Aperture :: Why (Show In Finder) Feature Greyed Out
Sep 12, 2014
I can't figure out why a feature that I loved and used a lot in iPhoto is present in Aperture, but I am unable to use it because it is greyed out. When looking at the settings, I noticed Aperture is using the iPhoto Library.
How I can get this functionality working in Aperture?
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 8gb ram
I'm new to mac, having used microsoft word before. The letter-heading template I used on Word updated the date every time I opened it, so I always had the right date showing. How can I get my new letter-heading template do that in Pages? When I select date and time from the Insert menu it's fine, but the next day it still shows yesterday's date.
I cannot delete files from Finder with "Command-Delete". I know that my Command and Delete keys work fine separately. Do I need to change anything in my preferences?
I’m running the latest Aperture (3.5.1, Digital Camera RAW 6.00) on the Yosemite Beta (10.10).Photos that have been imported some months ago (recent vacation, Nikon D7000 RAW files) suddenly show up as “Unsupported Image Format”, even though they worked fine until I wanted to order a book from this vacation. Once that problem started to manifest, also some RAW photos from my Lumix GM1 show up as unsupported, others work just fine. These images were imported some time ago, edited and exported to flickr, thus used to be accessible just fine with Aperture.I’ve - run all three options from the special startup of Aperture (Repair Permissions, Repair Database, Rebuild Database), - ran Disk Utility to repair the permissions and repaired my disk - reprocessed the Originalsbut still cannot access the files, as the short movie here shows. Accessing the files with Nikons ViewNX 2 works fine (obviously only the Nikon RAW files).But even if I re-save the affected files with the Nikon software and re-import them to Aperture, Aperture shows the dreaded “unsupported file format” image for these files…
I have seen some people talking about a new feature in Snow Leopard, where hovering over MP3s or PDFs allowed you to preview the file. I am not seeing this feature on my Snow Leopard machine. How do you enable it?
I have an older library, that I updated to the current Aperture, and recently froze from bad media. I think it was a bunch of videos in one of the events. Anyways, I want to copy some of the photos from a event in the old library to a new working library. I tried exporting and it froze, leaving the photo export in some limbo state...
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
How do I show the Address Bar in Finder, like how Windows has it? So I can see what folder I'm in; I know that I can cmd-click on folder name, but I'd rather have an editable textbox
I have this weird and annoying problem with "show in finder".I used at one point that "defaults write -g NSFileViewer string different.plist.than.finder" to try to change the default finder, it didnt work, so I just "defaults delete -g NSFileViewer". So this is out of the way, I have no NSFileViewer in any file whatsoever.Now, for the weird stuff. If I use "show in finder" from the dock, nothing happens(neither cmd-click, of course). If I use it in safari's download list, it OPENS the file. If I use it in iTunes, on media or apps, it WORKS properly, it shows the item in the finder. If I use it in Xcode on a file in my project, it just switches to that file(so, basically, it just opens it just like Safari).
I tried deleting the dock and finder plist files in Preferences, didnt work. If I login with a different account it works properly. I really dont want to delete the whole preferences folder. I REALLY dont xD.I'm really stuck here, since all apps try and open the file(except Dock that does nothing) but iTunes works properly.if I use "Reveal in finder" in Spotify, it also opens the file(it starts to play in iTunes).if I use "Reveal in finder" in Forklift it just opens it as well.
I have been using WD 1TB external USB hard disk for 4 months with my Macbook with Tiger 10.4 on it. I have plugged in the disk after I purchased without any special formatting or anything, and it worked fine so far. It just took a while, about few minutes, for the Macbook to show it on the desktop every time I got it disconnected and connected again. However, this time, I can not see the disk on the desktop nor on the Finder no matter what. I have plugged it in and out several times, I have restarted the machine etc. Nothing works. The disk is quite empty and it works fine with the PC..no cable problem or and disk failure issue for sure. I can see the disk on the Disk Utility app, but I can neither verify nor mount it...
My drive is filled so I want to search for files over 5meg, no problem. But the results does not have a size column in finder which is pretty useless. Any ideas? Skitch - > [URL]
Have got an Ipod touch, so when i plug it in it opens up itunes as you would expect but it doesn't show up in finder. I have ticked the box in preferences to allow it to and it still wont show up.
Every time I burn a DVD (data disc) from the finder, it will show up fine in my two snow leopard Macs. When I try putting it in my MacBook Pro that has 10.5 (this is from my university), it will not show up in the finder. Then, it will spit the disc back out. I tried it in a few other MBPs with 10.5, and the same thing happens.
I accidentally removed my HD from under the Devices folder in Finder when I was trying to drag and drop songs into iTunes. I assume there must be an easy way to get it to show up there again, I just am not sure what that is. It got dragged into whatever folder I was in in Finder and just kinda poof it was gone...
After combo update to 10.7.3, in Safari 5.1.3 the "show in finder" magnifying glass will not open my downloads folder to show downloaded files.That is, if I have invoked "Show Downloads" from the View menu in Safari and then hover over the magnifying glass, you see a "show in finder" in gray under the downloaded file's name. In the past, clicking the magnifier then would open a Finder window and highlight the downloaded file.
I just got an iMac. For the first few hours it was turned on, my MBP showed up in the iMac's Finder, and vice versa. However now, for the past two days, neither Mac has shown up in the others Finder. Connecting to afp://[their ip address] lets me see the public folders, but I still can't use the shared iTunes libraries, or share screens.
The same thing happened with the MBP and other Windows/Linux devices on the network, as well as my jailbroken iPod with Netatalk installed, but I just chalked that up to the klugey nature of mixed networking. Guess that wasn't the problem.
I've used Seagate FreeAgent Pro 500 Gb. It has been divided into 2 partitions. one is used for time machine, another is used for keeping my important data. I think that the Finder should show both partitions on the left, but it shows only Time machine .
I regularly run software update. As I can remember, it has ever shown two partitions. I don't know whether this is related to software updating or not. If it is 'yes', how can I solve it?
I have a unibody MBP with Snow Leopard on it. I haven't put a disk in it in a long time but tonight when I did, it slowly spins, etc and then ejects it in about 15 seconds. It doesn't show up in finder at all.
I first put in my snow leopard disk, then a dvd, then a music cd... nothing.
I went to the finder preferences and made sure everything looked ok, but no joy.
i was wondering if anyone can tell me why the mac HD icon that i have on my desktop wont show up in my finder>desktop page. other apps that i have on the desktop show up on the desktop page but the mac HD icon is not there.
just received mac osx snow leopard 10.6.3 CD to load to my iMac. Cannot open the CD and the contents don't show in my Finder. No error message. What should I do? I am currently running 10.5.8.
I'm using a 15" Macbook/retina, OS X 10.9.4, ITunes 11.3.1 (2). ITunes shows the album art. But if I go to the files themselves, finder shows some with art some without. Why? I currently have one file that shows no art in icon or list view. In column and cover flow, it shows art in the info pane but not the highlighted file. I can move the file out of ITunes and the art shows up everywhere but icon view. Other files, show the art in all the right places.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I'm using a 15" Macbook/retina, OS X 10.9.4, ITunes 11.3.1 (2). ITunes shows the album art. But if I go to the files themselves, finder shows some with art some without. Why? I currently have one file that shows no art in icon or list view. In column and cover flow, it shows art in the info pane but not the highlighted file. I can move the file out of ITunes and the art shows up everywhere but icon view. Other files, show the art in all the right places.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)