Applications :: IPhoto 09 - Facebook / Flickr Only Upload Images In Sets
Jan 28, 2009
I am very disappointed to find that iPhoto only uploads photos to Facebook & Flickr in complete sets. I was really looking forward to this feature as I use both websites regularly, and assumed I would be able to upload just one picture, and choose what album I would add that photo to online. But no, iPhoto needs me to have an entirely new Flickr album matching an entire iPhoto event.
Not sure what the deal is, but whenever I attempt to use the built in facebook uploader to upload some photos to facebook, I get error messages. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a built in facebook uploader if i have to export to desktop and use Facebook's tools.
When I try to upload photos to Facebook I get the "Set Up" window. I log in to my account and once it is on it tells me to close the window and go back to the application, but then it will ask me again to "Set Up" the account. It will continue doing this forever.
I currently have iPhoto '09 version 8.1.2. I tried uploading pictures from iPhoto to Facebook but I get the message "An error has occured. Please try again later". File > Export > Login (which brings me to the Login page on Facebook) > I sign in & that's when I get the message. I've even tried hitting the Facebook tab on the bottom right. Does anyone have any solutions to my problem?
I am currently developing an application which will be able to sync your iPhoto content with Flickr. First shot will be one-way, i.e. iPhoto will be the master and all images will be uploaded to Flickr and added to Sets. The application will use the capture date to keep track of images and so it should work even if you already manually uploaded some of your images. With this post I hope to gather some feedback on the idea.
I hope to have a version ready for beta test in a few weeks. If you would like to participate in such a test, let me know. My email: Here are a few more things for you to comment on:
1. Currently I sync everything, but I expect to have an option where you can filter out images which should not be synced. 2. Currently an iPhoto Album = a Flickr set. What about events? 3. Currently all keywords from iPhoto are added as keywords on Flickr. Would filtering be nice to have?
I want to maintain and update the set on my Mac from now on. I don't want to delete and upload new photos as I'll loose comments and what not. The photos in the existing set are currently in iPhoto, they were just manually uploaded. Is there any way to do this?
I'm using iPhoto 8.0.2 and want to upload to Flickr, but the login data are incorrect in iPhoto, and I see no way of changing the info.Clicking "Flickr" just shows a message "Login failed - The login details or auth token passed were invalid." and no way to change anything. Same happens if I choose "Flickr" from the menu under "share".
Apparently Flickr has made another change & Aperture will no longer upload multiple images to an existing Flickr acct. I've tried 3 times & each time the 1st image gets posted but not the rest. Activity monitor shows all the files were uploaded but they don't show in my albums.Â
Apparently a switch from API to SSL (whatever that is) has also affected Adobe Bridge uploads.Â
Other than exporting & then using the Flickr uploader? Are the Flickr upload plug-ins still working?Â
I updated to Safari 5.1.7 a couple of days ago - and everything worked fine, as it always has done in Safari for me, until today. Now all images on Flickr flash white for a second after loading. Nothing has changed on the system in the meantime.
Info:Mac OS X (10.6.6), 2.53 GHz, 8GB RAM, 500GB, 7200rpm
I have been having problems with facebook for a week now. I cant upload photos to facebook. I finally was able to get the uploader screen to generate but now I cant select anything to attempt to upload. When I use the simple uploader I get the error: Firefox can't find the server at [URL]. I have snow leopard osx and I am using the newest firefox.
Apparently, the iPhoto Facebook export tool (built into iPhoto '09) uses the image title for the Facebook caption rather than the description of the photo.
When I log in to Snapfish and click to upload photos it only allows me to choose from photos that are in my pictures folder or other folders on the hard drive. It does not allow me choose pictures to upload from iPhoto?
Just a quick question for those that already use iPhoto 11. Does Apple now enable uploading higher res photos to Facebook? iPhoto 09 is stuck with less than VGA res photos when uploading to Facebook.
Quick question about Faces in iPhoto '11: I have some pictures of a specific person, say Vicky, and her face is linked with an Address Book entry. Now, when I find a new picture of Vicky, and type "V", the usual name list comes up but now there are two Vickys: the address book one, and the Facebook one (and they are really the same person). How do I make iPhoto "link" the address book contact with the facebook contact?
I want to backup my iPhoto library, format my MacBook Pro, and then re-install iLife 09. I'm aware that the best/easiest way to backup my iPhoto library is to copy the package file under Username/Pictures to an external hard drive, then format my computer, re-install the software, run iPhoto for the first time (so that it creates an empty database), quit iPhoto, and then paste my old library over the newer library.
My question is this... When I do the above-mentioned steps, will my Facebook and MobileMe Galleries be in tact? I'm most worried about my Facebook Galleries as I have many with many of the photos on Facebook having multiple comments and tags on them. It would be a real shame to lose any of that on Facebook.
It's remarkably annoying...if I want to upload photos onto my flickr account, I have to move all my iPhoto pics into a picture folder first, and then upload it from there.
Is there any way I can just click upload and browse through and choose my photos straight from iPhoto?
I'm new on these forums so I don't really know how to navigate my way around. This is my first mac ever (macbook pro 13) and I've had it for several months.
How do I upload pics from a sony digital camera (cybershot, about a year old)? I figured it would automatically detect the camera and get going, but nothing is really happening. Its probably really simple, but I have never done it before.
i recently tried to upload videos to facebook from my mac, but facebook says they do not support it, is there a way to change the file name so it accepts it, or is facebook just being racist to macs? the following names are the names of the videos it wont upload.
I'm having trouble adding images in iPhoto. I want to create a book. An "event" was created when I downloaded the images from the camera but there are other images I want to add. When I drag and drop the images I want to add to the event ( from a folder on my desktop where I put them) it creates a new event, it does not add the images to the event I want them in. So I created a event with the new images I want to add and merged the two events but the new photos do not show in the bar across the top where the images are for me to add to the book.
What am I doing wrong, how do I add images to a event?
I upload photos to FB regularly, but today--having made no changes--I couldn't do it and got this message: "Your photos couldn't be uploaded. Photos should be saved as JPG, PNG, GIF or TIFF files."
I'm in the process of organizing thousands of photos in iPhoto and I have a few questions. I had it originally set to copy my files to the iPhoto library, but I want them to stay in my original file structure. I disabled that feature, but I'm not sure if my files are already stored in the iPhoto library. How can I check? If they are stored there and I delete them, what will happen to my keywords, faces, places, etc? I guess this brings me to my next question. I edited a few photos using iPhoto, and I noticed that the changes did not reflect on the actual image file. Are these changes being stored some where else? How can I make it overwrite my images?
Whenever i scroll though my iPhoto library, many of the images will disappear. The thumbnails are there at first, but will disappear and be replaced with a "!" icon.
I seem to have some problems with Java. For instance, when trying to upload photos in Facebook, the java "thing" won't work. It's no longer asking me if I trust the certificate. This has happened on other websites as well.
I have tried to go in to Java webstart in Utilites and when it opens I am getting these messages:
I have photos from my camera that i have imported thru iphoto.
I then go into photoshop and go File>Open>Media>Photos and it comes up with my iphoto pictures.
It gives me the option of clicking on the events or albums, but after that it does nothing. I cant select a photo, or open an event when i am viewing all events. Why?
Also, is there a way i can view the iphoto library files without having to open iphoto and look thru there. Thats one thing i miss from windows is being able to go thru the 'backways' and look at the files.
Is there an easy way to import all my images that are in my Aperture library into iPhoto 09? I want the originals, not the previews as I believe is what you get if you use the Show Aperture library dialogue...