I recieved an email from iTunes saying my episode for Fringe Season 4 "Nothing as It Seems" is ready for download, yet when I sign in the ep doesn't download and it isn't listed on the season list yet. So why do they send an email saying its ready when it clearly isn't?? Wouldn't waiting til it's up for download to send an email notification that it's ready make more sense?
I have the all three seasons of the Mighty Boosh and would really like to rip the files onto my computer so i can watch them on the run. I was just wondering if there was a program to do this that isnt to hard to use (me=noob).
There are five Dr. Who episodes stuck in the downloads que, but I can't download them. They all have a message, "Download Error. Tap tp retry.", but when I do a pop-up window says, "Unable to download episode. "[Episode Name] could not be downloaded at this time"
I have an Imac. i want to transfer a television episode that my brother bought on itunes from his account on the mac onto mine. I searched the hard drive for the episode but i am still unable to download the episode. i have done this with other episodes.
Found an odd problem with iTunes on one of my Mac's. My TV shows on one mac are dropped in a Season X folder, while on the other Mac they are not. Both have the Season and Episode information filled out identically (same files on both Mac's), yet one creates the Season Folders and one does not. I would prefer that they are just put in a single folder rather than Season subfolders, but I can work with either.
Both Mac's are set to allow iTunes keep the media folder organized and to copy the files to the media folder.
I'm curious if there's a plist setting that controls the creation of the Season folder, and if this other mac has a legay PLIST seting that is causing this difference?
I'm trying to buy more episodes for a show (Supernatural S9 if it makes any difference) and I try to click the SD button, but it doesn't change anything. I've only bought a few episodes of this show separately instead of a season pass because I've already seen several episodes, therefore I can't download them from cloud. the HD button next to the title and season of the show disappears after clicking the button, but nothing else changes. I tried signing out of my account and trying it on my sister's, and the switch between them worked perfectly fine? could this be an error with my account? I've tried restarting iTunes and my laptop, and nothing is changing.
I have a bunch of episodes of The Office, but I want to sort them by Episode. Which is it? In Get Info there's "Episode Number" and "Episode ID" episode number seems to be the definite one for labeling which appears first in the season (what I want to do), but there's no option to display it in the normal showing screen. There is for Episode ID, but it doesn't seem to be the right one.
iTunes offers for PodCasts and iTunesU to automatically download the newest or all episodes. Issue: With iTunesU or old postcasts one has to download ALL podcasts just to be able to listen to the next one. e.g. pocast created in 2007 and updated weekly ... why should I download all of them, or only listen to the newest ones? Could a "next" be added to the download behavior?
I have a issue with iTunes 9: basically every time I download a new episode of a podcast it creates a new folder instead adding the episode to the existing one.
Bought song on iTunes, download is normal until the last second, then stops then repeats download, after a few attempts error box appears saying file is corrupted (error 10000000)
Im just curious if its a good idea to download itunes software from a site not affiliated with apple? Should i worry about glitches and problems or is it a pretty common thing? Just let me know what you think.
Recently the songs I puchase from Itunes store will not download to my computer. I keep getting an error message... something about check my internet connection. I can download purchased songs on my other Apple devices on the same network. So I think there is something wrong with my settings.
Info: iMovie '11, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac 2.8GHz core 2 duo
I tried to update itunes but keep getting the message download corupted. Try later to download the update. I have tried 5 times. I looked for the corupted download to delete but could not find it. What is the best way to proceed?
When downloading small files online they will download through Speed Download. Before I installed Speed Download it would just download through the regular downloading client. How do I change it back to using the regular one as standard? I use firefox btw
I finally got my brother to switch to a Mac. I'm setting everything for him, but I want to know what will happen when I plug his iPhone into his iMac. Will iTunes download all the apps off of his phone or will it delete everything from the phone? I've transfered all his music into itunes on the Mac. Can I just go to the iTunes folder on his PC and copy the apps folder to the Mac iTunes folder?
I need to re-download some TV Programmes & when I go to my purchased items within iTunes, it tells me that they are already downloaded. They are not on my computer, so how do I re-download them?