ITunes :: IOS And IPod Syncing Photos?
Jun 16, 2012how to add fotos from mac to iphone
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
how to add fotos from mac to iphone
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I am obviously missing something here, but can I synch my iTunes library stored in iCloud to my iPod Classic or must I physically have that music stored on my Mac?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone put their entire iTunes or iPhoto libraries on Time Capsule to work with their MBAs? When I plug in an iPod to sync, would iTunes automatically find the media folders (both music and photo)? I assume the same could be asked for those who use an external HDD connecting to the AirPort Extreme after the software update.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to find a way to continue to sync my iPod Touch to my Mac without it automatically syncing over the iPod's Safari bookmarks to my Safari on the computer. I want to keep this bookmarks separate but every time it still wants to sync the Safari data on the iPod to the Safari data on the Mac.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen syncing iPod or iPhone there is a message that the computer is not authorized to play purchases even though I have authorized it many times. How do I fix this?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), iOS 8.1.1
I am running out of space on my laptop so I am moving all my music to an external hard drive. If I keep my file directory structure and naming the same, can I simply "re-point" iTunes to this new storage location and all my songs (etc...) will keep working in iTunes? Will storing the music on an external hard drive effect the performance (speed) of iTunes and/or iPod syncing?
View 8 Replies View RelatedRecently I've been having issues syncing iPhoto albums to my iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. It results in an error such as "The <device> cannot be synced. The disk could not be read from or written to."This usually is during the import phase of the process despite me deleting all the photos in my device, therefore nothing to import.The AppleTV (Gen 1) is somewhat more descriptive by explicitly stating "iTunes cannot sync to the Apple TV <ATV name> because of a problem on your computer. The disk could not be read from or written to.". I'm inclined to think this only started happening with the latest version of the iPhoto 9.3 with Aperture 3.3.1 integration. Meanwhile my iTunes is 10.6.3.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Installed iTunes 9.2 and now get an error message at end of synch saying the iPhone can't synch because the file can't be found. The issue is limited to photos checked to synch from my Aperture 3.03 library. Those photos have been removed from the iPhone leaving only the photos taken on the iPhone and stored in the 'film roll'. All photos synched from Aperture were removed and won't reload. The Photo tab shows the Aperture app is checked and should synch.
I have repaired permissions and rebooted the iMac. Same issue continues after all this.
Does syncing an outside iPhone erase the apps as well as mucic and photos?
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
the first time I sync after swapping HD's and installing os x will it keep all the current info on my phone or will I get that "this is synced with another library" message and wipe everything?
Data like music,photos,videos ect has already been backed up but I'm concerned with settings,sms ect
I'm very frustrated with my iPod Nano right now. It hasn't been charging or syncing to my MacBook or any other USB 1.0/2.30 computer in this house. The cable works fine, and I've tried it with other cables, too, so it's the iPod's fault, needless to say. When I plug it in, it only tuns the backlight on the screen. It doesn't sync or charge or charges extremely slow without any indication. When plugged into a wall charger, it charges just fine for some odd reason. I've reseted the iPod a million times and gone through the diagnostics menu a million times. I can't figure this out!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an aluminum Macbook, eMac and ipod touch. I would like to be able to have iCal and Address Book synced together so when I edit/change information on any of the three devices, the other two devices will be updated the next time it's synced with the ipod or computer. I do not want the music to be shared, because I'm trying to keep the eMac hard drive lean to keep it running as quickly as possible.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have recently formatted my computer and put all my mp3s back on from my backup on time machine. I am now trying to transfer a playlist to my ipod touch but not all songs are syncing from the playlist? I have authorised the computer for my purchases. Any ideas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have had an intermittent problem. Every so often (once a month), my iPhone will not connect to my computer, it does not charge, nor does it show up in iTunes. I checked out 3 different cables, and none work (cable problem eliminated), I tried 3 different iPods, none charged or showed up (iPhone and iPod problem eliminated). I tried both the front and the rear USB ports and nothing ever happens. As far as I recall, this problem just cures itself after a few days. Any idea what I need to have repaired to stop this maddening problem?
Power Mac G5
Mac OS X (10.5)
2.3 GHz, 8GB RAM, 8GB iPhone, Dual Sony SDM-HS95 monitors, PowerBook G4
I have an old macbook that has all my songs on, as well as my iPod. I have recently got an iMa which currently has no music on, how would I transfer the music from the iPod to the new iMac, or alternatively from the old Macbook to the iMac?
I backed up my iPod touch (2nd Gen) and I want to put that onto my iPod Nano(6th Gen).
iPod touch (2nd generation), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Ok so recently my hard drive died and i lost all my files including my photos from my computer. I know that i have all the photos on my ipod but i don't know how to get them off. I've searched and there are apps that remove the files but i don't have the cash to buy the apps. is there any manual way to remove the photos or a freeware app?
P.S I've tried going into the photos file on my ipod but all there is, are .ithmb 's that i don't know what to do with. BTW im running on Mac OS X Leopard.
My old computer died, so i lost all my pictures. thankfully they are on my ipod but im not sure how to get em out of there and onto my mac
View 17 Replies View RelatedI originally had an iPod touch, and recently bought myself an iMac and I love them both.
One problem confuses me though. I recently paired my iPod to my iMac through bluetooth, because I normally keep my cable in my car for playing my music while I am driving.
I'm trying to do a simple task of sending photos and videos taken via my iPod to store on my iMac via bluetooth. It seems when I go to the 'Browse Device' option for the iPod, this is not supported, it says that the device does not have the neccessary services or something.
Now I have done a bit of research, and discovered an App for doing this, which I have to pay for...
Am I missing something here? Surely this is a feature that should be the most basic of basic of basic features that anybody who has paid out a massive amount of money for a really good computer should have as standard? Afterall, they are both Apple products, and one of the selling points of Apple is that all Apple products work seamlessly together, in sincing and all that jazz. Don't get me wrong, I love both products, they do work pretty **** well, when a cable is used... but surely, I must be missing something. Bluetooth has been out for years and years, and Apple are supposed to be so good at this sort of thing?
Anyhoo, I'm sure that there's a simple feature I'm missing, and one of you inteligent Apple boffins will be able to enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong, for example maybe there's a Wifi feature I should be using instead?.. I've only been using an Apple for a few weeks so far, and I'm still getting used to it.
How do I put my photos from my ipod touch onto my macbook pro. thought this was supposed to be simple...
iPod touch, iOS 5.1.1
Aperture is syncing all stacked photos in my library to my phone. I was under the impression that only the pick photo would be synced.
After some trial and error I noticed that just the pick photo is stacked when syncing a normal album.
Syncing smart albums and projects will transfer all the stacked versions.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I some local internet streams which I listen to, when I added them a long time ago I couldn't add them to the itunes radio tab :-( but created a playlist.I would like to have those streams available on my laptop but since there is no "music" it does not sync. Is there a way to do this? It would be nice to have them on the idevices as well but there i just use a radio app.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis upgrade sent out 5th/6th February 2010 has caused my family's iPods and my AppleTV to disconnect from the iTunes library and demand a return to factory settings for all units. Still have not got any of them to sync with the library or reload the back-up settings in the case of the iPods
I am running a MacBook Pro 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB memory
Just transferred my iTunes data from Snow Leopard to Lion ( Both same version of iTunes} and I am getting a message saying the iTunes will no longer sync Photos to my iPhone. Has something been changed as far as photo syncing?
MacPro 2.66, Mac OS X (10.6.7), GB ram.. iLife 08 /Aperture / CS 5
I have an older iPod that has some playlists on it that are not in my iTune library. I want this same playlist on my iPhone but when I do an 'export' then try to drag and drop into my phone I get a message saying it did not copy because 'it cannot be played on this phone'. I also cannot drag and drop it into iTunes anywhere either. All of these songs are in my library, I just don't want to have to go through and remake this playlist to add to my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been using iTunes for 5+ years on my PC. I recently bought a macbook pro and, with help of Belkin switch-to-mac able to transport all my music, documents and photo's. However it did not sent the playlists and ratings.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a newer Mac. iTunes on my iPod recognizes my older Mac. How do get iTunes to recognize the new Mac to be able to transfer the files from the iPod to the computer and new Apple username/password? I don't want to lose purchased files.
iPod touch, iOS 4.3.3
Only problem is i feel like im going to have trouble syncing my iphone with itunes as my iphone is synced with my PC version of itunes. Is there any way to move my data from PC to Mac without looseing anything? All my apps an music are on a external HDD anyway, but i have nearly 1000 albums all with album art and perfectly named etc... many sleepless nights doing that!
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhy is my itunes not syncing my iphone?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi just bought a new mac, and i have attempted to sync my iphone wireless. the "sync now" under itunes wi-fi sync does not , or will not work. both the mac and the iphone are on a shared home wifi. is there a setting im missing in which my phone has to be "authorized"?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1