between "estimating time remaining" and "X days remaining"
I'm unable to turn off Filevault at this stage. It tells me it needs to finish encrypting first. When I run a system report, it shows this:
The really annoying part is that the CPU and the full-speed fan are consuming battery power like crazy. I go from 100% to 0% in less than an hour and a half. So I need to be tethered to a power outlet most of the day.
When dragging a file into a folder window which is partially off the bottom of the screen, OS X will slide it up so that the whole thing is in view. I can't tell you how many times I've dragged something into the wrong folder because suddenly there's a different folder underneath my cursor. Is there any way to turn this off? It does not suit my workflow at all.
My system has been locking up the last few days. I see the beach ball and on my istat bar my cpu shows I'm at 190%+ ???Safari is the one program that is open. I have managed to turn off my internet connection so Safari can't be sending or receiving any data ... I hope. Do I have a Virus? How can I force Safari to close? The beach ball prevents me from closing Safari in the usual way. I have very limited access to my iMac Late 2009
How do I make sure my attachments to emails appear as icons and not as open files? Once they appear as open files I can double click and select 'view as icon' but they don't stay that way. When I send or file the email the attachment is usually open again.