Applications :: Aperture 2.1 Is Losing Thumbnails?
Apr 8, 2008
I recently installed Aperture 2.1 and love it until....
A large collection of pictures (jpgs) was imported and after 2 days a lot of thumbnails are missing in the library. The images are still there, I can click on the gray spot the image supposed to be and view the preview and master.
It very annoying! I am planning to import about 10.000 images soon and this problem must be solved before.
attached you can find a screenshot of the problem
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Jan 6, 2011
I noticed that Aperture 3 is priced really, REALLY low on the Mac App Store. So I made the decision to buy it. But... I already have Aperture 2 installed. So what happens when I buy Aperture 3? Does it recognize that I have Aperture 2 installed, and upgrade it, or will it install Aperture 3 alongside Aperture 2?
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Sep 26, 2009
Instead of readding every single thumbnail, how do I get it to fetch all the thumbnails for the ones I already have? I'm running 3.0.0 build 30047.
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Feb 24, 2010
How do you ungroup page thumbnails in Pages?
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May 24, 2010
Seriously, it's absolutely ridiculous and brings my entire system to a crawl until I restart. Just look at how many page outs I have after iMovie is done making thumbnails of one seven minute clip:
My CPU usage during this process was around 10% so what gives? I have an early 2009 iMac with 4GB's of RAM.
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Jan 16, 2008
can you please tell me how to preview small thumbnails when i browse .ai(illustrator) or .eps files on mac leopard ?
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Jan 4, 2009
I just tested mkv file on vlc and they work fine with vlc and quick time player.
But does anyone know how to make snapshot and create thumbnails from the video?
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Mar 29, 2009
I'm used to Bridge now, it's faster than iPhoto and I can use my own folder structure instead of the ridiculous "events". Places/Faces and the slideshow of iPhoto is great though.
Anyway, when I'm in "thumbnail view" in Bridge, the thumbnails exceed my screen width. So if I'm on the most right thumbnail on my screen, and I go one right, it goes about 3 more pictures to the right (which I can't see) before jumping to the next row (starting at the most left picture of course).
And I don't see any sliders: no horizontal and no vertical. I can scroll vertically though, but not horizontally.
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May 23, 2009
I have iMovie '09 (8.0.2), and my Mac is full updated as well!
So, i have some mp4 files. I import them into an Event and then there are NO THUMBNAILS! GAH!
I did this a million times in iMovie '08! What is going on here?
Since i come from a Windows world, the first thing i tried is luck
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Jan 3, 2010
I'm in need of an application that creates a single .jpg with multiple thumbnails within, giving you a preview of a video.
I have found a couple of apps that do this, such as Screen Grabber and QiPo. How ever, none of these are suitable;
Screen Grabber under 10.6 doesn't work with WMV files. The output image file is full of black frames.
QiPo is the best out of all of them, how ever it doesn't allow you to select how many thumbnails to have in the one preview image file (it's pre set to 18).
I have emailed the developer of Screen Grabber regarding a OS X 10.6 fix, but am yet to hear back from him, so in the mean time i am still trying to find a Mac app that can serve my needs.
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Apr 23, 2010
I just opened iPhoto and found that when I click on an "Album" (menu to the left), it just opens up with full size images. It used to display thumbnails and I'd need to click on the image to open it into full size. Is there some option that I inadvertently adjusted to cause this change?
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Sep 21, 2008
I saw a couple of other threads talking about this and thought we should have a thread where you can show off and share your own custom made Genre thumbnails. In case your not sure how to do it this is a good guide: [URL]. Basically you need to create a jpeg, put it in the right folder (iTunes>Contents>Resources) with the correct name and then adjust a tiny bit of information in the genre plist.
Its very simple and people who have no experience with this kind of stuff will be able to do it easily. Also if (like me) you are annoyed at the fact that some genres are missing you can add your own in the exact same way as in he link posted. Note in mine that Action & Adventure are now two separate genres and i've added Gangster, Kung Fu, Comic & Anime. Mine are all supposed to be the best films of that genre (ok maybe not Transformers ). Pic link now added, download!
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Jan 27, 2009
Thought I'd start this thread for people to discover/add any info they have on what iPhoto Faces is doing behind the scenes to help with troubleshooting, since Apple doesn't have any preferences for Faces in the iPhoto GUI. This is only for people who like to understand what is happening behind the scenes. Please note this is not for everyone and anytime you do anything to your iPhoto library you risk corruption and should have a backup copy. What I've noticed so far:
- iPhoto scans the library the first time it opens, and creates 2 faces .db files with the iPhoto Library:
- iPhoto creates Faces thumbnails files and places them in the iPhoto Library/Data folder along with the other thumbnails it creates................
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May 1, 2009
Whenever i scroll though my iPhoto library, many of the images will disappear. The thumbnails are there at first, but will disappear and be replaced with a "!" icon.
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Oct 4, 2009
Machine - 15 inch MBPro 2007 running 3gb of ram Ran 170 GB Itunes library from a LaCie rugged HD (250GB) for a long time but recent purchase of a Apple TV meant upgrade of disk to WD Passport 500 GB.All files copied across and working fine.Until the last 24 hours.
All songs podcasts etc show the little exclamation mark next to them ... and "cannot be found" except manually.I have - verified and repaired the Passport - all ok Reset and redirected the itunes library in preferences.i am now on the painful step of deleting all tunes .. keeping files and readding them to the library which takes about 2 hours.
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Nov 13, 2010
I've had an issue with Word 2011 twice now, where it'll lose some of the shortcut keys, for example Cmd-V won't paste and Cmd-A won't select all. In both cases I've been able to resolve this issue by deleting the Microsoft User Data folder.
I don't have any third-party addons or anything, and have never tried to customise the shortcut keys. I've updated to 14.0.1 and seen the issue since, so it wasn't fixed by that update.
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Apr 10, 2005
I'm using a Mac Mini (running 10.3.8) connected to an old View Sonic E95 monitor. No problems except that every time I leave the computer for a while it goes to sleep and "forgets" what display it is connected to. When I hit a key or whatever to reawaken it, the display resolution has been re-set to "VGA 800x600" and I have to tell it to "Detect Display" again..
Any clues? I have looked on the forums and Google with no success .
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Jun 17, 2010
I have recently been having problems with left and middle clicks not being picked up by OS X. For example, I click a link, but its not selected at all. Another is I middle-click a tab in FF to close it, and nothing happens. I usually have to click twice in succession or hold the button down for a second or teo for the click to register. The weirder part is that it doesn't always happen. The right button and back/forward buttons on my mouse don't seem to be affected. I've tried to clean my mouse (Logitech MX518) but that doesn't fix the problem. The only thing I can think that is causing the problem is mouse drive I am using (USB Overdrive). I have to use it as Logitech hasn't and won't release drivers for the MX518 for the Mac. A bit of research shows that a few people have had similar issues. Has anyone here run into this problem before? Know of a solution? If not, do you guys know of any alternatives to USB Overdrive that I can use that works with 10.6.x?
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Sep 26, 2010
I've installed and uninstalled windows couple of times through the Bootcamp. when installing the Windows 7, it asks to format the partition so that the Windows can be installed. My questions comes here, I also restored the partition couple of times for no reason and whenever I restored it, I noticed that the space used by Windows never gets added back up to Mac Partition. So does that mean the space used by Windows will be just floating around? To simplify my question: After restoring the Windows partition, the space used by windows, will it be added back up to the Mac partition(to 1 partition)?
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Jan 27, 2009
When I Upgraded to iLife 08 from 06 it trashed my iweb files and all my websites had to be rebuilt. I now have an huge photo library, lots more websites and am worried that upgrading with all my photos etc on my mac might kill or lose my data. Has anyone had any problems upgrading in this fashion or should I be ok to just jump in? I cannot afford to lose my websites and photos right now!
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Mar 20, 2010
I have a few pictures I took with my digital camera and I want to print them and put them in a frame that is 11.5cm * 7.7cm. So, I need to adjust their size to print them that size.
I don't have a colour printer, so I'm printing off a library computer in colour, so I can't print them directly off my mac. I'm going to need to transfer them on a usb and open them in windows on a library computer. The pictures are in .JPG format since I uploaded them.
-So I went to Preview (program) and Tools > Adjust size.
-I typed in 7.7cm for width and it gave me a locked length of 11.1cm as that would probably keep the pictures proportionate. I'm alright with that.
But then, when I look at my picture, it's much smaller that the actual dimensions of 7.7cm. Then when I zoom in, it is pixelated. That'd odd because I'm actually reducing the dimensions of my picture.
How do I adjust their size so they print to 11.1 cm 7.7 cm?
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Apr 14, 2010
I have recently started using Pages in iwork over Office, I like the easy formatting and usability of Pages. But I have to send all these recently create pages doc in a word format to someone and so I did the Save as Word option.When I opened the Word file in Word all the text formatting went all over the place, it looked like it put extra tabs in there and there is a split down the middle of the text like it has put it in two columns.
Is there any way to ensure that when I create my pages document that the formatting is agreeable with word.
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Feb 9, 2009
Is there a way I can access my entire aperture library without opening the actual program? If so, how can I do this.
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Nov 15, 2010
migrate my music to another computer, but I'm afraid of losing what I have checked and unchecked in "music" library.So let me explain a little more, not a created playlist or smart playlist. If you were to go through every single song you have and uncheck what you don't listen to this is the "master list" I'm referring to.
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Dec 16, 2010
This morning I tried to play one of my albums and it told me it wasn't able to locate the files (on my external disk) so I located them manually and for some reason it has created a new iTunes folder in the root of my HDD (even though the iTunes prefs still pointed at the external disk) and moved the files in to that.
I deleted the album from the library and then imported the files from the new folder. It imported them fine and copied them to the exiting iTunes folder in the ext HDD but then immediately copied them back to the wrong iTunes folder. Then it told me it couldn't find them again!
I've now discovered 4 other albums that it's doing the same thing with and no matter what I do I can't get them to import, stay on the ext HDD and remain connected.
I've re-installed iTunes and restored my library file from before I upgraded to 10.1.1(4) but it's still doing the same thing.
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Sep 23, 2010
It only lets me zoom out to 25% in aperture.
I need to zoom out more to see all my picture i am editing (or attempting to)
in photoshop you just slide it to as low as you wan't
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Nov 11, 2010
What in the world is Apple doing lately? One ****** up after another... Aperture 3.1 won't open. It crashes every single time. I repaired the permissions, deletede the preferences and nothing!
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Mar 3, 2009
After running the latest release of updates today (ilife, raw camera, etc.) Aperture 2.2.1 (whatever the latest release) no longer sees all of my photos - about half of my projects are missing from the Aperture program itself, however they are still in the library as I can get to them in finder.
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Oct 9, 2009
I've downloaded the trials of Aperture and Lightroom and have them both installed. I'm playing around with them trying to figure out which one will be best for me. I'm not a pro photographer or anything, but I don't like iPhoto because of the way it deals with events. I like to have hierarchies for my picture folders but apparently iPhoto will only allow you to have one level of events.
So, I understand that Aperture has you choose between the masters being managed in the Aperture library file or have them be referenced on disk. My main concern is that I want to be able to pull all of my master files out of Aperture and preserve my old folder hierarchy structure. Every time I try to export files (even from multiple folders), Aperture exports them all into one huge folder rather than preserving the folder structure. Is there any way to do this?
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Feb 12, 2010
The whole library update for Aperture 3 keeps hanging for me and I have done it two times.
So I was wondering if I could just drag the single projects from my Aperture 2 library into a new Aperture 3 library.
Would this do all of the same upgrades necessary as the normal update?
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