Applications :: Final Cut Pro Keeps Freezing When Export/render A Video?
Mar 28, 2009
I've been working on some making some video clips that are ipod commericals (to eventually do the whole thing on imovie) but after 4-5 videos being finished, I work on the next one and right in the middle of rendering, it just freezes and doesn't do anything else, or when I try to just export it it does that, but before it works fine. I tried removing a couple extra effects I aded, and it still does it.
Ok when I render at all it never EVER works. It has worked a couple times but recently I do everything people suggest and it doesn't work. I've converted both into the same format so it'll work, I've restarted final cut pro, I've restarted the computer, I've repaired disk permissions, i've done render all. All worked at certain points but for the rest it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?
I just opened a FC project in 6.0 from an XML file for the first time. The project originally came from 6.0.6 and I was happy to see that this kind of reversion was actually possible. Unfortunatly after doing a little work I started getting "general error" messages whenever I tried to save the project or render any transitions.
If I remeber correctly, I opened the XML and was asked to save a new project. I saved the project and started working. I dont remeber if any saves or rendering had worked in the new project before I got the error messages. Maybe none of them worked, I am not sure.
I'm a drummer and use a few different camera's to record my drumming. I have one camera capable of recording 720p or 1080p, but my other 2 only shoot 480p. I want export the whole video after editing in all the different shots, at 1080p or 720p. My problem is, the camera's that shoot 480p, have a border around them, so can I fill in that border somehow?
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 2.2ghz i7 quad-core
I am recording a day-and-a-half worth of presentations. The video will total out to be about 12 hours or more. I am recording presentations by various professors on different subjects. 12-hour-video is worthless to a normal sane person. I want to cut the video into sections and then export to Vimeo. Ultimately I would like to slice-up everything into 15-20 minute sections.
Is there an easy way, say "chapters", that I can setup in FCPX and then click "Export" and export out 40-or-so videos? I'd like to call a section "Greg-1" and "Greg-2" and have FCPX generate Greg-1.mp4 and Greg-2.mp4, etc...
Info: Final Cut Pro X, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), MacBook Pro w/ Retina
Specs: IOS 10.6.8 Processor 2.4GHz Intel Core i5 Memory 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3 -- Everything is edited, sourced, and stored on an 2TB external hard drive to make things go faster. Editing with FCP 7
When I export the sequence I edited with quicktime, the playback video is very different from what I edited on the timeline. The playback has the clips with ins and outs that are way off than what I cut, and some of the clips don't show at all or have changed transitions. However when I play in the timeline in FCP, the sequence is fine, just the way I cut it.
The source of the clips was one long .mov that I cut into clips for the timeline. Everything has gone smoothly but the exported .mov is just so different. How can I get the time codes of the clips to be the same in the exported .movs? I just want the quicktime .mov to represent my edit exactly. can I play within the FCP player window and Log and Capture?
I've bought a Seagate External Hard Drive, and want to copy my photos from the Macbook Pro to it. Every time I try and copy them, a message appears 'Unable to render file for export' followed by the drive details and a string of numbers. How I should be copying them? I've already accidentally deleted and appear to have permanently lost photos from iCloud, which is why I want a spare copy on an external drive.
So every time I got to edit my movie in FCP i lose 3 GBS of space... I have multiple render files for my project. Do i only need one? Can I delete all of them and create a render file after that so I only have one. Does it auto create render files? Does it delete stuff in the project if you delete it?
I am running Final Cut Pro 7 and I have a clip that already has RGB Balance filter and Key filter on it. I am adding Brightness Contrast or any of the other Gamma Correction type filters to the clip, It lets me adjust the filter but when I render it this filter is not included in the render. I have done some experimenting and it seems that the RGB balance is what is stopping this filter from being applied.
I have tried with all the possible filters that will let me adjust the levels on the image, I have tried taking the clip with the first two filters and nesting it then applying the new filter to the nested clip but nothing seems to work. This clip is too dark...
Running FCP X 10.1.2 ... I wanted to verify a few things with the community about media mgmt that the white paper really doesn't explain to well. My archiving procedure is as follows:
I import media to an Event to offload footage from camera/card. I then close FCP X, open the finder and open the library and "show package contents" and then pick the original media folder. I then copy that folder to another offsite drive I have dated by year -> folder.
Example: 2014 - Footage from Colorado. (I do this to always store my original media outside any project I'm working on for future reference. This is ok, correct? Is there a better way?)
Second, I learned the other day that if I want to archive/backup libraries or even clean up the library,it is good practice to remove all rendered/transcoded media files. It is pretty simple from the "file" menu to do this. Question, if I just removed the rendered media, how long does it take again before FCP X background tasks starts working / rendering media again? Do I stop this somehow so I have time to backup the library? I thought this process was automated after a few seconds?
I was wonder if Final cut pro x have the ability to show how much time is remaining in the rendering premiere or final cut 7 use to, if I remember correctly...Same thing with Compressor 4.1.3
Final cut express is stopping exporting at 100% and hanging there for an indefinite amount of time. What is going on? I am using simple Quicktime Exporting options.
When using Final Cut Pro X (iMac mid 2011 model-version 10.1.3) to burn 1 hour movie onto DVD, it seems to render but when computer says 'Sharing to DVD successful' and yet DVD is blank, what's my next move? Burning hardware is working as I burned a project using iMovie afterwards. I filmed a funeral service and family get together afterwards but can't share it with family and friends...
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB 1333MHz
I wrongly assumed that when you go to system settings to select the scratch disks (root folder where all the audio and video render folders and files go, capture files, etc.) that Final Cut would save the folder locations within the FC project you are working in. Makes total sense, but for reasons I don't understand, FC does NOT save these folder locations and the result is that I have render files scattered all over the place on my hard drive and it is quite a mess! Fortunately, the project file remembers where it put the render files, so as long as you don't remove or rename any project folders, everything shows up rendered on the time line as it should. The problem is, if I'm working on several projects at once, I have to reset the scratch disks every time I reopen a project, otherwise the program will save it to the last scratch location selected and put all of the render files in another project's folder. I often forget to reset the scratch disks when I'm busy and now I have render files mixed up in various project folders.
Why can't you just set the scratch disks one time when you first set up the project and have the project always remember that location, instead of always having to reset them every time you reopen a project. I love Final Cut, but this is a product defect that should be addressed and corrected. If the project file can remember where it is putting all the render files, it should also be capable of remembering the scratch disk locations you originally selected when you first set up the project or better yet, save it to the project's root folder by default.
so i've created outlines for a bunch of animated characters- 24 frames per second, each frame is a different psd file with black outlines. I'm animating over live action footage, similar in look and style to Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
I brought them in to final cut and edited them nicely (i applied some motion effects, changing the position on a few frames) so i can work with them in after effects to track them to some handheld shots.
What i need to know how to do is to export these outlines from FCP to After Effects with an alpha background- I did the export with the animation codec and the millions+ option, but when i brought them into after effects, the frames are all black! (as they are in FCP when i get rid of the shot beneath them...(which i'm doing because i just want to edit the outlines in after effects, not them on top of the footage))
I'm having a problem with iMovie 09. When I export a movie, the video will "zoom" which I don't want to have happen. Here's two pics of what's going on.
I use a Sony HDR-SR11 AVCHD handycam. I import my clips into FCE4 via the log and transfer window, using the Apple Intermediate Codec. I edit my video, but i dont know where to go from here! What is the best way to export this video without loss of quality? These videos would mainly go onto youtube, iDVD, or a memory drive. I do not have quicktime pro, so any modifications would have to be within FCE4.
so I recently bought a Canon HD Camcorder 1080p with 32GB SD Card. After I am done shooting videos I have two programs to choose from: Final Cut Pro 2 and iMovie '09. It seems that Final Cut Pro does not import from Camcorders, so I have been using iMovie.
Once I start importing, it asks me if I want the movie in full 1920x1080 HD. I selected yes. Once I am done importing into iMovie, I want to export it to .mp4 in High Def but the only options iMovie gives me to export is iDVD, iTunes, YouTube and Mobile Me Gallery and none of those formats are in High Def.
How can I export my videos to .mp4 in full 1920x1080 format?
My FireFox is constantly "hiccupping" with video playback - for instance, YouTube videos. The video freezes up every 10 seconds or so for about 2-3 seconds as the audio continues, then the video unfreezes. Even as I type this, things I'm entering in this box aren't showing up for a second or two.
Additionally, I have certain Flash videos that won't play. I have the newest Flash player and Adobe Flash's website test says my Flash Player is working.
I don't have any of these problems in Safari, but I like FireFox a lot more (Add-ins, NORMALLY a faster browser, better GUI, etc.).
I've tried reinstalling Flash and disabling Adblock (I hear it's the cause for stuff a lot of times) but nothing has worked.
I've shot a film on the RED one camera and our editor and colourist worked with Final Cut and in 1920x1080. I've exported this as a single Apple ProRes HQ Quicktime and used the 'DVD: High Quality 90 mins' setting in Compressor - and then used DVD studio pro to burn (all this is using Final Cut Studio 2).
My normal workflow is to shoot HDV 1080i60 and import via a Sony HD-700 clamshell via firewire into FCP 6.0.6 working with a sequence set to HDV 1080i60. Depending on my next steps, I'll either export straight from here, do a QT conversion, or transfer the sequence to a Pro Res sequence and export from there. I'll often send a compressed (H.264) file to the client via yousendit. Never has there been a problem with the workflow or the client opening the file on a PC...
Now the other day, for the first time I had to work off of my portable set-up....FCE off a macbook pro and an external 7200 rpm hard drive. I imported with the only available choice (apple intermediate codec) and went about my edit. I exported and sent the file....While the file was fine on my laptop the PC user could only HEAR the QT file but got no picture. I was able to burn a DVD and move the operation to my desktop.
But after countless attempts at troubleshooting, including printing to tape and reimporting, recapturing all the original footage from tape, using my standard sequence settings, etc. I still can only export a QT file that is unable to be properly viewed by PC users.
Information: Mac Pro (2006), FCP 6.0.6, iWeb 09 Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I was working on a project and trying to export my project.I tried to to export by using 'Export Media', Share>Media Browser, Share>Apple device and nothing works and comes up with an error dialogue like below. I'm using iMac late 2012 with Mavericks.
Im trying to Capture videos from a sony dvd camcorder. im using a canopus advanced DV converter (ADVC-110 is the model #). quicktime version 10.0 is installed on this computer.
iMac 6.1 using OS X 10.6.2so this is what happens. i will attempt to capture a video from the camcorder to final cut express hd and during the capture, the video will momentarily freeze on the computer, however the playback on the camcorder continues. the result is that the video freezes while the audio continues to capture (and during playback as well). any ideas on what the problem could be?
i dont use this computer for any software/music downloading or anything like that so viruses are pretty much out of the question. if theres any other information you may need let me know.
i've connected my DV camera into my computer, its been recognized by final cut, and will let me import (capture). But when i go to import it doesnt divide the footage into clips as its being captured. Is there a way to modify this? Or does it divide after its done importing? Or not at all?
export codec that can give me .mov files that can be used in any quicktime player (mac or pc). Currently exporting to h.264, but it is taking ages...
Second question:
Having troubles too, getting the camera to record in native FCP .mov's. Despite setting to .mov mode in the camera's file format option, it still seems to pump out xdcam ex files...What I want is to record straight sony xdcam files, is there some setting in the camera I am missing?
Information: G5 DP 2.7 Mac OS X (10.4.5) LaCie 120G, 40G iPod,