Applications :: App To Defragment My Hard Drive With Minimum Risk?

Jun 8, 2009

I want to defragment my hard drive because it's two years old, and I create and delete VERY large files every day.

What is an application that can effectively do this with minimum risk?

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OS X :: Wipe Computer - Defragment Hard Drive?

Feb 12, 2009

Basically I'm trying to install windows xp on my macbook and bootcamp is telling me i need to defragment my hard drive. So i have a few questions. 1. First i don't know the best way to back up all my stuff without having to copy all of it back (I'm hoping to just reload the bare essentials so i can start fresh) - will time machine work well or should i manually grab all my essential files and drag em over to my external hd? Will my stuff be defragmented when i load it all back onto my mac? 2. If i just copy my itunes folder to the external HD, will it save my tags, artwork and library? For Iphoto too, if I just copy the folder will it remember my library? 3. Which system/library folders are essential, what besides my documents, pictures, music, movies and games 4. Is there anyway to copy over applications like Logic 8 and Microsoft Word and not have to reinstall them, and is it worth it?

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OS X :: Trying To Defragment The Hard Drive Using Snow Leopard?

Jan 29, 2010

I am trying to defragment the hard drive using snow leopard but I get the following message:You cannot use this algorithm on the selected volume. Off-line algorithms need to unmount the disk so you need to boot from a different disk, partition, computer or CD/DVD. Alternatively, use the Quick (on-line) algorithm.How would I do this without doing a quick algorithm? Basically how do I unmount the disk or boot from a different disk or DVD and run this program, iDefrag.

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Windows On Mac :: What Is The Minimum Recommended Hard Drive Space Needed For A 7(x64) Install

Jul 4, 2010

I have a MBP 13.3" w/ 4GB of RAM and an Intel G2 160GB SSD. I will need to install Windows 7 and one third-party application (not very large).

So I'm wondering, assuming I only need the OS install and the third-party application takes up minimal space, and I will not be installing anything other than whatever comes with the truckload of windows updates, what is the suggested partition size for Win7 (x64)?

Also, is there anything special I need to do (TRIM?) regarding my SSD?

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Applications :: Minimum Hardware For FCP?

Jul 6, 2010

I've got a 13" unibody MBP, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 memory.

From a hardware standpoint, can I run FCP and not want to tear the room apart? I have an external monitor so that's not the issue...

I know that technically I could run the software, but would it be torturous? I'll be working with HD video. place ($$) to legitimately get a copy of the software? Also, if I need to upgrade my system what would you all reccomend? Again, money is obviously the issue here and I'm just starting to get my hands dirty with this aspect of production so I'm trying to ease into things.

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Applications :: If I Delete Files Off My Internal Hard Drive, Will It Still Be On My External Hard Drive

Nov 12, 2009

if i delete files off my internal hard drive (Macintosh HD), will it still be on my external hard drive or will it just add to it?

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Applications :: SMC Fan Control - Setting Minimum Speed

Apr 14, 2009

Just downloaded and installed this app, been using it for a few hours, I am a fan. Just a quick question, it won't seem to let me set the minimum fan speed below 2000rpm (the standard level for the app), is this normal, I thought I remembered the apple default being lower?
15inch UNI MBP, 2.4 ghz, 2g ram, 250hd by the way

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Mac Pro :: Defragment Time Machine?

Jan 26, 2010

I know that there is a debate as to whether to use Disk Warrior at all, but if you do, would you also use it on your Time Machine external drive?

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Applications :: Aperture Bypass Minimum Graphics Card Requirements?

Aug 28, 2009

I get this error on opening aperture 2:

So, How can I bypass this error?

(It will run on my PB G4 but it is too slow, This is my Hackintosh with GMA x4500mhd)

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OS X :: Need To Backup Text Messages With Zero Risk

Aug 27, 2009

I am in a very sticky situation that involves the law and how much/often I can see my daughter. I have a number of text messages that are on my Nokia E65 that I need to back up on my computer. I need to know that there is zero risk of losing these messages as they can determine very important arguments in court.

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Risk To Imac For Downloading Norton?

May 4, 2012

I am using Comcast as the internet provider for my computer.They recently sent an email saying they highly recommended downloading Norton Internet Security for Mac [Norton 360 Technology].They are offering this Security package at no charge.The reason they say they are offering this is because their "Constant Guard" has identified my computer as possibly being infected with a bot.I am fearful of installling this if it will "mess up" anything already on my iMac.

iMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Cannot Open Excel Doc From Outlook Security Risk

Aug 22, 2014

I get this message when opening an Excel doc from Outlook Email "This attachment was removed because it contains data that could pose a security risk". I know this doc is safe, how do I get to see it?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.5), it is actually 10.8.5

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Applications :: Running Itunes On External Hard Drive / Internal Drive Space Not Enough

Jan 2, 2011

This is what im trying to do. I have a macbook with 120gb hard drive. thats not enough space from my music collection. So i was wondering how to make itunes run off a external hard drive. I looked around and found was for a PC.

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Hardware :: Recover Data From Dead Lacie Hard Drive / Unable To Mount Hard Drive

Sep 6, 2009

Today I went to plug in my Lacie 250 GB USB external hard drive into my 13 in. MacBook to get a shirt template for a design I am making. I discovered that the hard drive just would not mount and show on the desktop, and I remembered that this happened a few days before, but all I did was unplug it and plug it back in, and it worked... except that today, that didn't work at all. I tried the other USB port, and the hard drive showed up on the desktop for about a second, and then disappeared. I kept on replugging it back into both USB ports, but nothing happened.

Then I tried to see if it would work on the PC beside me, and it was recognized as an external device; however, a message came up telling me the drive was malfunctioning. I am guessing this is from ejecting it incorrectly (because I am in a hurry to head to my next classes...I use this laptop at school), but I have incorrectly disconnected it before in the past and this problem never happened to me before.

Every single project I have ever created for my design career is on that hard drive, and all I want now is to get my files back. All I need it to do is show up on the desktop for just the right amount of time for me to copy my files onto my computer.

I read online to put it into the freezer for a while and it should mount, but that didn't work. I tried using Disk Warrior, Data Rescue 3, and Tech Tool Deluxe, but the hard drive did not show up on any of those apps.I tried plugging the hard drive into an iMac as well, but it did not show up either.

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MacBook Pro :: Audiable Click Sound Of Hard Drive / Protection Of The Hard Drive Dropped?

Sep 1, 2009

Got a new MBP last month to replace my white MacBook - loving it as an upgrade but one gripe - if I'm sat using it on my knee I regularly hear the "click" type noise of what I imagine is the protection of the hard drive because it thinks it is being dropped.

I never heard this on my old Mac and while it's not a huge issue it is a bit disconcerting, as though I'm being told off for moving it in a fairly responsible way.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Not Working / Logic Board Unable To Communicate With Hard Drive

Sep 9, 2009

My PowerBook G4 (Alum) died. I've had it for 4 years, taken it with me to Alaska and all over the lower 48, and have had nothing but happy experiences. I knew she was gonna go, but I was hoping she'd hold on until I could afford a MacBook. Alas, no. The problem appears to be the ability of the logic board to communicate with the hard drive. I can hear the HD spin, but even with Disk Warrior, I cannot locate it. The Mac Geniuses at my local Apple store confirmed this and gave me a shoulder to cry on. I've run Disk Warrior, Disk Utility, and tried finding it using the target disk mode - no luck.

The problem is that I've got 4 years of teaching materials, 6000 songs, and irreplaceable pictures on the HD, so I can't bring myself to just trash it. It's true that you only fail to back up you stuff once. This is my once. I've heard that with PC hard drives, you can just drop the old HD into a USB HD box and use it as an external HD. I can't afford professional data retrevial, and I want to give this option a try if it'll work with a Mac HD. Any ideas or suggestions?

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ITunes :: Play Media Files From Connected Hard Drive Without Transferring To Mac's Hard Drive?

Jun 3, 2012

How do i play media files from my external hard drive without transferring the files to my mac hard drive?  I have a lot of media files and want to be able to play them soley from my external hard drive. 

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1.1

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Making Weird Noises / Failing Hard Drive Or Something Else?

Nov 22, 2006

My PM G5's Hard Drive has been making wierd noises lately and I'm really beginning to worry that it's failing. How can I be sure?

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MacBook :: Migrating Contents Of Hard Drive To New One / Hard Drive Has Partition For Bootcamp?

Jul 27, 2009

I have an aluminum unibody macbook from October 2008. I'm looking to upgrade the 160 GB hard drive inside to a 500 GB one I'm considering from Newegg. Would it be possible to migrate/copy/clone the entire contents of my current hard drive to the 500 GB one? I also have a section of my current hard drive partitioned for Bootcamp. Would this affect my ability to transfer everything over?

If this is possible at all, how can I go about doing so? If there are steps laid out somewhere, I'd appreciate a referral. Sorry if my question is a little elementary, but I did a search on these forums and also google and nothing really came up

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OS X :: Unable To View Hard Drive - Hard Drive Not Appearing In Device Menu

Sep 9, 2009

I know this is going to be an incredibly easy fix, but I can't find it. The Hard Drive on my new iMac is not appearing on my desktop, nor is it appearing in the "Device" menu in Finder.

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Intel Mac :: Installed A New Hard Drive In 20" (2006) And Now The Hard Drive Does Not Show Up?

Mar 9, 2012

I have just installed a new hard drive in my imac intel 20" (2006) and upgraded the memory and now the hard drive does not show up in the 'select destinations' folder of the install program. I can see the hard drive in the disk utilities window however it wont let me do anything.It is a seagate 1TB SATA II drive however it is displaying it as a 7.3 TB.I have tried to erase and partition and get the same error message each time, 'Input/Output error'.
I have tried starting the thing with the install disk which is Mac OS X (Tiger?) which came with the computer


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Applications :: How To See What Taking Up Hard Drive Space?

Aug 24, 2010

I have a new Macbook Pro that I just got in May and my hard drive is pretty full (only about 20gb left), but I have NO idea what is taking up so much space. Is there an app that lets me see in a list what exactly is hogging so much space on my computer?

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Applications :: Moving ITunes To New Mac AND Hard Drive

Nov 11, 2010

I can't find a thread that addresses my particular problem, so I'm hoping somebody out there can point me in the right direction. I have a 100gb iTunes folder on my MacBook which I wish to transfer to my new iMac. Rather than simply copy it across to the iMac's HD, I would rather copy it to an external HD and then run iTunes from the external HD connected to my iMac. So my question is simply what is the best way to do this.
Also, can anyone recommend a great external HD which won't expire after 6 months?

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Applications :: BootCamp Not Working - Need Ext Hard Drive?

Jan 4, 2011

Ive read many of these threads and am wondering if there is anything I can do other than erasing everything because I don't have an external hard drive. I used iDefrag but I could only do the "quick" defrag and it wouldn't let me do the compact one. Do I have to buy an external hard drive to be able to partition?

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Applications :: Hard Drive Benchmarking Software?

Oct 17, 2007

I just got my two new OWC FW800 drives tonight, want to benchmark them and compare with my old USB drives. Any software recommendations?

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Applications :: Recovering A Formatted Hard Drive?

Dec 5, 2008

Data Rescue II was recommended to me recently to retrieve erased files from an external 1TB hard drive, where the files were accidentally erased whilst initializing another (now discovered as a faulty) external hard drive. I was led to believe by the sales person that the lost data could be recovered completely with no change, but now since using the software it seems this is not the case. As recommended, I scanned the drive using the scan specifically for deleted files, proceeded with the recovery (happy to see it had recovered all of the expected files, plus more) but then discovered that none of the files had their original file name (everything is now renamed with numbers relating to the file, and the file type). I have tried calling ProSoft several times now during their opening hours, and sent several emails to enquire further about the recovery process, but never receive an answer.

It would be great if anyone here has had a similar/same problem or knows if there is a way of retrieving the lost files with original file names intact. I fear that this software has left me with no choice but to open each file and rename individually, which is sure to be an epic task for the amount of files that were on the drive!

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Applications :: Looking For Hard Drive Indexing Program?

Mar 2, 2009

I wondering if anyone knows of a problem that will index my external hard drive and burned DVDs so that I can search/browse their contents even when I don't have them mounted on my Mac. I'm in the process of archive a lot of old work and I know at one point I saw a program that would index CDs and DVDs, but I can't remember the name and searching hasn't turned anything up yet.

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OS X :: Using New Hard Disc Drive - How To Transfer Applications

Mar 21, 2009

so im kinda still new to mac, i bought an Alu. Macbook and im thinking of upgrading the 160 stock harddrive with a 7200.3 seagate soon. I'm just wondering how i can back up everything to the hard drive coz i have no external drive right now. I will buy an enclosure for the 160GB drive if that helps me. Also, i only want to back up the mac portion and i will just do a clean bootcamp setup when i install the new drive.

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Applications :: Install On External Hard Drive?

Mar 27, 2009

title says it all. but can you install and run apps from an external hard drive?

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Applications :: Mac OS Cannot Find External Hard Drive

May 19, 2009

I have and Maxtor touch one III. I have installed the software update for mac OS, but it still wont find my hard drive. Its not mac format, but its FAT32 and I heard that worked as well. I can try to format it to mac format, but there is still some data on it that I want.

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