ITunes :: It Doesn't Recognize My Ipod Touch (on Mac)
Mar 30, 2012
My Itunes (on macbook pro) doesn't recognize my Ipod touch.
My Ipod is loaded; My Mac is loaded; My Itunes is up to date; I tried everything. But Itunes doesn't show a symbol of Ipod on Itunes. Because of that I can't sinchr. my Ipod.
i plug my ipod into my mac via the usb port as usual, and itunes just sits there with a blank look on its face and doesnt show that a new ipod is hooked up, and therefore doesn't put any songs on my ipod.
When I plug in my Ipod touch, Itunes does not recognize it as a device. I can get the Ipod to charge and be recognized as a camera for iphoto, but nothing from itunes. My apps, that I previously had on itunes and my ipod are also missing. I've already tried all the trouble shooting tips?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.3), ipod touch, itunes
I bought Myst from the app store on my iPod last night, and when I plugged it into my computer, it attempted to sync Myst to it but it wouldn't make any progress. Was taking an impossible amount of time, so I canceled it. Now iTunes won't recognize it. I can't see it in Disk Utility either (although I'm not sure that is possible)
Anyway, I've tried restarting iTunes and the iPod and neither has resulted in success. Ideas?
How do I transfer my iPod Touch songs to my MacbookPro through iTunes? I stopped it from syncing, but I have no songs on my MacbookPro and a bunch on my iPod. I got my iPod songs from iTunes on a PC. I want to plug my iPod Touch into my new MacbookPro and transfer the songs from my iPod to my Mac.
i had to change my password to my ipod, and then i forgot it. i was wondering if there was a way to change the password with out restoring it. because my desktop computer is really slow and i dont have the time to restore it, and i need to update it.
My iBook G4 has 512 MB RAM1.07 GHz i want it because i cant do anything with the version i have rite now. I cant use iTunes for my iPod Touch, get Limewire, run a whole bunch of programs. I want to do alot of stuff with my ibook but i cant. The software is 10.3.9. I thought about getting 10.4 thinking it would be cheaper but its the same price...please help. How would you rate the 10.4 compared to 10.5?
I have many songs on my iPodTouch that were not purchases from the iTunes store. These songs on my iPodTouch were originally on a different computer. They have been erased from the previous computer. I wish to move the songs from my iPodTouch to my MacbookPro.
When I plugged my iPodTouch into my MacbookPro (which has no songs), it started to sync (which I don't want to do). I canceled the sync, and I don't know what to do from there. I kind of want to do a reverse sync or something similar.
My son's iPod Touch is associated with iTunes on a computer other than mine which isn't with us at the moment. He has no music on it at the moment - just apps. Is it possible for me to add some songs to it from my iTunes without erasing the apps that he currenly has on it? Or will adding the songs wipe the content of the device off.
Yesterday I bought 10 songs from the iTunes store on my iPod Touch. I realized, this was a mistake, and I'd rather listen to them on my Macbook. How can I copy the tunes over?
I just bought a new MacBook Pro and used Migration Assistant to move my old MacBook files to the new machine. Ever since the file migration, my brand new iPod Touch is having a lot of problems connecting to iTunes. Here's the deal: When connected by USB to the new MBP, the iPod charges fine, but is not recognized by iTunes (does not show up at all). After mucking around a bit (unplugging/plugging in, deleting iTunes plists, and repairing disk permissions) I decided to reinstall iTunes. I followed Apple's directions to completely remove iTunes and after reinstalling iTunes the iPod was detected and all was working great again...until I shut down and restarted my computer and the iPod was no longer recognized.
I proceeded to uninstall/reinstall iTunes again. It worked!...until I restarted my computer and iTunes would not recognize the iPod again. Interestingly, each time that I followed Apple's directions to completely remove iTunes, I could not find iTunesHelper running in either Activity Monitor or present in the start-up items of System Preferences as the Apple KB suggested it should be. I should also mention that the new iPod Touch has no problems being detected by iTunes on my old MacBook (the source hard drive for the file migration). This is baffling to say the least. I'm getting ready to forget Migration Assistant, nuke my new MBP's user account and start from scratch.
I can't seem to find a way to continue to sync my iPod Touch to my Mac without it automatically syncing over the iPod's Safari bookmarks to my Safari on the computer. I want to keep this bookmarks separate but every time it still wants to sync the Safari data on the iPod to the Safari data on the Mac.
Pictures of the iPods at the Phoenix Biltmore apple store in Arizona.Second, Third, and Fourth Generation iPod nanos. the 2nd and new 4th are roughly the same size.
Just upgraded to the iPhone OS 3.0 on my 1st gen iPod Touch and when I turn the volume up whilst it's in the iPod Hi-Fi, the volume dips when I've finished turning it up... When I push the volume up again the volume slider on the iPod touch then moves down to where it's quite hard to explain! Basically, when I turn the volume up to 50%, the sound dips to 25%.... the slider still shows 50% until I press the volume up button and it would move the slider to 25%. (If I wanted to play my music at 50% I would have to turn it up to 75% and wait for it to dip to 50%!)I have reset the iPod touch and restored it but the problem still exists. OS 1.0 and 2.0 didn't have this problem. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there a solution?
My iPod Classic isn't being recognized by iTunes (this has always worked fine until now). I have an iMac. The iPod connects fine and is shown on the desktop, but not recognized in iTunes. My other iPods are recognized in iTunes, just not the Classic. I have reset it, installed latest iTunes, nothing works. The iPod works fine.
I tried to put new music on my iPod. This has consistently been a problem because Itunes says that the ID that i'm getting my applications from is not the same as the one issued to the iTunes application on the computer I get my music from ( because the iTunes on this computer has no purchased music, only free promotional mixtapes, so it isn't linked to any iTunes account). This forces me to have to restore my iPod to factory quality every time I want to apply new music to my iPod.
This time the problem is worse- I updated Itunes earlier to the newest version ( I hadn't updated my music or Ipod software in a very long time), and now Itunes is unable to recognize my Ipod. I get the error message, "iTunes was unable to load data class information from sync services" after iTunes tries to recognize the iPod for a sync for about 30 seconds.
I read this article; [URL] which suggests that I update to the newest version of iTunes, then reset my sync history. The problem now? I can't even get the preferences tab to load. Whenever I try to load the preferences tab, iTunes freezes up and becomes unresponsive. This is extremely frustrating. I have to go through all this troubleshooting, errors, and updating just because my iTunes isn't registered because it has no purchased music?
>iTunes won't respond to my 4th gen iPod
>I get apps from the app store off of my father's Apple ID that I'm posting from
>Causes me to have to restore my Ipod to factory settings everytime I want to get new music for my iPod because my iTunes application on my computer isn't registered to an Apple ID
I'm putting together a huge selection of reggae and island music for a luau and was wondering if, when I transfer the playlist to my iPod Touch, if it will keep the order of the songs or rearrange them to alphabetical. I'd like to keep the order I put it in, not alphabetical. Thoughts?
ipod shuffle, the little square one, 4th or maybe 5th generation.
Mac OS X 10.7.5
itunes 11.2.2
I listen to something on my ipod. I plug the ipod into my computer. In itunes, on the ipod, I can see the track I listed to has number of plays 1. That track in the library on the computer fails to get any plays next to it. Why? Why does this stuff never really work properly? I'm sure it used to work, but I could be wrong. It's not working now. Plays on/from the ipod don't get registered on the computer. This means I don't know which tracks I've listed to and which I haven't.
i have a couple of audiobook CD's here and imported them into itunes, but its displaying the tracks like music. i want them all nice and neat in my audiobook section as if i downloaded it, how?