ITunes :: It Won't Recognize IPod
Apr 19, 2012I have the ipod 120 gb, and my itunes all of a sudden will not recognize my ipod.
iPod classic
I have the ipod 120 gb, and my itunes all of a sudden will not recognize my ipod.
iPod classic
i plug my ipod into my mac via the usb port as usual, and itunes just sits there with a blank look on its face and doesnt show that a new ipod is hooked up, and therefore doesn't put any songs on my ipod.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy iPod Classic isn't being recognized by iTunes (this has always worked fine until now). I have an iMac. The iPod connects fine and is shown on the desktop, but not recognized in iTunes. My other iPods are recognized in iTunes, just not the Classic. I have reset it, installed latest iTunes, nothing works. The iPod works fine.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy Itunes (on macbook pro) doesn't recognize my Ipod touch.
My Ipod is loaded; My Mac is loaded; My Itunes is up to date; I tried everything. But Itunes doesn't show a symbol of Ipod on Itunes. Because of that I can't sinchr. my Ipod.
Info:iPod touch, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I tried to put new music on my iPod. This has consistently been a problem because Itunes says that the ID that i'm getting my applications from is not the same as the one issued to the iTunes application on the computer I get my music from ( because the iTunes on this computer has no purchased music, only free promotional mixtapes, so it isn't linked to any iTunes account). This forces me to have to restore my iPod to factory quality every time I want to apply new music to my iPod.Â
This time the problem is worse- I updated Itunes earlier to the newest version ( I hadn't updated my music or Ipod software in a very long time), and now Itunes is unable to recognize my Ipod. I get the error message, "iTunes was unable to load data class information from sync services" after iTunes tries to recognize the iPod for a sync for about 30 seconds.Â
I read this article; [URL] which suggests that I update to the newest version of iTunes, then reset my sync history. The problem now? I can't even get the preferences tab to load. Whenever I try to load the preferences tab, iTunes freezes up and becomes unresponsive. This is extremely frustrating. I have to go through all this troubleshooting, errors, and updating just because my iTunes isn't registered because it has no purchased music?Â
>iTunes won't respond to my 4th gen iPod
>I get apps from the app store off of my father's Apple ID that I'm posting from
>Causes me to have to restore my Ipod to factory settings everytime I want to get new music for my iPod because my iTunes application on my computer isn't registered to an Apple ID
Windows Vista, iPod touch 4th gen.
i recently received an ipod from a friend. It is in windows format and i have a macbook and for some reason when i plug it in to the usb port it will charge but itunes doesnt recognize it nor does it pop up on the desktop.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an old macbook that has all my songs on, as well as my iPod. I have recently got an iMa which currently has no music on, how would I transfer the music from the iPod to the new iMac, or alternatively from the old Macbook to the iMac?
I backed up my iPod touch (2nd Gen) and I want to put that onto my iPod Nano(6th Gen).
iPod touch (2nd generation), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have a mac 10.4.11....just quite recently, went to hook up my ipod shuffle to the usb port....the mac will not recognize the ipod shuffle at all!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Mack-book pro 13inches that i recently purchased but my problem is my mac will not recognize my usb flash drive or recognize my iPod when i plug it in.
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.0.4
i have a brand new iMac 27"/i5 which is all very nice - no screen issues or anything
only one problem, after each boot i find the iMac ignores all/any iDevices plugged into it. The only way to fix this, that i've found, is do follow this -
which i've optimised down to removing iTunes, deleting the AppleMobileDevice.kext file and reinstalling iTunes.
This upgrade sent out 5th/6th February 2010 has caused my family's iPods and my AppleTV to disconnect from the iTunes library and demand a return to factory settings for all units. Still have not got any of them to sync with the library or reload the back-up settings in the case of the iPods
I am running a MacBook Pro 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB memory
I have an older iPod that has some playlists on it that are not in my iTune library. I want this same playlist on my iPhone but when I do an 'export' then try to drag and drop into my phone I get a message saying it did not copy because 'it cannot be played on this phone'. I also cannot drag and drop it into iTunes anywhere either. All of these songs are in my library, I just don't want to have to go through and remake this playlist to add to my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatediTunes will not open or recognize my 2nd gen iPod nano when I plug it into my computer.
Itunes fails to sync with my Ipod - a message appears stating that the Ipod has insufficient memory, when in fact there is 5.7 Gb available - I'm running OSX10.5 Leopard having recently upgraded from Tiger
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), No previous problems
...and onto my iTunes library. My MacBook hard drive crashed and I lost the data. Got a new one and now I just want my stuff back!Â
Running iTunes 10 Nano is a 3rd generation
I have been able to access purchased items, just not the music I added from CDs
iPod nano, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My parents have an iMac and a 4g iPod. The iPod hasn't been used for a while, but still plays music and podcasts beautifully. The problem is, the iTunes Library isn't on the iMac anymore. When I try to sync, I can see the tunes in the iPod, but when I disconnect the cable, the songs don't appear in the iTunes library.
How do I get my parents' iPod to sync and update items through iTunes?
They use 10.5.8 on an iPod 4, using iTunes 10.6.1.
i deleted songs from my itunes and now i cant find them. i still have them on my ipod, is there any way i can keep adding songs to my ipod without my computer syncing and deleting all the songs i dont have on my computer?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an old iPod touch but I bought the iPhone 4S so I'm giing my old iPod to my dad, but I can't firgure out how to deauthorise the iPod so it no longer has all of my pictures and music stored on it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI dont own a credit card, how do i setup my ipod for use with itunes?
Info:iPod nano, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Pictures of the iPods at the Phoenix Biltmore apple store in Arizona.Second, Third, and Fourth Generation iPod nanos. the 2nd and new 4th are roughly the same size.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell me if its possible to transfer music from my ipod to new itunes library on new computer. My old laptop died and I hadnt backed up my itunes library. I still have all music I want on my ipod and have recovered my purchased content but cant sync ipod or will lose all the content. A lot of my old library had been transferred from cds and I dont want to go through all that process again.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI opened itunes today and all my music was gone for no reason. The files were still there, so I imported the itunes music folder. That would have worked, but most of my music is in .wav, so all the albums and artists got lost leaving a big jumble of songs. Everything is still intact on the ipod. Is it possible to restore the itunes library from the ipod or am I stuck re-ripping all my CDs?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to transfer some songs from my friend's band onto my friend's iPod. However iTunes just opens up a window saying that I can either "Erase and Sync" or "Transfer Purchases From Another iPod". Is there a way to just open iTunes up and transfer my music to the other iPod?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHere's the scenario: I Let a friend borrow this iPod from me for about a year. She used Windows and her own music, and I'm pretty sure used "Manually Manage Music" to get the songs on it.
The iPod appears on my desktop, but only has one folder in it, which has one song in it...none of the other music can be found. It says "600 MB" is available, but it's a 4 gig iPod.
I want to try to restore it, but the iPod Mini won't appear in iTunes. I don't care about losing the music on the iPod, because it isn't my music. Do newer versions of iTunes recognize iPod Minis?
My brother reformatted my ipod in a windows computer and now it itunes won't recognize it on my macbook. In the finder window, the icon shows i inserted an external drive.
View 1 Replies View RelatedTrying to restore my 4gen ipod nano without i-tunes as the ipod shows up on the Mac but not in i-tunes. I-tunes opens up when ipod is plugged in. Tried all the usual fix-its... reset via settings on ipod, uninstalled and re-installed itunes, made sure Mac OS X software was up to date... is there any way i can restore it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I plug in my Ipod touch, Itunes does not recognize it as a device. I can get the Ipod to charge and be recognized as a camera for iphoto, but nothing from itunes. My apps, that I previously had on itunes and my ipod are also missing. I've already tried all the trouble shooting tips?
MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.3), ipod touch, itunes
I have a new Macbook which will only accept iTunes store purchases and will not upload all of my music from my iPod.
Info:MacBookPro, iPod touch 64 gb
with my iPod 5G, I recently switched from automatic synching to adding music manually, because my library exceeds the 60GB storage. Now, in the appropriate iTunes window, I find the options to do so by lists, artists, genres, and albums, and the only option I can use is this last one. However, it does not list them by the name applied to them in my iTunes library, but instead a mixture of artist and album title, which makes it very uncomfortable to handle. I would rather have this list to be sorted exactly by the album names as applied in the title information in iTunes.
iPodclassic, Mac OS X (10.7.3)