I saved several voicemails from my landline (Comcast Digital Voice). They are saved in a folder in my Documents folder but also are showing up in my iTunes library. They are saved as .wav files. I want to keep them (one is my last voicemail from my dead mom) but I don't want them showing up in my library of songs in iTunes, being synced with the rest of my songs on all my devices. Is there any way to remove them from my iTunes library while keeping them saved on my hard drive in my Documents folder?Â
For example when I search by the sender's name in Finder, it will list emails that contain the sender's name. But when I want to look for those emails in ï¼µser/Library/Caches/Metadata/Microsoft.... or wherever all I get is a bunch of numbered emails like "1.vRge08Message" and up to whatever number of emails I got in Entourage.
Why doesn't it display emails by the sender's name like it did when I searched for them in Finder?
Recently I purchased a 1TB Time Capsule. I have it downstairs, plugged into my modem and it's working as my wireless router as well as external HD, I also have an Airport Express plugged in upstairs, set up in bridge mode to extend my network so I get strong coverage everywhere in the house. Now my collection of around 3500 mp3's are currently stored on my unibody 13" Macbook, but I want to know if it's possible to save all of my music - and any other content I download straight to my TC, and then run iTunes as normal.
Just using the TC as the source rather than a file on the HD in my Macbook? Just trying to free up some space is all. Will I be hearing glitchy playback if it is possible? Is it simply a case of finding my iTunes library, cmd+A, copy all files to TC, delete original files off HD and then resetting the file location under iTunes preferences? I don't want to try this yet until I'm told I can in case I screw up and lose my library.
I'm not sure what key function I hit by accident but everytime I use my keyboard my Mac repeats my keyboard action back to in one of those annoying computerized voices. Anyone know how I can turn this off/remove this function?
after installing the latest itunes update march 8th 2012 an error started to show that said error saving itunes library cannot be saved error (-54) or something like that.im using OSX Lion
If I press "command" "A" and than "command" "delete", will it erase only the duplicates and keep the one original file? Or will this delete the duplicate and the song I wish to keep?
I use Google's Google Play and I made the mistake of Downloading my Library from the Google play Music Manager in my (early 2011) MacBook Pro's System Preferences after I already had my music library in iTunes so now I have a duplicate of every single song and not sure how to delete them. I tried using the the advice offered on here where I sort all music based on DATE but every song has the same date and about the same time so that won't work for me. Other then downloading a paid program I'm not sure what my options here are. That being said, let me know if anyone know what options other then paying for a program to do this for me or worse... having me click on every single duplicate song individually until I finish?Â
I recently had a big HD snafu the result of which left me with 95,000 tunes, 53,000 of which should be there...the rest are duplicates. I've tried Dupin but it's not working...I think the job is just too big. get the dupes identified and removed?Â
I just realized my Archive.mbox (~/Library/Mail/V2/Mailboxes) is quite big (8.5GB) and I decided to remove old mails with large attachments.Â
As I use GMail account via POP3, first I removed mails from the Google account and I freed up about 1.5GB extra space. Later, I searched for mails with attachments in Mail.app, then sorted then and started to remove and emptied the trash. This operation was quite weird as some of them where moved to the Trash folder, some not. As I was controlling the space of the Mailboxes folder this is what I noticed:
- Archive.mbox - the size of the mbox didn't change. - Deleted Messages.mbox increases while removing another mails then decreased while wiping it out (this is what I expected).
I removed a lot of mails and didn't free up ANY space!Also, while googling I found out about "Mail Downloads" folder which is moved from Library to ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/Library/Mail Downloads. As I set "Remove unedited downloads" to "When Mail Quits" can I simply remove all subdirs from this dictionary to save some space? This folder is only used for copy of attachments, right? Â
Am having trouble syncing my iTunes library ever since I tried to install system updates from Apple last week.My Macbook Pro crashed and I had to call support and reinstall the whole operating system (Lion).Ever since then, my music is running exceptionally weirdly and very slow to bring up playlists, genres and such.And the music will unexpectedly crash and I have to do a hard reset on my iPhone 4 quite frequently.
I copied a lot of songs to my cell phone so I can here them wherever I go. However, i noticed that because of the album artwork, I couldn't copy as much songs as I wanted. Is there away I can remove the artwork embedded in the mp3 files WITHOUT reimporting them back to iTunes? I don't want to remove the artwork from the iTunes library, just from the phone card. Is there a separate application that can batch-handle ID3 tags and artwork? i copied the songs from my macbook to the m2 memory stick using a usb adapter so i can use the songs on my ericsson. I think it is really annoying that iTunes requires songs to be in the library to handle them. I could really use a separate application or a script/folder action that would do the trick - freeware or shareware
I have recently discovered that some of the mails the I send out do not appear in the "sent" folder. Thats particularly annoying when you are writing business mail, however, i have looked all over, it doesnt seem to be there with some mails. Some of the sent mails which disappears do contain attachments. The mails also are going out and are being recieved by the receiver. We are talking about an IMAP account at my ISP here, of course I use all the latest software updates etc. I have some 8 email accounts in my system and its only some of the mails, maybe 20% that disappear.Â
Somehow I saved a page/link for a product I was interested in to my dashboard. Now I can't remove it. Tried opening the widget control but it's not listed there.
When i go to some websites (which i have the password stored in keychain) it auto fills in username and passwords, but i have to click ok (seems pointless).
Other sites (such as facebook) when i load them they already have been logged in.
I ask for forgiveness since now if I'm posting something that already exists and I couldn't find, but I wasn't able to find any helpful resource to fix my problem. I've always used Mail and I like it. I have three addresses, one of the provider, the other two belongs to my personal domain. They've always worked fine. Since two months they suddenly stopped to send e-mails. The error says there's a problem with smtp server. I tried to change smtp settings, I've edited mail settings, tried to set up another account and tried to download another app for mail: always the same problem. My mother, that has a mac too and an e-mail account with our provider, doesn't have any problem. So I tried to copy those settings on my MacBook Pro.. nothing.
Is there anyway to sync the Mac Mail app and Yahoo! SBC Global server with each other? Like on the iPad, you can move files and such, and it syncs with the server. Can I do the same with my imac?
I downloaded the Samantha (same as Siri) voice just for fun. I don't use voice over, and I was just using it for fun. Now I realize it was almost half a gig of hard drive space. Oops. Is there any way for me to delete this new voice on my Mac?
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.