Applications :: Converting Whole GarageBand File Into ITunes Format?
Nov 17, 2009
If I make a file on gurageband, how do I turn it into a itunes file, I've saves it, then changes it to like. ".mp3" but that only saves my vocals, and I want to save the whole song. (with beats, etc.)
I am looking for an application that converts comic book files (cbr) to a image files. I have done a bit of searching and turned up with nothing useful.
I have many videos that I have downloaded, ripped, and captured overtime. Some of which I would like to be able to burn to a DVD for personal use or to give to family and friends. My problem comes when trying to burn a certain video file formats to a DVD, one especially that will playback on a standard DVD player. The types of files I am interested in converting to DVD-playable are: .m2ts, .avi, .mp4, .mpeg, .mkv. Again, I would like to convert these movies, then burn them to a DVD to easily watch them on my home theater system's DVD player. So I beg the question, "Is this all possible?", "What file formats are commonly used to play from DVDs on a DVD player?" and "Are there any freeware based applications to get this job done?"
I set it as a .pdf, but its a .pages extension file, bc I couldn't attach as a .pages file. This is my term paper for this marking period and a conversion to a .doc file would help immensely. I am at my school and can't download any programs to convert.
I'm trying to convert some rmvbs to avis using ffmpegX and no data file with other formats but as soon as I drag it in, ff freezes. The first file has a size of 92MB. If this is not going to work, please tell me a free converter that will convert them. Or at least one which has a trial version NOT a demo version.
I downloaded a movie that's around 2 hours long in .flv format. I need to get it into whatever file would work in itunes which is I think .mp4. Is there a free converter that will do the trick for me?
Anyone know how to convert an AVI, MPG, DiVX or XViD file to a DVD burnable format (VIDEO_TS). I've found several applications that will do this on a PC, but I can't seem to find any that will run on MAC OSX.
What application can I use to convert .avi files to .mp4 format?I do believe .mp4 will play on DVD players? If not can someone please tell me which will?
I have a 1080p movie I want to play on my PS3 though media link and every time I convert it, it doesnt work, something is wrong. What programs are good for changing WKV files to something the PS3 can stream though media link? Also what settings etc?
I couldn't find anything useable on Google. I'd like to convert a pdf to a cbz format. But I'd prefer a single piece of software that could do it in one step. I'd be willing to use something that automatically breaks the pages of a pdf into separate images, then go from there.
Recently, I have been trying to convert a movie I took to an iPod playable format. It is already .mp4, but iTunes will not add it to my library. When I try to convert it in Handbrake, the audio is just a constant drone, but video is fine. It will open in Quicktime, but I get an error when I try to convert the file through Quicktime.
Does anyone know of any *free* applications that will convert QuickTime video to a Windows friendly format. One of the insurance companies I do work with will not let their adjusters install any other software on their laptops and they are PC's. I frequently send them videos so I will need to convert them. I will pay, if necessary, for a program that will accomplish this but I was hoping there might be something out there that is free.
I mainly am editing little clips that are 18 seconds - 2min each and putting around 25 of them together into a video with a bunch of special effects in them. I get these clips from a game called "runescape". Here is a video of something that I am trying to do, keep in mind I want it much better though. Please look at the first part of the video with the red lines coming out of the name.
1. video editing applications: Adobe after effects vs Final cut pro 7 (I have adobe after effects right now, I don't have final cut yet) 2. movie converting: my screen capture software is IShowU, it saves the files as a .mov, I have heard that you need .avi or .mp4 to edit videos. I have a program called "Xilisoft Video Converter".
1. Add videos to the list 2. I select "AVI - Audio-Video Interleaved as the profile (output) 3. I select a custom quality of 9999 Every movie converter I use lowers the quality of my video which is really, the method I use in the program I said above this is as close as I can get to the original video.
Is there a limit on the size or length of an audio file that Garageband can import?
I have an Apple Lossless file over five hours long in iTunes. When I try to drag it into Garageband, it acts as though it is importing, but then tells me the ".aiff file is empty". But if I play the file in Quicktime, iTunes and in the iTunes section of Garageband, it plays fine.
I got this error message when trying to import a CD into iTunes. It also had "The required disk cannot be found" it's an intermittant problem with an iMac running OS X 10.6.8
Pulled an old hard disk from a windows box, and all the file names for my tunes are in order, but these are not the ID3 tags, so as soon as imported into iTunes, its just showing 'Track 1, track 2 etc'. Is there an app I can run these files through, to convert the file name to ID3 tags before importing?
Anyone have any suggestions to a (hopefully free) software program? I don't want to pay $29.99 for Quicktime Pro since I dont know if it will work. The MPEG 2 is exported from my Tivo.
I know I have seen others offer to convert .pages files to .doc files here; can anyone help a brother out? I used the trial version of Pages to write my resume and now cannot open it.
Even though the file extension says .mp3, this song won't play in my iPod Touch. I got a "Get info" on the file and found out that it is a MPEG-1 audio file type, unlike all other of my songs that are mp3's. What I need is an application that will open this file, convert it and let me save it as an mp3. QT will not even open this file.
One of my editors had starting using OpenOffice and when he sends files to me they arrive in a zip that, when opened has some games and other things and one png file that is a thumbnail of the document, very tiny.
Is there a converter for OpenOffice docs that will open them in Pages (my preference) or Word ?
Any familiar with OpenOffice? Is it necessary to receive a zip file every time from him? He's technically inept and perhaps I can just tell him how to export the proper file.
Through some scripting mishap, I accidentally ended up with two copies of everything in my iTunes library. One was in lossless format, the other in AAC. I just went through and deleted all the AACs by hand. I'm worried that I might have accidentally deleted a lossless copy though, in stead of the AAC copy. Is there a way I can search through the trash (via terminal presumably) to make sure there are no lossless files in there? It'd be so easy if they didn't have the same extension.