ITunes :: Some Of Xmas Songs Won't Come Off My Iphone Playlist
Mar 7, 2012
I bought the Straight No Chaser album All I Want for Christmas in December. I have deselected it every which way I think I can and it, as well as a couple other Xmas songs I purchased after that, won't come off my music playlist on my iphone.
I am trying to copy some songs from my playlist to a CD but it changes the order of the songs during the conversion. I want the songs in alphabetical by name but iTunes arranges them alphabetically by artist.
Without downloading the album, U2 songs appears on my playlist out of nowhere. However, when i connect my iphone to the laptop, the album doesn't show up in the itunes, so how could i delete/get rid if it?? Â Â
We have an iPhone 4 that is not playing audio from a playlist we created. We thought it was because we originally created it in the "cloud" but we deleted it and then created a new one. We synced it and still no audio playback. It also skips over tracks. When we try to individually select that song to play, it "skips" over it.
Songs in my iTunes playlist skip..... I can't figure out why and there is no pattern. Some play a few minutes or seconds and either stop or skip. All my devices now skip as well iPhone and iPod.Â
I want to take the songs off my shuffle and put them into a new playlist so I can reorder them--how do I do that? Or, how can I simply change the order? (I have the version where you can listen to songs in order or random).
When I click on a song in one playlist and drag it to add it to another playlist, I'm unable to drag/move the song I'm cicking on. Everything is up to date and authorized with my iTunes and computer. I'm using a Mac OS X Version 10.5.8
I know that I used to be able to drag songs to a different order in my iTunes playlists, but tonight, no matter the order that I add the songs to the playlist, or Smart Playlist, the order of the songs is alphabetically arranged, and the only other option is to click on "name" but then it just does reverse alphabetical order.Is something different, in a recent iTunes upgrade? I'm a music teacher and I am trying to put the songs in the order that my students will be performing them next week?
Info: iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8), using Time Machine external hard dr
I am using iToons !0.6.1(7) on a MacBook Pro Running OSX 10.7.4.I cannot get my playlist to play the songs sequentially.All songs are checked, the suffle is off, and there is nothing in the info. For example, when I try to play the first song it just skips to the second. Sometimes it skips many tracks.The songs in my playlist were ripped from my CD.
Info: iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMessage, iPhone
When I log in and try to manage my exisiting playlist, I click on add songs.
THe search window opens and I enter a song. The choices which then appear do not have "add song" buttons next to them. Instead, they have purchase options buttons.Â
I have tried this for weeks. Using a macbook pro (LION) with latest version of itunes.
I deleted some songs from my library (and computer) but they still show up in a smart playlist (the playlist pulls by 'year'). The playlist cannot find the locations but why does the smart playlist still look for them even though they don't exist in the library anymore? Also, when I sync my iPod it says that it cannot sync the deleted songs. I have tried deleting the playlist and creating a new one, but it still pulls up the ghost songs.
Can I transfer with icloud to my ipad and then icloud transfer to mackbook air? I didn't by the songs in the playlist on the macbook, so they didn't transfer automatically and I have 1300 songs to transfer. It takes too long saving them to a bunch of cd's.
I have been using itunes for many years and have burned countless cd's. Suddenly on many of my standard sized playlists I am getting the 'the songs in this playlist will not fit on one audio cd' prompt and nothing I do seems to fix it. A typical playlist size is 18 songs, 1.2 hours, under 200mb, and all of this should fit fine on an 80min., 700mb cd. I have tried changing from audio to mp3 in the burning preferences, then to a data cd {which actually looks like it sort of worked, but put the songs in artists alphabetical order- rearranging my entire mix}.. Since I imported my library from an older IMac to a newer one- many songs are cutting off at some random point in the song.. and, oddly enough, if an entire album the cut-off time is the same for every song in that album..
The music library on my desktop itunes program has all my songs. But I just want some of those songs -- which are contained in a itunes playlist I created -- to be loaded onto my iphone. How can I load only a particular set of songs, or a playlist of songs, onto my phone and not my entire music library?
how do I copy a playlist from iTunes to my iPhone? iTunes Match somehow seems to to be getting in the way but I'm not sure how or why.Â
I'm using a new iMac and iPhone 4S. (Will leave out the details of the other devices I'll try to sync once this is done...) Previously, I had iTunes on an old PC and an iPhone 3, and everything worked beautifully: I created playlists, manually selected which I wanted on my phone, and sync'd perfectly. Now I have iTunes Match, with some 12,000 songs sync'd, and I thought this would make my life easier. Instead, I'm totally unable to create playlists for my phone.Â
I accidentally cleared a playlist on my iPhone 4s. When I synced with my iMac, it actually cleared my playlist in iTunes as well. I thought syncing was always from the mac to the iPhone, not the other way around.Do I have a setting on that I shouldn't?
Why is it that I have songs sorted in a certain order (tracks 1 to 10 for instance) and on my iphone, they're in reverse from 10 to 1. I double checked playlist on iTunes and re-synced. Same thing. Is there a fix for this?
Info: iMAC 2.8 ghz Core Duo 750 gb HD 2 GB Sdram, Mac OS X (10.5)
I've recently moved my iTunes media files off the Mac and onto a network drive (after a lot of library tidying-up), and everything from that perspective is running smoothly. Both iPhone and iPad can receive selected music/podcasts/video etc.Â
But I have a problem with playlists on the iPhone. Even though the contents of a playlist are being copied over successfully to the iPhone, the playlist on the phone doesn't contain all of the entries. So if I have a playlist called 'Car' with 17 songs, the 17 songs are all copied over but the playlist only lists 8 songs.Â
After syncronisation, I can browse the contents of the iPhone in iTunes and look at the copied-over playlist, and it will list 17 songs. But if I look at the contents of the playlist on the iPhone it will still leave some entries out.Â
I have an older iPod that has some playlists on it that are not in my iTune library. I want this same playlist on my iPhone but when I do an 'export' then try to drag and drop into my phone I get a message saying it did not copy because 'it cannot be played on this phone'. I also cannot drag and drop it into iTunes anywhere either. All of these songs are in my library, I just don't want to have to go through and remake this playlist to add to my phone.
Recently downlaoded music from iTunes. It shows up on main user library, but not on second user music library which is also in shared folder. As a result, second user can not add newly downloaded music to a playlist and then sync to iphone/pod. It does not show up in what is supposed to be the shared music library.
I am having a really hard time getting songs off of my iphone. I know that I need to go to itunes and uncheck all of the songs from the "music" tab under where I see my iphone as a device, but it's still not working. I went on other discussion boards on here and read that I should try to uncheck the box to manually manage music and then try to uncheck them again, but now I have my entire itunes library on my phone, even though I unchecked all of the boxes of music that I don't want.Â
i just got my first Mac. All of the files from my PC were deleted, so I'm wondering if there's a way to load all of the songs, pictures, etc on my iPhone to my Mac? I'm worried that if I connect my phone, it may sync and erase everything I have saved.
I purchased an album off of iTunes and it double-loaded the songs on my iPhone. This is annoying enough, but the doubles are faulty, with no artwork, cutting out randomly, and even crashing iTunes on my phone. I removed the songs from my library (thinking I would just re-sync and reload them after) but the faulty doubles stayed on my phone. How do I get rid of them? They're not even in my library, and they don't show on my phone when I check it in iTunes, but they're still on the phone.