ITunes :: Find And Remove Duplicate Items In Library
May 18, 2012
I use Google's Google Play and I made the mistake of Downloading my Library from the Google play Music Manager in my (early 2011) MacBook Pro's System Preferences after I already had my music library in iTunes so now I have a duplicate of every single song and not sure how to delete them. I tried using the the advice offered on here where I sort all music based on DATE but every song has the same date and about the same time so that won't work for me. Other then downloading a paid program I'm not sure what my options here are. That being said, let me know if anyone know what options other then paying for a program to do this for me or worse... having me click on every single duplicate song individually until I finish?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 16, 2012
Not sure how the duplicate songs were created in my iTunes on my iPad, but I am looking for a way to select all the duplicates and delete them.
iPad (3rd gen) Wi-Fi, iOS 5.1.1
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May 17, 2012
Trying to remove duplicate items from iTunes library and all the files have same added date since the whole library was moved from another computer.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), removing duplicate items
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Jun 28, 2012
If I press "command" "A" and than "command" "delete", will it erase only the duplicates and keep the one original file? Or will this delete the duplicate and the song I wish to keep?
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 10, 2012
How do I find and remove duplicate files? I must have a lot because I have no space left.
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Jul 4, 2010
Any time I try to remove an icon from the dock or an item from the login items and then logout/restart they come right back. It's like OS X is remembering my last login and then just duplicating it. I can't get it to keep it the settings I give it. Google and a quick search of the forums gave me nothing.
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Jun 21, 2014
I created a bit of a mess with iTunes 11 while migrating from Windows to Mac OS. Somehow I have duplicate subscriptions in the "My Podcasts" view. When I look at them, they don't have proper icons and the subscript setting is turned off (i.e. unsubscribed ). The listing that has an icon and has an episode count is working fine. Also, The duplicate subscription entries do not appear in the "list" podcast view. I tried using "Edit->delete" from the iTunes menu to delete them, but nothing happens.
Is there a way to get rid of these duplicate entries?
"dead" or inactive subscriptions VVV
"live" or active subscription VVV
Itunes 11.2.2 for Mac running on Mac OS X 10.9.3
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May 14, 2012
The main issue is that in iTunes>Devices>Info>Sync Calendars, I see of Local calendars listed and also iCloud calendars listed (they show a portion of the address (CalDAV?) that they use to sync), and the issue is that I have DUPLICATE iCloud calendar entries here and I would love to remove them.
Here is my setup:
MBP with Lion and iPhone 3G with all updates.
All of my calendars sync with iCloud (I also have an iPad, but not issue with it.) and there are no duplicate calendars or events in iCloud on the web, so this is fine.I sync my iCloud/iCal calendars to my iPhone 3G (iOS 4.2.1) via iTunes and this is going well, so no problems here, either. I would just like to remove the duplicate iCloud calendars from iTunes under the Info pane so as to simplify life and my understanding. Also, there are other apps (like TimeTable) that go and read the master list of calendars. So, on this app, I see ALL of the calendars by name without being able to distinguish them any other I can climb inside of iTunes and remove the duplicate iCloud calendar entries?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 29, 2012
how do i delete duplicate songs in my library
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May 27, 2012
how do i delete duplicate songs from my itunes library?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 2, 2012
I have almost 8000 songs in my iTune and most of them have dublicates. How can i easily erase dublicate songs?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 26, 2010
I have written the applescript below to duplicate my Apple Lossless iTunes library as a MP3 Library. I wanted the script to be able to do the following things:
1. For all Apple Lossless tracks in iTunes Library (at the moment the script is just set to work with a selection for testing purposes) check if track already exists in MP3 folder with more recent modification date and:
a If yes, do nothing
b If same track with earlier modification date convert and replace track (so that tag changes are transferred)
c If track doesn't exist convert track.
2. If there are any MP3 files in the target folder that aren't in the source folder (i.e. the iTunes Music Folder), delete these files. This is for the scenario when I delete files from my iTunes Library that I no longer want, and I want the equivalent MP3 file to be deleted as well. So once the script has finished running there should be an exact match between the Apple Lossless library and the MP3 folder.
The script below does everything I want it to do with the following caveats:
1. I am not sure how to go about deleting the MP3 files as in part 2. I guess it would have to be an additional section of script which compares each file by name in the folder/subfolder in the iTunes Music Library with the equivalent folders in the target music folder, deleting any files found in the target music folder that don't exist in the iTunes Music folders, but I'm not sure if this is the best/only method, and how I would go about scripting this.
2. Because I need to specify the conversion twice (once if no file exists in target folder and once if it does but with an older modification date) I am wondering about using a subroutine method here. I tried doing so, but no conversions happened even though some should have happened. I wonder if this is because the relevant variables aren't picked up properly by the script when it's a subroutine. I can leave things as they are, just thought it would be good to make the script neater.
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Mar 8, 2009
Im new to the Mac operating system. I am proficient on a PC, but Macs have always captivated my attention. I finally gave into the Macbook. Anyways ---
The Automator application seems phenomenal in theory I just haven't learned all the ins and outs yet, but i see the concept that it was designed for (Jobs = Genius). Long story short I was streaming all of my music over from my PC and it got interrupted twice. I kept streaming to the same folder but it never prompted me to replace existing files of the same name. So I figured it would do it automatically. To my dismay that wasn't the case at all. I now have 9,000 songs and at least 4,000 of which are duplicates/Triplets. I wanted to know if there was some way to streamline the process of deleting and purging all these files out of my Music Folder/Itunes Library, Via the Automator program or any other program you know of.
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May 26, 2012
I recently had a big HD snafu the result of which left me with 95,000 tunes, 53,000 of which should be there...the rest are duplicates. I've tried Dupin but it's not working...I think the job is just too big. get the dupes identified and removed?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 11, 2012
I saved several voicemails from my landline (Comcast Digital Voice). They are saved in a folder in my Documents folder but also are showing up in my iTunes library. They are saved as .wav files. I want to keep them (one is my last voicemail from my dead mom) but I don't want them showing up in my library of songs in iTunes, being synced with the rest of my songs on all my devices. Is there any way to remove them from my iTunes library while keeping them saved on my hard drive in my Documents folder?
20" iMac 2.4 2GB, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Aug 19, 2010
Duplicate folder names on different servers will not add to login items
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Mar 24, 2012
I have been using a 2007 MacPro laptop, using OSX 10.6.4 for several years. I have my Itunes library on an external hard drive. I purchased a new MacPro laptop recently with 10.7.3. Both seem to be using Itunes 10.6. When I plug in the external hard drive Itunes doesn't see a library file, and no tunes are shown. I see the lists of files, but can't sync to a library file. I pluged in my Ipod Classic and about 1800 songs are in the new laptop Tunes media folder. But I cant get to the library where some 8000+ tunes, books, podcast's live. When I shift back to the old library no problems are noted. When I shift to the new laptop only the 1800 files it copied from from the Ipod are displayed. I seem to be able to tell it the library is external in advanced preferences, but no library can be found.
Info:iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 9, 2009
I copied a lot of songs to my cell phone so I can here them wherever I go. However, i noticed that because of the album artwork, I couldn't copy as much songs as I wanted. Is there away I can remove the artwork embedded in the mp3 files WITHOUT reimporting them back to iTunes? I don't want to remove the artwork from the iTunes library, just from the phone card. Is there a separate application that can batch-handle ID3 tags and artwork? i copied the songs from my macbook to the m2 memory stick using a usb adapter so i can use the songs on my ericsson. I think it is really annoying that iTunes requires songs to be in the library to handle them. I could really use a separate application or a script/folder action that would do the trick - freeware or shareware
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Mar 11, 2012
My uni-body MacBook (aluminum) is running out of storage space. I'm trying to figure out how much space my iTunes library is using (besides using the system preferences option).
MacBook, iOS 5.1
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May 2, 2012
My iTunes library is unavaliable an is not found neither by appleTV nor remote of iPhone and iPad?
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May 15, 2012
My finder is blinking and I' cant open it my itunes cannot find the library, what to do?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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May 23, 2012
How can I remove incorrect album covers from the itunes library without removing the content? I simply want to replace the artwork.
MacBook Pro
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Jul 23, 2007
Can you point me to where the solutions are?, which are:
1. Whenever I try to play music and videos through Front Row, it says, direct quote: "there are no items in your iTunes library", when in fact I have 5000+ songs, dozens of TV shows and movies, all of which work fine in iTunes. I made sure a) all media files are CHECKED (Selected) in my library, b) the Consolidate Library function has always been ON, c) iTunes is open and d) my iTunes library is in the default location, i.e. user/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music.
2. Photos appear correctly in Front Row and DVDs play, I just can't see my videos and music.
3. One interesting thing: the Album Art screen saver also says that "Your iTunes library does not contain any songs with artwork", while most of my iTunes music have album art embedded and they display correctly in iTunes.
I even tried re-installing OS X, but it still does not work! Here is the computer I am using: 17-inch 2.0 gHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac OS X (10.4.10) iMac from October, 2006 with iTunes 7.3.1 installed and working. I have had this problem since (I think) iTunes 6.
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Jun 21, 2009
I have itunes on the MBP. I have the library and music on my NAS. If I run itunes, it says it cannot find the library unless I browse to my HD, then the NAS, then the folder share first (obviously when I do this. the MBP authenticates to the NAS). Is there a way to avoid having to open the NAS through the finder first?
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Apr 21, 2010
Got my iTunes Library reading from an external USB drive. Nothing has changed in months. Though just recently, for 90% of my songs - iTunes can't locate them. I checked the directory where they've always been and they're still there. External drive is alive and kicking, connected to my Macbook. This sucks because I've got a gajillion playlists. And my iPhone and iPad will no longer sync these playlists. I'd really hate to manually have to re-do all of my playlists again.
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Apr 2, 2012
About 10% of my iTunes files are still protected. I'd like to find them and put them in a special playlist but I haven't managed to find an efficient way of finding them all and listing them.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 26, 2012
How come ITunes says I purchased a song, but I can't find it in any library
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Aug 21, 2014
iTunes keeps telling me it can't find around 150 songs and I have to manually point it to each folder - it offers to use location to find other missing tracks but that only works for songs in the same album folder, not other artists/albums. Is there something I can do to find all songs at once?
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Jun 17, 2012
I can't find the ringtones library and I've checked general there is no show button. I have a MAC OS X version 10.7.4.
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Oct 23, 2010
Looking for some advice as to how to find my iTunes library as I just installed iLife 08 with iTunes in the package but when I click on iTunes to load it up it comes back with this message "The file iTunes Library cannot be read because it was created with by a newer version of iTunes". Don't understand this. Now when I go into iDVD to create a new DVD and click on 'audio' I can see my old list of iTunes.
Anyone know how I could go about finding this and bringing this into the new iTunes 8 which was loaded with iLife 8. I'm almost 70 years old and not quite up to speed you might say. My problem re this is a lot of the library songs which were on iLIfe 6 version of iTunes belong to my daughter who does not have the internet so she comes over and uses mine for her iTunes downloads.
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