Applications :: Best Settings For FCE4 For Canon HF100?
Feb 5, 2010
Looking at editing some footage in FCE4 with my Canon HF100. Am wondering what the best settings are to have my FCE4 at from the get-go. Importing with a SanDisk MicroMate. DV-NTSC? AIC? What should I have it set as? I read FCE4 only supports up to 1440x1020 or something along those lines. How do I get to edit stuff in full 1920x1080?
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Jan 19, 2009
I just purchased Final Cut Express 4.0 and hooked my new Canon Vixia HG20 up to the computer, only to have it NOT log and transfer the clips! I am so frustrated! I have tried the easy set-up and tried all of the Apple Codec settings. I read somewhere that you need to upgrade to 4.0.1, but I can't seem to find anywhere to do this and it is not coming up in my Software Update menu. When I did my homework to try and find an editing program that would be compatible with my camera, FCE 4 kept coming up and no one was seeming to have any trouble, so I am guessing it is some kind of setting that I am overlooking. Can anyone shed some light on this annoying little problem?
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Sep 27, 2009
I went out and purchased FCE in hopes of a better editing experience then iMovie '09. I love the way FCE is set up with the timeline and everything else.
All of my material comes from my iPhone 3GS video camera and whenever I press "space" in the timeline to preview the clip it just says unrendered.
I've done some research and found that it is something to do with the project settings. I have tried to figure it out on my own but I cant seem to find which preset I need to use in the easy setup menu.
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May 1, 2010
I was simply trying to combined footage for a 2 camera concert shoot and now the audio meters are peeking and beeping? What did I do?
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Mar 22, 2006
Canon advertises this printer as having ONLY Windows drivers, however there is a solution if you are interested in buying the printer (I bought one for around AUD150, delivered in Melbourne). As reported in Macosxhints here there is an OSX driver for the Canon LBP3000. Go to the linked Canon page (which is in Japanese) then scroll to near the bottom of the page for links to the driver (MXCAPT160). Download that and install it. Edit: The printer dialogue (when you attach it) is then in English. It doesn't offer all the options available in Windows (mainly output quality & economy modes) but is fine for straightforward printing to A4, letter, legal, A5, A6 and a couple of Japanese envelope sizes (Yougata-4 approximates DL).
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Jun 16, 2009
Under Windows, I always used Canon Easy Photprint and was pleased to see it is also part of my Canon installation for Mac. Except, when I try to use it, I can't see the bulk of my photos, presumably because iPhoto has packaged them into a photo library. So, in order to print a photo from Easy Photo Print, do I have to export it from iPhoto first? Is there some more elegant way? I tried printing from iPhoto itself, it was so-so, some photo sizes got messed up, especially in cropped photos.
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Oct 15, 2009
I'm unable to import RAW files from my new Canon 7D into either Aperture or iPhoto. Both are up to date.
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Jan 28, 2010
anyone with a 8600F scanner still works after updating to the latest security updates on osx? Mine stopped working after updating. I can still use the scanner in windows but not in osx. this is driving me nuts.
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Aug 23, 2009
I have a G5 Duel 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal.This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly, sometimes I lose my wireless key sometimes I lose time and date sometimes both, this can happen daily.
I have removed the (New) Battery and checked the voltage and it reads 3.6 Volts, I haven't checked this under load though, so presuming that the battery is OK, what else could cause this.. a failing System Board?
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Jun 26, 2010
I have had my MacBook Pro now for a little over 2 yrs and I was very frustrated I could not change any print options in any application. I know that the Triangle button expands print options screen but when I do, I have only two print choices. It gave me Standard or Page Attributes in Office and any other App it is Standard and Last used settings. I can't print in Draft, Best or other setting because it does not even give them as a choice. I have two high end color photo printers, Canon i9900 and Epson Photo series and an old HP830 series. Any app I tried to print from and the same thing. I tried to capture the options on the choices but it would not grab that part of the image but here is my screen shot. I searched many forums and I still get the same answer so something else is not letting me change things so I figured best to ask since I am a 20 year win user now switched to Mac. Well right after I posted this question, my wife found the answer. I never though to check the application NAME in the print setting screen. Example, in the screenshot I am using Preview. I never thought to hit the up/down arrow next to the Preview label and wouldn't you know, that is were the quality and several other settings were. I felt pretty stupid that it took 2 years to figure this out but if I posted the answer maybe someone else will not have to take as long as I did to change their print quality!
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Jul 8, 2010
I've purchased my Mac book from a friend. It still has his name and password on which he cannot remember. Am i correct in assuming that if I restore it to the origianl factory settings then it will erase his settings. Also will i need anything erlse with the start up like serial numbers, auth codes etc?
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Oct 2, 2010
I've been using mail for a while and have been having problems sending mail from it using my isp's settings. i just got a mobile me trial account to see if I could use that to send email from the app. That was another no no. So I tried to reset mail so I could start a fresh by deleting the mail folder in the library. Now when I open the app it auto add the mm account and only has an inbox, no other options down the left hand side etc and still tries to connect to my old isp's smpt settings. Im looking for a way to reset mail to fresh.
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Dec 6, 2010
I'm glad to have a more seamless solution with iWeb (ditching Transmit) but even though I have the 'Directory/Path' set to '/' I think it's needlessly duplicating my URL name and I can't remove it. I'll explain.
Say my site is I want to make a page called test.html. It ends up loading it to:
In this case, in the site publishing settings pane (which isn't very intuitive to find, I'll add) under Site name: it defaults to 'example' and even if I delete 'example' then save it or publish changes or do anything, 'example' pops back in there automatically and it publishes it accordingly.
I hope I've made my question clear. I definitely have a dangerously low level of understanding when it comes to FTP transfers and domain names, etc.
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May 10, 2008
A while back I installed Fan Control on my MacBook Pro 2,4 GHz. Since then I have processed to at least two clean install of Leopard. From what I have read, the application is located in the MBP firmware. So I have a couple of questions for you:
- How do I uninstall Fan control?
- Well should I be stuck with it then, I am not sure I really understand how to use it:
I am reading:
Fan control:
Base speed: 1500RPM
Lower Threshold: 50C
Upper Threshold: 80C
Current values:
Left fan: 1593 RPM
Right fan: 1600 RPM
Temperature: 47,5C
Are these settings OK? What types of configurations would be dangerous for my machine?
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Jan 30, 2009
I've reinstalled 10.5.6 and I am manually dragging over my important files from old system (also 10.5.6).
Both systems have iTunes 8.0.2 installed.
I'm trying to import my EQ settings in iTunes (that I created) but have no luck.
I've read elsewhere I need the .itl file in the iTunes folder, but iTunes 8 doesn't seem to offer one.
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Jan 4, 2010
before I get started I want to say that I read all of the threads pertaining to this issue and I cannot come to a conclusion as to what I can do to resolve this issue. I bought my wife a 15" Macbook Pro for the holidays and she's a recent convert to Mac OS. As I was tutoring her on the basics, we proceeded on setting up her email account through Gmail with the Mail app. What I also did was delete my own account on my iMac so I can set it up together with her while she watched me do it and sure enough, when it was all said and done, our mail accounts were set up but now I had new folders that I've never seen before. Mail no longer gave me the option to choose POP and set up IMAP by default instead. This led me to finding out that if I held down the Alt/Option key during the account setup, it then gave me the option to use a POP setting. Everyone says that IMAP is a much better solution and I ultimately want to move away from POP but Mail keeps downloading ALL of my emails that dates back at least a month. Sometimes this takes a least 7 to 8 minutes as I have some large attachments from previous recipients and it bogs down my network. Keep in mind that it doesn't matter if I delete all of them, they still re-download when I relaunch the Mail app. How in the hell do I sort all of this out? I've gone into my Gmail settings and checked off the proper protocols for POP settings when I use POP and then proper IMAP settings for that as well. It's just so confusing for me to have all of those Gmail folders on the left hand side. I just want to be able to delete an email forever without Mail acting up. Is this a server issue with Gmail or a problem with Mail itself? I do not want to use Thunderbird because Mail is perfectly integrated enough with the OS for me.
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Feb 7, 2010
Does anyone have the proper setup for the (Tor Bundle) Vidalia Application permitting one to "Hide Their IP Address"?
Under Settings - Advanced, there appear two address blocks. It was my belief that the first block should be the same as my browser address. Apparently that is no the case. In any event, what numbers/character sequences should fill these two fields?
Also, when starting Vidalia, following installation, the Green Onion Icon never appeared, the "Connecting To Tor" progress bar only partially filled. Is this error caused by the first problem?
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Apr 11, 2010
3.06 ghz Imac
4 GIGS 800mhz ram
8800 GS
I want to play games like portal, etc in full detail what are the best setting in vm ware (core and ram wise) to do so (or attempt to)?
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Jun 22, 2010
Got my new MBP and would like to migrate my geektool settings over (many hours spent creating different desktops!
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Aug 19, 2010
you are running SMC fan control at a low or medium fan setting, that the smc overrides those settings if the Mac starts to overheat and requiring fans to be above those settings?So far I'm using SMC at Medium fan settings, my CPU fan is constantly at 2150 RPM range. Having your Mac cooler than normal for the price of some lower fans is quite worth it, but I'm worried that if I am using a lot of high CPU apps that the fans won't automatically go up, because right now i'm compressing some 7zip archives of old data and the CPU is around 104 F, 2150 RPM fan still, it didn't change one bit from CPU at 90 F idle and 2150 RPM idle
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Oct 5, 2010
i keep getting these squares instead of the symbols in my equations if i type in () then it shows two squares if i type in omega the it shows one square what's happening? language settings? cuz my mac was originally Chinese traditional now i set it in English. this is a screenshot from the example u can find in your grapher too but my symbols are squares.
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Oct 20, 2010
I have been asked to send some photos to company, and to watermark them as property of that company. I have never done it before, and indeed am not sure what it exactly means. I think it mean it will have invisible data in the files metadata stating " Property of..." etc.
How can I do this.....clear and simple please as I'm no expert.
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Jan 7, 2011
What are the best settings for converting DVDs or other videos to PS3 (using MPEG Streamclip) with as high a quality score as possible?
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Jan 28, 2009
I'm trying to make some DVDs using iDVD. I want to play The Dark Knight and Benders Big Game at other locations. Anyways, I'm trying to make separate discs, not one disc for both movies. When I try to drag the file to iDVD, it says that the file is too big and to play with encoder settings. The encoder settings are already at best performance. In Finder, the file is 808MB, yet iDVD claims it is 8.08GB. I know for a fact that the file is 808mb, not 8.08GB. The file was .avi, so I converted it to .divx, and this still didn't fix it. I also tried the other movie which is .mp4, and I had the same problem.
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Feb 13, 2009
does anybody know of software that will download a web site if given the path? For instance, I want to download the tutorials of an open source project. But it is online only. If I can download it to my laptop, I can read it while I telecommute on the train.
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Feb 15, 2009
I'm going to be moving to a new computer soon. Iv got a hackintosh now so I can't just straight up do a full migration. For apps like adium and firefox, how do you transfer all their settings over?
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Feb 22, 2009
I've just installed the whole iLife 09 package on a MacBook Pro 2.4 Ghz, 2 Gb RAM, 200 Gb disk (with 112 free Gb), and I have an issue I can't figure out how to fix it. Every time I try to change the "project settings", the program freezes and most of the times I have to shut it down using "alt+command+esc". It makes me feel like using a darn PC. It's the same if I try to acceed to the settings by clicking on the "LCD display" or by pressing "ctrl+command+F". The program just freezes without even letting me see the project settings (Tempo, Key, etc.). And I think that my computer settings shouldn't be a problem. A friend of mine had just the same trouble with a MacBook Pro just like mine. Meanwhile, I've been using GarageBand with a white MacBook with 1,83 Ghz and I've always used this feature without any problem!
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Apr 25, 2009
you can now adjust the awesome bar behavior if you want to exclude history, or bookmark, or both.
and you can set up in more detail about what kind of private information you want firefox to remember.
when clear private data, you can select if you want to clear everything, or just the data from past hour, past 2 hours, or past 4 hours.
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Apr 28, 2009
I when I am in Keynote, and working on slides that are smaller than the window size (the picture will explain) I like the slide to be in the center of the windows - like Powerpoint.
I hate to have to use Powerpoint, just because I need to work with objects off the screen. I have looked everywhere for the setting; but not found it yet. I know it must be out there!
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May 18, 2009
I am on the way to install Transmission on a Unibody 15".
I see the firewall has 3 different settings:
Allow all incoming connections.
Allow only essential services.
Set access for specific services and applications.
Which setting would be most secure but still functional with Transmission?
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