I recently upgraded from iMac OS 10.4.11 to OS 10.6 and transferred my iTune songs to my new computer--Intel Core 2 Duo. Now, I have 8,870 songs in one big list. I can play them, but I also want to make them into albums. Is there some way to do that instead of adding a new album title in the playlist and then copying songs from the music list those songs that belong in that particular album title?
I noticed this about a year ago. So, there are some songs that I cannot play in iTunes, on either my laptop or home computer. However, I can play them on my iPhone 3GS and my 3rd Generation iPod after being sync'd. A friend thought that it was perhaps these songs/albums were not "official" Apple iTunes downloads or not direct downloads from CDs. This is not correct, random songs from random mp3 sources including iTunes (Apple iTunes Store), and even complete albums (from CDs) are affected. Why is this? how can I correct this?
First they removed all of the Monkey Majik albums in the US Store, now they've deleted a album by Moonjam in the Mexico store. Some of my friends think maybe it's because that certain album or two were no longer selling. And yet, there are other ones that literally have no reviews, no ratings, not one person buying a song from there, and yet, itunes is still hanging on to them.
There are some incomplete albums and some that are not even there. When i transfer it says that I can't because i'm not authorized when clearly my Computer is authorized.
I thought my album artwork was disappearing. Turns out the problem is a bit different (and weirder) than I thought it was.
When I look at the Album view in iTunes and see all the albums in a tile/grid layout, there are some albums that show no artwork. These just have the default gray cover with the...um...note thingy on it. But when I click on one of these album covers and see the songs, all of them *do* have artwork. When I play these songs, I also see the artwork. It's only at the album level that I don't.
I am trying to copy some songs from my playlist to a CD but it changes the order of the songs during the conversion. I want the songs in alphabetical by name but iTunes arranges them alphabetically by artist.
How do I stop iTunes from breaking out all the songs in one album into multiple albums when the artist has many collaborators on the different songs, for example Timbaland? I want to just listen to the full album with all the songs, instead of having to play every song separately.
Before, in iTunes I could drag several albums, one after the other, over to my iPhone for copying. iTunes would just add the subsequent albums to a growing queue behind the scenes, happily copying until everything was done. Now, for some reason, when I am in the midst of copying one album and drag a second over to copy, iTunes stops copying the first album and begins copying the second; it's as if the hidden queue has disappeared. So I'm left with a bunch of truncated, random songs off each album I've tried to copy.
Downloading songs from cd's. One will go in as one album, shows a single artwork for the set. Volume 2 loads like separate songs with the same album name AND with the sequence number, i.e., No. 4 of 15, On my iPad it appears as 15 albums with 1 song on them. Volume 1 appears as one album with 15 songs on it. Looks messy on the iPad. . .I have 16 albums with the same name. How to get albums together??
I have imported an album from CD but iTunes INSISTS that track one is one album, and tracks 2-4 are another - though it gives both albums the same name. So the "second" album has tracks 2-4 of 4 and the first, 1 of 4. I have done all the usual stuff, selected them all and bulk changed / retyped artist, album name , cover art etc. Anything I might be missing?
My iTunes (the latest version on a MacBook Pro) is not allowing me to copy music from the library to an iPod. Most of the music is imported in, not purchased from iTunes. When I drag to load on to the iPod, it says "File Not Found" - I am guessing it is because it is a mp3 not a mp4? I am not sure how it cannot be found, when I can play the song in iTunes on my computer? Do I need to convert these song files to mp4? If so, what program can I use? I used to use AudioHub before it went away - I have since purchased a new machine and cannot access it any more.
So I have a ton of music on my computer. Multiples of songs etc. I've deleted a lot of songs off itunes but still have other copies of them on my computer. I once tried to delete the files but then when I played them on itunes they wouldnt work. So I'm curious, how can I make a copy/file of all the songs on my itunes as backup and delete everything else. And do it safety.
I just bought a new mac book air and i have a lot of music that Itunes cannot find the album art for. On my windows PC i was able to just copy and paste the art into the "get info" tab and the art will show in itunes when the song plays. When i find the art on my Mac i can copy and paste, however the art does not save to itunes.
Also, whenever i changed the artist or album artist information, the change does not save either.
I have an old aplle ID that I down loaded some apps and music on. Some time later I got a new ipad and set up a new apple ID. I hadn't used the old ID in a while so I had forgotten the password. Now I want to update and redownload some of the apps that were bought under the "old" apple ID.
we have just purchased a new IMac and this is our first mac, so we don't know much about them, my hubby and I have 2 pcs each with a separate itunes account, and we want to transfer both of our libraries onto the new mac and merge them together. We also want our individual playlists to transfer across to.
I have brought a new drive to put all the music on and I know I need to export the library, I'm just not sure if I can import two libraries and make them into one on the mac and if it will keep both our playlists.
When you buy a Movie or TV Show on iTunes you receive two versions of it, but it appears as just one file on iTunes. I was just wondering if its possible to do that manually to your own videos that you import into iTunes.
I have two logons on our Imac. One that we previously uesd for our daughter and one that my wife an I use. There is an Itunes libary under each logon on the same computer. My daughter no longer uses the logon, she now has her own computer. We would like to combine the two libraries already on the same computer into one itunes library. Is there an easy way to combine them into one?
How do you combine 2 or more tracks into one track, and how do you divide one track into multiple tracks? I've heard that you can do this via garage band. It would be nice if I could just do it on i-tunes, but if I can't, what is the garage band method?