ITunes :: How To Transfer Photos Fron Iphone To Mac
Feb 3, 2012
i have 178 photos n my iphone4 but when i connect up to itunes i cant find the anywhere. I can click on my phone and select photos but there is only 6 photos. Does anyone know how to transfer my photos fron iphone to mac
I have my iMac here which I use to Sync my iPhone 6 Plus - This iMac 'belongs' to my iPhone 6 plus if you know what I mean..
Now a friend of mine who does not own a computer, just bought an iPhone 6 and wants to move all the photos form his old iPhone 4S to the new Phone..
So.. I imported all his Photos to iPhoto on my iMac.
Now when I open up iTunes on my iMac it immediately says to me 'Welcome to you new iPhone'.. and wants me to continue.
What do I do from here? I want to use iTunes to move all the photos from the iPhoto event I created to his new phone and this is a one off..
Is it possible to do this without messing up any future syncing between my own iMac and Phone??
Or is there some other way I can get his Photos from iPhoto on to his Phone? I am assuming that iTunes is the only way without of course having to deal with third party apps.
When I transfer my photos from Iphone to iMac I cannot view or edit those photos or any of my previous photos or scans. I am a new IMac user. This problem just began yesterday. I have not had any issues before this.
I am new to Mac and I need to know what I can do with bluetooth in Macbook and could I transfer photos and staff between my iphone and mac via bluetooth ?
My iphone originally was linked to my PC. I downloaded over 3,000 pictures from my PC to my iphone. Since then my PC broke and now I have a macbook pro and the macbook doesn't recognize all the pictures from my pc. I get the following message.-iTunes cannot sync photos to the iPhone "Daniel's iPhone" because you do not have write access to the folder "iChat Icons".
I have deleted all my photos from iPhone 4 but iTunes still shows that I have 981 photos taking up 1.75GB of space. The reason for my deleting the photos, after I moved them to the cloud, was to save space.
Since this doesn't have much storage i recently moved my entire 40Gb iPhoto onto an external drive. This worked great and love the new storage i have on my mac.
I plug my GoPro into my mac and it imports the photos onto the iPhoto on my external drive.
However the problem occurs when i try get those new photos onto my iPhone, i plug it in and go to photos on my phone in iTunes and it only shows my old iPhoto stuff, so i can't get those new photos across to my iPhone. I've tried the choose file option and chosen external drive but i doesn't seem to work?
I have always in the past been able to sync m photos from iphone 4 to my computer. For last few days, I can no longer do this. What steps to take to make this possible.
I bought an iPhone 4S about a month ago and used iTunes from my old pc to sync songs. More recently, I bought a Macbook Pro. When I try to sync songs into the iPhone through the Mac iTunes, nothing is transferred. The pictures are syncing correctly through iTunes, but songs on the iTunes library are not. What should I do to transfer songs?
I just bought a mac book air and i want to transfer all my data from my iphone 4s to my new itunes account without affecting my the data on my phone. Im hoping to keep all my music, ringtones and playlists exactly how they are on my phone now. Is this possible? I dont want to start over again with making ringtones and creating playlists.
I need to transfer my itunes to my new macbook pro. I have no access to my old PC, therefore the only access to my itunes is my phone. I have my purchased files transferred, but can't transfer "non-apple" purchases. I spoke to customer service, and he recommended dowloading a software to help.
I previously had a Macbook with all of my music from my iPhone stored on it. When getting a new computer I logged into my existing iTunes account but not all of the songs that I had on my old computer and phone showed up. I noticed that the songs that aren't on my new computer are ones that were not purchased on iTunes (ex: downloaded from a cd). Is there any way to directly transfer all of the songs that are currently on my phone to my iTunes account on my new computer?
I will buy a new Mac (iMac or MBP) soon to replace my current iMac G5. What is the quickest and easiest way to transfer files including my iTunes library & iPhone apps & safari bookmarks to the new Mac?
How do I transfer a movie I rented using my iPhone 4S to my MacBook Pro? I don't want to watch it on a small screen!
When I connect my iPhone to my Mac I can't see my rental where it should be (click on my iPhone and then click on Movies where I choose what things to sync) - hence I don't have the transfer option. The movie is on my iPhone however - how do I go about it..??? I can't believe there is no option to do it - if I can rent it on my Mac and transfer it to my iOS devices why wouldn't I be able to do it the other way around?
Is there any way to move the existing pics on my iPhone to, my NEW iMac? I HAD a PC which, crapped out (hard disk failure). My problem is, if I let iTunes, sync, it will erase my pictures for which, there is NO backup. If I lose the pics on my iPhone 4, they are gone forever. Emailing them is not an option, there are 2000 of them.
I recently purchased a Macbook Pro, and now want to put all of my music from my iphone4 to my itunes library on the computer, I cannot do this, so I have made my iphone a device so that I used to be able to "grab and drop" downloaded music into my device of the iphone, however recently upgrading my itunes I cannot do this anymore!
I have an old Mac Book with all my music on it, but will not sync with my iPhone 3GS or let any of my music transfer over. It only allows my music on my phone to transfer to the Library. How can I transfer the music on my MacBook to my iPhone?
I know this is an ongoing issue that many people are having but does anyone know if a fix is going to be put in place to address this? It seems that whenever I transfer a 320 kb album with artwork from my itunes to my iphone and have itunes converting it down to 256 to conserve space that it gets rid of the arwork. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?