Applications :: Contents Not Shown When Inbox Items Highlighted

Mar 26, 2010

When I highlight items in my Inbox, the contents don't show below. They used to, so what do I do to enable that feature again?

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OS X :: Using Mail - Sent Items Going To Inbox And Received Items Going To Sent

Jul 31, 2010

Iv'e set up a Mail account and for some reasons the Sent and received items are going in the opposite folders?

Anyone any insight into what could be happening?

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Intel Mac :: Where Does Mail Actually Store Inbox Contents

Jun 14, 2012

That is, where can I find the place (assuming it's in a folder somewhere) my messages exist - outside of the Mail application?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 Gig

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OS X :: Restore Mail Inbox With Time Machine / Unable To See Contents Of Email

Dec 16, 2009

I have a problem with my inbox, seems its corrupted in some way. I can see the headers, but no contents, cant delete or move message. All other folders seem OK. Its from a POP3 mailbox where the originals are deleted off the server when downloaded so I'd prefer to try and recover it but I can live with losing the contents if necessary. Any ideas? Is there a tool or way to repair? I have Time Machine but I doubt the TM backup will have caught these files between them being downloaded (they came in one batch) and being corrupted as it was only a few minutes. Not sure how I could tell if TM did catch them either.

Update; Impressive, TM did recover them, now I just need to work out how to empty the inbox of the corrupt messages. Worst case I can create a new email account but I'd rather not as configuring it was troublesome.

Second Update; Mailbox > rebuild, then move the messages from the TM mail recovered folder back to inbox.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: See Number Of Items In A Folder Shown In Finder?

Jun 29, 2012

Is there a way to see the number of items in a folder shown in finder?

Seems to me that in earlier versions, if you had a folder with 100 items (e.g., photos) in a folder in a finder window, when you clicked on the folder, something like "100 Items" would appear at the bottom of the finder window.  I don't see this now in Lion.

Info:MacBook, 2005 White 13"

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ITunes :: Movies Downloaded On IPad Not Shown In Purchased Items?

Mar 7, 2012

This is my first time on here and I have only just bought a MacBook Pro (1st one) so sorry if this has been answered elsewhere. 

I have an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4 - everything I have bought on iTunes has synced with my Mac and mobile devices. All my music, pictures TV shows and books have also synced with mobile devices and MacBook but for some reason the films I have purchased I need to buy again!! 

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1

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Software :: Entourage Duplicates Inbox Items

Nov 3, 2008

Entourage keeps duplicating inbox items when synching with the server, but when using the web interface for exchange, it does not duplicate.

Is it a faulty identity or what is happening here?

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OS X Mavericks :: Lost Local Items Keychain Contents - How To Restore To New Computer

Aug 20, 2014

Unfortunately the logic board of my (late 2011) MacBook Pro died. Luckily it was an old unibody model, so I could move my SSD to a similar (albeit older, mid-2009) model and booting up my installation went fine. 

The only problem I am facing is that I seem to have lost all items in the Local Items keychain, this includes all my Apple Mail passwords and a lot of passwords I entered in Safari. These were very long passwords I generated to be automatically used when needed, for security. 

It seems that the Local Items keychain is not a .keychain file, but a directory with a SQLite database which is used when iCloud Keychain is disabled. Apparently it just created a new directory with an empty Local Items keychain instead of using the existing one. The name of the directory seems to be an unique ID related to the hardware I'm using. 

I have already tried to rename my old keychain directory to the UUID of the new one and rebooting, but then it simply renames the user.kb file to user.kb-invalid and starts out with an empty keychain again. I cannot imagine that you always lose all your passwords like this every time your hardware goes defective? I still have the data stored in the login.keychain file, but since I have used Mavericks it apparently does not store all passwords there anymore. 

how I can migrate the passwords from my old Local Items keychain to the new one?

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Applications :: Emails Disappearing From Inbox / Inbox Only Hold Upto 2 Weeks Of Mail

May 28, 2009

I use Apple's Mail program and also my school's webmail ( in conjuction to check my school email. However, for some strange reason, my inbox on will only hold up to 2 weeks of mail. My inbox in Mail will still be intact, yet for the life of me, I can't figure out why my webmail inbox is disappearing. I've checked every possible setting on to no avail. I've also checked Mail's settings, but haven't seen anything as far as deleting older mail. BTW, we're allowed 25 gigs on so they shouldn't be deleting them automatically.

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Applications :: Blue Highlighted Circles Not Appear In Safari

Oct 25, 2009

I've notice on the Apple site in the build/buy section that the little blue highlighted circles don't appear in safari unless I open a new window! If I visit the same page in a new window then they appear! The same for Youtube in the edit subscription section. I've reinstalled flash but no luck.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Folder Not Showing All Contents (but Contents Are In Fact There)

Mar 12, 2012

I'm running Lion on an 27" iMac (first i7 iteration), and have a folder on an external HDD that contains a couple of hundred subfolders. 

However - when viewing them in Finder, only the first hundred or so display. 

The others are there - searching the disc finds the folders and their contents and, once, the contents are located, they'll display in the expanded view. 

I copied the offending folder across to the Mac's main HD, but this behaviour came across with it.  This, by the way, was happening on Snow Leopard too before I upgraded to Lion. 

iMac, Windows 7

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Some Email Present In Overall Inbox But Not In Its Account Inbox?

Apr 22, 2012

I've got really odd behavior in my Mail application running on a MacBook Pro 2.7GHz Intel Core i7 4GB RAM OS X 10.7.3. I have several email accounts. In one of them, "X," some emails don't show up in the account Inbox even though they are present in the overall Inbox marked as "Inbox - X"! Also, when I set up a Smart Mailbox with as criterion that the sender is "Y," the sender of one of these "missing" emails, those emails don't show in the Smart Mailbox. What's going on here? It screws up my email management as I can't be sure my Smart Mailboxes and folders contain all that they're supposed to.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Delete Large Batch Of Emails From Inbox / Empty Trash / Deleted Emails Reappear In Inbox

Jun 20, 2014

I delete a large batch of emails from my inbox, empty the trash, and the deleted emails reappear in the inbox.  This happens repeatedly.  How do I get rid of these emails permanently?

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Applications :: Office 2008 - Toolbars Not Shown At Top Of Page?

Feb 5, 2009

How can I set up Word (Office 2008) to keep my toolbars always showing in the head of the page? When I close my Word and open it again. My toolbars aren't there!

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Applications :: What Game Is Shown On The MacBook Unibody Video?

Mar 1, 2009

I have been searching day and night for a decent car-racing game for OS X. What game is this? (See attachment)

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Applications :: Correct Number Of Mails Shown But No Messages

Mar 26, 2009

I think, not sure, I closed Mail to reduce the programs running for something. When I got it up again it has the correct number of messages in say my Inbox, Outbox etc, but the messages are not there.

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Applications :: Incoming Messages - Pictures Shown As Attachments

May 21, 2009

Some of the emails I receive from friends show a placeholder for an image. The placeholder has the filename (example.jpg) in the top left hand corner. In the centre of the placeholder is a tiny blue square with a question mark. Is there a way to display the pics in the email along with the text. Funny stories are not quite the same without the pics! I can preview & download the images with no problem. So it looks like the images are there, its just that mail doesn't want to display them sometimes?

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Applications :: Deleted Email Shown In Spotlight Search?

Jun 7, 2009

I delete all of my Sent, Deleted emails when I quit mail. I did a search within Spotlight with my one friends that I email a lot, put his name in, and up popped 162 emails that I had sent to him since March 2008. How can these emails be deleted so they don't show up in Spotlight? Should I uncheck the boxes that say Store, messages on the server? Regardless, this would not cause the emails to show up/not show up within Spotlight on my Mac, would it?

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Applications :: Get Rid Of All GMAIL Imap Folders Shown In Left?

Sep 13, 2009

Before Snow Leopard I don't remember my GMAIL account showing all of the imap folders just below the Mailboxes. It looks like this in my left most pane:

>Mobile Me

This is just below and the area I'm talking about........

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Applications :: How Do I Increase The Length Of Text Shown In A Message?

Mar 17, 2010

I've set up some alarms that are scheduled to show a message, but the messages only show two lines of what I've written. I want to see everything. How can I do this, is it even possible?

If I can't do this in iCal, does anyone know of an app that will do the job? Something where I can schedule messages to pop-up on a reoccurring bases.

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Applications :: QT Movies Not Shown On Blank IWeb Pages

Apr 11, 2010

I made a website today,, and published it to the Internet but the movies on it don't show up on the pages. I used blank pages for all the movie pages and each one has a 320x240 quicktime and a 320x180 wmv. Can you put movies on blank pages or do you have to use the movies pages templates provided by IWeb to play movies?

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Applications :: Empty Contents Of .dat File

Aug 24, 2010

I use a PHP script that records the number of clicks on a weblink I want to monitor. Every so often I want to zero (or empty) a number of files (all are .dat files) to start the counting afresh. Is there a way to automate this using maybe Automator or AppleScript?

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Applications :: ITunes Assistance And Contents

Dec 2, 2010

I have a very very large iTunes library. I copied the whole "Music" folder from my mac and everything else onto my WD external for backup so when i get my new drive i can do a fresh install and move them back over When i get on my fresh i just copy the contents of the Music folder i backed up on my External over to the music folder on the new install?

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Applications :: Need To Put Table Of Contents Into Pages?

Nov 24, 2009

I'm working on something in pages and need to put in a table of contents, I've looked under sections but I can only see the option for a blank page, can anyone tell me how I insert a table of contents?

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Applications :: ITunes Library Missing - Empty Folders Shown

Oct 23, 2010

On itunes, I have my account/library and my wife has hers. For some reason her library disappeared. Her folder is still in the music folder along with mine, but her music, apps will not show up in itunes and her account name also is gone when opening itunes with option c I can see both accounts and when I choose hers and itunes opens everything is blank if that makes sense.

She is afraid to do a sync because she is afraid she'll loose the apps, music and other items from her itouch. I don't want to mess with it because I'm nervous about messing my library up as well trying to restore hers. Is there anything I can do to get her library to load in itunes and not distrurb mine and resync her itouch and my iphone? I didn't see any answers to this specific 2nd account issue and I hope the description of the issue is clear.

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Applications :: ICal Month Events View - No Dots Shown

Sep 14, 2008

Is it me or did you never see a "dot" in the mini month view within Ical when you had an event on a day? I have it on the iphone on month view but I could have sword that I had this on my Mac?

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Applications :: Keynote Presentation Shown On Left In Small Screen

Jan 26, 2010

I attempted to show a keynote presentation yesterday and when it went through the LCD projector, it showed the presentation on the left in a small screen and elapsed time on the right. Also, when the projector showed my laptop screen, it did not show the real desktop, it showed way off to the side. How to get it back to normal?

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Applications :: IPhoto Library Missing - Empty Window Shown

Jul 5, 2010

I cannot find my iPhoto Library file. I had almost 17,000 pictures and now when I start iPhoto it shows an empty window to choose a new library or use an existent. But there is no library anymore under my pictures folder. I used Data Rescue 3 and Virtual Lab do not find pictures in my HD. How can I spotlight or find iPhoto Library in case I moved it somewhere else?

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Applications :: Gmail / Don't Want Sent Messages In Inbox

Oct 1, 2006

I have a quick question...I really don't like the feature of gmail where it saves your sent messages into the inbox. Instead, I would like them restricted to the "Sent Mail" folder so I don't have to sift through my own messages I sent. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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Applications :: Transfer Mail Inbox From One Mac To Another?

Jan 30, 2009

I just got a new macbook pro and have been using Mail with it for a while now. What I want to do is transfer my inbox messages from Mail on an old macbook into the inbox of Mail on my new MBP. Is there anyway to do this and still keep the new emails that Mail has collected on my MBP?

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