ITunes :: Playlist Listings Not Being Properly Copied To IPhone?
May 23, 2012
I've recently moved my iTunes media files off the Mac and onto a network drive (after a lot of library tidying-up), and everything from that perspective is running smoothly. Both iPhone and iPad can receive selected music/podcasts/video etc.
But I have a problem with playlists on the iPhone. Even though the contents of a playlist are being copied over successfully to the iPhone, the playlist on the phone doesn't contain all of the entries. So if I have a playlist called 'Car' with 17 songs, the 17 songs are all copied over but the playlist only lists 8 songs.
After syncronisation, I can browse the contents of the iPhone in iTunes and look at the copied-over playlist, and it will list 17 songs. But if I look at the contents of the playlist on the iPhone it will still leave some entries out.
how do I copy a playlist from iTunes to my iPhone? iTunes Match somehow seems to to be getting in the way but I'm not sure how or why.
I'm using a new iMac and iPhone 4S. (Will leave out the details of the other devices I'll try to sync once this is done...) Previously, I had iTunes on an old PC and an iPhone 3, and everything worked beautifully: I created playlists, manually selected which I wanted on my phone, and sync'd perfectly. Now I have iTunes Match, with some 12,000 songs sync'd, and I thought this would make my life easier. Instead, I'm totally unable to create playlists for my phone.
I accidentally cleared a playlist on my iPhone 4s. When I synced with my iMac, it actually cleared my playlist in iTunes as well. I thought syncing was always from the mac to the iPhone, not the other way around.Do I have a setting on that I shouldn't?
I bought the Straight No Chaser album All I Want for Christmas in December. I have deselected it every which way I think I can and it, as well as a couple other Xmas songs I purchased after that, won't come off my music playlist on my iphone.
Why is it that I have songs sorted in a certain order (tracks 1 to 10 for instance) and on my iphone, they're in reverse from 10 to 1. I double checked playlist on iTunes and re-synced. Same thing. Is there a fix for this?
Info: iMAC 2.8 ghz Core Duo 750 gb HD 2 GB Sdram, Mac OS X (10.5)
I have an older iPod that has some playlists on it that are not in my iTune library. I want this same playlist on my iPhone but when I do an 'export' then try to drag and drop into my phone I get a message saying it did not copy because 'it cannot be played on this phone'. I also cannot drag and drop it into iTunes anywhere either. All of these songs are in my library, I just don't want to have to go through and remake this playlist to add to my phone.
Recently downlaoded music from iTunes. It shows up on main user library, but not on second user music library which is also in shared folder. As a result, second user can not add newly downloaded music to a playlist and then sync to iphone/pod. It does not show up in what is supposed to be the shared music library.
I have Macbook OS X 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 1GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM and upgraded to the latest i phone 4s. I cannot sync i tunes or videos clips but photos sync ok.
Ever since iTunes 7.7 and iPhone 2.0, podcasts aren't syncing properly. I have mine set so only those that's never been listened to before gets synced to the iPhone. Since the updates, this sync has been inconsistent. Sometimes, it behaves as expected, but other times, podcasts that I've listened to on the iPhone retains the blue dot on iTunes after a sync. Thus, the podcast is also labeled "new" again on the iPhone after the sync. Not sure if iTunes 7.7 or the iPhone 2.0 update caused this since they both came out around the same time. iTunes 7.7.1 is installed and still the same inconsistent behavior. Anyone with non touch iPods seeing this? Trying to figure out if it's an iPhone/touch issue or an iTunes issue.
I'm putting together a huge selection of reggae and island music for a luau and was wondering if, when I transfer the playlist to my iPod Touch, if it will keep the order of the songs or rearrange them to alphabetical. I'd like to keep the order I put it in, not alphabetical. Thoughts?
I am thinking about getting an iPad, but have hundreds of CD's that I don't want to waste. Is there any way to transfer these on to my iPad without needing to go through iTunes on a PC?
I'm using a MacBook running 10.6.2 with iTunes 9.2 and an iPhone 3G. I just did an erase and install of the OS on the MacBook and am working on restoring things from my Time Capsule backup. In order to get my iTunes back the way it was so I don't have to start all over, what do I need to copy over?
So far, I've copied the following: ~/Music ~/Library/iTunes ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync
Are there any other directories / files that need to be copied over? I'm trying to avoid having to set up my phone, playlists, genius info, etc all from scratch. Do I also need to copy the iTunes application itself from the backup or should I be able to use the fresh one installed from Software Update? They are both iTunes 9.2.
I copied itunes songs from windows computer on usb, loaded them into apple mac 10.7, they played ok, until i synced the iphone, when clicking on a song, it now says cant locate, you click locate and I can see the songs in the media, but cant copy them over.
How can I get the songs into the itunes library. I looked at preferences and it is ticked to copy songs to itunes,
When I add a date or event on my computer I enter it in as an all day event. When it syncs to my iPhone it shows as a 2 days event. When I attempt to change it back to a one day event it deletes my event from the computer.
Image Capture 6.6 for the Mac worked fine with my iPhone 4S, which I recently replaced with an iPhone 5C. With the 5C, two things are missing from Image Capture--
1) the small button with the red strike through circle to delete photos
2) the box you can check to delete photos after importing them.
Is there an option I can set to where my computer will automatically delete the songs from the hard drive after it copies them to the iTunes folder? There is no sense in wasting space, and it seems trivial to have to delete them manually after they were copied automatically.
Also is there a setting to prevent iTunes from automatically adding and copying a song to it's library when a new song is played from any location on the hard drive?
I am a new Mac owner and still wandering around in OSX, but I have a question. In System rofiler>Software>Applications, every application has 2 listings. Some have what looks to be a previous and new version, and some have both listed as the same version. Is this right? Why is this?
In recently reconfiguring my network, my IMac appears to have two listings of the same network within Show Networks. The iMac keeps of trying to join to the wrong one. Where will I find these do that i can delete it.
Why has iTunes seperated a album into indevidual songs, which I have copied over from my external hard drive into iTunes? How can you pull all the songs back together into one album again?
I some local internet streams which I listen to, when I added them a long time ago I couldn't add them to the itunes radio tab :-( but created a playlist.I would like to have those streams available on my laptop but since there is no "music" it does not sync. Is there a way to do this? It would be nice to have them on the idevices as well but there i just use a radio app.
Just went from Windows to mac and want to bring my windows itunes playlists. when I hit export and save it on a usb and hit import in mac itunes, then I get the playlist but its all empty. It kinda sucks if I have to sort out all the good stuff again, so I hope I can get my old playlist back. I have it on my ipod touch as well, so I dunno if you can transfer playlist from ipod to mac
I am wanting to organize my movies since I just bought a new Apple TV. I have a lot of movies in iTunes. They are in the Movies section of the iTunes Library. How do I move them to the TV Shows area of the iTunes Library. I am wanting to "clump" them into TV show playlists (i.e. all my Star Treks into "Star Trek")
I recently purchased a macbook pro and need to transfer my playlists from my pc to my mac. I have already transfered my library but my playlists were extensively long. Home sharing will not work as I am often on the road and without an internet connection.