MacBook Pro :: Audio Is Stuck At One Volume
Apr 1, 2012
I've been having this problem for a couple months now. When I use headphones or external speakers my MBP volume gets stuck at one level. When this happens my volume buttons don't work. Everything seems to be fine (according to apple), but I still can't fix it. There is no red light in the audio jack & all of the audio settings seem to be normal. I've used CCleaner to repair permissions with no luck, I've called AppleCare twice with no luck, I've reinstalled my entire OS with no luck, and yet this all seems normal. Does anyone know what the problem is? Apple says its something wrong with my OS and they left me out to dry with no solution. I'm open to anything...that won't void my warranty.Oh and I've also done the PRAM reset and it worked for about five minutes...without even plugging in headphones after it was "fixed".
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 14, 2012
I have a Mac Book Pro. The keyboard controller for my volume does not work. It is stuck on full blast and when I try to lower the white image comes up on the screen showing that it is fullblast with a white circle and and a line through it. Also, when I try to lower it on the top right of my screen it is on full blast and will not let me slide it down. I tried shutting down the computer and then holding command+option+p+r until the start up sound to reset the PRAM but nothing happened.
Final Cut Pro 7, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 14, 2012
The sound is not working. The volume in the settings is stuck and won't move.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 31, 2012
my headphones will only go about halfway into the headphone jack and the volume is stuck on mute. it looks like there is something sticking out inside of the headphone jack.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 17, 2014
MBP 2011, 2.3 13". Volume level stuck in highest position. Cannot control volume, up-down. no sound via laptop speaker. headphones OK.
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Aug 26, 2014
My 2012 MacBook Pro got stuck on the screen with the apple logo and spinning wheel after I tried restarting it.i haven't updated it recently and it was working fine before I restarted it. I did command-r when restarting and when trying to repair the disk I got the following message:Â
Checking file system
checking journaled HFS Plus volume
checking extents overflow file
checking catalog file
keys out of order (red)
rebuilding catalog B-tree
The volume macintosh hd couldn't not be repaired (red)
volume repair complete
updating boot support partitions for the volume as required
error:disk utility can't repair this disk....disk, and restore your backed-up files (red) Â
what do i do?? is my computer crashed?
MacBook Pro
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Aug 28, 2014
I have been having this problem reoccur for the past couple days, but I don't know what is causing it. Occasionally, when I press the volume keys on my keyboard, it doesn't make the "click" sound (I don't have it set so that it doesn't make noise). I still have this problem when I use my earphones.
I made sure that the audio output in my system preferences is set to "internal speakers", made sure that my OS is up to date and have even tried resetting my computer. Nothing seems to work. And it really happens out of the blue as well -- I would be watching a video or listening to some music with no issue at all, browse around some other pages and come back to see that I can't hear the audio anymore. This doesn't seem to happen while I'm watching the videos though.Â
Eventually after repeatedly increasing and decreasing the volume (with no sound coming out of my computer) this pops up and does not allow me to change the volume at all even if I press the volume keys on my keyboard:
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 15, 2009
I just set up my new MacBook Pro 13-inch with Boot Camp. Initially I put Windows 7 RC on it, but I couldn't get the audio control function keys to work. Figuring Win 7 is probably quirky, I figured I'd drop back to Vista for now until 7 is officially supported. (Interesting how easy Apple makes it to annihilate a Boot Camp partition. :) So now I have Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 running with no issues. All the Boot Camp drives and utilities seem to be working. However, with all the sounds cranked to max in Windows, and using the F12 key, the volume is very quiet. Probably less than half of what I can get in OS X.
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Jun 29, 2012
No matter what headphone I use (Apple, Bose, Beats, AKG), the volume on the left side is weak and dying as compared to the right. Right side of any headphone works great. Macbook Pro 2011, came installed with Lion OSX, 13inch, i7.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 27, 2010
i just got a macbook pro from my fiances sister as she broke the headphones off inside of it and just decided to buy another ive tried everything to get it out...crazy glue and every object imaginable tweazers you name it ive probably tried my question is can i use a hot needle to poke through the backside of the audio out on the logic board? and if that wont work i want to completely disable the audio out jack and just use the speakers....(PLEASE NO POSTS ABOUT TAKING IT TO APPLE CARE THEY WANT $700 TO REPLACE THE LOGIC BOARD AND IM NOT DOING THAT...MAINLY JUST IDEAS ON HOW TO DISABLE THE AUDIO OUT....TRIED SYSTEM PREFS BY THE WAY....
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Jun 19, 2014
My audio button is stuck in mute and I have tried to PRAM reset and nothing has worked. Is there anything else to try.
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Jul 30, 2010
I have a late 2006 Mac Pro 3Ghz dual. Recently the volume dropped down to nothing and when I access the control panel, I see the mute button checked on all outputs except the digital (the one I have never used). All inputs are also muted and I cannot uncheck any of them. The little volume indicator is sitting in the lower middle of my screen and won't go away.
I have tried:
Zapping PRAM
repairing permissions
trashing the sound pref
using a different account
multiple restarts and shut downs
unplugged and re-plugged both the headphones and line out
And none of it has worked. The sound indicator shows up with the startup screen and never goes away and I have no sound. If I drag the volume slider up, it just goes back down. I am guessing this is a failing motherboard, being that I have lost my "A" RAM slot, but I really hope not. This is going to be unbearable to live with.
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Jul 29, 2010
The tip of my headphones broke while connected to the macbook, my computer has this tip inside the audio plug and plays sounds on the useless lineout. There is no way to remove that thing (I tried everything, including matches with a bit of superglue). The only solution I see to get the sound back to the internal speakers is to disable the lineout.
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Apr 29, 2012
So while at a gig last night with my band, we ran a video from my computer to screens on stage. The chain looked like so:Â
MBP -> Mini-DisplayPort -> MDP/HDMI converter -> 4-way HDMI Splitter -> LCD MonitorsÂ
Now sometime during takedown, someone just decided to unplug something from my computer without consulting me or taking any proper precautions. Now my audio is stuck on Digital Output (type digital optical out). Here's what I know, and what I've tried.I have reset the PRAM/NVRAM?I have killed coreaudio a few times with no luck?I have deleted without progress:
I have restarted my computer?I have attempted to use Audio MIDI Setup?I have googled:
2) macbook pro stuck on digital out audio no red light
3) force resetting to internal audio osx
4) force reset coreaudio osx
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 18, 2012
On two of my computers (iMac and Mac Mini -- both recent and both running Lion), the login screen often gets stuck. I click the user to login or start typing a password and the computer just stops responding. The only thing that fixes it is raising and/or lowering the volume (in either order, but it's the volume that does it). Once the volume is changed, the system goes back to normal and the letters I typed appear (or rather dots do -- this is the password field after all). Very occasionally it will get stuck twice during the same login.Â
This is obviously a huge issue logging in remotely because I can't get the volume keys to work via screen sharing (or at least I don't know how to).Â
This happened almost immediately upon setting up the systems, so I don't think there's a third party app issue at play.Â
Mac OS X (10.7)
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Dec 2, 2014
After I wake the Mac from sleep, the audio volume from my external speakers is very low and the keyboard volume controls do not work. The volume is low and cannot be adjusted. After a restart everything works correctly -- until the Mac goes to sleep again. Computer: Mac Pro - late 2013 - 6,1System: OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)Speakers: Bose Companion 2 Series II (plugged into audio output of my Mac Pro).
Mac Pro (Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Thunderbolt Monitor
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Nov 8, 2009
is there anyway to change the start-up AUDIO volume from being at full blast to something less loud?? Same with when you unplug headphones, it always go to full blast!
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Dec 2, 2014
After I wake the Mac from sleep, the audio volume from my external speakers is very low and the keyboard volume controls do not work. The volume is low and cannot be adjusted. After a restart everything works correctly -- until the Mac goes to sleep again.Â
Computer: Mac Pro - late 2013 - 6,1
System: OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Speakers: Bose Companion 2 Series II (plugged into audio output of my Mac Pro).
Mac Pro (Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Thunderbolt Monitor
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Aug 20, 2009
Does anyone know of an application which would equalize the volume level of realtime audio on the Mac? I use Eyetv and find that stations use different volume levels for different programming and I am constantly adjusting the volume control. Surely this can be remedied by software.
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Sep 16, 2007
I have a slight problem with my volume controls on a Macbook Pro. They're not doing exactly what I want them to. I have an external sound card and by selecting it as my default audio device the macbook pros own volume control gets locked and there's no way to adjust it. This means that it renders the keyboard and Remote control volume buttons useless and I still have to run across the room to adjust the volume on my audio device when I'm watching a movie through the tv away from the macbook. Is there no way to enable this function anyway so both controls work?
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Mar 23, 2010
A few days ago I noticed that my mac mini was on mute so I tried the shortcut keys on my key board and they don't do anything so I go to system preferences > sound and it shows the mute check box checked and grayed out and above in the drop-down box where you are suppose to select what the audio sources is, is empty it used to say internal speakers, line in, and line out.
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Aug 19, 2010
I have an Audiobox USB audiointerface with KRKROKIT5 speakers and must turn up or down the volume on the interface. the Keyboard button wont work.
But my father uses Bose speakers but can do both! However, he does not use an audio interface.
Can I get my imac to do both? And if so, is this a good idea with such good speakers? Is the keyboard just turning it up digitally?
I only ask because it can be annoying reaching up over the speaker to turn the nob instead of just hitting a button on the keyboard.
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May 1, 2012
I have a white plastic iMac and the internal speakers have been distorting continuously. The audio is totally distorted at any volume.
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jul 5, 2012
When I reboot, the audio is muted. The slider audio from the top finder window is totally greyed out and when I goto system preferences it seems to lag and stall out. After many attempts I am able to get into the sound prefences and see that everything else is muted and I am unable to change anything.Â
I am assuming it is trying to use the optical audio or something like that. I try to open the audio Midi app in utilities but I do not see much options to change. I am not sure what to change. Â
I had the similar problem with a laptop that went to mute due to the optical audio jack getting messed up so it would default to optical audio. However, pluging headphones in I could still hear audio. On my mac pro the headphone jack does not work either.  Â
After trying to reset the PRAM and SMC settings, disk permissions I am still having the problem.
I'm about to do a fresh install of Lion on a spare Hard drive and see if them problem is there present. I have added a Blu-ray burner to the lower bay in my mac pro. Could this cause a problem with audio?
Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 8, 2008
I want to connect speakers and a headphone to my Imac at the same time.Since there is only one audio output in the imac, I need a audio splitter and I think I need a headphone splitter then?Now the problem is there is no volume control on my headphone and I want it at a different volume then my speakers, otherwise when I turn my speakers on and the headphones are still connected and I turn volume up loud it will ruin my headphone ( and I don't want my software volume almost down and my speaker control way up)Now I found this headphone splitter, but my question is, will the sound quality still be the same because I need the same sound quality.
I know it's a difficult story,
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Nov 2, 2008
I have tried everything... I recently put an audio CD in my iBook G4 and have recently tried to eject it, but it will not come out! I have tried everything and my iBook just makes some weird sound and clunks and bangs.... but the CD doesn't come out. How can I get it out?
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Jun 19, 2014
What to do to make my internal speakers show up as an audio out put/input option? How do I unmute with no options present?
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Jun 6, 2012
Using MacBook Pro with 10.7.4 installed. I am running Disk Utility. I Chose First Aid, selected the volume Macintosh HD, and verify. It says: Verifying volume "Macintosh HD" Checking file system The swirly bar is running in the lower right hand corner... it's been doing this for many, many hours. Â
What else can I do?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 31, 2014
When I use the F11, 12 buttons, the pages go away or the dashboard comes up. I've tried to change the settings but that didn't work either
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Oct 11, 2010
I listen to and watch a lot of podcasts. Quite often, after I am done listening to a Audio Podcast I will watch a video podcast. Some times it gets stuck and won't play the video but plays audio fine. Anyone else have this problem?
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