OS X :: Music Files Disappeared - ITunes Library (damaged)
May 29, 2009
I was adding some music to iTunes downloaded through acquisition x, and my external HD (Seagate 320 GB) all of a sudden has no music files anywhere on it. The available space is still the same as when i had 40 gigs of music on it, and iTunes says on opening: "The file "iTunes Library" does not appear to be a valid iTunes Library file. iTunes has created a new iTunes Library and renamed this file to "iTunes Library (Damaged)."
I can't find any .xml or .itl or a (damaged) library file ANYWHERE. THEN the next dialog display says the iTunes application could not be opened, the required file is in use.
So used an applescript to unhide invisible files and folders, and the .Trash is empty, Finder's trash is empty, searched all OVER for any trace of the .mp3 files in my library, but they have disappeared. I also can't unmount or eject, verify or repair my External because it is "in use." The only process running i can see is finder, though I'm not sure.
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Jan 14, 2010
Every time I open itunes, it says that my itunes library is damaged and it requires me to add all of my music again.
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May 15, 2009
I'm using OS X 10.4.11 and iTunes 8.1.1. I'm not very computer literate. When I started iTunes today, I went straight to copy some files into it from another folder. I got an error message about the .xml file and then told files were damaged (I think). I think iTunes started rebuilding the folders but I stopped it and ended up with only 30-something gb of tunes instead of almost 100 gb. All my music is still there in the iTunes/Music folder (I also have 30 back-up DVDs of the library), but I really, really want to be able to keep the Date Added information as this is how I view the music, as well as all the artwork I've manually added. The iTunes Library (Damaged) file is there, as are several Previous iTunes Libraries file.
After a web search, I did the following:
i. Quit iTunes and copied the most recent "Previous iTunes Library" file to the desktop.
ii. I trashed the iTunes Library.xml and iTunes Library (with the logo) files at the top of the folder structure.
iii. I then dragged the copied Previous iTunes Library file into the iTunes/iTunes Music folder and launched iTunes. Should it be dragged into the top-level iTunes folder or where?
It opens, but with absolutely nothing in it. I've tried dragging the Previous iTunes Library file everywhere I can think of (trashing the existing .xml and Library file each time), but still no joy. This latest Previous iTunes Library file is only a couple of months old and I'd much, much rather re-do the last two months music than lose the Date Added and all Playlists etc.
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May 5, 2012
A few days ago, I opened iTunes and a notification appeared saying my Library was "damaged," and then proceeded to reopen with about 500 songs missing. I went through my iPod to find a few of the songs that were on it that were erased from my Library (I haven't synced my iPod since it happened for fear of losing the songs for good), intending to simply re-import them into my Library - but the files were nowhere to be found. I opened Finder and searched for quite a while, but I couldn't find a trace. Â I've tried opening iTunes while holding down the Option key and choosing a Previous Library, but the most recent of the Previous Library .itl files is the same one - the one missing 500 songs. Â
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Nov 13, 2010
i have a lovely imac g5 but when i switched on 90% of my files in itunes were 'unable to find...' when i looked for them in finder i couldnt find them either. i do not use 'itunes copy to library' but i have my files located internally and havent moved anything, ive tried repair disk and still no avail. is it itunes or something worse that has done this? im pretty miffed as you could imagine any solutions/ explanations?
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Nov 14, 2008
I had to move around my files recently so needed to change the location iTunes looked for them. I ran across a hack whereby you edit the iTunes Music Library.xml file and then intentionally corrupt the iTunes Library.itl file so that it reimports the next time you restart iTunes (I'm sure many of you may already be familiar with this hack).
It almost works. Problem is that it doesn't import all my files. I have over 10000 files but it only imports 6445 of them. I noticed that the original xml filesize is 16MB. After importing, it gets chopped down to 10MB. What the heck is happening here?
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May 16, 2012
Im trying to transfer the music from my iphone to a new imac, the help centre notes say to go to the store, click authorize computer and go from there, i know its a dumb question, but i can't find the authorise computer bit
Info:iMac, Mac OSX (10.5.7)
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Jun 2, 2014
my Mac recently crashed and I had to do a data recovery. I recoverd my itunes music library files (.xml). I'm trying to put those files onto itunes again but the import playlist method isn't working. it works for one but not multiple. I receive an error message (-50) after the first one.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jun 23, 2014
I want to move the location of my iTunes library music files. At present they are all on my time machine . I want to move them all to my imac. Can I do that and keep all my playlists and play counts?
its 1000s of songs . Originally I used the time machine as a networked drive but it can cause the songs to pause so I'm thinking it would be better to have the songs on the internal imac drive
how can I move the songs so I can re-open iTunes and the playlists (with plays in the 100s) find the song in the new place?
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Apr 13, 2012
I'm using iTunes 10.6 and Lion. i have a two problems. i recently moved my iTunes library to my portable hard drive. i have changed the new location under Preference/Advanced to "/portable drive/MUSIC". I have checked 'Keep iTunes Media folder organized" and unchecked 'Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library. 1) After moving my music and and consolidating, some of my music are in the right folder, which is in "/portable drive/MUSIC" folder, but a majority of the music are created into a NEW SUBFOLDER music folder. e.g.: /portable drive/MUSIC/music/ ?? Why is that happen and how can I move tell iTunes to just put it in the main and 1st MUSIC folder. Do you know why it creates a subfolder name music? 2) When importing new music, it doesn't automatically go into the designated folder but instead retains in the original folder that was imported from? e.g.: i import music from mac hard drive into iTunes and when I click on Get Info on the track, the location is still at /my mac hard drive/duran duran instead of /portable drive/MUSIC/.  How do I get it to organized the music into /portable drive/MUSIC/
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 25, 2009
I recently opened up iTunes to update some of my podcasts. Since my MacBook can keep a charge for about 1 minute (I'm not kidding), it shut down while new podcasts were downloading since I forgot to plug in the charger. No big deal, I think. This has happened to be before. Except when I try to open up iTunes after turning the computer on again, I'm told that something happened to my library, and some file was renamed itunes library(damaged).itl.
Huge problem: there is absolutely no damaged itunes library anywhere on my computer. I'm missing about 2k songs, all of my audiobooks, and all of my podcast subscriptions. Where in the hell could the damaged library have gone? I've read that simply renaming that one and reimporting it brings everything back to normal, but I have no damaged file to do this with. Where does it typically go when something like this happens?
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Jan 14, 2010
I was listening to music and suddenly my MBP froze, and the song I was listening to got stuck. I was forced to do a reboot. When I turned the computer back on, and opened iTunes, I got a warning message that the "Library was damaged" and that it was rebuilding it from somewhere. It reinstated all my playlists and music fine but all my extensive podcasts, audiobook and iTunes University information is gone! Is there any way to get it back? It took ages to assemble. I have both time machine backups and a series of 'previous iTunes libraries' available in my music folder but I don't really know what they do or how to enable an older library to see if it works.
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Oct 2, 2010
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
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Feb 14, 2012
I just updated my iTunes library and since then there are no songs in it anymore. it even doesn't show my purchases anymore.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Oct 9, 2009
So the last couple of days iTunes has been hell for me. Couple of days ago, when I opened iTunes like any other time, I was presented with an error message saying my itunes library was damaged. Anyway, long story short, I've started over and created a new one and imported all my songs, podcasts, videos etc in. That all worked well, but I was still missing my precious play counts and ratings, though I was able to import my playlists. So what I did was import one of the itunes database files from the "previous itunes libraries" option. What happened then was that it removed all the files that I purchased after the date in which the database file was created. Annoying as I can't remember every song I've purchased.
The 2 main problems at the moment is that the files I purchased are already in my iTunes media folder, I found that out by just searching some songs I remember, but the matter of remembering each one is impossible. I contemplated the idea of "Add to library" but I think all that does is import everything again into the library rather than find any ones that aren't already in it. Is there anyway to get iTunes to automatically find the files that aren't already my library and just add those? Second problem is I have is the dreaded '!' next to many of my songs, again I am sure that I have these files in my media folder (I've checked), iTunes has just (for some reason) not found those files. Again, is there a way for iTunes to automatically find those files? As opposed to me finding and clicking on everyone of those '!'s and locating the files manually?
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Apr 14, 2012
Looked at my ITunes library last week to try and make a new playlist but all my years of music/videos etc has disappeared without me doing anything? I have had very bad luck with Time Machine as well and realised not long ago that for 4 years it has only been backing up 'Desktop' and not the whole computer. I backed up all my photos and docs on various DVD's and CD's once I realised but I cant see that I backed up my Itunes library. I am only hoping that on the 'Desktop' external hard drive back ups that I can find it again? If it is on there, how do I get it off as I have heard that you can not retrieve certain items from an external hard drive especially with Time machine although I have never needed to before. Do you think all my songs etc have gone forever now?
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Jun 25, 2012
My daughter's entire iTunes library seems to have disappeared from her mac. She has everything on her iPhone. How does she get it back onto her computer?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 21, 2010
A few days ago I tried changing the name of the middle file in the top row (Currently "iTunes Lib", which is what I think it was originally). I opened iTunes last night and found that none of my music was there. Obviously iTunes is looking for THAT folder, but the name is different.
What can I do to set this right? If I knew the original name of the file, I would try that.
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Feb 15, 2011
move iTunes folders/library and all my music from the internal hard drive to an external one? I want to start using an external hard disk as my source of music for iTunes. I'm running tiger 10.4.11 still.
mac pro 2.16 ghz 1gb memory
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 12, 2012
I have a new-to-me MacBook (running Lion) and I just downloaded all my music into iTunes. I had been sync'd with an old PC laptop previously. If I choose to sync my iPhone (4S) with iTunes on the MacBook, will it delete my apps and data (as the warning in iTunes leads me to believe)? I do use iCloud backup on the iPhone, and I've got all kinds of apps installed (and arranged to my liking). What's the best way to have my music sync with the MacBook without having to reinstall my apps?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPhone 4S
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Aug 21, 2009
I have transferred my itunes music on to my external HD. The music is there and that is fine. I then deleted the old itunes folder from my actual HD. I have now wanted to access the music on the external HD, and have attempted to select the new music file location on the external HD via the itunes/preferences/advanced window,selected the new file path and it will just not show in itunes!
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Mar 20, 2012
Tried updating from iTunes 10.5 to 10.6, no luck. Restarted computer, no luck. The problem is not with the MP3s, I've checked and absolutely nothing will add to my iTunes library.
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Aug 22, 2014
Originally this mac was my sisters, but she gave it to me once she got a new mac. I wanted to put my own music onto the iTunes library, but it will only keep hers for some reason. I tried signing in on iTunes but it only signs into the store, not the library.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Macbook
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Mar 18, 2012
I reinstaled iTunes since it kept crashing. How do I reunite my music from my external hard drive to iTunes?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook, iMac, iPhone, iPod, iPhone
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Apr 15, 2012
IÂ have just bought a MacBook air and am trying to copy the music files from my old windows pc onto the new pc. I have used drag+drop and by using the add to library instruction from the file drop down. I can see the folders and files in finder but they do not appear in inlayer under the music folder. This folder is empty but I have transferred purchased music from an ipod which is visible and playable. To confuse things further, all my applications have been moved over?
MacBook Air
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Apr 20, 2012
When Im in Itunes i have my ipod connected , but i want to see the music like i see in the library. In a grid!!Â
It only gives me the option to see the music in columns.
iPod classic, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 4, 2012
How do i safely import my itunes music liberary from my old windows computer to my new mac? Homesharing doesn't work for me. I do have my complete liberary on my old windows computer as well as on my Ipod.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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Jun 8, 2012
1) Up until today (6/8/12) my purchases would show up in my library after downloading. After purchasing some songs today, I did not see them in the library, but I did find them under 'Purchases'. And the little iCloud icon seems to be 'working'. I have the most recent iTunes (10.6.1), scanned for viruses, and haven't been doing anything differently. I am using a 13" MacBook Pro (early 2011) with Lion v10.7.4 installed.
2) iTunes usually shows a song as 'Purchased' in the Store if you already downloaded it (I assume to prevent duplicate downloading). But a few minutes after purchasing some music, the Store still shows it as available for purchase.
The only thing I have done recently is clean out some cache files in my browser (using Intego). Could this be the culprit? If so, how do I remedy these issues?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 10, 2012
I want to add the musice that on my ipod to my itunes library on my imac. but with out syncing my ipod and loosing whats on there.!
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 5, 2012
I've been reading dozens of different questions and answers on this forum in regards to this topic However, none of them are speaking directly to what I am trying to accomplish.I recently moved my iTunes library from my internal hard drive to an external hard drive. The transition was fine. (I did have this same problem described below in the beginning. However, it solved itself somehow when I sent it to locate the files.) It was a temporary fix. I needed to upgrade my internal hard drive but until I did that I wanted to be able to add more music or movies etc. I recently installed my new internal hard drive. I cloned my old internal hard drive and the transition was relatively smooth However, today when I moved my iTunes library from my external (temporary) hard drive to my new internal hard drive I came upon a problem.
Every time I double click on a song it says:
I then have to go into my files and find the song. (Which is no big deal for one song, but for over 3300 songs? Doesn't sound like a good time.
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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