Applications :: Combining Footage For 2 Camera Concert Shoot In FCE4
May 1, 2010I was simply trying to combined footage for a 2 camera concert shoot and now the audio meters are peeking and beeping? What did I do?
View 3 RepliesI was simply trying to combined footage for a 2 camera concert shoot and now the audio meters are peeking and beeping? What did I do?
View 3 RepliesI was simply trying to combined footage for a 2 camera concert shoot and now the audio meters are peeking and beeping? What did I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have some live footage of musical performance. I have footage from two cameras and the sound off the desk that I need to sync up. I had hoped I could sync the sound to both cameras, then put in which shots I chose at any given point, but I don't know if the system will do that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI run a Mac Pro 2 x 2.66 GHz Dual Core Intel OSX 10.5.8 and have been editing video with iMovie HD 5.0.2 for several years. I recently connected my Sony DVR-2100E camcorder to iMovie, imported and edited footage. When I tried to export the edited footage back to the camera iMovie refused to recognise either of my 2 camcorders and would not connect. Although I have iMovieHD installed I do not appear to have iLife. I also have iMovieHD 5.0.2 installed on my Powerbook. When I connect either of my 2 camcorders to the Powerbook they connect OK to iMovie but the moment I try to export any footage back to camera it immediately crashes and say's it has lost the connection. This happens every time. If I purchase the Snow Leopard upgrade for Leopard for $39 will it have iLife with a full version of iMovie included, or will I have to purchase a full installation version? I am hoping that a newer version of iMovie with iLife will solve my problems.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just purchased Final Cut Express 4.0 and hooked my new Canon Vixia HG20 up to the computer, only to have it NOT log and transfer the clips! I am so frustrated! I have tried the easy set-up and tried all of the Apple Codec settings. I read somewhere that you need to upgrade to 4.0.1, but I can't seem to find anywhere to do this and it is not coming up in my Software Update menu. When I did my homework to try and find an editing program that would be compatible with my camera, FCE 4 kept coming up and no one was seeming to have any trouble, so I am guessing it is some kind of setting that I am overlooking. Can anyone shed some light on this annoying little problem?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI went out and purchased FCE in hopes of a better editing experience then iMovie '09. I love the way FCE is set up with the timeline and everything else.
All of my material comes from my iPhone 3GS video camera and whenever I press "space" in the timeline to preview the clip it just says unrendered.
I've done some research and found that it is something to do with the project settings. I have tried to figure it out on my own but I cant seem to find which preset I need to use in the easy setup menu.
Looking at editing some footage in FCE4 with my Canon HF100. Am wondering what the best settings are to have my FCE4 at from the get-go. Importing with a SanDisk MicroMate. DV-NTSC? AIC? What should I have it set as? I read FCE4 only supports up to 1440x1020 or something along those lines. How do I get to edit stuff in full 1920x1080?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to like Google Chrome, but for some reason it seems like when i use Chrome my macbook pro's fans shoot up. Even just doing normal browsing.. although it does naturally happen to youtube based stuff
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently ripped my Monty Python and the Holy Grail DVD to my computer so i can back it up, and in the VIDEO_TS folder there are 5 different parts. The problem is, English is the default track for only 2 of them. The other ones are in different languages, and for me to put it into english i have to change the trach from track 1 to 2 in VLC.
How do i combine all of them, keeping it as english?
Is there a program for Mac like WinRAR that will combine .rar files and then decrompress them. I don't thik stuffit does this.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI have a few PDF files, some of which have A4 portrait pages in them and others have A4 landscape pages in. Is there any software (ideally free) that can combine these files into one single PDF file?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI have one iTunes library on my MBP and another on an iMac that are different. I want to combine them into one (on the iMac) but when I try the songs/videos moved over can't be found by the iMac (have the exclamation mark next to the title). I really don't want to backup to disc to move them over by restoring because the library I am moving is 70+ GB (that's a lot of discs) so I have copied the folder onto a separate harddrive. How do I combine these libraries? Please give me step by step instructions that a middle aged Mom who has not slept through the night in 14 years can understand.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFirst, what I want:
* Connect a 30 minute video with one large or 3-4 small text files
* Connect many of these video-text connections into a whole
* Search through and sort all these files
What I'm actually doing is compiling a ~30-minute video of a chef with several recipe text files into a "show," and then all the shows would be compiled into a "series," and I should be able to search the series for a particular show or recipe within a show and sort (sort of narrow down, like searching in iTunes Library) recipes by keywords like ingredients or cook time.
I'm starting here just in case there's already an application that accomplishes this, as I have absolutely no idea how to translate this paragraph into a search term. I'm totally cool with using some program that could just somehow connect text and videos and search/sort through the text files, but I still don't know what one would be.
Also, I'm generally a novice programmer, but I'm very experienced with some web programming, so I know exactly how I could make a website for this; however, the whole point of this is to be able to access it offline and possibly transfer it between machines. With my limited knowledge and even more limited coding creativity, is there a way to make a sort of offline website for this?
I've got some PDFs I'm trying to compile into one single PDF file. I'm using an automator script which is working well, except for the fact that the resultant PDF's page sizes are all over the place � some are huge whereas others are pretty tiny...
Is there something I'm missing here? Is there a way to combine PDFs and not have the pages sizes turn out weird? The PDFs are from different sources (some have been scanned at various resolutions, some are word documents that were printed to PDF from within OS X) so that could be the reason, but I'm just looking for a solution atm.
how to combine my ichat and jabber buddy lists into one .
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using the first version of Motion. I have some footage I shot and converted to a .mov file. I know Motion 3 does speed up footage but my version does not. Anyone out there know how to speed up footage using a low cost or free solution? This is the last thing i need to do to finish this project.I do not own final cut or quicktime pro. Just have Motion and iMovie '08
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've tried searching for this in the forum here, but didn't have any luck. I'm trying to use iMovie to edit/put together some footage I have. It is from a DVD that was filmed during a church service. The format shows up as .VOB. But it will not let me import this into iMovie to edit. What format do I have to have to import it and be able to edit? Does it have to be .avi? mp4?
I have a new panasonic HD camera that records full HD (HDC-TM200-K). What format do you recommend I import movies into iMovie? Full or the large options.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLike many of us nowadays, I own an AVCHD camcorder which works very well with iMovie other than the fact that the AIC files that iMovie creates are huge. This has prompted me to dedicate a firewire 800 external hard drive just for these files. I have my project files on my iMac internal hard drive, and the event files on my external firewire drive. All is fine and dandy, however I am wondering how to backup this external drive knowing that drives don't last forever.
My biggest concern is not only how to back it up, but really will a restore on a new drive actually work? The reason I ask is that the iMovie project files have instructions to point to the specific event files on the external drive. But if the external drive dies and a new one replaces it, how will the project files know where to point to? Would an exact clone of the original drive work (such as with SuperDuper)? Would it need to be given the same name as the original drive? What about a Time Machine restore on a new drive? Would that work, and if so, does the new drive also need the same name? Does the clone or new drive need to be Firewire 800 (same as my original) for iMovie to think it's the same? And if I want to buy a bigger drive at some point, I suppose I would need to migrate the event files from within iMovie, rather than through the Finder, right? I believe iMovie does this well, but if you go through the Finder, you're in trouble with iMovie?
I have backed up my original SD cards from the camcorder separately as disk images, but I would not want to have to reimport all the footage and then recreate all my projects (last resort)
I just bought final cut express about a week ago, and haven't used it yet.. There's a youtuber: [URL] Who does insane editing . He uses Sony Vegas. Is it possible to do this kinda thing in Final Cut Express? Also, in Final cut you have to Render every time you import or change something. It takes me hours trying to edit something. Do you have to render with sony vegas?
View 3 Replies View Relatedcan I shoot in 16:9 with quick time?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been experiencing an incredibly frustrating issue with my MacBook Pro. Essentially, until the fan kicks on, it is performing as a computer with its specs should run. At the moment the fan kicks on, it becomes virtually useless. Really, truly glacial.
I have a first-generation unibody model (you know, the ones with the detachable battery). It has repectable specs–2.53 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT 512 MB. I have also completely re-installed the newest version of Lion from scratch, as well as fresh installs of Adobe Creative Suite + Lightroom. Everything is totally fresh. No funky drivers from God-knows-when eating up my CPUs. So here is what happens: On a regular day (I'm a photographer), I'll open up Lightroom, Photoshop, and Spotify. The computer operates at a very decent clip, nice and snappy. Without modifying ANYTHING, my fans will kick on, and I'll have about 25% of the performance I had, literally, 10 seconds earlier. I have been exhaustive in diagnosis. I'll explain. Checked Activity Monitor, and everything looks completely normal. The programs and processes that I anticipated would be eating CPUs, indeed, are the only ones that are listed doing so. Nothing funky. I have installed Fan Control to monitor the speed of the fans as well as temp of the computer. Everything looks normal there, too. Along with reinstalling my operating systems, I decided to re-build my Lightroom albums. As of right now, there is only one shoot in the entire program. No gigantic libraries being indexed. I also make sure to build all of my thumbnails in advance so when I'm working in Photoshop, Lightroom isn't doing that in the background. About every hour or so, I'll close down Photoshop and Lightroom, and re-open them to clear caches. Only the fan affects the performance. And yes, I have broken open the back of the machine and gave the fans a cleaning. ****, they weren't even that dirty. It's also important to note that, yes, the fans kick on very quickly after opening up intensive programs. Even if I am just starting up a completely cool computer, and the programs have only been open and idle for a matter of minutes. Now should Lightroom with ONE WHOLE shoot cataloged be considered "intensive" for a computer with my specs? I don't even know anymore.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM
I have an old imac swivel head g4 and am about to get a mac mini intel.
I use my computer mostly for watching movies and editing video with FCP.
Can I link the two together to shorten rendering time or get any benefit out of the two machines working together or should I sell the g4 for $20 and buy a dvd to watch on my new mini?
I have 2 mac minis at my fingertips. I've done a bit of we scanning and had some very foggy info so I thought I'd see my self. Is it possible to use both my macs as 1 doubly strong computer, a sort of 'merging' thing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have just had a new MBP delivered, its come through a company that provides machines for dyslexic students (myself). Its a replacement for my previous mac that I owned, suffice to say the other got destroyed. The company for some unknown reason put 2 partitions on the hard drive, its really annoying as I need to use the migrate assistant to put my old system on it and the 2 partitions are to small to accommodate it. My question.
1. Is it possible to combine these 2 partitions and if so how would I go about doing this from within the disk utility?
2. Is it also possible to transfer my partition over which held my bootcamp partition from my previous machine?
I currently have an Airport Extreme as my router. I would like to be able to wirelessly play music over my stereo, and therefore would like to purchase an Airport Express to achieve this functionality. If I were to add the AP Express to the network, would it act just as an access point and therefore I could play music wirelessly from my network? Or would it want to create a second network SSID and therefore I would have to switch between networks to play music etc?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a backup copy of a DVD I own so that I can watch the movie in iTunes or on my iPhone when I'm on the go. The movie is on a two-part DVD; how can I combine the resulting rip so that I have one movie file in iTunes (rather than a "Part A" and "Part B" file)?
I have an external iSight Web camera and want to use it with an iMac with a built in iSight camera. Can I disable the built in iSight camera and instead use the external camera?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSurely this is a pretty standard feature in laptops now, particularly with Apple's obsession with iPhoto etcDoes it come as an option?How do you get your pics off your camera? You have to connect a usb cable from the laptop to the camera?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have two computers, a PC and and Mac. Each has an itunes library. I want to combine both those libraries on an external hard drive that I keep plugged into my mac, and I'm running into some snags. I went out and bout a 2tb hard drive and was able to succesfly "consolidate" my PC itunes library to it. My plan was to plug the hard drive into my mac and do the same thing (consolidate my Mac library to the same folder that I had consolidated my PC library to). However, I quickly found that since the PC is formated as Windows NTFS, MAC can't write to it. It appears that it can read the drive, but not write to it. What format do I need to make the 2tb hard drive so that my MAC can read/write to it, but also that my PC can recognize it so I can transfer all my PC library to it? Is my methodology correct to rech my desired end?
a. consolidate PC itunes library to external hard drive
b. consolidate MAC intunes library to same folder
c. then repopulate my itunes on my MAC with the new itunes library on the external hard drive. Does that sound right?