App Store :: Delete Apps When Pass-code Is Locked?
Feb 13, 2012
How do I delete apps from iPad one? The icons jiggle but there are no x's or lines to click for delete. I read once about resetting to Original condition, which is fine BUT My Passcode ,inside setting Is unknown, locked. I have about 22 failed trials. I am not talking about the password to log onto my iPad.
I just turned on 'location services' on my computer, and it suddenly shut down When I turned back on, it says "please enter your pass code" with 6 blocks. At the bottom of the page, it says "YO!".
I think I was the one who remotely locked my computer using iCloud, but now I forgot the pass code. What can I do now? Continue guessing the pass code, or is there another way? By the way, it is MY computer, I did not take it from opsomeone else.
I can't buy apps! It says my Visa security code is wrong but its not! Ive been buying apps with that same card for years now. I even tried with another card and it gave the same problem.
I accidentally created two accounts. I downloaded some apps to my Macbook Pro from the account that I'm trying to retire. I want to remove those apps and then download them from the new active account so everything is set like I want. How do I properly remove those apps from the Macbook so I can reinstall them with the correct Apple ID? I don't care if I have to pay again.
Everytime I open iTunes there is automatic downloads waiting for apps that I no longer have of want. I delete them form the iTunes download screen but they come back everytime. How do I permently delete apps from iTunes, and/or my whole app history, form my account?
After I installed OS X I decided to go through my other partitions & do a little spring cleaning. In all, I trashed over 400MB of crap, but one file has refused to be deleted (it's a locked file left over from the old 3Com ISDN modem I had). When I try to empty the trash I get the following message:
"The operation cannot be completed because the item 'IQ320.BIN' is locked."
So, I look through the system help & find out that I either need to log in to OS X as the user who created the document ('root') or restart into OS 9 & unlock it from there.
Well, neither tactic has worked thus far. I restarted into OS 9 but found out that I can't access the file because it's in the trash (in OS X), which is an invisible directory (/Langly/.Trashes/102/). So then I restarted into OS X, logged in as root, but I still couldn't delete it. Desperate, I opened terminal, switched to root (su) found the files, but still can't delete the darned file. I tried rm, mv (thought if I moved it to somewhere that OS 9 could see it...), even chown, but each time I got "Operation not permitted." Any thoughts out there?
I inherited a 3+ year old MacBook (2GHz Intel Core Duo, 2GB RAM) that was working fine until I dropped it! After that, it was very slow to start up and wouldn't open some applications, so I bought a new hard drive and reinstalled the OS and now it's back on its proverbial feet. The problem is, since it was actually not my computer to begin with, when I booted up from the 10.6 SL DVD, I opted to do a full install from the disc and re-register it under my name. Then I used migration assistant to transfer all my applications and data from a Time Machine backup. Now all the disk permissions are off and I'm locked out of some applications and folders. I tried using DiskWarrior, OnyX, and the SL DVD to repair permissions, but they never actually repaired, just detected.
Under purchases I'm getting "you have not purchased any apps." Under Itunes in the Cloud all my apps are listed as hidden but when I click "view hidden purchases" it says I do not have any hidden purchases. I have three Macs and all are experiencing the same issue so this is an account problem and not a computer software problem. The funny thing is that it's still recognizing updates.Yes, I've tried signing out and back in to view my account with no luck. The only thing I did weird last night was I disabled the Itunes store and automatic downloading on one computer. This morning when I had the above problem I put all the settings back.
I just put a 25 dollar card on to my account and was then prompted by two security questions while trying to make a purchase. I did not put these on here and on further review I found these were added about a month ago. I need to get the questions off in order to make a purchase for the first time on my new mac. Anybody got a solution?
i was burning some documents for somebody i know because there CD drive correctly. she gave me all of the files on a thumb drive, and one of them was a locked PDF file, i dragged all of the docs to my desktop, burned them to a CD, then deleted them all, but the locked PDF just gives me an error. how can i unlock it/ delete it?
I need some guidance getting the items I have on my computer permanently deleted from the trash. When I go to delete them I get the following message below and I can't delete anything. What do I need to do?
Message Received: This operation can not be completed because the item is locked wmphelp.htm wmpicon.gif windowshade.gif whatsnew.htm volume.gif viewinginfo.htm upgradingwmp.htm And the list just goes on .......
After getting my flash drive back from a friend, it had a Win32 virus on it. These are normally locked, and I usually just go into Get Info and unlock it. This particular file, however, doesn't let me unlock it. And since I can't unlock it, I can't delete it.
So I had this Windows folder on an external HD that I tried to delete on my Mac. I've tried option+click to delete the trash, I tried secure empty trash and they didn't work. I also tried to unlock the folder but it just won't unlock.
Receiving individual Final Cut X redemption codes for our fleet of MAC Minis begs the question; "How do we deploy this software". There must be a better(easier faster way) than to download, install and configure each machine separately. (This will take weeks). This software cannot, it seems, be deployed by Apple Remote Desktop. Is there anyway of downloading FC X to one MAC and cloning the image to the rest of the fleet?
when trying to unlock the usual way (right click - get info - uncheck the locked box) it will not allow to uncheck, the check mark just keeps coming back. Troubleshooting already done:
- Tried a disk repair, this didn't work
- Logged in as Admin and tried deleting the file, this didn't work
- launching terminal and "sudo rm -f" -- this idea didn't work either
I got given the code for a 15 App Store voucher (from a trusted source, I should add!) and when I go to redeem the code, it doesn't work. I've confirmed that it's a valid UK code, but still nothing.
I put my itunes dollars into itunes thinking I could use it to buy the Lion App and when I went to down load it asked for the money then. Is there a way to take the money from my itunes account?
I'm trying to delete items from my computer that no longer use and need the space and it gives me this message: 'The operation can't be completed because the item AppleWorks 6 is in use". Any idea how I can delete everything even the locked items?
I am working on clearing off some hard drive space, and my first step was to remove some unneeded items from an external HD to make some space there. When I drag the folder I'm trying to delete to the trash, I first get a message that the items will be immediately deleted (I think because my internal HD is quite full?) and that's fine because I do want to delete these, so I say OK. It starts the process of deleting, and counting how many files it's deleting, then gives me a message that the operation cannot be completed because item "xx" is locked. The only solutions I have found on here involve unlocking "xx" but my problem is, when I search the computer and/or the external for item "xx" nothing is found. I'm really not sure if the issue with item "xx" is an issue with the drive or with the computer, or what to do about it?? If it's the drive, I suppose I could back up what I do want to save from the drive then re-format it?
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When updating my apps I am told that my security code for my credit card is invalid. I have tried changing this in itunes, but the message continues to pop up.
The app store/itunes won't let me download any apps because it tells me I have an invalid credit card security code. The security code is valid and my address and everything is correct.
I was helping a friend by reformatting his pc and reinstalling windows because it was slow, when I was downloading the drivers for it on my MacBook Pro (didn't have access to the router since it's downstairs and his pc didn't have a wireless card), it downloaded a folder filled with locked files, it comes several folders deep and all of the files are locked, fun. So I tried to delete it using sudo rm -r, but it says I don't have sufficient privileges, anyone know a command I can use to delete it all? I'd rather not do it by hand, that'd take forever.